Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I Smoothly Flow In An Ocean Of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness With My Every Breath...And...Learning To Trust Youself By Shanta Gabriel...And...

I Smoothly Flow In An Ocean Of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness With My Every Breath - By Steven Hutchinson

What I was divinely guided to share with you very much focuses on using your breathing together with the prayer affirmations to help you experience & embody Your Divine Self & your Soul and expand your experience of God's Presence within you and 'All that you are'.
Doing your daily meditations & affirmations will help you greatly in living every moment established in the Divine Peace & Love & Stillness of your Divine Self, and smoothly flow in an ocean of the Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness - for the more you experience & embody your Divine Self with your Soul, the more these Divine Vibrations will naturally reach out to others through you to help bring Peace on Earth & help uplift others as well !
So you can use this as a guided meditation, calling upon your Divine Self & the Heavenly Host to lead you in the meditation, and consciously breathing in the Divine Energy in each affirmation.
And when you are divinely led to do so - you may also want to pause for a few moments with some of the affirmations and just be fully conscious in the moment & breathe in the divine energy & receive any Divine Guidance that comes to you.
And remember - what you consciously think & affirm every day is what you become and experience in your life....and the Divine Light & Love in you reflects the Divine Light & Love in every human being - helping uplift us all !
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all,



With my every breath, my mind & my Whole Being are united in Oneness & Unity With Gaia. And with my every breath, I Am continually sending the Highest Divine Love & Light to Gaia & to Mother/Father/God ... and I continually breathe in & lovingly accept the Highest Divine Love & Light from Gaia & Mother/Father/God.

With my every breath through my Golden Grounding Cord, my Whole Being is now & always grounded on Gaia & anchored in the heart chakra of Gaia & God & my own heart chakra. 

My Golden, Platinum, & Magenta Nets of Protection always keep my Whole Being protected from all vibrations & activity not of God's Love & Light, & also protects my Whole Being from all parasites. Thank You God! And So It All Manifests with my every breath ! 

My Mind & my Whole Being are centered & anchored in the Divine Stillness & Love & Peace of My Divine Self in my Higher Heart Chakra with my every breath. And with my every breath I Am experiencing Divine Peace & Harmony on all levels of my Being. 

Anchored in this Divine Stillness & Peace of My Divine Self, I Am continually & smoothly flowing with my every breath in an Ocean of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness Light & Infinite Transfiguring Divine Love. My Whole Being is perfectly aligned in every moment with the Energies & Light of Divine Stillness & Love, & Peace, & Christ Consciousness, and I embody these Divine Energies with my every breath.

I Am always manifesting the Creator's Love, Will, Creativity, & Power in me & through me for the highest good of all with my every breath. 

I Am the perfection of the Creator embodied & manifesting as an Angelic Divine Human in a healthy 5th dimensional body.

I Am the Miracle Energy of the Creator embodied & manifesting fully in my Whole Being & thru me in all of Gaia & in every person on earth with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being!

I Am a Divine Portal for the Creator's Light & Christ Consciousness.  I Am a Divine Architect of the Creator, and with the Christ Consciousness of my Divine Self, I Am bringing the Creator's Supreme Light into physical form in the Creator's Perfection in my Whole Being & in all aspects of my life & in all of Gaia with each breath of Gaia & with each breath of every human being!

I live every moment in a lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations & everything flows in Divine Order & Peace with my blessings. I trust the Divine Plan for my life, & Bless it and the Divine Order that is continually working in me & in every person and every situation in my life. And So It All ManifestsThank You God! And So It All Manifests!

Video: "You Are The Divine Architect Of Your Life By Emmanuel Dagher"

Learning to Trust Yourself By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel is helping us to remember that we are not alone. We are being inspired and guided at all times by Love that never ends. When we can trust this process, we not only empower our intuition, we feel much happier.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Trust in yourself and trust in the Angelic energy working through you.

Shanta GabrielMany times I have found it easier to trust others more than myself. Much of it has to do with my upbringing, since I was raised in a military family where following orders was more important than following intuition. However, trust seems to be a common thread for many people.
Learning to love and trust ourselves is one of the most powerful ways for us to serve in the world.
The love that we give to ourselves is well deserved. If you are reading this, you have worked a long time to evolve and become a good and truly heart-centered person.
It is vitally important to honor the work that you have done for yourself to feel more integrated. Further, the Earth needs us to find this love and respect within as a key element to her evolution. The love and trust we give to ourselves brings us into the wholeness and well-being that is necessary in our development as well as for the wholeness and well-being of the planet.
We can feel inspired by others and we can learn from our many teachers, but to trust that we are being divinely inspired in every moment is paramount at this time. You and no one else has the connection to your soul and the guidance that comes from your Higher Self. When we begin to trust our inner guidance, we have more access to Divine Wisdom. It is like a muscle that becomes stronger with use.
And then there are Angels...
Working with the Angels is beyond the mind's capacity to understand. Beneath the level of everyday awareness lies the spirit that is your true state of being. When you turn the light of clear seeing into yourself anew, a beautiful world opens to you and life responds by offering the magic of awakening energy.
When everything suddenly feels enchanted, you are being lifted up on wings of Angels to be carried into the realms your soul remembers. It feels like Home, and your inner self rejoices in the experience of the Love that awaits you.
This is the gift being offered to you by the Angelic Dimensions. There are some Angels that have been with you from the moment of your soul's first incarnation as well as Angels that came to you for this lifetime. There are also Angels that show up when you are in a challenge that will benefit your soul's growth in this lifetime. You have Angels that you can work with to over-light all your relationships as well as work projects. And there are legions of Angels who are specifically working to support all of humanity through the Shift of the Ages we are experiencing.
Because we live in a Free Will Universe, it is necessary for you to invite the presence of Angels into your life. Every one of these beings of Light holds your best interest at heart and is at the beckoning of your Higher Self.
Your Higher Self knows the Angels from whom your soul would most benefit. It is your job to be in contact with this most exalted part of your being and let this benevolent friend, your Higher Self who is your Soul's voice, bring to you the help and guidance that you are seeking.
The Angelic Dimensions are actively involved in the mass awakening currently underway on the Earth. It takes the humans to make the difference, however, because the Angels cannot change the Earth without our conscious evolution. Humanity is the key to making the Earth into a heavenly place so we can all live in a higher dimensional reality.
Even our small steps make a large difference. I have heard it said that if we take one step toward God, the Divine takes ten steps toward us. When we allow the Angels to work in and through our lives, this assists in awakening the consciousness of all humanity through our learning to trust and love ourselves.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for blessing me with a deep connection to my Highest Self and the Angels that are here to work with me in this lifetime. Thank you for helping me learn to trust myself in powerful and consistent ways. May I remember to honor and respect all that I have been through and all that I have done to become more whole and integrated in my life.
Thank you for opening my access to the Angels that help me within all my relationships and the situations that surface in my life. I ask for clear wisdom and guidance every step of the way.
May each person receive the love from the Angels that awakens new depth and freedom within their heart. And may we always know how closely and sweetly we are being held in Wings of Pure Light. Thank You God.
And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
October 29, 2017

The Gabriel Messages Book #38

Trust in yourself, and trust in the Angelic energy
working through you.


AA Gabriel,

Dear One,
As the light within you grows stronger and brighter, you will find yourself bringing more wisdom and love to your world. You will begin to trust more deeply in yourself and know you are divinely guided at every moment.
Trust is an energy that grows the more you use it. Like a muscle that strengthens with exercise, so it is with trust. It comes not from the power of your doing, as much as it is an allowing of energy to flow through your being.
Trust comes from a deep level of faith. At the core of your being you know there is a Higher Power at work. You can turn your life over to this Divine Presence and things will begin to move in positive directions.

Learn to listen more to your intuition than to what society tells you is true. Learn to listen to the voice of your higher self, which is your connecting link to the Divine Source. Remember that you know, deep within, what is best for you. Your higher self knows the answers to all the questions you ask.
Trust the Angels to help you with this process of connecting to God within you. They are an incredible resource awaiting your invitation. Begin to ask your guardian Angel for help in small ways. Follow the guidance you receive and you will find yourself trusting ever more deeply in this wondrous energy working through you. You will notice your life becoming simpler, and everyday activities becoming easier, due to an ever-increasing compassion and clarity within, and due to the grace of the Angels.

This grace blesses every step you take and every word you say. This grace also becomes stronger the more you allow it to work in your life. It is a gift for you, but first you must ask, and then you must allow yourself to be open to receiving the good available to you.
These simple acts of trust can transform your world. Remember, your direct link to Divine Grace strengthens when you...

Trust in yourself and trust in the Angelic energy working through you.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
October 29, 2017

Video: "Flower of Life Meditation" By Melanie Beckler


The Crystalline Bio Shift -Oct 2017
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017 
Part 2 - The Crysto Bio Shift
 Now in this portion of our channel on the bio shift, portions of the information is received thru the channel James tyberonn via an aspect of his 'higher-self', Tybron of the Pleades....who manifested ,not incarnated per sei, n0r  reincarnated, rather manifested for a vast phase of the Atlantean era.
I greet you! I am Tybron-Ra of the Pleades, an aspect of what may be termed the Metatronic group.
Masters, 'Crystalline-Energy' is not new, it was present on pre-duality earth, and in the Golden Eras Mu, Rama & f Atlantis. Crystalline frequency is indeed, the predominate energy of higher realms.
Crystalline energy is of course non-physical, in your terms. It is a pure sentient energy that can be compared to light, albeit above your physical visibility range.  Your planet is dotted and networked with crystal deposits and 'beds of crystalline strata, all of which are activating....none more so, than Arkansas & Brazil, which serve respectively  as the northern & southern hemispheric  epi-centres of crystalline energy on the earth
 As the channel, Tyberonn is geologically aware, 'Quartz' comprises approximately 12 percent of your earth's volume.  As we referenced in part one of this channel, that termed as 'Axial Crysto' currents connect them all thru harmonic oscillation.  These Crysto-axial streams are comparable in one sense to leylines, but are of an exponentially higher frequency, and far more aero-fluid than the electromagnetic energy of leylines. Indeed Axial Crysto-Lines are perhaps more comparable to airborne jet streams, although they do indeed have 'currents on the surface and interior of your omni-earth. But we add, there is a non-symbiotic synergetic relationship between Axial Crysto Streams & Electromagnetic leylines. When the two overlap or intersect, there is an amplification of the crystalline, a voltage charge resonance occurs in the quartzian spawned plasmic streams, a piezoelectric effect.
Each area of the earth containing crystals, generates an energy trajectory which adds, in their succinct individual nature & vibration, to the crystallization process of the planet. And we add the notation, it is wise for the seekers among you to find an accessible crystalline area to meditate within between the present timing and the December solstice (Oct 28-Dec 23). For in the still present frequencial wake of the Total Solar Eclipse, and the ongoing amplifying meteor-showers, the crystals , across the planet, are receiving these energies... and are  bathing in coherent-lite, effervescing with life force, codes & sparkling energies. Although quartz occurs all over the planet, it is not evenly distributed.
But many regions across the length & breadth of the planet do have quartz bearing beds of varying mass & fortitude. . Well to spend time meditating in such an area within the remaining days of 2017.
However it is the mega deposits of crystalline quartz, of Arkansas & Brazil, that are the most potent, the most aware fields of crystal resonance. This is scientifically logical due to the enormous size the clarity of the crytsals in these two sister locations. The massive crystal fields of both Brazil & Arkansas project an extraordinary resonant field. A very special crystalline resonance occurs when an electrical telluric or electromagnetic energy flows thru certain forms of crystalline quartz. This has been understood to some degree by your scientists, and utilized in your industries, in medical & electronics technology.
The super quartz deposits of Arkansas contain two forms of crystal quartz, termed by your geologists and crystallographers, as alpha quartz & beta quartz. The two have differing crystalline structures, hexagonal and trigonal respectively....and differing crysto-electric properties, and varied light-refraction aspects. Although harmonically synergetic, they sing in different octaves vibrationally & etherically.  
James Tyberonn Insert: Quartz is composed of silicon and oxygen and is common throughout the world, although most of it is not crystallized. Crystallization occurs when the silicon dioxide or silica is heated. The source of the heat can be extremely hot water from underground sources, which fills open fissures to create filled quartz veins. In Arkansas, this reaction is estimated to have occurred during the last part of the formation of the Ouachita Mountains, about 280 to 245 million years ago. During the cooling, the silicon and the oxygen recombined as molecules formed by one silicon atom and four oxygen atoms, forming some of the worlds finest & most unique crystals.
In Arkansas & Brazil, the tandem dual Crystal Vortexes are directly connected to the earth's crystalline core, and both serve as Cosmic receiver centres, receptors of Solar, Stellar, Planetary & Galactic energies. The exquisite, subtle energy radiated from the earths crystal core feeds energy directly to the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil.  
In the upward trajectory, this subline energy enters a radiation field that collates, transforms, amplifies, disperses, reflects and energizes all lifeforms on and in your planet.
The radiation field begins the process of physicalizing energy. It has the ability to transform both humanity's collective intent and earth's energetic intent, into a spectral array of solid dense formats. Accordingly, non-physical crysto-energy moves through and becomes solid energy in crystalline deposits, which generate, accrue and propagate sophisticated crystal energy. This energy can truly be defined as 'Creational Energy', for it is literally teaming with stimulating & vital life-force. Yes, vital 'Creation Units', concentrates of Adamantine Essence, which termed life force!
This is one of myriad intellections that humanity, find such a powerful gravitation towards crystals, indeed a prolific tonal chakric recognition of crystals, to crystalline forms of every variety, every hue, vibrational tone, gemological classification & geometric form...for you innately, deeply know this energy.
At your levels of higher consciousness, all of you are absolutely aware that this is the pure energy of creation.Within its own vibrational acoustic & photonic arrangement of wave & particalized light, it is just as alive as you are. And in your 'now', this crystalline-creation energy is expansively evolving.
So what is vibrationally occurring now in Arkansas & Brazil, is a much different energy, an even higher energy, than what was present in these crystal vortexes prior to the 12-12-12.
 Your interaction & participation with this energy speaks & acknowledges your innate 'natural' desire to be in balance and well-being in heart and soul.  Each species within the mineral kingdom attracts a very specific form of 'crysto-creation' energy that it appropriates, inducts & 'ensouls'.  This amplifies the healing and nurturing properties of the energy and personalizes them somewhat. This 'tailored' personalization makes them attracted to you & attractive to you according to your unique, individualized need and desire. In other words, crystalline creative energy is pure sentience, and conforms to your higher intents within your present progressive capability, light quotient & soul pattern.
Dimensional Trajectory
There are frequencial capacities and energies within certain crystalline structures which have the capacity to open, enable and effectively traject other simultaneous realities. When these structures are influenced by specific magnetic fields, gateways are formed, realties & dimensions can merge in certain conditions. Most of your mountainous regions and mountain ranges have specific points that carry potentials of this occurrence. Arkansas is quite unique in this aspect because of the magnetics of the area of 'Magnet Cove' which is within the region of the Ouachita Mountains, the thermal radium springs, and the crystal quartz and diamond fields.  
There are spaces in this region, in which tremendous interdimensional energies flow. Such vectors will fluctuate, but provide paths from one dimensional world to another. These become as what may be termed 'white holes', and unimaginable energies flow through these that tie together all realities. The crystals act as receivers of this energy, as well as transducers. And we wish to emphasize that this unique energy and its succinct attributes has not as yet been recognized. But it indeed occurs in this area, and that is why the Atlanteans colonized Arkansas.
Vortexial Jacuzzi
As we have previously shared, the Arkansas mega-vortex is quite unusual in its movement. It generates pulsated rings vertically, and these are aligned, or perhaps better described, as frequencially attuned to the Saturnian system. Most vortexes in the northern hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows. The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized 'to and fro' vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then rapidly reversing back in clockwise motion. 
This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is quite unique, and is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic, centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed in the areas of Hot Springs & Mount Ida and the hydro- energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make up the 3 discreet arc- gyros, which are regulated and tri-helixed through the Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.
 We have spoken of the Arkansas geology as being extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize, and we have told you, which this rare combined geo field is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. And so to explain this further, the projections of each of the minerologies in Arkansas are able to synergize, to amalgamate, thus forming a unified, homogeneous frequencial 'cocktail'. It is unique....differentiated from other crystalline deposits, because of the proximity of potent magnetite. The magnetics and crystals blend frequencies in a unique vibratory way. And this combination allows the resonate matrix to enable the extraordinary inflow of the living, dynamic hydro energies and the vibratory field of the crystalline carbon diamond pipes. It is utterly astonishing.
 It is why there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic lode stone is connected to sacred geometric Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies. And these intricately intertwine the energies in standing 
Crysto & Hertzian Waves
 The energies have existed in Arkansas for millennia, and were harnessed by the technically advanced Atla-Ra (of the Law of One) for over 25,000 years. Remnants of the last 'surface' pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just southeast of Little Rock.  The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an enormous subterranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean well as stations monitoring the Atlantean Master Crystals. It is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such bases are in the Arkansas area to maintain the Crystals.
 The 12 Sun Disc of Atlantis
 These vector points are what may be termed as trajectory vehicles of double reality, containing great energy potential of multi-dimensionality, where dimensional realities merge. There are primary vector points across your planet, and Arkansas is one of them, and a vast number of subordinate vector points. The Atlantean Sun Discs were are placed in areas of primary vectors.
The 12 Primary points of the Atlantean Sun Disc are:
 Northern Hemisphere
1. Arkansas Crystal Vortex
2. Scotland - Roslyn Chapel Vortex
3. Russia - Ural Mtn Vortex at 51 Degree Latitude
4. Russia - Lake Baikal Vortex Siberia 51 Degree
5. Egypt -Israel - Giza to Temple Mount Vortex
6. Sri Lanka
7. China - Xi'An
Southern Hemisphere
1. Australia - Uluru
2. Africa - Tanzania Mt Kilimanjaro
3. Brazil Minas Gerais Vortex
4. Bolivia - Lake Titicaca Vortex- Island of the Sun
5. Moorea Tahiti (French Polynesia)
What Tyberonn has termed as sun disc, are actual sophisticated complex crystalline units, which receive, transduce, amplify & radiate a specific array of energies.
Each of the twelve sun disc have 12 satellites and thus is your planet gridded in 12 / 144 networking of the base twelve squared. There are certain of these points that coordinate all dimensions, all realities. Some coordinate what may be termed as the space time continuum, and in pure mathematics and sacred geometry are so placed in a manner that manifolds corridors of dimensional planes of the material realm into the anti-matter realm, physical to non-physical, space to non-space and time to non-time.
Crysto-Electric Aura
 You are aware that human biology generates a field similar to that of the earth. And we tell you that the human aura is shifting into a Crysto-Electric Field (C E F), with greater & different arrays of circuitry, frequency, potency and colors. Similarly the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere are shifting. 2012 was an extreme year of shift. While a glorious event, the 2012 year of planetary expansion (Ascension) was also an intense time of great frequencial movement. And that intensity purposely continues, as the frequencial bar is raised annual, year by year thru 2038. 
As the 144 Crystalline Grid completed on the 12-12-12, telluric frequencies accelerated and drastically so. Strong correlations exist between the state of the earth's field and the effect on the auric field of each human. We tell you again, that anything that is changing the earth's field is also affecting yours. It is the physics of induction. As such, the human aura conversion to crysto-electric Mer-Ka-Na allows for a more fluent up-shift to manage the stress of these alterations. The new circuitry operates in coherent light, and the Mer-Ka-Na is fitted for the changes to the expanded dimensionality of the earth...and allows for a more fortified fluid human auric resonance.
 This is why we have channeled the importance of Auric Maintenance as the cornerstone of the teachings provided in the Metatronic Keys via the Channel, James Tyberonn. The use of living gems and coherent phi crystals are important tools in this process. Take time to study the energies offered by single refractive and double refractive gems in combination with lapis lazuli & lapis linguis , as taught in establishing the 'Metatronic Energy Shield' applicable to the crysto-electric aura. These not only fortify the crysto-electric aura, but also symbiotically assist & enable the 'biological coherence shift' that can now be more effectively projected from within each human cell, and indeed the human heart in the crystalline phase of the New Planet Earth , leading to 2038 and following Ascension of Humanity.
 Those who are in a more incoherent state are more affected by ongoing crystalline upshift & magnetic decline, while those in a coherent state are more capable of managing the shift without the energy bleed of auric circuitry disruption.  All humans will in time shift from the magnetic polarity light body to the crystalline nonpolarity light body. This will occur in time ,  consciously through intentional process.. The  conscious conversion allows for an understanding of the mechanics and attributes of the Mer-Ka-Na and crystalline changes to the aura.
 Note: This conversion is taught in detail in the Metatronic Keys.
We tell you that Phi Crystals as well as piezoelectric gems and the opal are extremely helpful in the Saturnian and lunar shifts molding the energy of the Ascending Earth.
 Masters, do not assume that the 'Crystalline Shift' biologically is only occurring in new births of what is termed the 'Crystal Children'.
J Tyberonn Insert: The Human Genome Project recently released academic findings after long study. The findings stated that human DNA was changing, and that the environment of humanity was one of the key factors in DNA shift.
Masters, your researchers  are only just beginning to review and study  the laws, physics & mechanics of DNA shift, and are as yet many decades from recognizing the cosmic, multidimensional & divine aspects that factually contribute to such change. But we tell you that the crystalline change is happening in all  of you, not simply in new borns, but also to humans of all ages, all races, all genders in the same biology to the new.
The new earth is triggering the new biology, and the new biology is bringing about etheric change in all of you. Your bodies do in fact completely replace themselves every 12-years. And that vehicle is influenced thru induction, thru the influences of codes, bio-crystal codes being received in the centres of Arkansas and Brazil, and distributed globally. You are shifting thru an amalgamatic  crystalline creation energy  of coherent light. It is happening, iIt is the Crystalline shift....and it is real.
Insert : Quotation  From John Van Auken on the Bio-Shift: " According to Cayce's reading of the Akasha, following the end of the Fifth Age is a return back through the earlier (advanced)Ages, but at a faster pace. We will regain our godling powers, reunite our sexual qualities into a new, one-body type, and begin to move into cosmic consciousness again. Our Earthly, material needs will change because our new body-type will not be so needy or so vulnerable to the dangers of this world. The bodies we use today are fourth-age bodies, 'Adamic' bodies, homo-sapien bodies. But, as the Mayan's prophetic calendar indicated\s, we went through another change on December 21, 2012. The fifth age, the age of "movement," began with Noah, but the fifth body type begins to form in the first decades of the 2000s."  Above Quotation  From John Van Auken's Article 'Humanities Timelines '
Dear Ones, on the physical realm, 3d, the crystalline kingdom is very solid, the most dense of all earthen kingdoms,  but the properties of perfection that govern and direct it are of the  highest of vibrations. Indeed the crytsalline energy, is evolving into an incredible benevolent interface to the divine... driver of the shift !
In the New Earth, assisted by its divine partners of the crystal  kingdom, humanity will likewise, in time,  shift into much higher awareness, within a crystalline body format.     .... more to come !
I am Tybron-Ra with Metatron, Angelic of Light , transmitting this special  channel via Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We will continue....  You are Beloved !

End of Part 2    ( Note: Due to length and new flows, there will be a 3rd &  final segment to this fascinating  channel series on the Crytsto Bio Shift ...
Stay Tuned... 
Video: "Judy Satori's Joy Transmissions" -


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