Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I Am Ultimate Prime Creator 15 June 2015 Channeler: Dr. Madalyn Kennedy

I Am Ultimate Prime Creator 15 June 2015 Channeler: Dr. Madalyn Kennedy

Yes, we are here as always. And Yes, Prime Creator is the ultimate source of perfect

Divine Love and protection energy for you, everyone – all beings of light – and all the systems in all their galactic positions, known and unknown to humanity at this time in earth’s time/space continuum reality. As stated before we have been here from the beginning. Not just the earth’s beginning but from the universal and all its multiple universes – from the inception of all that is and ever will be – we have been here. We are Source, Prime Creator, God/Goddess, Universe, all of those names we have been identified as and we are much more than that but human language does not have enough words or emotions to translate all of the energetic purity and love which I transmute unendingly to all.

As with any system our system of worlds are no different, things change. Change is endless and constant also same as my energy and at times change begins to show itself in small unnoticeable ways and at time in very powerful, can’t possibly go unnoticed ways that make massive and huge impressions across this world and all the other worlds at the same time. As everything is connect energetically, all is felt be it small or large change with one or with many. All is felt In some way, in some impression or reaction or even in some shocking and disturbing, in your face, immediate notice either exciting happy or disturbingly sad but all is energy with its life of constant change. Some say there is a Divine plan however I would suggest to you to consider that the Divine plan is simply the Universal laws which are in constant action.

Everything is a Divine Plan according to Universal Laws so maybe this will clear up the confusion or the lack of humanities ability to recognize that they control their Divine plan by the ways they follow and understand the Universal laws that are in place for this planet and this system of worlds. In fact, all the system of worlds have Universal laws with consistent help and guide development of life everywhere. As for your ability to contact me like this, all can do the same. All that is required is to sit quietly, ask and when you surrounded yourself with the Ascended Masters and Source Energy White Light of Love and Protection, you basically “rang my number and I answered the phone or call”, you see – simple, yes? Look for me in everything you see and feel. In the birds, insects, mammals, animals domestic and wild, the trees, flowers, rocks, land, water, sky, air, breath, sunlight, moonlight, starlight, people – humans, hybrids, all species of life everywhere and all times.. . I am there. You get it? Everywhere and everything that you have in this world and in any world, dream, imagine, outer space, planes of existence, dimensions, parallel or/and linear since there are both – all are alive with my ultimate energetic divine love and life and light.

Thank you for listening this morning to your heart and receiving my love through this message. Remember there is no place or no one who is every alone or unloved – that just cannot happen. I Am Ultimate Prime Creator and I serve you – all of you that carry my energy that I mentioned here in this transmission. Enjoy your many gifts and blessings you have in front of you today and every day. You are much loved.

Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 7, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links:

The video versions will be posted on my YouTube Channel - it's especially powerful when you can hear the words that were shared with me during the sessions. If you don't see it right away, please check back later and it will be there soon. -

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I am Lord Michael- Head of the Angelic Realm of Earthly Protectors and Guardians 15 June 2015 Channeler: Dr. Madalyn Kennedy

Angels are around each and every one all the time. However, we are not usually noticed or recognized but we notice and assist you in human form at all times. It’s, you could say, our assignment of which we love. We are a reflection of your Divine self just in an alternate projection of a reality image. Some of you can see us, some can feel us, some can hear us, but all have a particular sense that we are with you at all times.

Most of the time it seems we are doing nothing to help you out in a particular situation but truth be known the outcome you experienced was assisted by us according to your life plan, path and purpose for growth while on this planet, your chosen training field. So once you understand that every experience happened in the way it was to happen for you to move past this particular level of Mastery Training or call it what you will – once you understand that completely and are in line with your growth through -judgment, anger, resentment, fear, greed, jealousy, hatred, ego elevation – once you have passed this human based and designed inflections you will be in a place where you do not need to experience those circumstances any longer and then you can actually show up in your beautiful Divine light and love to help your brothers and sisters who are still traversing through those rocky and rough waters by sharing your gifts, skills, talents and abilities – basically your kindness and understand wisdom) until they too get past it all.

You can only assist those who are willing to accept your assistance, same for us in the Angelic Realm. So now you see, we have come to full circle of how we are here to help you but you have to be in the place of accepting and receiving our assistance. We have to be asked same as you when you wish to help a brother human. You have to be asked otherwise they are not ready to move past that particular circumstance they are experience.

We are many here from many realms to assist, too many to number. Please remember this and learn to let yourselves recognize that we are here and accept our loving assistance.
I am Lord Michael- Head of the Angelic Realm of Earthly Protectors and Guardians.

Channeled through Madalyn Kennedy June 7, 2015. Copyright ©Dr. Madalyn Kennedy. All Rights Reserved, however this is a gift to all of us. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as it is not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include copyright notice links: Source:

Art Copyright of the artist, Dr. Madalyn Kennedy©

Inspired by Nature Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ June 16 – 23, 2015 received by Julie Miller

Inspired by Nature
16 June 2015

Julie Miller


The earthly, natural world that is all around you in the forests, parks and even in your own backyard wields an intrinsic, elemental attraction that is recognized by your inner self. Your very own body is just as included as being part of the natural world as the natural flora and fauna that grows near or far from you as all requires a balance of sun, water, air and nourishment that comes from the earth. The music that fills the air; birds chirping, leaves blowing in the breeze, the gentle rolling of water from a nearby stream, or even the sound of rain as it drops on your windowsill or rooftop spreads a feeling of peaceful grace upon your often complex life. Of course, there is the sound of busyness with the rush of people and automobiles, but when you take all that away, what you have is the beautiful sound of life, naturally moving and living that is a reminder of your own natural, ever-changing beauty.

It is understood not everyone has a mountain or lake as a background to lookout from, but there are parks, trails, and other natural delights that many communities have kept, developed and helped to continue so you may find inspiration from nature. Nature has always had a way to uplift you. When you observe the simplicity of nature, you come to realize just how boundless it really is, how free each living creature and plant is to be what it is meant to be, to not compete or to know how it feels to be put down, judged or ridiculed by peers. Everything that grows and thrives does not rush, it does not need encouragement from others to reach for the sun or sway in the breeze, it just does as it is meant to do.

Nature has so much to teach you in regards to the appreciation of time. You can watch the tiniest of creatures, or plants, animals or even the stars and still be in awe how everything is open, balanced and working cohesively together. Next time when you are near a tree, don’t be shy; stand next to it, you can hug it if you like, it does have energy to share with you that will help to uplift moods and spirits if you are feeling down and energy-less. But when you stand next to a tall tree, it stands next to you without judgement. It accepts you as you are and you accept it as it is. Trees remind you of the importance of being grounded and rooted in your truth and beliefs. Even though majority of trees cannot move like humans, they are capable of producing offspring and meeting each cycle of change strong and unwaveringly committed. Trees are not a boring part of nature. They have inspired so many people, not just by their majestic height, but by their prevailing presence and ever-persistent grounded-ness.

Nature also can teach you about love and faith in yourself and in others. Human life tends to be fragile and fleeting, you never know when your time will come to venture to the other side of life, but if you look at nature, they don’t worry about when their lifetime will be over, they live in a robust kind of way, embracing each day with equal enthusiasm. If you watch animal young, you will see not just their beautiful personalities, but how they practice becoming the adult of their species; they explore, discover and become by experience and learning what they need to do and what they want to stay away from if possible. There are some people among you that are open to creatures naturally and this openness helps them as they learn to interrelate with others as life takes them on many wondrous journeys and memorable experiences. Being naturally open to nature and to the different creatures and life that is a part of nature, also can become an incredible source of light and healing when life becomes difficult and challenging.

Aboriginals of many countries and cultures have always held great admiration and respect for the plant and animal life that grew and thrived around them. Even in modern times, many plants and animals are considered sacred and essential. When you are under a canopy of trees in a forest or deep in a park setting, think of that canopy as being a temple that already comes with a harmoniously grand silence that beckons you to listen so the quietude of sounds can lift you higher into deeper, more profound stillness of the Divine that is eternal.

Even if you have no heavily treed park or a forest path to walk through, you can look into your backyard, even the streets and what parks your cities do have and find nature has displayed herself in ever-changing beauty that has learned how to adapt and grow. There are many lanes and streets that are decorated with roots of trees, in the smallest of cracks, plant life can grow and in some cities, falcons are known to nest. Nature is all around you. Allow its pull draw you from your heart and bring you back to the knowing that you are a part of nature as well.

As the sun’s rises in the sky, illuminating the beauty of nature that has always been next to you also allow it to lighten a path to your inner self… a path that reminds you of the Divine’s benevolence, that is always giving, always loving and endlessly forgiving. Allow the external light of the sun awaken your inner light that will encourage you into heart-filled action towards yourself and towards all others.

And so it is…

I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller


9 Ways To Release Your Limiting Beliefs To Find Love Again....Rise Earth...

by Vishnu
tiny buddha

“The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.” ~Deepak Chopra

The end of my marriage was a life-shattering event that rocked my world and made me question my existence.

My break-up led to a full existential, spiritual, and personal crisis.

After putting the pieces back together, I feel like I’m ready to love again.

It took me a long time to feel open to another relationship because I was stuck in the past, replaying the story of my former relationship over and over again in my mind.

I also held a set of disempowering and limiting beliefs that prevented from moving on.

Some of the sabotaging thoughts that I had to confront included:

I’m broken.

I thought a severe heartbreak led to a permanently broken heart. The wounds were so deep and heart-break so heavy that my ability to love someone else was broken forever.

No one will ever love me again.

After my last break-up, I thought I was done. I felt rejected by one person but it felt like that one person represented all women and I wouldn’t find someone else. Ever.

I have nothing to offer.

I believed my heart muscle was used up and my capacity to love was depleted. I felt like there was nothing I could give to anyone else because I had given everything I had.

There must be something wrong with me.

I believed the harsh comments my ex made about my character, shortcomings, and behavior made me an unworthy person. There must have been something wrong with me because she knew me so well. I’m no innocent bystander here; I said my share of hurtful words and am sorry for them.

I’ll find the same kind of person again.

I believed a future relationship would bring more of the same struggle and pain. I’d continue to attract someone like my ex or find myself attracted to someone like that again. Once again, we’d have the same kind of fights and challenges.

There’s no one out there for me.

After my last relationship, I came up with a mental checklist of values and traits I wanted in a future partner. I believed the exact person I was looking for likely didn’t exist, and that meant there was no one out there for me.

I’m a failure.

I had failed in picking the right partner before and failed in the relationship. And I had failed in a few other things as well. In fact, my beliefs caused me to believe that I was a failure in all parts of my life. And as a failure, I wouldn’t be able to meet anyone new. Who wants to be with a failure?

Love is too painful.

After my painful, soul-crushing break-up, I would have preferred to walk through a lion and tiger-filled African safari than get into another relationship. I wanted to play it safe and not take a risk on love again.

It’s dangerous to be vulnerable.

In my last relationship I’d put myself out there, revealed almost everything about myself, and placed my heart in another person’s hand. I’d been as vulnerable and open as I could be with my previous partner. But now, after heartbreak, I didn’t want to be open or vulnerable again. I wanted to build large walls to protect my heart so I wouldn’t have to bare my soul again.

As you can see, I dealt with a full can of worms of negative thoughts and disempowering beliefs.

If you have similar beliefs because of a break-up, you know that it’s virtually impossible to meet new people and start over again in your love life.

Here are nine ways to set aside your limiting beliefs and open your heart to a new relationship.

1. Recognize your limiting beliefs and know that they stem from your past experiences.

You only believe these things now because of what happened in the past. Beliefs are based on your subjective experience; they can be changed or seen through a different lens.

2. Remind yourself that the past doesn’t equal the future.

What happened once can be seen as a teaching experience so you’ll know what to avoid in the future. You are wiser now; your past doesn’t have to repeat itself. You can grow from failure and disappointment.

3. Challenge every limiting belief you have about relationships.

When you think a disempowering thought, like “all relationships lead to pain” or “I’ll never find love again,” challenge it. Come up with reasons why those thoughts are not facts.

If you look around you at friends and family, you’ll find strong relationships that work. Relationships that are filled with commitment, love, kindness, and mutual respect.

You’ve also likely experienced positive and love-filled relationships in your life. Remind yourself of what’s possible in a loving and wholesome relationship.

4. Spend less time focusing on your heartbreak and the negative beliefs you’ve developed because of your past.

Focus more on yourself. Take care of your health by eating better and exercising more. Be more compassionate toward yourself by taking more time off and getting more sleep. Commit to becoming the best version of yourself by working on your confidence, overcoming your fears, and following your dreams.

Do work that brings you joy, surround yourself with supportive people, and create a zone of positivity around you.

5. Strive to live more in the present moment by letting go of thoughts about the past.

When thoughts and feelings about the relationship come up, don’t cling to them. Acknowledge that your mind is pulling you back to the past and wants to drag you through a cycle of pain and sadness.

Simply acknowledging what your mind is doing will help you be more conscious of its tricky ways. Watch those thoughts pass by like clouds passing in the sky.

It will help to focus on the task at hand. If you find your mind drifting back to the relationship, just come back to what you were doing before your past popped up.

6. Look for love all around you.

What you focus on tends to show up in your life.

If you look at pain and struggle in the world, you will see more of that. If you search for heartache and loss, you will find that.

If you keep focused on doing work you love, spending time with people you love, and engaging in activities you love, you will be in a much better place to invite romance into your life.

7. Become more loving and kind to yourself.

Become the kind of person you desire to have a relationship with. Work on the qualities that prevent you from being the kind of person you’re capable of.

In order to become more loving, I had to let go of the ego, anger, and resentment that clouded my life.

I had to take stock of my life and reflect upon the way I showed up in my relationship. I also had to take responsibility for my shortcomings .

I realized that I had to reign in my anger, check my controlling behavior, and wash my ego with more love and compassion.

8. Cultivate more positive views of love.

Try affirmations, meditations, journaling, and other practices to help you shift your beliefs about love. Interpret events that happen to you through a new framework of love—not the old framework of heartbreak.

When someone calls you or wants to take you out for dinner, think in terms of the possibilities of a new relationship, not all the things that can go wrong.

Instead of thinking “here we go again” with new circumstances in your life, remind yourself that you have the opportunity to show up more wisely and with a more open heart.

9. Find the courage to be open to love again.

Take small steps to trusting someone, sharing with someone, and opening your heart to someone new. If you’re overwhelmed by the gravity of a new relationship, take it slow and build trust in that person over time.

I’ve come to learn that relationships can be our greatest spiritual assignments. Even if the worst happens, you’ll be growing and learning as a person.

A broken heart can lead to an open heart. And an open heart is fertile ground for a stronger and deeper love.

It’s not too late to set aside your resistance to love and your limiting views of relationships to find the person who’s just right for you.


In the beginning was God. What does that mean? What or who is God? Does God really exist? There are so many questions surrounding God, and it is not humanly possible to answer them. By definition, God is beyond human comprehension. God is so far beyond human comprehension that literally we create false images of God when we try to understand.To ponder imponderables is a waste of time, energy, and effort. To try to understand something that can never be understood is to be defeated before we even begin. These things need to be said, before we even start this brief chapter about God.

Yet we can find glimpses of God within the universe, within creation itself. In everything. And by recognizing God in everything, we can become closer to being one with God.

It has been said that our world is simply a hologram created by us and would not exist without us. While this is true, the energy used to create our world is generated through our union with our divine counterparts even if it happens at a level we are not aware of.
So let’s talk about this first source of creative energy, let’s talk about God or Source!
Philosophically God or Source exists as the supreme intelligence that governs all of creation. It is the first or primal cause from which everything else is created. This is all old stuff and well worn, but the new spin on this information is that each individual soul is created in two parts. Each soul has an opposite divine counterpart!

To know God or Source is beyond human comprehension and always will be. But the highest we can comprehend is the divine within our counterparts! What this means is that our highest spiritual illumination or spiritual experience will always be a reconnection to our Divine Counterpart. We experience our divine counterparts as God or Source!
Every religion or mystery school that is a true one leads us to reconnect to our divine counterpart at the highest spiritual levels. This is why our connection with God or Source is always a personal one. Each one of us is connecting to our personal divine counterparts even when we have similar experiences. This path has been well traveled and is well known throughout the ages.
The alternative is a false god, a collective god, the lowest common denominator of what humanity considers god to be. While our divine counterparts urge us to be the highest and most spiritual that we can be; this false god urges us to only be human, to participate in the hive mind of humanity. This false god is the collective mind of the human race and consists only of those attainments and abilities common to all humans. The seeking is not to be the best we are capable of being, but a seeking to be the blandest and most common that we can be. In this we find the true enemy for the first time, this false god, this collective god that lies far below the true God or Source and also far below the divinity we can experience in contacting our divine counterparts.
It is this false god, this hive mind that must be revealed for what it really is! This is the true toxic poison that lies buried in the heart of the human race!

When we speak of creation; we speak of the living and nonliving parts of creation. The nonliving parts, the elements the atoms the molecules the planets, the stars, follow the laws of physics. It might not be a type of physics that we understand completely, but it exists and some day we may understand. It is possible to recognize the regularity and the order within all nonliving things. It is possible through science to understand the creation of all things. Everything that exists is created out of light, the spiritual light. Everything is created out of divine sparks of light.

In systematic progression these sparks of light vibrate and move through the spectrum of existence; the colors of the rainbow one quantum leap after another. At some point, perhaps instantaneously, these flashes of divine light give off magnetic pulses as well. These magnetic pulses create rotational movement, both clockwise and counterclockwise.

In like manner, the first atomic particles are formed, the first atoms, the first molecules and finally the first living cells. In this process we can perceive the workings of God in many ways. But in regards to this chapter the most important aspect of God which we can recognize is the continuous inpouring of divine love and light. The pure essence of God, which we perceive as spiritual light continuously enters into our universe, into every atom, into every molecule, and into every cell. This constant inpouring creates an expansion, a pressure, a voltage or force that creates an equal and opposite resistance against it.

What I’m trying to say is very simple and yet very profound. At the center or core of every atom, every molecule, every cell, in everything that exists, living and nonliving, there is a pulsing spark of divine light. This light continues to pour into our universe and needs somewhere to go. It is this constant inpouring of creative divine light that forces all things to grow more complex and evolve.

The purpose of all existence, of all life, is to grow more complex and to evolve. All possibilities are to be explored, good and bad. This is true for all living things as well as all nonliving things. Living things need to gain an awareness, a way of coping with those things that are dangerous and deadly if they want to survive. Just as much can be learned from the failures in life as can be learned from the successes.

In a symbolic way when we look at the simple atom we can perceive the face of God. At the very center is a flashing spiritual light that is so great we cannot look directly into it. We cannot look upon the face of God. The face of God is covered by veils of pulsing whirling energy, rotating magnetic fields that push and pull us in different ways and confuse us. Yet, this flashing spiritual light and these rotating veils extend into the physical world to create a throne, the first physical object, the hydrogen atom. And upon this throne sits the son of God, the helium atom.

Symbolically the son of God exists as the sun in our sky as it burns, transforming from hydrogen into helium and giving off light for all living creatures. It is this inpouring of light that makes life possible here on earth.

This little metaphor is not just metaphor! This scene is enacted within every atom within our universe! It exists within every molecule, within every cell, and within all living creatures! The divine light pours in and forces expansion, evolution, and growth within all that exists!

Yet, God is more than this inpouring of divine light! This inpouring of divine light must go someplace and wherever it goes is also of God.

We can also find God within every living thing! God exists within every cell of our body and within the bodies of all living things!

When we consider how God expresses itself within living things we find much the same phenomenon, an inpouring of spiritual light and energy. And just as it is with nonliving things, this incoming spiritual light and energy needs someplace to go. Every cell of our body radiates this spiritual light and energy! Living things experience this influx of energy in many ways. It can be experienced as sexual orgasm energy, fear, anger, strong emotions, happiness, love, and all other energies.

There are spiritual energies, mental energies, emotional energies and sexual energy’s. All of these energies are continuously pouring into our physical bodies and require some form of release! As they enter our physical bodies pressure is built up as well as stress and discomfort until we feel as if we’re going to burst. Perhaps the most important thing to consider about these energies is to not try to contain them, but to let them pass through us as quickly and effortlessly as possible!

When any of these energies build inside of us we experience discomfort and torment. In fact, in many ways the inability to release these energies is to experience hell. In like manner, as we gain the ability to release these energies and move them on we experience sensations of heaven and bliss! So it is the movement of energies through us that is healthy and the blockage of these energies within our physical bodies that produce illness, aging and death!

The most powerful way of moving these energies through the body is by strenuous physical exertion, by living life intensely and to the fullest! At the end of every day the physical body should feel drained and depleted due to the intensity of our daily activities! As we sleep during the night our bodies will once more recharge with all possible energies through this unending stream of spiritual light and energy that pours into us from the core of every cell in our bodies and from the core of every atom in our physical body! We should try to wring ourselves out like sponges every day!

If we don’t do this we become vulnerable to sickness, illness, aging and death. Yet there is more to this than meets the eye! Through intense daily living it is possible to develop our immortal souls and strengthen them with spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and sexual energies! This is God’s gift to us! By living passionately and intensely we push this physical energy through the veil into the world of spirit where it becomes astral energy. The track runner experiences a second wind and a weightlifter experiences the feeling of being pumped up! In both cases the intense generation of energy pierces the veil and allows it to enter the astral planes.

We must do the same thing with the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and sexual energies as well!

In summary God is beyond human comprehension and we can never experience God directly. But we do experience God indirectly within our world and within our physical bodies! We experience God through this inpouring of spiritual light and energy that fills us to overflowing and impels us toward intense living! It is in this intense lifestyle and in the free release and movement of these energies that we find the love of God and heavenly bliss. We find love and happiness in passing this on, in allowing these energies to move through us freely and openly.

In any case, “the throne of God, the holy Trinity, the goddess” are all represented literally within each atom within our universe. This means God, the holy Trinity and everything else is found within each cell of our physical body and literally within everything that exists! Each atom is a fountain of photon energy pouring out into us and into our world. “Zero point energy” is the same thing, the energy pouring forth from the nuclear center of every atom that exists.

Wilhelm Reich’s book “The Function of the Orgasm” spoke of the “emotional plague” that humanity suffers. He also spoke of his discovery of biological energy and how this blocked energy, primarily sexual energy, is responsible for most mental and emotional illness if not all mental and emotional illness in our world. He also spoke of how hopeless and frustrating it was because humanity always chose to block this energy within themselves and give personal power away to external authorities in a death instinct. Even more interesting, he stated that his patients claimed that they felt like they were going to burst. They felt there was such a buildup of frustrated energy within them that they would react violently, do self harm or anything possible to find release from this terrible buildup of energy. It was simply not possible to tolerate it.

Jacob Boeheme spoke of hell in the same exact terms! He also spoke of The Wrath of God as being the lightning flash, the surge of destructive energy, that would finally flash between the two highly charged potentials when there was no other possible way of discharging the energy. He also termed The Wrath of God as being another name for Lucifer. Likewise, he spoke of heaven as a means of allowing this electrical discharge to happen more slowly, safely, and mildly and termed it “the love of God”.

Putting this all together we find that every atom, molecule, cell, and organ within our physical body is gushing forth energy from the very core of every atom, molecule, cell and organ. While Wilhelm Reich maintained that it was sexual energy that was creating this problem, or build up of pressure, we can see that literally all kinds of energies are building up within the body, abstract spiritual energy, concrete spiritual energy, abstract mental energy, concrete mental energy, upper emotional energy, lower emotional energy, etheric energy, sexual energy and all this energy must find some way to be released! Think of the energy that a child has! We were all like that at one time! The energy just flowed from us! We had to move around, tear around, use up that energy because it was unbearable to sit still!

But our parents forced us to sit still. They forced us to repress that energy, to turn it back inside as a repression and that repressed energy became destructive. This was especially true with sexual energy, which they tried to repress from the very beginning! And sexual energy was the most powerful energy of them all.

And so we live in a world today, a world that is a hell because the energy builds up inside of us and can find no healthy release. We feel as if we will burst or kill ourselves, or someone else and the energy is discharged and distorted in perverse ways. We try to cope with this buildup of energy by repression and non-movement, activities that gradually cause our physical bodies to age, become sick, and die.

But Jacob Boehme also told us what heaven was! Heaven was the process of releasing this energy in a more gradual way, through magnetism. This means by discharging the energy from our physical bodies directly into the astral, because the astral is the universe created of magnetic flux lines. By developing our astral bodies we create the resonant circuit that allows an infinite amount of energy to flow safely between our physical body and our astral body! From this it can be seen that heaven is experienced when we have developed both our physical body and all of our astral bodies!

In doing this we have shifted from a state of hell and Lucifer like destructive discharges to that of a milder and more loving universe of magnetic attraction and repulsion. When this happens the physical world becomes a beautiful reflection of the astral worlds.

This brings us back full circle to the question of how do we create the various astral bodies which are required? As I’ve mentioned before, this happens through the bittersweet process of falling in love and falling out of love through the mingling and sharing of opposite sex energy in which the male and female aspects of our own souls become balanced and stable. This can also happen through the Tantric process known as the left-hand path.

And what about tradition? Tradition is the blueprint, or pattern that exists within the astral planes and which tries to manipulate physical reality in its own image. What has not been correctly understood is that these patterns or blueprints are “ghosts” or shadows of events that have happened in the past. After a person dies their lifetime remains in the astral behind them as a pattern or shadow. History is circular and repeats itself and these patterns repeat themselves over and over again. Tradition is simply an attempt to follow the same pattern that has been successful in the past!

But the purpose of life is to grow and become more complex, to explore all possibilities, both good and bad! The blueprint or pattern that brings salvation one day must on some future day become a prison as it is outgrown. It is the task of the hero to create a new pattern, one that has never existed before! So, in today’s world not only has life become a living hell, but the traditional way of living no longer brings salvation! A new pattern or blueprint needs to be created and has been created!


Lady Nada via Fran Zepeda: You Have Entered a New Phase of Your Awakening June 19, 2015 By Angela Newberry

Greetings, Beloveds. I AM Lady Nada, here to present before you a new perspective on your awakening. Yes, you have come far. No amount of analysis could reveal just how far.

You must instead FEEL the difference, the expansion and the sweet Lightness that you have achieved thus far.

As you step forward into your greater awakening each moment of Now, it is difficult to quantify your changes except to say that you have entered a new phase of your awakening and it is only necessary to feel and accept the changes. Do not hyper-focus on them. Rather, gather them and encompass them into your new perspective of yourselves.

Any calculations of your former way of assessing your growth will not reveal the true growth and expansion you have attained. And expansion and growth will just get even more so in the coming days of further Reception of the Solstice energies.

My beloveds, you have come such a long way, and by now you have realized you will be well served to throw away your former mode of assessment of your growth. For in your further merging with your Higher Self, with your I AM presence, with Source, you have reached such great expansion that it is hard to put your finger on it.…It is so expansive, yet so Light and almost a feeling of no form, yet at the same time you are firmly grounded with Mother Earth and infinitely connected with Source and the Hearts of others.

There is a sense of Freedom in this new expansion. Taking away your vigilant observance of it will allow more Freedom and Expansion. Enjoy this new phase, dear ones, for you have cleared so much more, to allow this pure clear feeling of your Divine Essence to shine even brighter than ever.

Take a moment now, dear ones, and just breathe with me, breathe in and out, expanding with Love through all your cells, through all the many aspects of you, through the giant web of intricate connection with the Hearts of all Humanity, with the Galactic Center, with All-That-Is, with Source. You have expanded enough to encompass ALL into your very breath, dear ones. Feel that expansion Now.

The feeling of Oneness with All-That-Is is now a deep part of you, and a Reality you are all privy to. It is a feeling that no one can describe but you, because this is YOUR experience of expansion, each unique in your own magnificent awakening, yet, so connected to All because you are so connected in Divine Love.

Savor this quiet feeling of Lightness, Love, and Freedom that is developing within you. Feel as if all barriers have been lifted and your potential and possibilities have been enabled and enhanced with each breath of New Light coming into your cells now.

This is not a time for assessment, or judgment of your progress. This is a time of complete letting go and surrendering to your Higher Self, for it will take you further into your journey of Ascension the more you trust it. Keep asking to merge and commune with it (your Higher Self) and there will be such a change in your perspective — A quiet coming home to your True Divine Selves.

Trust your inner guidance, dear ones, for no one can lead you like your Higher Self. Trust that you are where you should be right now and relax into it. Ground and anchor into this new feeling of upliftment that is pervading you now. Keep letting go of the barriers of what you once felt it would be like in your awakening and ascension and be completely open to all that presents for you.

Push those barriers out and welcome in all sensations of awakening knocking at the door of your Heart now. The ‘Sky is the Limit’, as they say. No judgment, no opinions, just be open to all possibilities and the sweet awakening of Light and Love permeating your very existence now. Let it build to a crescendo and settle into it, always ready for more.

Now is your time, dear ones, to exceed all expectations, to override all previous perceptions of what it is to be fully awakened, and allow for infinite possibilities to pervade your Divine Presence Now.

Divine Love is guiding you. Surrender to its infinite possibilities as it transforms you with each breath of Divine Love that you take.


In Love and Service, I AM Lady Nada

Source:“Lady Nada: You Have Entered a New Phase of Your Awakening,” channeled by Fran Zepeda, June 15, 2015, at

Source Link: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. www.franheal.wordpress.com

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Zen Gardner: The Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time June 19, 2015 By Graham Dewyea

It appears we’re hitting that infamous tipping point in many arenas of late. So much is getting revealed and reaching the collective consciousness as the truth manifests. Remember, to finally tip a scale it just needs that last grain of sand to completely reverse perceived reality in the mass mind.

Just look at not just the grains, but the flood tide of truth being released into the public mental, spiritual, economic and political domains, never mind the profound vibrational morphic field shifts with so many souls awakening in a whole range of areas. It’s astounding.

There’s still a lot to be done but the landscape is changing fast.

No doubt the external world situation grows more direful by the day, but it’s important for people to be able to identify these powerful shifts now taking place for their own encouragement and inspiration. While the forces of abuse and control seem to be making monstrous strides toward their end game, their machinations are becoming more obvious and clearly malicious. As people are able to step back and identify the fact that their world is a completely manipulated one they shed their fear of it and soon find their true spiritual and consciously aware footing.

This is the very definition of empowerment and drastically weakens the power structure’s control over people’s minds. As a result the flame of true freedom grows brighter continually, further propelling humanity’s awakening and empowerment.

The Alternative Mosquito Swarm
Every email, every blog, every website, every post, every conversation, every independent media outlet broadcasting the truth is a massively powerful influence towards turning the tide in the perception of our world and hence its actual operation. It happens one seemingly small act at a time, but it’s spreading like wildfire, in spite of the doubts of naysayers and and even alternative cynics.

Doubt is akin to fear, and its end result is apathy; i.e. disempowerment and inaction. It’s similar to one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated in the heart of mankind. “After all, what can little me do to make any kind of difference that matters? I’m just one little person.”

The absolute opposite of the truth. As the oft used expression goes:

“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”

Now picture multiple swarms of truth-bearing mosquitoes, replicating as they go. Can’t you just see the wicked minions in assumptive power fleeing their pretentious little bastions of lies and pompous superficial sandcastles as a result of such an onslaught? Absolutely glorious!

The Power of the Awakening Factor
Few realize the power of change, whether it be conscious awareness or fundamental knowledge tools. What we have been handed is a very limited viewpoint that needs continual challenging, especially once we become aware of the vast social engineering programs.

Researchers have discovered a very powerful dynamic in our social milieu, something we know in our hearts to be true but sometimes it’s good to have it affirmed by so-called scientific evidence.

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.

When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority, said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. “Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame.” (More)

Pretty damn powerful, and personally empowering.

Turning Tides
Just look how the ISIS “terror” operation cover has been blown open for what it truly is, a ploy masterminded and funded by cooperative surreptitious interests out to destabilize and control the Middle East and beyond. This recent attack on Yemen by Saudi Arabia, of all despotic nation states, is another massive blip on the radar, as if that fascist state is interested in representative rule, all with the full on backing of Israel, the US and NATO.

And into another spectrum, how about the moon mission being thoroughly debunked as NASA admits they can’t pass the Van Allen radiation belt? This fact has been known for a long time but is now evident to all. Not only the whole space program, but all of the information coming from NASA all these years comes into question.

A new 9/11 novel titled Methodical Illusion by a former airline stewardess is chock -a-block with real information regarding what really transpired that day that’s going viral in the mainstream media, with pilots buying the book by the box to pass out to friends. The truth is being revealed by the minute in all kinds of arenas.

Clearly multitudes are seeing the world’s economy is manipulated by central banksters, and that the unending war on this scripted illusory concept of terror that they keep propping up with new false flags and boogeymen has become a worn out old saw for anyone even half awake to see. Now rapacious Israel has openly declared its intentions to eviscerate Palestine and other foes while its vice like grip on America is laid bare before the world.

And more examples are proliferating by the day. The obvious nature of this world game is now naked in the eyes of millions of people worldwide, despite Amerika’s comatose state – and these realizations are rapidly growing as lives change in the light of this awareness.

Yet you won’t hear a peep about any of this in the scripted media. After all, big money and control rule all in this metastasized Orwellian spin off to which we’re subjected. Another aspect is the vast discrepancy between fat cat incomes and the rest of humanity continuing to distend as these psychopaths think no one is noticing, all while subjugated citizens’ income and food supplies run thin as the elite’s bankrolls blossom and our food supply is systemically attacked.

The outrage is boiling and reaching the tipping point, in multiple ways. The tide will certainly shift, and already is in massive undercurrents. But now is the time to put our shoulders to the wheel of change while we can still operate freely in order to stave off as much of this draconian insanity as possible.

It’s time to rise.

Let it rip. Express these realizations loud and clear in whatever way you can to make the message heard while encouraging others that are sensing this same reality. The doors of opportunity are closing fast. If and when the temporally induced night comes, we need as many hearts ablaze as possible to light up the darkness while our work continues.

When Humanity Awakens and Arises
We’re about to see some fantastic cataclysmic changes on our planet, but way more importantly within human consciousness. This is not so much “their” doing even in lieu of the obvious socio-geopolitical arena, but is of cosmic proportions in ways they will never see coming. This awakening is what they inherently fear, as global takeover progenator Zbigniew Brzezinski articulated, and the very thing the would-be controllers are preparing for in their attempts to kill off, drug, cripple, transhumanize and militarily control humanity.

The tide is turning, the scales are tipping. This is not wishful thinking. It’s fact. The question does remain however: what will we do with this empowering dynamic? Observe, or participate?

Change, awareness and activation don’t just happen on their own. They work through you, they work through me. If we respond to them the changes happen. If we just observe, pass the buck and let it all just pass, it doesn’t happen or meet up to its full potential.

It’s a choice. It’s yours, it’s mine. To not enter in at this point is stupefied insanity.

Will you go all the way? Because that’s the type of commitment it will take at this stage of the game. All it is is simply responding to the need at hand. It’s not all that difficult. When push comes to shove most everything people are now preoccupied with will vanish as if it were a dream. That’s when the remorse sets in for all those who refused to take action.

Something to think seriously about. We are now at the crossroads. What world are we helping to manifest? Or will we irresponsibly let things slide along as they are? The answer is up to you.

It’s ours in which to participate. Passionately and with dogged determination. Because everything is at stake. Here and now.

Fulfill your calling.

Love always,


Source:“The Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time” by Zen Gardner, June 19, 2015 at

Original link: The Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time

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