Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Entering The Golden Chamber ... And ... Third Message from The Golden Ones-Creating New Earth Through Sue Lie...And..Embracing it all? By Ann Albers.


Entering The Golden Chamber

Welcome Dear One we are the Great Beings of the Divine Golden Consciousness. We are the delighted ones in welcoming you into our field of Higher Resonance. In this field we hold the highest vibrations of Love and Golden Light for the activation of higher wisdom and knowledge throughout the universe.

Open your Heart for you are now entering the Golden Lighted Crystal Chamber of Divine Regeneration. You are stepping into the golden beams of auric cleansing and balancing and through this process you will be processed for moving into the inner chambers of divine sanctity.

Open your Heart for you have moved through the realities that have confronted you and you have dissolved the many roadblocks that have obstructed you. You have remained true to your Heart’s inner knowing that you are on the sacred path, you hold the sacred light.

You are a Sacred Heart.

Let go of all efforts needed to sustain you through this journey. Let go of all struggle, all frustration, all discordant feelings of being separated from your true Heart’s centre. You are here and you are held and replenished through these rays of golden light. You are here on the Golden Path to Divine Love.

Come with us now as we move through the Golden Doors and into these hallways that goldendoorsmark the beginning of your journey. For this is not the end Dear One, but the beginning of what will become the most sacred part of your true Heart’s journey. Open up and allow this new level of divinity to carry you through for it is within our guardianship that we will usher you through these Sacred Halls of Knowing.

Step with us now into the Gilded Halls of Remembrance. It is in these soaring walls of Divine Grace that the gilded light of all life is recorded and held sacred. It is here that the scrolls of guidance for all beings are treasured for the contribution of creative experience, for all life is experience and all experience is life.

As we now Elevate our Beings through these clouds of gilded records we can access any part of any existence. It is your own record for your own existence that we are seeking and we will find it under the Illuminated Sun for it is here in this space that the expansion of your own soul’s life contributions has been held.

Sit with me Dear One and we will retrieve one of the many Book of Records.

The origin of your soul stems from the heart of the golden ray. A high soul of many talents, it was decided that this incarnation was when all talents were to be consolidated and amplified for the benefit of all. It was decided that you, carried with the connective energy of all ascending souls, would find your own path back to your true Golden Heart. It would be here that you would find all pieces of your life falling into place and that you would observe yourself transforming not only your own life but those around you.

It would be here in this higher space of Divine Golden Consciousness, that you could not access until you were of the Pure Mind and Heart, that you would seek your true Heart’s identity, that you would understand the true nature of your soul’s purpose and come into the knowing of the strength and wisdom that your soul holds.

Breathe deep Dear One for we are embarking on a journey of great magnitude. We are immersing your physical consciousness with that of your higher consciousness. We are integrating the higher levels of knowledge and wisdom into the impulses of your physical mind.

We are regenerating your physical system with the patterns of your true Golden Heart.

In this book of records we retrieved, we can show you the story that is pertinent to today. This is why you have arrived here today. This is why you have created this space for our presence.

In this record we recall your greatest attribute to be integrated into this physical life steam. This attribute is one of Courage, Strength, Resilience and Presence.

This energy is generated through the courage, strength, resilience and presence of the Lion Goddess. Integrate the essence of the Lion Goddess and the attributes of the Lioness will elevate your life into Union with the Sacred Way.

This is in union with the higher mind and your divine will. This is in union with the higher expression of the sacred path you have set out for yourself.

Open your Heart and integrate into your Being the truth of what this means to you for this is the first step of entering the Golden Chamber.

Breathe deep Dear One for we are with you each step of the way and will be awaiting your willingness to step further into the depths of the Sacred Way.

Channelled by The 12th Road February 20

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Third Message from The Golden Ones-Creating New Earth--Through Sue Lie

We are the Golden Ones, here with you all within this NOW. As you may remember, we are Gaia’s highest expression of SELF. We maintain the frequency spectrum of Gaia’s many versions of reality while she continues Her Ascension Process. 
From our perspective on the Threshold into the fifth dimension, we can see the entire spectrum of our dear, Grounded One’s collective ascension experiences. This “spectrum” represents a huge spectrum of light/realities.
From our multi-dimensional perspective, there is NO difference between “Realities” and “Light” because all realityis lightandlight creates all of reality.
All reality is created by projections, angles, and frequencies of light that are magnetized into your Third Eye and High Heart to be fully transmuted into the illusion of an “external reality.”
While you are wearing your third dimensional Earth Vessel, it is easy, and natural, to perceive your self as a human who has a Soul. However, from our perspective of the Golden Ones, we perceive all reality as various configurations of swirling light.
This swirling light is multidimensional. The variations of color and the forms created by the myriad light projections are beautiful to behold. Within this NOW, we wish to inform you that we also have another Service.
Within this NOW, we are HERE to assist all of you whose consciousness can inter-face with the frequency range of our consciousness. This ability to align with our fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness only occurs when you ready to align your consciousness with the fifth dimensional sub-plane of your Multidimensional SELF.
We say, “the fifth dimensional sub-plane of your Multidimensional SELF,” because the fifth dimension is the Threshold to all the vast multidimensional realities. The fifth dimensional reality is beyond the conception of those who have not taken the journey deep into their own consciousness to meet and heal ALL the incarnations that they have EVER taken on planet Earth.
You see, ascension is much like leaving the stadium after a huge event. However, YOU are the creator of the event, the star performer of that event, as well as the director and producer of that event. Also, you have created many “events,” which we perceive as “incarnations into a physical, earth vessel.”
The NOW of your current reality is very special because the ever rising frequency rate of your planetary Mother Gaia greatly facilitates your ability to expand your consciousness beyond the limitation of your third/fourth dimensional earth vessel and into what humanity has believed to be the Threshold to the Fifth dimension.
We, the Golden Ones, resonate to the frequency of this fifth dimensional threshold and into what you have often called “New Earth.” We have located ourselves on this threshold so that we can best serve to assist all the Ascending Ones to remember, and clear, every incarnation they have ever taken on Gaia.
The only way to “infinitely remain within the resonance of the fifth dimension” is to clear and transmute, ALL residues of any lower frequency experiences that you ever had in ALL your incarnations. We, the Golden Ones, are here at the threshold of the resonance of the “fifth dimensional reality matrix” to assist you with this final, pre-ascension clearing.
By the word “clearing” we mean, “balancing” all the energy fields of all your incarnations to the extent that you can gain and maintain an energy field of the highest frequency of mind and body, that you experienced during all of your many incarnations.
Just as one needs to take all their “stuff” when they move to another house, you will need to take (transmute) all your karma. By “karma” we mean the collective energy field that is the resonant frequency of all the incarnations you ever experienced.
Once you have expanded your consciousness to the frequency of our Golden Portal, we will assist you to “over light” every reality you ever experienced in all the incarnations that you experienced on Gaia. From our point of perception, these realities are all unified into ONE swirling energy field.
This energy field is the sum total of every incarnation, or visits to Earth, you ever experienced in the sum/total of ALL your 3D/4D incarnations. From the perspective of your third/fourth dimensional consciousness, you may think that there are only a few who would be in this group.
However, we The Golden Ones, want you to know that there is an ever-expanding, Golden Energy Field that our “graduates from 3D” are learning to maintain infinitely via their collective consciousness.
“Collective consciousness” is the norm in our world, as there is NO separation of any kind in the fifth dimensional HERE and NOW. Once you have expanded your consciousness into the fifth dimensional resonance, you will be asked to bond with and cross the energy field between the Threshold to the fifth dimension and the fifth dimensional octave of reality.
It is within that NOW that you will need to TOTALLY transmute any dissonant energy patterns that you may have left on Gaia from any of your third or fourth dimensional incarnations.
We also wish to remind you to leave your gift of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire in any of the times or dimensions of reality that you have visited as a, “Thank You, Dear Gaia for allowing us to enter your multidimensional portals.”
These multidimensional portals have always existed on Gaia, but usually only “primitive tribes,” animals, birds, and insects could maintain a connection with Gaia that was innocent enough to be able to UNDERSTAND what Gaia’s opened portals were saying to them.
By the term “innocent connection,” we mean a connection that is as open and honest as that of a small child. We, the Golden Ones, have observed how many humans have lost their ability to look through the innocence of Heart and Mind as they begin to “mature.”
Without this “innocence of Heart and Mind,” many humans lose their ability to experience the innocence of Gaia’s Nature. By “the innocence of Gaia’s Nature,” we mean Nature’s inability to lie.
During primitive realities and peak societies, Nature was beloved and protected by humanity. Therefore, Nature had NO fear, which was largely because the people had NO fear of Nature.
To these innocent, or expanded people, Nature was a huge living being that spoke to them through the weather. To them, a storm did not mean that something was bad. Instead, they realized that after the storm was over, all that was not strong enough to remain attached to their roots was ready to return Home to their Sky Gods.
They also noticed how the young trees with healthy roots could bend with the wind. However, the older trees, which were more brittle, and the trees with unhealthy roots, were pulled from the soil.
Then, the “dead tree” lying on the ground became the home form many insects and other creatures that needed a new home after the storm. Nature does not “kill.” Nature “recycles.
When something, or someone, has become too ill, or too old, to contribute to Gaia, they are released from their physical earth vessel and return HOME to their Spirit.
Then, after the Spirit has shared all that it learned while in physical form, and has re-visited its higher dimensional home, the Spirit decides if it wishes to:
Take another earth vessel,
Return to their fifth dimensional Star Ship or Homeworld to learn more,
Or assist those on Earth from the higher dimensions,
In earlier eras on Gaia, there were many Shamans and Awakened Ones who could read the Light Language sent to them from those who resonated to the higher dimensions.
They could receive these messages via the Light Language that Gaia spoke with Her third dimensional weather, Her fourth dimensional dreams and meditations, as well as Her fifth dimensional Soulful yearnings.
All Light is shared with All Life. However, only those who are willing to expand their consciousness enough to be able to perceive the Light Language that constantly swirls above, around, and through them, are even aware that Light Language exists.
Light and reality are ONE. Light creates reality, but each reality can only exists for as long as it can capture and contain enough light to “feed” the energy field of that reality.
Reality is constructed of the sum/total of light and matter. Light is necessary to create, contain, and disburse itself through a given energy field. However, in order for light to create a reality, it must bond with some frequency of matter.
It is the bonding of light (which includes all mental and emotional constructs) with matter (which is the “building block of life”) that creates and maintains an ongoing reality. We, the Golden Ones, can assist Gaia’s transmutation by directing our multidimensional light through Gaia’s opened planetary portals.
It is the residents of Earth that must maintain these open portals through which our higher light can flow. As we, the Golden Ones, direct our multidimensional light through these opened portals, Gaia’s transmutation into Her fifth-dimensional, planetary expression will begin and be maintained. It is no coincidence that so many of you humans on Earth are openly talking about ascension into their fifth dimensional expression of SELF.
In fact, this “concept of ascension” has filled the consciousness of many humans because you, the members of humanity, are consciously, or unconsciously, receiving the Light Language messages that are increasingly flowing into your reality within this NOW.
You are consciously, or unconsciously, remembering how to perceive, and then receive, the Light Language messages in the same manner that you consciously, or unconsciously, have received your human language. This manner was that you learned your language from your family.
In the same manner, you will learn Light Language from your family of Earth’s inhabitants, as well as from your higher dimensional Galactic Family. Humanity has been praying, chanting, meditating, etc., in order to increase their ability to speak with the higher planes of reality since the dawn of time.
What is changed is that, as Gaia’s frequency increasingly rises, many fifth dimensional beings, who have been waiting for the NOW to assist with planetary ascension, are taking earth vessels.
Most important, more and more of you on Earth are remembering about your life beyond the limitations of third dimensional time and space. In fact, more and more of you are feeling the urge to embrace the NOW of each moment.
What we mean by, “embracing the NOW of each moment,” is that YOU have a choice to calibrate your attention to the dimension of your choice. You NOW have a choice to expand your “range of conscious perception” to encompass the third, fourth AND fifth dimension.
The awakened adults of your NOW have been studying, communicating, learning and meditating for decades so that they can expand their consciousness, as well as their perceptions, beyond the outer, daily life of the third dimension.
You, the awakening ones, are learning, and remembering, that you CAN “find the time” to meditate, and be creative enough that you can expand your brainwaves beyond your third dimensional beta wave consciousness into your fourth dimensional alpha wave consciousness.
Within this “time” that YOU have created for your SELF, you are choosing to construct a life that involves personal and group creative expression, time with nature, lively conversations with friends and family, and remembering how to inter-act with Gaia in the same manner that you would interact with a human.
Would you throw your trash at a human’s face? Would you walk past a human friend and forget to say, “Hello, how are you doing today? Would you have a drink of water without offering a glass of water to your friend? Would you take your trash and dump it on your neighbor’s front yard?
How often do you remember to acknowledge a beautiful flower, a clear sky, or a tall tree? How often do you look into a clear sky and give thanksgivings?
How often do you look into the sky and transmute the smog and chemtrails?
How often have you found the “time” to do something for your planet, or even for your fellow man, or even an animal in need?
We are proud to say that more and more of you can say,
“YES, I just did that the other day.”
However, some of you would confess, “Oh, I got lost in all the fearful propaganda on Earth and forgot that I AM the creator of my life. But, when I stepped under my favorite tree, I remembered that “I” am the creator of my life. Then I said,
“Dear Gaia, I love you unconditionally and I Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire
            Transmuting ALL shadow into Light, Light, Light.”
We, The Golden Ones, want to share with you that there is a “line forming” at our fifth dimensional threshold. Every day, more and more Multidimensional Beings are peeking out of their 3D earth vessel to say,
“Good Morning Mother Gaia.
Today I vow to remember that
And YOU, Dear Mother Gaia, are ME!
We, the Golden Ones, invite you all to begin your day with the above short sentence. If you do so, you will likely discover two things:
One, you will discover that Gaia, Mother Earth, is ALIVE!
Two, you will discover, how seldom you have said, “Good Morning Gaia.”
How often would you forget to say “Good Morning!” to the people that you live with?
When you remember to say “Good Morning” to your planet, you will also remember to say “Good Morning” to your family, your roommates, your neighbors, your trees, your flowers, your self, and YES, your many Higher SELVES.
We, the Golden Ones, remind you to begin your day by saying,
“Good Morning Golden Ones!”
By that simple statement, you will align yourself with us,
“The Protectors of the Portals to fifth dimensional Earth.”
We ask that you then align your physical, self with your physical planet. So that,
The Golden Ones,
The Humans,
Planet Gaia
Can work as ONE to ascend Earth into Her fifth dimensional expression of New Earth!

We, The Golden Ones, welcome you to our Threshold and will assist you to join us.

Video: "Flower of Life 432 HZ " -

Embracing it all? By Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In the heavens, we understand that all perspectives have a "right to be." This is very hard for human hearts to grasp. How can we say perspectives of hatred, division, and bigotry "have a right to be?" How can we allow for a perspective of one who says, "my life is more valuable than your life?" How can we love someone who would create division and violence?"

We know this is very difficult concept because on earth "to love" means to "feel good about" more often than not. In the heavens, however, "to love" means "to see and know the light within" – that love and light that lies beneath the surface of all beings and all things no matter what.

We see beyond the illusions you create, and the roles you play, upon the earth and know you as something more beautiful, more vast, eternal, and unchanging than the roles you play upon the earth. We understand that whatever perspectives a soul embraces upon the earth, they do so out of a necessity to grow, and a desire, no matter how un-evolved, to remember the truth of their being. Some will grow through love and kindness, and some will grow only when they look back in retrospect at the unloving behaviors and trails of pain they have left behind. All will learn. All have value.

Your sociopaths teach you not to be martyrs. Your bullies teach you to walk away in peace or stand up for what you believe in. Your liars teach you to discern truth. Your saints and quiet, kind, and genie souls inspire you to embrace the sweeter, more light filled side of your own nature. Everyone, every belief, every perspective, without exception has some value in this school called earth. To create the perfumed bloom of the rose you need the soil, the manure, the worms, the sun, the rain, and even the storms that strengthen the branches. All have equal value. All contribute to the blossoming.

Dear ones, even the darkest and most misguided souls contribute to the blossoming of your own soul. Do not crucify or judge them. Instead grow beyond them, around them, above them, and know that you need not dance with them once you have reached for greater light. You can discern without judging. You can embrace all perspectives as having a right to be without agreeing with them. You can say, "I know you have a right to be, but yet you are not right for me!" 

In this reality you can find the peace that surpasses all understanding, for what the mind cannot yet tolerate, the heart already seeks to love. In this reality you see, as we do, the truth, light, and love beneath it all. 

God Bless You! We love you so very much. 
-- The Angels

Message From Ann 

I got an angel reading through my friend Summer Bacon, at the end of last year, just for the comfort of hearing my friends "outside" of my own mind! "Next year," they said, meaning 2017, "will be the year you learn to be attacked and not take it personally." Oh joy! I can honestly say I didn't do the happy dance over that proclamation! It has proven true, however, and the lesson hasn't been as painful as I thought.

Within the past month I've been called a charlatan, divisive, commercial, clueless, unaware, uncaring, etc. Some of these were misunderstandings. I Some were true (I am clueless about many things!). And some were simply unfounded. In years past, I've been told several times I should kill myself. I've been offered a "boob job," told I should "stop writing such senseless drivel and stop the spread of the north American union" (whatever that is), and so much more attacks upon my spirit. Happily, for every unkind comment there are hundreds of beautiful, kind, and loving ones.

Somehow it is all too easy to forget the kind words and let the unkind ones stick... but only if we have "Velcro" for them, the angels say!

Most of you have seen Velcro It's a strip of fabric with tiny hooks on it, that almost every other piece of fabric will stick to - especially a matching piece of Velcro Our spiritual "Velcro" is our own pain, insecurity, and unclarity. If we were 100% rooted in peace and self-acceptance, we'd have none of this "Velcro" and no unkindness would "stick" to us at all!

Even the hurtful folks serve a purpose. If they trigger our anger, they show us where we need to grow. While that is, admittedly, not an easy truth to embrace, they help us in our spiritual evolution. They show us where we are not yet in total self-acceptance, where we have not yet rooted our spirit in self-love, where we are not yet solid in peace, and stabilized in clarity. 

Our job is not to stop the unkind souls by killing off their perspectives or ideas, or by making them wrong. Nor is it our job to immediately kill off our own ideas by deferring to all others. The fight/flight response IS biologically programmed into us, but we can rise above it. Our job is simply to own our own truth, let others have theirs, and walk away (with no Velcro!) from what does not resonate. 

As we look at the unkind statements of the world, whether aimed at us or others, we can look for shreds and kernels of truth, look for the love the person is attempting to bring forth, and disregard the rest. 

This process is very much like digestion... and this is why I've had so many digestive problems as I learn to process the world's energies at greater levels! 

Ideally, you take it all in, chew it all up, absorb what is useful, and release the rest! I know first-hand, from tough lessons, that when you don't exist in this natural flow of energy it hurts. When you are able, however, to leave your heart open, take it all in, savor what is good and true, and release the rest, you do indeed exist in that peace that surpasses all understanding. 

I'm not there all the time... but when I am it feels blissfully loving!

Here are a few tips to handle the unkindnesses of the world this week... 

1. Look for kernels and shreds of truth

Try, if you can to look at the message and ignore the "packaging." If someone says something unkind, ask yourself, "Is there any bit of truth to it." Set your ego aside and see if there's anything to learn. 

The ego wants to be right. The soul seeks greater love and truth.

2. Look for the love the person is attempting to bring to the surface.

Most of the time, when someone attacks a perspective, they have a strong need for acknowledgment, solidarity, validation, or approval. If they were secure in their view they might come across firmly but they would not need to call names, belittle, or make wrong. They would simply share their perspective with conviction.

Caroline Myss, a great spiritual teacher once said, "True power is inspiring. False power is intimidating." I love that. I've seen it time and again.

So if someone has been mean-spirited or unkind to you, or you witness an attacking missive, pray. Ask to see through "Angel Eyes." "Show me what part of that person's soul needs love. Show me how they are trying to bring love to the surface". It takes surrender, prayer, and practice, but in time you may see the wounded child within, the frustrated angel, the person who cares so much it hurts... 

When you see through "Angel Eyes" you can send light to empower that part of their soul that is good, beautiful and true.

3. Let it Go...

It doesn't nourish you to gnaw on a bone with no meat. I love dogs, and dogs love bones... but we're not trying to sharpen our teeth. So when you've done the previous two steps, and you've "digested" the love from an unkind exchange the next thing to do is release the unkind energies from the exchange... and let it go. 

There are several ways you can do this: (1) Journal until you get out all your feelings and then burn, shred, or delete the pages. (2) Symbolically wash your hands and see the icky energy running down the drain. (3) Hold a stone or point your hands to the earth and drain off the angry energy into the earth. She neutralizes it. If you are willing, (4) pray for the person and yourself to find peace. Do this until you release any upset. It might take days in some cases, but the goodwill will eventually replace the upset. Love always wins if you let it.

And, if humor works for you, sing Disney's song from Frozen... "Let it Go! Let it Go!" 

The world is pretty stirred up now. Everyone has strong opinions. And while that is a good thing, not everyone is sharing them kindly. I hope this helps you find peace, even in the face of unkindness.

Love you all!



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