Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

GOD Message to humanity
 14th August 14
by Karen Dover 
Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as GOD and I ask for you to BREATHE and to BE for ALL NOW shifts and changes as the higher dimensional realities are now born through, around and within the human race in TRUTH.
That which has been kept from the human race now shining brightly for ALL to see and to understand. The knowledge once hidden from SELF now FLOWS through, around and within SELF and I ask for you to understand the movement that now begins in earnest. This movement is into TRUTH to ALL levels of your BEing and your SOUL now asks to be heard in TRUTH.
For many of you this may be through the intense dreaming that you experience upon resting, for others it may come through the symbols and the signs that your SOUL has left for you in the outer waking world.  ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.
The family of LIGHT now move into FULL UNITY, the concept born of the HEART is now ankhored fully at a human conscious waking mind level and many of you are now understanding the full impact that this concept has upon the human life experience in your personal waking realities.
ALL that is not TRUTH now will evaporate, no longer fed by the lower dimensional frequencies and no longer referenced at a human conscious waking mind level. This will see the manifestation of the DREAM in the outer waking reality of this your human life experience.
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I place the LIGHT of TRUTH in the higher heart and ask for you to illuminate that which JUST IS,through, around and within YOU. To breathe the LOVE that IS to ever cell in your human vehicle and understand that YOU ARE LIGHT, YOU ARE the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.
I place the SEAL of SOLOMON around the human race in TRUTH and ask for ALL to step into full position to now support the expansion of this race in TRUTH.
UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is now ankhored upon the Planet called EARTH, through, around and within the race called the human race and the CONTINUUM is now fully aligned and in sync.
TRUTH JUST IS and this will now radiate through the entire human race as they begin to understand their creation and subsequent illumination in TRUTH at a waking conscious mind level.
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I am the energies that are referenced as GOD and I walk with you, through you and around you as you now take your place amongst the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH.
(c) Karen Dover, all rights reserved
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated and fully referenced. NO permission is granted to change the format of this article which is written and must remain free to access at all times.  Copyright remains with Karen Dover at all times and this copyright notice must be stated when sharing.


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