Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

HILARION ~ This week's uplifting message from Hilarion (Oct 12,2014)

Beloved Ones,

Going with the flow of energy as it comes through is most helpful in the coming days. Whatever comes to the surface of your consciousness should be met with love, compassion and understanding, patience and tolerance. Your loved ones are also in the process of awakening to their higher light and they need your patient and loving support as they begin to see the world with more clarity than before. You might have to take several deep breaths before responding to the unique ways this awakening within them will unfold. Remember that each person upon the planet is being stretched to the limit of their consciousness and endurance at this time and there is no end in sight for a respite from the increasing intensity of cosmic light coming in waves upon the planet. Everyone must go through the process of assimilation, integration and balancing within the human operating system.

Those of you who read this have already passed through the majority of this process and are in a role of holding the higher vision for the rest of humanity. Many of you have already passed through the fires of initiation and have emerged on the other side, forever changed in a defining way, an empowering way. You now walk the Earth with humble heart, remembering well the testing times and how difficult it was to rise above the chaos to create a higher vision and to hold it high. Those who come after are having an easier time of it than did you and this was by divine intent and design. By your courageous example, you have set the bar on high and those who are in the throes of transformation have a safer path to follow, with many guideposts along the way. You have been diligently pursuing your divine calling and most of you are now or will be soon, in the position to be of great assistance to the seeking ones.

It is the light and the love in your heart that shines so brightly now that it resembles the light of the sun. From our higher perspective it is easily discerned and each of you is easy to locate upon your planet. By your light and by your brilliance your soul signature is known. As the old gives way to the new, trust that the universe is unfolding exactly as it should and that you are in the right place for these times. Sometimes, sacrificing your position on an issue and viewing it from another direction will bring enlightenment. You are all being reborn into a new spiritual consciousness and exploring the alchemical process of transmutation, creating new forms, new bodies that are less dense and more filled with light. You are becoming the embodiment of your enlightened soul.

As you yield to the changes taking place within you, within your life and in the world, you are realizing how liberating the whole process really is. You are finding yourselves leaping into the unknown, trusting that you will emerge renewed and invigorated as the old gives way to the new. You are ready to take your new place in your new world with zest, enthusiasm, passion and confidence. The path before you is cleared for the new to come into manifestation. Continue to shine your light as a beacon for others, that you may help to light their way home. Be in gratitude for the illumination that now resides within your being, that luminous being that is the true light and beauty of your soul.

Feel the joy in the realization that you are enough and that you always have enough - of love, abundance, prosperity, creativity, energy and miracles. You are rich in the gifts of the spirit and have learned how to manifest these into your life and how to share these with others around you. Take time to acknowledge and appreciate all that you have experienced and accomplished, knowing that it helped you move to a higher level of awareness, an awareness that is filled with a new spectrum of unlimited possibilities in your life. Celebrate the moment!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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Release yourselves from fear by embracing Love.

Listen to Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday October 12th

Waiting is difficult for you.  Here in the spiritual realms, where time is not an issue, we do understand this aspect of the illusion as many of us have had lives as humans.  In the spiritual realms all is always just as it should be, perfect.  Within the illusion more and more of you are opening to the Tsunami of Love and to the awareness that you are, each and every one of you, on a spiritual path or, if you prefer, a spiritual mission to assist humanity to awaken and dispel the illusion.

To do that you have to be human!  And that means that you are, to a certain extent – in fact to a very large extent indeed – unaware of the absolute brilliance with which the divine entity that each of you is shines forth, constantly.  You were created perfect and you remain perfect for all eternity.  But to enter the illusion as humans to assist humans in the awakening process it was essential that you became like them, lost, confused, and seemingly abandoned in a fearfully threatening and unforgiving world.  It is unreal, but it seems wholly real, all that exists, to the vast majority of humans, and death seems like the end, the termination point of a brief, unsatisfying, and pointless life.  An unfair and unreasonable experience that gives you no choices of your own that would allow you to alter it to suit your rightful needs and desires.

The illusion is your conception, your institution, your dream or nightmaredepending on how you are experiencing and interpreting it.  For eons it seemed that it was a given that you had to accept and cope with, but in the last hundred years modern psychology has begun to show you that you can change your experience by changing your mind about it.  You can choose to feel overwhelmed by the situations that seemingly envelop you, and collapse under them remaining a crushed and helpless victim of circumstances, or you can choose to accept life as it is presented to you, deal with the situations with which it apparently confronts you, and move forwards.

Life is always about this now moment.  However, you have managed to lose sight of that, and you focus massively on the past in vain attempts to prevent it from recurring in the future, or to ensure that it does recur in the future.  But, there is only the now moment, and everything that affects you, that influences you in any way happens in this now moment.  The other problem for you is that the now moment seems so brief.  Could such a brief, ill-considered thought, word, or momentary motion or activity truly cause such an enormously unexpected outcome?  The answer is a resounding yes!

You do create your own reality by the thoughts, words, and actions with which you engage.  Your problem, as humans, is that in the restricted environment that you appear to inhabit it is very difficult to foresee the possible consequences to which they lead.  You collectively chose to build an environment that was severely restrictive, limiting, and uncertain, because you wanted to experience that uncertainty and the confusion that it produced.  And now, after eons of pain and suffering, you have collectively decided that enough is enough.

Having made that very sensible decision you have then needed to ascertain the way forwards out of your endless suffering and into a state of lasting peace.  “How is peace possible?” you ask one another as you observe the vast number of conflicts, distrusts, and betrayals that you observe all across the world?  Peace is impossible you declare, because of all those unstable and violent ones who would maintain a constant state of war because it gives them power, control, and wealth.  And so you conclude that armies and weapons are an essential form of defense against those misguided onesin order to maintain peace.  That is an insane belief, as you know in your hearts, but fear prevents you from acknowledging that one truth that would set you free.

As all the channels are repeatedly telling you “LOVE is the ONLY answer to all the problems that you experience.”  Yes, if you embrace love, it seems to you that you are laying yourselves open to permanent abuse, pain, and suffering by making yourselves insanely vulnerable.  But, on the other hand, you know deep within yourselves that Love is THE answer.  What the spiritual channels are doing, and what you Light workers, starseeds, and wayshowers are doing is fearlessly embracing the Love field that eternally supports you, and demonstrating by your faith, and by the results that occur in your immediate lives, that this is true.

AND where people are refusing the Love, and refusing to trust, the conflicts, suffering, and betrayals continue, endlessly.  There are now more than enough of you on Earth actively demonstrating Love as a way of life, the only way of life, the Real way of life, to bring lasting peace to your confused and suffering multitudes.  Keep on loving and watch your relationships – personal, societal, business, and international – stabilize, warm, develop, forgive, accept, and become as one.  You know it makes sense, and that nothing else does.

Remember, you are eternally and infinitely supported by your loving Father, and therefore by all sentient life forms that our Father has created.  The only opposition is from a few, a very few, a tiny minority of insane ego-driven souls in human form who can only achieve their aims if you support them.  Just stop supporting them.  Your only reason for doing so is because you are fearful, believing that you are small, insignificant beings in a vast and threatening universe, and you fall for the egoic blusterings of these few insane and utterly misguided ones who would persuade you that Love is weak and that you need their strength – but they have no strength!  And to fall for that line of reasoning is also insane.

You are all divine beings created from Love by God for eternal joy.  That state is available to you right now!  Wake up and embrace your Father, the divine field of Love, the Tsunami of Love that surrounds and supports you in every moment! Release yourselves from fear by embracing Love, and watch with amazement as those few misguided ones who would control you fade away into the unreality of the dissolving illusion.

Your loving brother, Jesus.





The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

October 12, 2014

Blossom: Hello dear friends. Well, last week’s channelling certainly caused a stir! I have tried to get my head around the ‘Nothing matters’ issue. Yet, I have to be honest … I don’t quite ‘Get it.’ I have received varied emails … some ‘Get it’ completely and have felt they knew this all along. Whereas, others, like myself, simply cannot grasp it fully. Can we continue on with this theme? Many of us need clarification. Thank you.
The Federation of Ligth (FoL): Dearest Blossom and all who take part in these conversations … We join you in LOVE … for we CHOOSE to assist you in your Awakening. Each corner of your heart is being activated with each new concept we put forth. As you digest and rearrange thoughts, you allow that which you KNOW to be YOUR TRUTH to emerge.
We are aware that the opportunity to stretch the imagination may have caused conflict within the self. You ask HOW 'nothing matters' … when all around you are moments that definitely seem to matter! Yet … in the Grander picture … in the big scheme of things … they do not.
Blossom: Why don’t they? It matters to us down on Earth how things are going and how people are acting out their play?
FoL: Why?
Blossom: Because, we want to live in a world full of Love and Light … and right now there is a lot about it ... that simply isn’t!
FoL: That is what you desire ... correct?
Blossom: Yes … So it matters to me.
FoL: IT matters to you …. Because you are assessing things from your view point.
Blossom: Correct. So my view point matters to me. My view point is SOMETHING that matters TO ME. It is not ‘Nothing’ that matters to me.
FoL: Take a deep breath.
This entire source of Life … that which comes from the Highest … is LOVE.
This LOVE has CHOSEN to express itself THROUGH ALL THINGS … IN ALL WAYS … in order to KNOW itself.
It cannot KNOW itself in fullness … until every single possibility has played itself out … THROUGH LOVE.
Therefore, it matters not WHAT is played out … it has to be played out … in order for LOVE to be complete.
Blossom: ‘Does it matter’ … whether or not LOVE is complete?
FoL: It is not a question of it mattering … for it simply IS this way.
Blossom: A few wrote in, simply not being able to understand that it does not matter about war, and how one treats another. I mean, how can the way one treats another … how can the fact that so many suffer through the hands of another’s choices … not matter?
FoL: Because … it is part of The Game.
Blossom: It’s not a very pleasant one then!
FoL: Is it not? Are not your choices Blossom … THROUGH LOVE … allowing you to experience a pleasant side of ‘The Game’?
Blossom: Yes … yet, I am not talking about me … I am talking about those who choose to destroy … and those who supposedly ‘choose’ to be the victims. The way one behaves towards another … how can this NOT MATTER?
FoL: Let us try and put this into a perspective in which you can see Light at the end of the tunnel.
Blossom: I’m looking!  I’m looking!
FoL: As we spoke of …
All things came from LOVE …
All things are of LOVE …
All things shall return to the HIGHEST LOVE from which they derived.
That which is acted out … and upon … through thought … is simply an expression of self-awareness for each individual. They are in a game … whilst in the dimension of Earth reality.
Blossom: Let’s talk about ‘The Game’ then. I have heard this mentioned many times ... That we are in a game.
FoL: Perhaps express it differently?  You are in a game … yet, you are also PLAYING The Game. YOU make the moves … YOU move up the board.
When you play a game … perhaps of chess … a move that one may make … with a strategy in mind … depicts how one continues on for the rest of that game. If one plays a move that does not serve … IT DOES NOT MATTER … it simply means that one has to ‘find their way out of it’ in order to complete The Game.
The moves you make determine whether you win or lose …THAT particular game …
Blossom:  Yet, are we not all trying to return to THE HIGHEST PUREST LOVE THAT WE ARE? Doesn’t it matter that we FEEL we are doing the right thing to ‘get home’?
FoL: No. It doesn’t matter.
Blossom: Yet, it does matter ... TO ME. It matters to me how I behave and how I choose to ‘get there'. If nothing matters ... why are you choosing to assist us with your messages? I mean … if nothing matters … why bother? I’m not having a go at you here … I’m just trying to ‘Get It’. You ‘Get that’ right?
FoL: BECAUSE WE CARE!Here is a key note …
Do you see the difference? That which you CHOOSE to do … makes all the difference as to how you FEEL and yet …
Yet, for each individual … being part of The Whole … the choices One makes can allow One to FEEL wonderful or to FEEL miserable … A choice. Yet, either choice …. DOESN’T MATTER … because whatever way one CHOOSES to FEEL ... is part of the experience of LOVE /LIFE.
Blossom: I have to persevere here … if I may?
FoL: By all means.
Blossom: These choices we make … how can you say, for instance … that one soul killing another … or torturing another … doesn’t matter?
FoL: Because it is part of The Game. A game that you all agreed to take part in.
Blossom: It has been said that this game is all an illusion … and not reality at all. I can’t get my head around that either, just quietly!
FoL: Because you are IN The Game. When you are out of The Game … you ‘see it’ for what it TRULY is.
Blossom: What?
Blossom: Anyone got a parachute? … I’m outta here! … Then why does it FEEL so real?
FoL: Because it is a GAME OF EXPERIENCE.
How could it be played, if it did not FEEL real? How could you experience, if it did not FEEL real?
Blossom: So, are my FEELINGS real?
FoL: To you at this time … in this illusion. Let us speak more of this.
Blossom: Please, be my guest!
FoL:  Look up the word ‘Illusion’ if you would.
‘An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Though illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people.’
Blossom: So, are you saying that although it FEELS real to us … … Because it is an illusion … our FEELINGS are distorted from our TRUE reality … whatever that may be ... if there is no one Truth!!! Anyone got a spade so I can dig myself in deeper … or indeed out?
FoL: Yes we are! You say that it is different for us, in the realms we reside … and we do not understand how it is to be living in your dimension. In many ways, this is correct. Our FEELINGS are real … for we are not in The Game.
Your FEELONGS are as REAL as you are able to perceive them ... within this 'illusional reality.'
Blossom: So … do you go by ‘nothing matters’ in YOUR reality?
Blossom: LOVE matters … TO ME … LOVE matters.
Blossom: That matters!
FoL: How can we help you to ‘Get it’?
Blossom: Keep trying! I just don’t ‘Get it’… that LOVE doesn’t matter.
FoL: Yet, EVERYTHING … as we said … IS LOVE … How IT chooses to act out … in all ITS different scenarios, does not take away the fact that it is STILL LOVE.
Blossom: Yet … if nothing matters … one could say … I can do anything I like …  kill … maim … rape … and it simply doesn’t matter … IT DOES!
FoL: To YOU in YOUR reality.
Blossom: Does it not matter to YOU that people do this then?
FoL: Not when you can see the WHOLE PICTURE … which you are unable to do!
Blossom: Yes, I get that bit …
FoL: Therefore … in ALL its forms … it is BEING ITSELF.
EVERYTHING IS LOVE … and it MATTERS NOT how it chooses to appear … because IT IS ALL LOVE.
Blossom: Now then … here’s the clincher … Doesn’t LOVE matter then?
That is the only answer we can offer you to that question.
Blossom: Well, I don’t know if we have actually progressed here … I’ll absorb today’s information and see where it leads me. Mind you … it doesn’t really matter!!
Thanks Guys for ‘trying’ …. I’ll get there. Some already have … I never was at the top of the class!
FoL: That doesn’t matter.
Blossom: Further down the rabbit hole we go! In Love and thanks. Until next time …
FoL: Always, we are in Love with you.
Later that day.
Blossom: Later that day,  I found myself in a particularly bad mood … A rarity for me … and I didn’t like it! Not really succeeding in trying to calm my thoughts, I said in my head ‘Being in this bad mood DOES MATTER … TO ME’ … and the immediate reply/thought was,  ‘Because you are CHOOSING to let it matter!’.

The penny dropped for me! Well , maybe a halfpenny! So I said … ‘I CHOOSE to not let this matter’ … and all I can say is … that a wave of Love came over me … and I ‘Got it’. Well, that bit!

I realized that by CHOOSING to let go and really accepting it ‘didn’t matter’ that I was in a bad mood … I got out of the way … and … how do I put this?... It allowed for LOVE to take over. That’s the only way I can describe it. So, I then applied that, to thinking about war and hunger etc … said the same thing to myself … ‘I CHOOSE not to let it matter’ … and had the SAME FEELING of LOVE … TAKING OVER … this time, on a global scale. In that moment … I GOT IT. Not sure I still have it … yet, thought I’d share, in the TRUSTING it may assist those who are on the same page as me … to GET IT.
* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE.

Audio here.

A short update on the energies ~ Aisha North 10.13.2014

A short update on the energies

The adjustments that have been undertaken recently will help to bring you all up to par as it were with the continuation of incoming energetic fluctuations, and so, even if some of you will still feel some temporary physical setbacks as the full scope of these energeticencodings enter your being, you will soon find yourself emerging from the fog as it were in every sense of the word. You see, as the ongoing inoculation if you will will continue to increase not only in magnitude but also in velocity, you will also continue to increase your abilities to incorporate them at an ever increasing speed. For now there is no holding back this flow of endless illumination, and so, as you continue to take in more of these energized particles with literally every breath you take, you are also in a continuous flow of expansion and eviction. In other words, as you continue to grow with this flow, you also continue to exhale whatever it is that your body has been holding on to, the detritus to use a familiar word of your former existence, and this will continue to exit your physical vehicle.

This process in itself is not without its interesting side effects as some of you may be able to testify to, for it will at times feel as if you have been running a marathon or moving a mountain during your sleep. And in many ways, this is actually what you have been doing, as you are all doing a formidable work of lightening your load in this way. And so, as day follows night and in the blink of an eye seems to be followed by a new day, this process continues to speed up exponentially, and you can almost be likened to shooting stars now by the amount of debris that glitters in your wake. For if you could see this from our perspective, you would see yourself as a shining pinprick of light gathering speed, while a trail of glimmering stardust shimmers in your wake as you continue to separate yourself fully from your old being.

Again, this process is something that has not been done before, for unlike others going through a similar process of upscaling their energetic vibrational field, you are doing so while fully immersed within a physical body. And so, you are truly the brightest stars on the firmament in every sense of the word, and you are also the ones who have been chosen for this very task by your abilities to fly as high as you are doing. For this is not something that is taken on by chance, but by a divine design, a design that you yourselves have been instrumental in putting together.

So again we say know that all is well, and you are fanning the flames of your booster rockets even as we speak, the better to accelerate your speed even more as this week continues to supply you with even more fuel for your engines, and so, all you have to do, is to allow that old field of dust that is still trailing in your wake to finally let go completely from your field. For even if this evacuation process of the old is beautiful to behold, and the detritus from it can be mesmerizing to observe, it is also of the greatest importance that you do not let yourself fall for the temptation to crane your neck and look behind you too much. For what you need to do, is to focus on the horizon ahead, and the more you continue to look backwards, the more tempestuous your journey will be.

In other words, let yourself fly away from the old and focus your inner vision on what lies ahead, not on those shimmering and alluring glimpses of your past. For they will only serve to slow you down, and remember the incoming shower of sparks will only serve to push you that much harder if you are facing in the wrong direction. So give yourself the leeway you need in order to let bygones be bygones, and set your sight on the uncharted territory that awaits ahead, ready for you to come and reclaim it. For it may seem unfamiliar to you at the moment, but the space that awaits you is more familiar to you than what you can envisage at this time, for it is indeed the primordial sea of energetic potential that beckons ahead, a place you used to know like the back of your hand, and a place that is so eager to welcome you back home into it.

And so, the more you let yourself forget what is trailing in your wake, the sooner it will let go completely from your sphere of influence, and the faster and lighter your journey forwards and upwards will be. So let go, and let the flow of incoming light continue to push you in the back so you can get reunited with that former version of you, the pure one, the all-encompassing one, the one that is devoid of inhibitions, limitations and lies, the ones that is pure and simple light and potential, but this time, it will be all this and it will be held within this familiar container you call your body. And that dear ones, is the goal you are aiming for, and it is within reach for every single one of you, and it is far, far closer than you perhaps think.


October, 2014: What Does Transition Feel Like?


vortexI cannot speak for you, of course… but as for me, going through the most intense days of our recent full moon/full lunar eclipse surely felt like a major vortex of transition. It is only NOW, however, as I tune into how I feel as I come out the other side, that I realize that (for me), that is exactly what it was. Still shaken to the core, I’m aware that I am not the same as I was before I entered… but how, I couldn’t tell you yet. I’m way too busy scanning my emotional and physical bodies to make sure I’m still intact.

Or perhaps NEWLY intact might be more accurate. I say that because, in the deepest part of the eclipse, I lost any sense of  “me-ness” at all. I was electric with feelings and sensations, embodying them all, letting them all flow through me, completely beyond separating myself from them or even labeling them. Forget all about judging them as “right or wrong!” I was not only in the vortex, but I became it. I was not only in transition, but I was the transitioner, and the transition, itself.

Its funny, but when I reached into my psyche to find a common, colloquial phrase to to match whatever I was in that vortex of transition, the word “drama queen” came to mind! Ha. Perfect. I get it. I was, indeed, a “drama queen.” I did not let ego concerns hold me back, and thus, whatever is more of me took over. Over fear, need to control, need to project my own experience onto others… I reigned, in other words. Defined by the dictionary as “the exercise of sovereign power.”

Never will I use the term “drama queen” in the old disparaging way again. I will briefly say a little more about that, in case it might be useful to you before the next “vortex of transition” hits with our New Moon/Solar Eclipse around October 23. Of course, you may not experiences it at all, just as you may not relate to my experiernce of this recent one. That is fine… more than fine. We each have our own methods and choices of when and how to go beyond our prior illusionary limitations. If my awarenesses resonate and are of service to you, they are yours. If not, just forget about them.

Okay, so here is the foundation of the whole context I’m about to share–
“As above, so below.”
I spent much of the month of September discovering the truth of that.
All we “think we need to know,” we already know.
The proof of that is within us to be recognized.
The lessons we need to remind us are all around us.

So, if you feel wildly discombobulated by your own recent vortex of transition (in whatever way you experienced it), I want to remind you that you have gone through even more powerful ones than that.

You were born, were you not?
I will tell you that being born into a whole NEW world as a physical being…
entering the vortex of the birth canal, pushing your way through to the other side…
there is your proof.

As a mother who has given birth to life, I will tell you what I know about transition.
The stage of childbirth that occurs between the pangs of preparation and the actual birthing of NEW life is called “transition.” And so it is. No prior rules apply.
Egoic concerns, “shoulds,” expectations, all that has to do with “me-ness” are quickly swept away.
If you are a woman, or have ever witnessed a woman giving birth without unnecessary medical interference, then you know that what I say is true.

I BECAME the process of giving birth.
My children did as well.
And so together, we exercised our sovereign power to bring forth their chosen NEW lives.
Drama queens and king, we are.

Hard to describe, perhaps, but something you already know all about, whether male or female, parents or not. Don’t tell ME you can’t handle vortexes!
You were born.

Want to know more about about your sovereign power, and how to use it? Then join our global energy tele-gathering. From wherever you are, all you need is a phone. See how powerful you are?

SUNDAY, OCTOBER  19th, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.PSTD
To register:
Offer your reciprocal energy exchange via Paypal to

And bring your questions! These gatherings are for YOU.


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