Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hilarion’s Weekly Message
September 14-21, 2014
Beloved Ones,
It is time to divorce yourselves from the endless distractions that present themselves in relentless attempts to take you from your inner core of knowing. Look instead to the heavens and to the alignments that are taking place in the cosmos. This is, indeed, big news and important for you to take note of as you go about your daily activities and duties upon the planet. There is much that is now available to be discerned and re-discovered. As the Earth moves more into a spherical time belt, it brings into focus many ancient remembrances and knowledge. These are ready to be re-introduced into the evolving civilization that you are a part of. Get centered within and see if you are ready to bring them forth. The atmosphere of Earth has been seeded with new knowledge that is just waiting to be brought into focus by ones such as you, pulling knowledge from the past that only needs to be updated to be of great use in this time of now.
The world is ready to embrace more knowledge and new methods that are aligned with and in harmony with Source in a way that leaves no footprints upon your planet and harms no one and no thing upon it. It IS a potential that is now ready to be manifested into your new reality. We are calling forth those ones who volunteered to bring these forward in order to assist during these times. Deep within you, you have this knowing and this call from the higher dimensions will activate that knowing. We anticipate that many will answer this call and will put the betterment of their planet and its kingdoms as their main priority, instead of involving themselves in the endless quest for personal gain and power, for this former concept is now becoming a pile of ashes. You come from places in the universe where the highest and greatest good of all is foremost in the collective and cooperative consciousness and where all have everything they need as and when they need it. You carry the templates of these within yourselves and are now ready to anchor them into your current reality.
Some of you may be surprised by the knowledge that surges through you, for it will be in an area that was not looked at before with any great seriousness but if you examine your past, you will see that the potential was there, simmering in the background of your lives. Let it flow through you and trust the process, in whatever it comes through. Realize that each of you is here at this time to add your unique and valuable gifts to your emerging new society, in whatever form they take. It just requires your belief and confidence in yourselves. The abundance of the universe is flowing into each life and many doors are opening that hitherto were closed to them. In order to receive this abundance, you must open yourselves to receive it and this is done through daily stillness and inner silence. This abundance we speak of comes on wings of love in the form of creative ideas that must be acted upon, for action is necessary in order for the manifestation of any idea to come into fruition.
With this said, it is incumbent upon each of you to seriously keep a daily journal of all the ideas and thoughts that come to you during each day. Keeping careful track of the times and dates is important also which could be helpful to you at a later time. Your god sanctioned guides are working with you now to awaken those aspects of your authentic being by impressing words, thoughts and images into your mind. These are intended to help you and to give clues and hints to guide you on your path. Some of the promptings you receive may seem impossible to implement in your current situation but if you record these carefully in your daily journal, you will have a record that will remind you later when the time for these to manifest is upon you.
We, your guides, strive to work with you to further your spiritual progress and also are able help in whatever situations you are currently trying to cope with by helping you to see alternate solutions or by planting new ideas and perspectives into your consciousness so that you are enabled to make your life work. We cannot do your spiritual, mental, emotional or physical work for you, for that is solely your responsibility and is the domain of your own soul guidance, but we can and do very often, uplift and inspire and empower you to see your way through the challenges that befall you by being incarnate upon this planet. During your times of stillness and silence, talk to us and ask for our assistance with your daily life - for without your conscious request, we cannot be of assistance, for we must adhere to the universal law of non-interference with your god given free will choice. We are here and we are ready.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.


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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

September 14, 2014

Blossom: Hello. Well, it seems the last two conversations have enabled the vibration of many, to move a few rungs up that ladder. Including myself. I can’t quite put my finger on it, yet, I just FEEL different and it FEELS so Good. Like I am really beginning to ‘Get it’. I would LOVE for you to continue on in the same vein if that suits you?
The Federation of Light (FoL): Greetings to ALL on your astounding Planet Earth.
Blossom: I just got a visual of mountains and lakes and FELT the Glory of it. Thank you.
FoL: It is our delight to move Higher with you in preparation for the wonders that are to benefit you …  and it gives us the Greatest of Pleasure to do so.
Blossom: So, may we continue on the same theme?
FoL: We would care to point out that this that you are experiencing is only taking place due to the individual’s willingness to do so. For many, many years now … we have almost ‘drummed into you’ that which we KNOW to be of benefit. Little by little, you have allowed your Beings to soak up this information … which of course you already knew … and it is that NOW … the pieces are finally fitting together.
Much we could have told you in earlier days would not have been accepted in its Truth at that time, as the soul was not in the correct place to accept it for what it is.
How simple.
You shall find that as we continue to converse with you … your Vibration shall automatically resonate with that which we offer … for those who are ready to receive it. You are understanding more and more that it is YOU … and only You … that has the power to change that which is no longer acceptable to you. You are realising that the things you no longer require in the physical, emotional and soul self are easily discarded these days … and inspirational moments of the self and where it is CHOOSING to go … are readily accepted with Joy and much Enthusiasm.
This is wonderful news for The Whole. You are accepting your worthiness of everything that is of Goodness to come to you. You are remembering not to wallow in that of a lower Vibrational Energy, and respecting the pure and simple fact that YOU are doing incredibly well on your pathways. Yet, most of all … you are moving into a space that allows you to understand the workings of a magnetical force that can bring to you all that you desire.
Blossom: Feeling very blessed as I went to bed the other night, with many of my family visiting, I was very much in Gratitude mode and a heart full of Love … and then my thoughts turned to those far less fortunate … who may be sleeping on a street corner for instance … yet, automatically …. I sent the FEELING of cosiness that I had … out to them. So that they may receive the same FEELING. In days gone by I would not have understood the power of that.
FoL: Many do not understand the power that lies within. Yet, you are discovering that there is so much you are capable of. You are no longer whingeing and whining … with all respect … yet, getting on with the job of BEING LOVE.
What a spectacular form of experience … should you so CHOOSE … you have at your very fingertips.
It is for many … that finding themselves slipping into a lower Vibrational thought pattern … they rectify immediately … and bring that Vibration back up to the Higher.
We wish you to understand the POWER of this. For by remaining in the HIGHER … you are serving your Planet in the very best way you can.
There are those upon your Earth plane who FEEL they have nothing of any substance to offer. They are neither channellers, speakers, healers, or indeed anything in which they FEEL many are giving of.
Yet, Dearest Ones … it matters not WHAT YOU DO … as long as it is done IN/AS/THROUGH LOVE. It has exactly the same effect, no matter what your position, when one is living within that Higher aspect of themselves. For by doing so … one’s Vibration radiates to the ALL.
Do not consider the self any more or less than another because of the ‘service’ one has found themselves offering.
There can be not one that is greater or smaller …
Yet, what DOES make a difference … is the attitude one has whilst going about taking every breath … within every moment.
Do you see of that which we are saying?
You have asked us to speak of The New World and what it will be like …
Each one taking full responsibility for their Happiness. Each one sending their FEELINGS of JOY out to Everything. For when you do so … you cannot possibly sink into the realms of despair and frustration. You cannot give the things that are not conducive to your way of Being, any Energy ... because you are not focusing on that which you do not want. You are only magnifying the FEELINGS of that which you do want. Of that which you want Everybody to have.
When YOU ARE BEING LOVE in its finest array of colour, you are doing what you came to do. You are lifting the Vibration and serving The Whole.
There is not one soul that cannot benefit from YOUR LOVE OF YOURSELF and the experiences you are choosing to undertake.
Inside each one is a key to this Happiness and so many of you now, are able to access this key and open the door to a much deeper understanding of ‘How this all works’.
You are finding that thoughts you once had about a certain matter no longer please ... and that ONLY thoughts of a Higher degree FEEL correct within your BEING.
You are doing exceedingly well. We of other Vibrations are extremely excited in which the pace has picked up regarding each individual remembering their TRUTH.
Years ago … there was talk of ‘The Quickening’. Everything seemed to be racing ahead from a spiritual soul self-point of view. We say … that there is another ‘spurt’ of this Energy that is taking place NOW. Yet, it is far stronger and far more implementative (?) than has taken place before. The reasoning, of course, is because so much since then, has lifted. Therefore, EVERYTHING is now on a Higher Vibration than it was when one spoke of it before.
This is the joyous workings of the plan, playing itself out  ... THROUGH YOU.
Blossom: I really am understanding it more, yet, again … the FEELINGS are so hard to put into words. I do find it all very exciting!
FoL: Excitement shows that one is on track. When one gets excited at the prospect of becoming more and more of their TRUE self ... then we can safely say, that we FEEL we are accomplishing our mission.
This FEELING that is with inside these days, is what we have been working towards. The more, more of you are ‘Getting it’ … the more we are able to advice on tactics to rise to another rung of the ladder.There is so much more that we are able to expand upon, NOW that you are allowing yourselves to expand! It is very much akin to a veil having been lifted and therefore, Energy and communication can take on a much HIGHER LEVEL than previously acclaimed.
When we speak of your Joy becoming the Joy of ALL … we are not just speaking of souls and Energy upon YOUR planet. That which you give out in FEELINGS of Happiness and LOVE … does not suddenly come to a halt as it reaches the outer corners of your globe.
No, dearest friends … it continues on … throughout ALL and EVERYTHING.
How wonderful a thought … that by YOU FEELING FULL OF LOVE and Joy … that you are assisting a BEING on another planet in another galaxy FEEL Joy and Happiness also. The expansion of these FEELINGS that are yours … can extend to ALL THAT IS.
Therefore, it would not be possible for any action you think or take … to not affect the WHOLE.
How delicious to sit and breathe deeply and smile … and FEEL full to the brim in LOVE … KNOWING that by taking the time to do so, you are offering that which you are giving yourself … to be given to another. And not just another … EVERYONE.
Every living thing is affected by your choice to be Happy … in all that you do.
Blossom: I have to say that this plan sure is a DIVINE ONE. By taking soul/sole responsibility for the self … in the KNOWING that each choice affects THE ALL … it really makes one want to pull their socks up and make sure that one keeps ‘above’ it all … rather than ‘below’. To KNOW that I am having a good time … maybe a good laugh … maybe FEELING deep Gratitude from watching a sunset … to KNOW that I am assisting a lonely soul or a troubled soul of any degree by doing so … is just so awesome.
FoL: You are surely getting it now Blossom. We are FEELING of late … that we are really getting through … and we are honoured to be part of it ALL.
There are times, naturally … when one’s thoughts and FEELINGS may be in opposition to that of Joy and pleasure to the heart … yet, it takes but a few deep breathes in LOVE … and a few thoughts of that which one KNOWS to be uplifting … to bring one’s heart back into alignment.
One should never feel guilt for not always BEING the best one can Be. Life is an up and down ride … as you KNOW. If you did not have the downs … how could you recognise the ups? The difference these days … in these Glorious days … being … that the ‘low's’ are no longer as low as they used to be.
THE BEST NEWS OF ALL IS … that the ‘HIGHS’ are HIGHER than they ever were … and shall continue to move on up.
So, do you see Dear Ones? Are you ‘Getting it’ now?
The world which you are so looking forward to living in … is right on your door step. See how far you have travelled? See how much more your levels of understanding have lifted you into a place that you ‘think' you are looking forward to.
All you need do … is continue on the way you are … and all around you shall appear to be that which you keep dreaming your world to BE.
That which you live by … surround yourself with … FEEL your soul’s excitement through … IS THE NEW WORLD that you long for.
The more LOVE you allow to flow through you … AS YOU … the quicker the pace in which your dream world shows up before your very eyes.
Everyone has dreams. Everyone has fantasies of WHO/HOW they want to be. It is ALL THERE for each one.
Bring it to you. Each one … bring to themselves their perfect existence and watch … Dearest souls … watch … as if by magic … how THIS NEW WORLD expresses itself THROUGH EACH ONE.
Oh, how our BEINGS are full of delight, that we are now breaking through … on to a Higher level.
There is so much more to come.
So much more to share ...~
So much more … so very much more available to you … as you continue to climb the ladder.  The never ending ladder.
We wish not to appear condescending for we are not of that Vibration … yet, we FEEL so very proud of YOU UPON EARTH who are performing the most magnificent play ever performed.
For today … we close the curtains … until next time.
Shine your Lights out ... it matters not in which direction … for anywhere it radiates, shall surely be received Gratefully … aware or unaware.
May our LOVE penetrate deeply within your BEINGS ... allowing your hearts to smile … which in turn allows other hearts to smile … because, heart smiles … face smiles … all smiles … assist The Whole.
Blossom: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. How blessed we are!
I shall continue to post this under the channellings, for the sake of new readers. The more I listen to it, the more it sinks in! 

* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. .

Audio here.

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Heart Star

Journey of Soul Awakening

The Sun, the Moon, and the Arch of higher frequencies.

Dear friends,

I’d like to share some perceptions of the deeper aligning of higher dimensions on Earth during the period of August 31 to September 9, 2014 (and onward!) through a series of photos I took of the Sun (Aug 31) and Moon (full, on Sept 9), and the escalation, fusion and movement they ‘embody’.

August 31 saw a tremendous cooperative work to balance the Sun’s magnetic field, with members of the galactic fleet and many higher beings of the Sun gathered to literally Tone the Sun’s field into stability. While feeling the vibration of this Toning, aligning with it deeply, I saw rainbows form around the Sun, partially visible in the clouds in the following photos. In the first photo, you may be able to see open-mouthed ‘singing’ faces in the rainbow areas, representing the frequencies of sound used to ‘hold’ the Sun’s field:


In this close-up, you can see a white lioness face in the clouds, looking upward, with the shape of an eagle behind/above her, with head and wing shapes visible, projections of Sesherat and Ashtar, overseeing the correction:

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The next photos show a ‘shadow angel form’ closing around the Sun, and the condensing energies of ‘its’ focus:

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Light beings (see the upper rainbow area) converged on the less light energies and, as it was expressed to me, ‘wrapped them in a cloud-ship':

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The Sun’s magnetic field was corrected/lifted with Cube (6D) frequencies, which visualized in the clouds as the Sun’s radiance becoming cube-shaped:


Since this rebalancing, there has been a continuous surge of higher light, which has been raising areas where release of pressure, rebalancing, healing and release of core wounds/divisions of the masculine/feminine wholeness, both individually and collectively, are needed, and in the planet shaking out old energies and releasing the ‘heat’ of the collective consciousness (I’ve been much aware of volcanic murmurings through the Western Pacific chain from New Zealand to Japan, and my Twin has noted the activity of seafloor volcanoes up the Atlantic ridge, to Iceland).

With this surge, energies of the arch, the bow, the rainbow bridge have come to the forefront (my Twin, Bareld, has posted Part One of an in-depth article of the ‘long arc’ of the bow/crescent arch as the Mother aspect of Source, through which the Son/Christ Consciousness is reborn, over at his blog here – along with examples of how this energy is currently symbolizing here). This week, Horus has connected with me for the first time this year, with recurring images of Nut, Egyptian depiction of the Mother energy of Source, the Arch of Life and nourishment of all Life:


Culminating with Full Moon on September 9, which appeared veiled in cloud amid a full rainBow spectrum, what the camera picked up was the golden tone in that spectrum, so the Moon in these photos appears within a soft Arch or cradle of solar golden light – the Solarized Moon:



Mother wraps Father (Nut arches over Geb), Father wraps Mother, Sun wraps Moon, merged as One, the child is birthed, guarded by the Arch-angels. In Horus’s mythic symbolism, the Moon was called his left eye, and the Sun his right eye…and the One Eye unites them. The meeting in the middle. Can you feel the Trinity energy of the eyes, physical and pineal? The photo below is an Orb of Horus, as he projected last year, with the white double arch of his wings rising around each side of the central ‘disc':


Or again, the arch of wings in his hawk light form projection, like the wings of Mother Isis:



From Horus: Align the Heart’s Eye with the way of the Bow. Blessed is the Gate, safe is the cradle, be it in the Sun or stable. We bring reunion, Heaven’s Light, left and right, wing of the Lion, wing of the Dove, RE-meeting in the mitha of eternal Love. 

The reunion and birth energies flowing into Gaia’s Shift are truly universal in essence, the fusion point of an ancient galactic drama reflected in the dualism on 3D Earth. Horus returns me to the image of the gryphon, or simurgh, which I hear as ShiMuRa: the pure harmony of Light and Love that once was, and always IS, as my Twin and I remember it in the First Universe of Mu:

simurgh_church at Samtavisi

The Lion people and Bird people re-blend their energies once more, in this Now, in concert with the wholeness, the Mother-Father Oneness of Source, to and through us all. If we can open our hearts to receive it, the way is open to us, the dimensions are a flower – and a fruit – to our hand.

Last night before sleeping, I heard to the words, ‘Look to the Equinox.’ And this morning, saw this video, The Eye of Horus and the Autumn Equinox 2014, from Magenta Pixie, a lovely synchronicity through the collective field. My interpretation is not astrological (a precise predictor of the 3D personality and its trajectory, individually and collectively, however our higher dimensional aspects are not governed by the ‘personalities’ of planets or constellations) and I feel to say this about the Thirteenth Sign she mentions; feel in to the sacred geometry of Fruit of Life*, in which the Thirteenth Sign, or Sphere, of the Divine Feminine, sits in the heart of the Fruit (or heart Chakra, of twelve ‘petals’):


When Magenta speaks of the ‘Path of the Sun and the Path of the Moon becoming One’, feel in it the realigning of the ‘Source Mother-Father wrap’ and the loosing of the arrow of Love, the ignition of Christ Consciousness, the return of the Son….the fruit birthing through the centre of the Flower of Life.

In the continuous flow of reflection, yesterday a flock of white Ibises flew over me (perhaps not the first Egyptian migrants to Australia). One landed beside my car, the afternoon sun lighting its crescent beak. Thoth’s bird, of the arch, the bow of the Mother, from which comes Thoth’s (and the Mother aspect of Source’s) association with the Moon. In ancient Egyptian, the word for the heart was IB; IB IS On, or is that IB I Son, the seed of Ison in its culmination path of unison through the Heart…


In this footage of an X-Class solar flare which has just reached Earth’s magnetic field in, have a look at the heart-shapes origin spot of the flare. The ‘heart of the Sun’ is open, light flows through the portal. Be ready to receive; heart open, in peace, relaxed, drink plenty of water, and take care of your own torus field, so excess flare energy flows around your being, in whatever way feels good to you. (In HUG, we use the SunStar and Golden Apple practices, which you can also find in the Practices page on this site, and I also suggest cooling/calming Blue practices. You may even want to drink ‘blue water’ – pour water into a blue glass or bottle, in sunlight for a couple of hours, and drink the frequency of ‘solarized blue’, with blessings to the water).

May we all feel the beauty of the ‘golden end’ of the rainBow…or is that the ‘beginning’?

Much love to you all. Namaste! <3


PS: In the last two weeks here, the Sun has looked like the Moon, and last night over the hills here, the Moon looked like the Sun, not yellow or orange, but pure shining gold! Mergence is deepening, so focus on staying at ease with intense or extreme energies surfacing through you, release them with love, relax the busy mind into simplicity, to receive gracefully…and enjoy…. :)


NB: You can read about the Fruit of Life in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.


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A short update on the energies


By now, the incoming energies will begin to register in many of you, as they herald the flux that will accompany next week’s portal of the Equinox. Yes, this is indeed another one of those numerous occasions when mankind get the chance to take another step up on this seemingly endless ladder of ascension. For we are well aware that for many, this process may seem to be endless, and that is indeed understandable. After all, this what you knew from the very beginning would constitute your life’s work this time around, and so, it is not by accident that you have been guided through this process in increments, seemingly minuscule at some times, while at others you truly commit yourselves to a true quantum leap. And this time, we can indeed guarantee you it will not be one of those infinitesimally small steps ahead, no this time, it will indeed be a mighty push in the back that will propel you all forwards in a giant leap. And so, whatever happens in the upcoming days, know that it will all be in order to prepare you all in the best possible way the better for you to be able to receive these bountiful gifts of energetic emissaries already heralding their arrival.


And so we say again remember to listen well to what your physical body may request in the time ahead, but also to the singsong of these incoming frequencies, for they are already starting to vibrate through your very being. And the better you are able to tune into these beforehand, the more approachable you will seem to be. And so, whatever it may be that needs to be done for you in order to speed up your forward momentum, the easier this process will become if you once again allow this light to interact with your being in a relaxed fashion.


You see, this is not about forcing anything, neither for you nor on our side of the veil, for this is indeed a process that will be tailored so that it fits perfectly to each and every one of you. And now, you have all come to a stage where you are no longer idle spectators or simple recipients of these wondrous energetic signatures. No, you also play an active part in the goings on in the form of actively tuning into your being the better not just to listen, but also respond back. This may sound confusing to some of you, for you will think you have no idea at all just how to respond to these incoming vibrations, but not to worry, for you all know this literally in your very bones. For this is indeed something that is old knowledge to all of you, and as such, this is not the first time you have done this, but it might be the first time you have a conscious understanding of what it is you actually do when you start up this multi frequency dialogue that is about to begin on a truly global basis.


Remember, you did not come here unprepared in any way, but this is all about allowing your old memories to come up to the surface again after having spent literally lifetimes hidden at the deeper layers of your consciousness. But now, it will all start to come to light again, in every sense of the word, and just like any skill you might have learned while still a young child, this too will suddenly seem to come naturally to you. For it is indeed simply something you have forgotten you knew how to do, but as soon as you start to tune into these brand new signals coming in, something will begin to stir within you, seemingly by its own accord, and you will find yourself literally swimming in familiar waters.


Be that as it may, still it is indeed imperative that you all remember to step away from the outside noise and step back into you in a way that will allow you to literally tune into yourself before the main broadcast if you will of these incoming signals begin to arrive. So once again we say do not let your focus be pulled away from you in the time ahead, even if there might be more than a little disturbance both in the near but also in the distant reaches of your surroundings. For as usual, whenever the light quotient begins to rise here on this little planet of yours, it also serves to stir up those still trying to make everyone ignore the light and rather focus their sight into those still dim and dank corners that they prefer mankind to hover about. So again we leave you with the reminder that whatever it is that tries to distract you from maintaining your focus on you inner world, do not let it take too much of your time, for this time, it is indeed of the highest importance that you follow the golden rule of maintaining a close and intimate connection with you own core.


For that is where the keys will fit perfectly, those keys that will be delivered to you all during this upcoming period, and if you are not ready to receive them yet or you simply allow yourself to drift away from you, then those inner chambers where these old skills lie waiting for you to find them will remain shut for a good while longer. And after spending so much time and so much effort getting to this point in time, we do hope you all will grasp this wonderful opportunity you get to really speed up your own progress in a very special way. So again we say go within, and sit down with yourself and prepare to listen in, both to what you have to tell yourself about your abilities to connect both to the inner and the outer worlds, but also to those signals that will come knocking on your door in these upcoming days. For these signals will be faint at first but they will indeed pick up both in magnitude and in frequency, and the better you are at preparing for them by allowing that inner dialogue to begin, the faster you will begin to have a true conversation with these incoming signals of the highest importance.


Again, this is not to make you feel uneasy about your ability to catch these messengers in flight as it were, rather, it is simply to remind you not to let yourself scatter your focus too wide, lest you should be too overwhelmed by anything that happens outside of you. For that will be very easy in the time ahead, as there are those still set on distracting you in all sorts of ways, and the only one who can choose where you choose to look, is you.


So let these incoming waves buffet you enough to remember to stop and refocus in a way that will enable you all to find the tune you have been looking for for such a long time now. For we know that if you let yourself open up to this, you will all find yourselves singing perfectly in tune with these incoming energetic emissaries, and together, you will make up a heavenly choir that in turn will help to retune this entire planet once again. Remember, whenever you reach another rung on this ladder of frequencies, you also serve to bring so many others along with you, and the more of you that allow these signals to act as those inner keys they are meant to be, the faster this process will go.


So to sum it all up; to increase the speed of this whole operation, we ask you all to slow down your own speed so that you have the time and the opportunity to simply stop in your tracks and listen in to these signals that have already started to reach your shores. And when you do, we venture to guess that you will all feel how your very being starts to hum in anticipation for what comes next. So let yourself sing along dear ones, and do not be afraid of singing out of tune, for you will all reach perfect pitch in the blink of an eye as soon as you allow yourselves to open up to this heavenly conversation.






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