Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Drinking in the Sweetness of God's Love By Shanta Gabriel ... And ... You Are Here to Live and Experience EVERY DREAM ... And ... Namaskar Brings Harmony Between Polarities Within & Without

Drinking in the Sweetness of God's Love By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel encourages us to use our imagination to open to and receive new levels of Beauty and Love within us.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you
to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.
Shanta GabrielThis is one of my favorite Gabriel Messages. It describes the beautiful experience of receiving Divine Light and allowing the power of Divine Intelligence and Love to permeate your energy system.

When we are willing to ask for the blessing of Divine Light, our hearts can become an open vessel to receive. This willingness is a huge step in our evolution, especially when life seems so difficult to understand in these fast-changing times.

When I was in a dark time a number of years ago, one of my teachers told me that confusion was a great gift because it leads to Clarity. That was difficult to hear, but when I allowed myself to just be willing to receive, it felt like doors in my mind opened to the awareness that was lurking behind the clouds of confusion.

The next step is to give ourselves the space and time we need to allow this experience into our being. Creating a Sacred Space in our home is a brilliant activity for our spiritual practice, as it creates a container to hold all your deepest, heartfelt intentions. This space becomes a sanctuary for me when I need to remember what I truly want to experience in my life. There is a video about this on my website.

Even if we can only sit for five or ten minutes to breathe deeply and set our intentions for the day, we have the opportunity to receive Divine Light into every cell of our bodies. We are creating new crystalline structures within us when we do this practice. We are also receiving the Divine Intelligence and Love inherent in the Light frequencies. I imagine the area around my heart and thymus to be a beautiful holy chalice that can receive all that I need for my highest good.

Many years ago my guru, who was from India, spoke of the experience of God's Love as Amrita — a sweetness at the back of the tongue during meditation. He said this is one way that we know we are receiving the high frequencies of Divine Love into our beings. My devotional nature especially loves this practice, for when I take the time to create a space where I can receive this gift, my heart is flooded, opened and blessed with Divine Love.

I love the visual practice given by Archangel Gabriel to become an empty chalice, a holy vessel open to receive a waterfall of Golden Light from the most Divine Source. In this very receptive state, we are able to welcome the power of God's Wisdom and Love into our beings, and have a very real experience that we can remember as truth for us.

Divine Presence,

I ask to be a pure and holy vessel for your Love. May I open new channels within me to receive more Wisdom, more Guidance, more Strength, more Compassion and, especially, may I receive your Love to the depths of my being.

Allow me to have a visceral experience of your Presence within me and open to the sweetness of the Love that is available for me to receive with every breath I take.

I am willing to live in your Love and accept that there is never a time when I am not being held in the Wings of Pure Light. Help me to remember how supported I am and receive it deeply within my being.

Thank you for blessing me, inspiring me and guiding me so I may truly know that I am never alone, and that Well-Being is my only reality. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
June 18, 2017
The Gabriel Messages Book #18
Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

Dear One,

When you ask to be a receptacle for pure light, you are saying that you have space within you, and that you are willing to fill this space with love and all that which is God. You are saying that you want to be filled with Divine Light, and assist the process of bringing Heaven to Earth.

This is important for everyone, and it does not interfere with other work or with family life. Recognize that your purpose on this planet is to be a bridge between Heaven and Earth, so that all beings may live in greater Harmony, Peace and Love. This mission requires assistance from all. Each person who turns toward Divine Light assists this purpose and raises the collective consciousness of the planet. The way to bring Peace on Earth is through one person at a time. So always remember how important you are to the evolution of consciousness on the Earth.

Being a receptacle for Divine Light expands your mind and creates new ways of responding to situations in your life. When you become a receptacle for Pure Light you are in prayer for yourself and others. Whenever you pray you open the door for more Light to come through you. Prayer is a great form of purification, and raises your vibrational frequency as well as others through you. The higher your vibration, the more Peace and Love you will feel.


Visualization can greatly assist the process of becoming a Holy Vessel. Give yourself time to sit quietly, away from the world. Flowers and candles can uplift the energy around you and help you feel more expansive. Take some time to breathe balanced breaths, until you are in a calm and relaxed state. Pray to the Divine Presence that you may be a receptacle for pure light and then imagine that your body becomes a beautiful golden chalice. See it empty, or only partially filled with Divine Light. Imagine that you are sitting under a waterfall of God’s Golden Light. This Golden Light has great power and contains both Wisdom and Love. Imagine that you are drinking in this precious Light, and as it fills up your golden chalice, you are absorbing love and wisdom into every fiber of your being. The more full your vessel becomes, the more loving and blissful you feel. Make your chalice very large, so your entire energy field is expanded.

Take time every day to sit in Divine Light and Pure Love. Drink in this Light, then let it shine into the world, so all may know the truth of God’s presence. You will find yourself becoming more loving, expansive and clear. Decisions will be easier as you feel connected to a greater Source of Wisdom within your heart.

This simple exercise holds great power, and whenever or wherever it is done, it will allow you to be attuned to your God Source at all times. The more often you do it, the stronger you will become. The greater the level of Strength, Light and Love you are able to hold within you, the easier it will be to serve God and to assist others in their evolution.

You will be one who is a bridge between Heaven and Earth when you remember your inspiration for today:
Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice
within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
June 5, 2016
Video: "Emmanuel Dagher: You Are ! ... And I Am ! ... The Divine Architect Of Your Life"

You Are Here to Live and Experience EVERY DREAM

Re-Creating You Through Your Inner Visions that Keep Expanding as You Do

Aloha a beautiful love family,

Your Soul is going to lead you on the adventure of your lifetime, through portals, passageways/gateways and each dimensional aspect of yourself. Each aspect has a different dream/mission/purpose/role that you play out here. You are meant to LIVE ALL of these, not just one, not partially... fully and with every breath, experience what was not believed possible before.

Our human aspect is the smallest part of who we are. It's the one that doesn't believe, has hesitation and lives within limits and realities that can't venture into the "beyond". It can't dream, imagine or bend space/time or shape realities with ease. It's the part of you that you must see and understand, if you desire to materialize all of those magnificent and magical dreams in your physical reality, as your NEW EXISTENCE... not just a limited "for a day or week" kinda thing anymore. But it has to be PURE and totally aligned on a Soul Level for you to anchor your own HEAVEN ON EARTH here. 

Each of your different multi-dimensional versions/aspects of you is a different vibrational frequency (energy) and with the activation of each, also activates the gifts of each, the abundance of each, the infinite knowledge of each, the characteristics of each and the impurities of each that must be cleansed from within you too. BEcoming your NEW EARTH HUman, you hone your gifts and skills, you practice until you MASTER the realities of each, then you shift to another aspect and another and another until you have ACHIEVED ALL of your DREAMS and DESIRES naturally, organically, simply and until it's easy....

As you fulfill your own Soul's purposes and Galactic Missions, by playing out your human roles here, as you MASTER yourself and the entire physical reality OUTSIDE from within, you are clearing unworthiness, investing in yourself/NEW Earth, on a Soul Level, loving and respecting you, doing what it takes to transcend your own separation/human'ness and vibrating on a higher vibrational plane of existence as you do. You will "switch" purposes, goals and dreams, continually, for HIGHER DIMENSIONAL realities materialize non-linearly too.... 

What I do now, was not within my little unconscious human's comprehension. It was so much bigger than I believed. As a human, I had fear, doubt and too much programming in the way. Then I had to move through it all, deal with it all, choose to dissolve it all myself. In the beginning, I had no desire to write books, to do videos for people, to teach and Galactic Emissary/Warrior, Ascended Master, WayShower, Embodied Multi-verse, Crystalline Gridkeeper/Gatekeeper, Multi-Dimensional Guardian of NEW Earth, Globally recognized Author/Expert/Public Speaker was not in my repertoire ... I just wanted to be able to pay the bills and be happy. I was a computer nerd, a techy person, full-blown left-brain logical (and unconscious/asleep). I was GREAT at challenges, being able to solve things easily and a "natural" at management, training and explaining things so others could understand. My employees loved me, yet I required all "tow the line", kinda like we do in our realities here. I took others under my "wing" and guided them, I loved tearing computers apart and putting them back together, programming them, watching sci-fi and kindness/love stories, playing video games, my son (above all) and seeing people happy. That opened my heart....  

I was GREAT at my human jobs, I excelled at everything I did. Reason? Because I put my heart and soul in everything and balance was important. The only thing I didn't realize is I was balancing unconscious realities. lol I had to have "control" 24/7 to have peace of mind. That obsviously went, as all became peace within... my mind/control/ego had to go in order to achieve this.

I was gaining "skills", that I would later "apply" and use in what my own Soul's Purposes/missions were here. Building websites, maintaining my own, connecting people, assisting them to overcome challenges and building "safe" realities by "seeing the logic" in all. Yep, totally asleep. lol. I worked hard for every penny I made, yet I live in total survival mode. The opposite of our NEW EARTH Existence here. As a human I ran companies, making it easy for me to manage my own "everything", when it was time to step into my own roles and accomplish. I dedicated myself to "this", using every skill. Transitioning from a 3D reality to a 4D then a 5D which opens up infinite dimensions and consciousnesses to dissolve all perceived physical world limits here.

My purposes changed continually, sometimes several times a day or each week. I'd write my website, go to sleep, wake up with new information and purposes. For a while it was confusing, because I knew I was to "accomplish" all of these things, yet it "seemed" all over the place for awhile. This is how non-linear realities work.

I'd FEEL to do one thing, then then feeling would change. I'd "title myself" and that would change the next day, which is why I started changing them, based upon the version of me that was writing/sharing. This too became so vast, that I was all things and I just picked the ones that applied "in that moment". I did have to release all of my identities, which was hard in the beginning until I didn't identify with any one thing anymore. I was inspired when I woke up, then my focus and energy changed (vibration) and I was on to something else. I didn't realize at the time that I was moving between dimensional aspects of myself (consciousnesses) and shifting vibrationally every moment. Moving from what our heads tell us we are supposed to do, or what we "think" we want is a challenge. We "move" to inspiration, happy and inner-drive/desires to align with our different aspects/soul and we merge them all as ONE inside and we "do" them all simultaneously.

The KEY WAS that I was to MASTER EVERY ASPECT, EVERY GIFT, EVERY REALITY so that I could LIVE THEM ALL. This takes "time", trust, focusing our energy and getting over our own stuff and a ridiculous amount of continual INTEGRATION within our physical body/structure/form. This means opening up fully, sharing our gifts and getting ourselves out there and constantly challenging ourselves to step-forth/up and come together (unify) through more pure inner-connected Divine Love. This means combining all of our talents, skills and gifts.... this means bringing forth HIGHER MIND KNOWLEDGE through our hearts and jumping from reality to reality, sometimes in every moment. This means "stop focusing" on the limits and focusing all of our own ENERGY on what matters from the CORE of our BEING.... which is a FEELING.... a presence, an essence and a knowing that as we do, those vibrations are transmitting out and calling forth a reality to "arrive" here. It means getting over all of our judgment and pre-conceived notions of what everything is. It won't be like your human "thought" at all. Especially when it comes to the "experiences" of REMEMBERING, alchemy, simultaneous existence, what you are here to be/do and how the physical correlates to this.... 

One moment I'd be designing my website, doing creative stuff (and technical stuff too), then my Universe (my higher-self me) would "tell me" to teach a class (challenging my fear/insecurities), or to practice the "new Energy" that I was bringing forth here by having students come to let me figure it all out as I did it, doing freebies and fun things together.... IDEAS were never ending, because at first, our universe doesn't "give us money", because as little selfish/separated humans who don't know how to share, we've not "learned" the value of things yet or how to UTILIZE the GIFTS we ALREADY have. We don't appreciate on a deep core level everything already available, because our human is focused on something else or mis-perceiving and doesn't want to do the work. As humans, we don't share, we think about ourselves and that keeps us in a "lack-filled reality" still.

I had to LEARN (Remember) how all worked, the purpose of money and what it meant, I had to align energetically and focus my own energy on what I was CREATING through my own participation, effort and commitment from within myself. I had to learn to VALUE my own Soul and every Soul on this Earth and I had to REVERSE my whole reality completely, constantly, until everything was always in alignment and I had to keep it in-alignment myself. I had to stop focusing on/worrying about others and focus on myself (hard at first) and I had to come to fully love, appreciate, respect and honor me. Then I would have something to offer, then I'd have the energy and I'd be doing it from love, instead of a "less"/lack place inside of me. 

Challenging to our little humans? Oh you bet'cha! That's the point. We are here to REVERSE the energy of all of our Existences, clearing Karmic Debt and programming for ALL, not just the things our human can try to figure out.... The "answers" are not only of "this lifetime" and one moment or event that you "think" caused that.... that was just the activation moment that created linear timelines to play out. Closing out old timelines is imperative if we want new ones to take their place. We do this ourselves, in every moment of every day.  

Every dimensional aspect of you has a polarized reality that must be cleared. One is PURE (Soul) and the other(s) not (separated human/galactic/Atlantean/ancient lineages/more). You are ALL existences and each one must be cleansed and returned to PURITY within you and full unification occur to transcend those simultaneous existences here. Dissolving the "not" is the most challenging part for awhile. This will dig up any suppressed energy to clear on a cellular level and also show up in your external reality world. The outside is a reflection of exactly what you hold inside. Intentional consciousness or uncleared programming. Observe the outside and FEEL the inside to match up what this means for you.  

Christed Energy means you evolve/resolve/unify/merge and activate the opportunities & gifts of your initial 12 dimensional aspects of you and move to your 13th Dimension of yourself (then we go on from there). It means that you activate your physical body DNA on an energetic and crystalline level and that you are ready/have entered an increased purification process to cleanse any distortions still left. Being fully conscious of your self, every program as it starts to play and intentionally HOLD the LIGHT OF CHRIST and Pure Source Creator/Creation within you means you are choosing to dissolve your own human'ness and come together for a whole new/NEW EARTH Existence here. This is how you LIVE your every moment, how you treat others, with UNITY at your CORE place you function from. It's you as the WE, as ONE, and no longer functioning from a place of separation/resistance or fight. You are here to UNITE and you must do this first from inside. You do have power beyond what your human can yet understand. Embracing your PUREST you brings all of this forth for you to experience HEAVEN ON EARTH as your "new" REALities here.  

OverSoul/Avatar Embodiment means you've worked through each dimensional aspect and cleared from your own cellular memory the separation that each represents within you. It means you've recalled all of your aspects and merged them inside and you function from a place/space of vast love, power and knowledge... with gifts and abundance abound too. It means that your every-day-life is ON NEW EARTH and you are fulfilling all of your Soul's Purposes/Galactic missions fully and not holding back in any way. You will have "grown up" after re-birthing yourself, playing in magic and bliss and then stepped into your roles fully, in-service here. 

It means that every moment is a dream materialized and any disruption is just an old program playing out for you, which you see the moment the distortion presents itself and you nip it in the bud, you stop the programming, change the Act of the Play (and the actors change too!), you call it out AS LOVE and you maintain your highest vibrational aspect of your purest SELF and you do not compromise in any way, ever again....for when you do, it's your REALity that is affected...

The physical body/reality cleansing and tuning process is HUGE. Anchoring massive amounts of mega-high-frequency and beyond imaginable encodements into our physical form is immense. It takes a lot of our own commitment and dedication, LOVE FOR OURSELVES, trust in a KNOWING and seeing through our inner-vision access and into the Holographic/Unified Field.  For awhile it challenges everything, even functioning.

In the beginning, just breathing takes our entire focus until the moment/integration process completes. It means a ridiculous amount of sleep to dissolved the veils of amnesia, repair/upgrade/re-calibrate our physical body-field structures and systems to link up onto a higher vibrational plane in order to bring us further ONLINE with the Crystalline Gridwork of Our NEW Earth already here. 

It does get easier, there is no more pain, no more sick or fear. No more survival mode, as we transcend our own old matrix programming from within. We belong to the collectives that we still hold inside. Eventually old collectives dissolve and are replaced with the WE Collective of NEW Earth, where all new foundations, structures & systems are in place. 

NEW Earth is not as each perceives it to be. It's not "just play all day" as many "think". At first it is, as we birth ourselves anew to arrive in the bliss and magic of what we worked so very hard for. Yet, our "arrival" on NEW Earth is just the BEGINNING.... this is where new challenges start. This is where each functions from a space of total RESPONSIBILITY AS INTENTIONAL CREATORS and transmitting/BEing Pure Source Light.

This is where you are fully in-service to HUmanity, where you never seek anything ever again. This is where you occupy a space, do the work you came here to do, holding bliss, magic, joy, peace and abundance within your ENTIRE BEING and all comes to you instead of you seeking it. You've reversed the FLOW of energy. Instead of seeking and looking at the future and "trying", you are BEing and DOing with every breath. You are no longer from "this time". You are "from the future" as your Higher Self/Universe as ONE again. 

You occupy a SPACE and are no longer bound by dimensional limits or human linear time. The SPACE of NO TIME means you move vibrationally and through your own Consciousness across "all time". It means that you have access to everything again. All of the knowledge, all of the resources and support, all of that which provides a SIMPLE EXISTENCE here. It means that you are SO IN TUNE that you can affect all dimensions and timelines just by BEing and ALLOWING and calling it forth here. You just maintain an expanded state of consciousness all of the time and you DO when you see/feel is appropriate.... It is that easy.

Open up to EVERY DREAM materializing for you. Not needing to know what this is. Follow your heart and let your Higher Self/Soul/Universe guide you. Open up fully and let go of the constraints, the self-imposed limits and your inability to BELIEVE that CONSCIOUSNESS FORMS PHYSICAL REALITIES and each now lives in different timelines where different physical versions of realities will be experienced more and more. The old is gone.... this is your creation and you hold the structures of reality in place....

Are your realities INTENTIONALLY CONSTRUCTED and FULLY ALIGNED with the highest state of consciousness ALL OF THE TIME? Are you wide open to be exuberantly surprised and to experience the MAGIC OF MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH? Do you ALLOW the most amazing realities or do you keep "conditions" in place? Do you waste your energy on drama and live in a victim mentality or do you embrace the magnificence that you ARE by sharing you, your love, your divinity, your presence, your essence, your gifts... do you reciprocate and support all others too? You cannot exist on NEW Earth if you only think about you.

Clear out those survival mechanisms and the need to live in a linear reality of limits and less still. Open up to non-linear existence, let go from within and trust... You do already KNOW all of this... you just have to be WILLING to EXPERIENCE it now. 

I love you. Dreams and desires on a Soul Level rock! They are easier than the ones that we thought we wanted.... those served a human purpose. You are so much more and deserve so much more than that! Everything comes forth as you are ready, vibrationally.... Where your human is not, then these highest vibrational frequencies on our Earth assist you with releasing this, so that your purest you can emerge easier fully from within. ♥

Physical everything is constantly re-aligning continually now.... ♦ I love you! Let's DO this! ♫

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Copyright: Please share to assist and awaken others too. All I ask is that you include my name or website for credit as the author of this content. NEW Earth is all about about sharing. This assists us all.

Video: "I Am Unity Consciousness" By Steve Nobel -

 Namaskar Brings Harmony Between Polarities Within & Without

"If you hold namaskar (holding hands in the prayer position) and look upon someone or something with loving attention, you will begin to harmonize. Namaskar brings harmony between polarities within and without. " -Sadhguru

Namaste/Namaskar – What is the Meaning of Namaskar?

When you see a person, whether it is in your workplace, on the street, at home or anywhere else, the nature of human intellect is such, the moment it sees, it will make a judgment – “this is okay in that person, this is not okay in that person. He is good, he is not good, he is beautiful, he is ugly” – all kinds of things. You don’t even have to consciously think all this. In a moment, these assessments and judgments are made. And your judgments may be completely wrong because they all are coming from your past experiences of life. They will not allow you to experience something or someone the way they are right now, which is very important.

If you want to work effectively in any field, one thing is, if someone comes in front of you, to be able to grasp them the way they are right now is most important. How they were yesterday does not matter. How they are this moment is important. So, the first thing is you bow down. Once you bow down, your likes and dislikes become mild, not strong, because you recognize the source of creation within them. This is the intention behind doing namaskar.

There is no piece of creation without the hand of the creator operating in it. The source of creation is operating within every cell and atom. This is why in Indian culture, if you look up at the sky, the culture taught you to bow down. If you look down at the earth, you bow down. If you see a man, a woman, a child, a cow, a tree or whatever, you bow down. And it is a constant reminder that the source of creation is within you too. If you recognize this, you are paving the way towards your ultimate nature every time you do namaskar.

There is another aspect to this. Your palms have a lot of nerve endings – something that medical science has also discovered today. Actually, your hands speak more than your tongue and your voice. There is a whole science of mudras in yoga. Just by holding your hand in certain ways, you can make your whole system function in different ways. The moment you place your hands together, your dualities, your likes and dislikes, your cravings and aversions, all these things are leveled out. There is a certain oneness to the expression of who you are. The energies are functioning as one.

So namaskar is not just a cultural aspect. There is a science behind it. If you are doing your sadhana, every time you bring your palms together, there is a crackle of energy – a boom is happening. On the level of your life energy, there is a giving, or you are making yourself into an offering to the other person. In that giving, you will make the other being into a life that will cooperate with you. Only if you are in a state of giving, things around will work out for you. This is so for every life. Only if it gets the cooperation of all life around itself, it manages to prosper.

The United Nations’ declaration of International Day of Yoga on June 21st comes at a critical time in the history of humanity. It is of much more significance than a few more people twisting and turning their bodies. For the first time in the history of the UN, 177 countries co-sponsored the resolution for Yoga Day. Never before has any resolution in the UN gotten this kind of support. On this day, we want to change the direction of humanity as to how people seek their wellbeing. In pursuit of their wellbeing, we do not want people to look out, up or down – we want them to look in.

If you hold namaskar and look upon someone or something with loving attention, you will begin to harmonize.

Yoga is a technology, a tool for people to turn inward and create their own wellbeing. Your wellbeing will not come from somewhere, either you create it or you do not – this is the fundamental of yoga. As there is a science and technology for external wellbeing, similarly there is a science and technology for inner wellbeing.

Large businesses in the world and they are all looking forward to this possibility. This is because we always believed that if affluence comes, people will be well, but today you will see the most affluent countries are the most ailment-ridden. For example, the Unites States has so many choices for nourishment, but they are spending over three trillion dollars per year on health care. This kind of expenditure can sink a nation, and unfortunately, India is heading this way rapidly. As reasonable economic wellbeing comes, we are heading towards becoming the diabetic capital of the world, and various types of ailments are taking shape.

For all of this, introducing yoga into everyone’s life will provide a simple yet powerful process to create one’s health and wellbeing. The significance of yoga is that once you learn the practices, you do not need anyone’s help, a special place to do yoga, or any equipment. It can be done wherever you are. The science of yoga is a phenomenal gift to the overall wellbeing of the human being.

It is incredible that heads of nations are talking about yoga for the first time. Governments are investing money to spread this because healthcare systems have failed, ways of creating happiness and wellbeing for people have failed, and now everyone is talking about creating a happiness quotient.

To bring this about, many things are being done. Records are being broken, and yoga programs are happening internationally in thousands of places. The government is teaching yoga through every Indian embassy across the world. This is a phenomenal development because we are looking at wellbeing as a science, not as faith or as something that happens to you by accident. We are not looking to the stars to fix our wellbeing. We are looking towards a scientific process of creating wellbeing consciously. Commit that before the coming of the winter solstice, you will ensure that at least one hundred more people from your end are practicing this simple form of Upa Yoga for their wellbeing.

The United Nations is talking about yoga, the Prime Minister of India is talking about yoga, and the US president is showing interest in learning yoga. These are significant developments because people who are in important and responsible positions are beginning to see there is a need to turn inward. For the first time in the last few hundred years, heads of state are talking about the inner wellbeing of the human being rather than just talking about the economy, military and other aspects of a nation. This is a consequence of the declaration of the International Day of Yoga.

This effort to bring the spiritual process to the world has been on for a long time. Ashtavakra enlightened King Janaka around 8000 years ago. Krishna’s whole life mission was to marry the spiritual process and the political process. He did not only work with the kings, he also established over a thousand ashrams across the northern plains of India. It is important that the spiritual process should happen both at the top and down the line too.

Interest in yoga is not a new phenomenon, but because of media coverage and publicity, more people are getting into it like never before. It is also because people are stressed out like never before. They are anxious and neurotic. Whatever methods they have been using to handle their internal turmoil has only worked to some extent; it has not given them a solution. So, looking towards yoga is a very natural thing.

This June 21st, we want to spread this message internationally to people and bring the profoundness of what is available. It is fundamentally to establish that every human being can create wellbeing for himself; he need not wait for some other force to bring wellbeing to him.

I want everyone of you who read this to take this upon yourself. Make use of the tools offered in the form of Upa Yoga and commit that before the coming of the winter solstice, you will ensure that at least one hundred more people from your end are practicing this simple form of Upa Yoga for their wellbeing. Whatever support you need from the Foundation will be available to you, but commitment from your end to see that it happens is your sadhana for the coming Dakshinayana – the sun’s southern run. In the yogic system, this phase between 21 June and 22nd December is the sadhana pada. Let this be your sadhana, your karma yoga. Any number of times I am being asked, “Sadhguru, where is the world going?” As if you have no role in seeing where the world goes. Don’t be a spectator, become an active participant in making what the world will be. An active involvement in raising human consciousness is a privilege that I want all of you to know. This is my vision and my plan to make the world inwardly inclined. Be a part of this.

• Let us make it happen •

Isha Foundation

Video: "Oneness Meditation - Experience The Light Of Unity Consciousness With Annette Carlstrom"


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