Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 8-Dec-2014 10:19:27

Every time I hear of another banker going down, I am reminded of what Michael Prince (James Casbolt) predicted in the Bases Project interviews with Miles Johnston:

...The Fourth Reich DVD Zionazis will intensify their efforts to achieve and maintain full spectrum planetary domination.

...The focus will be turned to America, which is the last holdout preventing planetary domination by the Fourth Reich.

...Obama, a sycophant of the Marxist Communist faction of DVD, will do his part by putting the focus on race, and attempt to instigate a race war, which will lead to a promoted and orchestrated civil war, which will lead to a planned fascist military police state crackdown on Americans - and full spectrum domination of America will be achieved under the Israeli Nazionist factions of DVD, who control and operate the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

...Thousands of specifically trained, mind controlled assassins and sleeper agents have been activated, deployed, and released into the population under directives from the Vatican and Jesuit factions.

...According to Prince/Casbolt once these agents have been deployed, they cannot be recalled by anyone, and are programmed to faithfully execute only the prime directive of their training/programming.

Casebolt did not specify the mission of the Vatican/Jesuit agents, only that they have been deployed.

In the cases of dead bankers, the question arises as to whom is fighting whom, and which faction is taking out the bankers.

Are the Vaitcan/Jesuit assassins taking out banksters who might talk and reveal too many details of the Vatican-Jesuit-Nazionists crimes against Humanity?

Or - are White Hat factions taking out the banksters who are near to the top of the heap of international criminal factions - before they can do any more damage to Humanity?

One strategy to gain and exert more control over the very top echelon of the Kabbal's banking elite criminal factions, would be to take out the bankers' close hierarchical underlings who actually implement the banksters control systems, and then notify the top level Satanists banksters to 'cease and desist' their own nefarious activities or 'they will be next'.

It still remains that MOST at the top of the banking Kabbal hierarchy do indeed bleed and die - just as easily as regular folk.

In addition to the criminal banking factions, this same strategy could be instituted in every other area of the Kabbal's multifaceted system of parasitical control and dominance over Humanity.

Casebolt, for his part, was last heard from in front of a British 'Court', awaiting sentencing on a variety of 'charges', one of them allegedly for the crime of possessing pot - which British authorities claim to have found in a search of Casbolt's flat.



Bases at the Barge Michael Prince 2nd Edition

Published on May 11, 2014 By Miles Johnston

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Illuminati Super Soldier, James Casbolt, Reveals the Human Name of the Leader of the 13 Ruling Illuminati

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