Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Dimensional Trappings of a Soul thru Mind Matrix Channeler: MysticBlack

Dimensional Trappings of a Soul thru Mind Matrix I want to share something that I very recently underwent.

In another one of my "Awakening, Revelations" I was shown a depiction of how heaven, earth and hell....would be created or invisioned by many.

In MANY religions there is said of Pergatory, Hell and Heaven and many Culture Beliefs as well. Now if you take for example there are 7 groups/entitys/ mass's of people that HOLD a belief for something then what do you suppose THAT would be able to "Create" ?

For Example do you seriously think that Creator/GOD would sit and say as in thee creation "You, I will make bright, awake and aware" and to another say "You, I will make dark, negative and evil" ??? Does anyone think that a GOD/Creator would ever ever Split, Seperate or Divide or make ones HIGHER or LOWER than another ?

NO, its US here in our FREEWILL 3d Lives that construct these things. I call those, LEVELS....the high's and lows, the better and worse etc.....

When really in TRUE its STAGES of growth that ALL souls undergo here upon our Earth Plane. We are given thee breathe of Life and we start our growth / journey from there.

Now in this fashionism mankind created "Religions", wrote books, had teachings etc.... Where there was then "Implanted" seeds that carry impact on MANY more than just those that follow in that creation and belief structure. This I feel was done for Power, Control, Fear etc....

When ones HOLD such beliefs they actually CREATE this! Did GOD possibly only create ONE universe having only ONE dimension ? Think about that for a moment................

When I say that, I AM giving alot of power of WE are creators and truely DO have power! When people HOLD a belief or structuring it can and does MANY different things!

When a belief started on thoughts of "Hell, Purgatory, Heaven" that is when the "Constructions" started the BUILDING of these many different "Dimensions"

SO now back to my exorcise..... In working with my Higher.......I ordered the complete closing of ALL dimensions that are in HOLDING or BARRING of souls....I ordered FULL Provisions to those souls immediatly and them to be RELEASED!!! In doing this I closed my eyes...........

A large Ship or Arc came into view, it was golden with a white mist about it....I watched MANY people get into this arc/boat/ship and then noticed a PALM TREE of all things in it.

As the souls loaded up in this ship I felt a massive tingle run through my body and was over come with joy and relief....knowing ALL of these "Souls, People" that had "Crossed the Veil" in that belief are TRAPPED in a Matrix or Binder within that belief....

NOT being able to move forward where their soul needs to progress and move to. You see........MANKIND creates their OWN demons, hells, negatives, darks etc..... and with the POWER of THOUGHT can CHANGE ALOT.

Now when ones speak of a "War for the Souls" This is VERY TRUE!!! As you can see those that hold a certain "Belief" are trapped within that belief and as some say are "Stuck" in a Cycle.

This is where your "Known" Lucifer or Satan or some call him Beezlebub....and of course MANY other known names and identities come from.....

There has to be a "Care Taker or Guardian" for these "Created" dimensions doesnt there ? I AM surely thinking that I would be worn out and tired withering in holding down that type of matrix/binder/holder or Grid. BUT as LONG as Mankind KEEPS creating these manifested thoughts/patterns/seperations/divisions etc we shall continue to SEE and FEEL the outcome of these patterns or choices!

I truely believe that GOD sits and waits patiently for the day that ALL awaken to this! Then ALL will know the ABSOLUTE FREEDOM in ABUNDANCES that were provisioned and given unto ALL of thee creation! None higher and none lower than another.

You know you ALL are BEAUTIOUS BLOOMING FLOWERS OF GOD/Creator! WHAT SHALL YOU CREATE ??? This is an INdiviDUAL life journey each and everyone of us are on. However what we do or choose not to do can have a direct immediate impact upon another!

A simple unconditional lesson for me in life is to LOVE each and everyONE as a POSSITIVE creation OF it was GOD in my opinion that brought that soul and breathed life unto this soul to start its OWN journey of lessons and experiances!

My point to this however is with so many that hold this OLD structure and beleif system, when they cross over they are STUCK if ones here upon this earth start to make changes in beliefs and structurings I feel this will better serve in the UPliftment of these trapped souls for them to RElease back to their Creator and all that is!

To JUDGE another in a belief or to all another "Dark" is simply WRONG to me.....NOT all are going to be on the SAME stage of growth! It would be like comparring a 1st grader to a 6th grader on on up from there....

You see, you simply cant rightfully do that! ALL grow in their OWN time, understanding and ways.....and to "Label" or "Tag" a Logo upon ones for this to me is absurd!

Would a loving mother do this to her "Children" I would certainly HOPE NOT!!! Hence GOD does NOT do this to US .........WE do this to OURSELVES!

Lighten up on your fellow brother/sister.......FELLow HumanKIND .........Bring back a Mothers TRUE LOVE and HEART which is UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING, Nurturing, Healing, Teaching, Acceptance, Kindness, know where I AM going BRING BACK THE LOVE!!!!


Blessings to you ALL

MysticBlack with ATON


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This is Our Planet – It’s Time to Take it Back

This is Our Planet – It’s Time to Take it Back

by Wes Annac

Are you aware of just how infinite you are in your ability to create widespread, positive change? Do you understand the power that you as an individual possess to help mend everything about our reality clearly in need of mending?
We’ve long recognized many things about our planet that are clearly in need of healing or uplifting, and if brought together on a mass level and in an uninhibited way, we can and will bring about every bit of change needed for this planet to move into a new paradigm.
As we continue to galvanize and create change, the forces we’re working to expose are fighting to maintain their last grips on our reality and collective influence. They’ve been able to steadily manipulate humanity’s perceptions from beyond a veil of their own design that we’re either taught to believe doesn’t exist, or we simply don’t think about.
Carefully orchestrated illusions have been built up around our mainstream society, and the politics we see in play have been set up to distract humanity from the decisions being made behind this aforementioned cloak. If there’s any compliment that can be paid to the powers that were, it’s that they quite cleverly orchestrated a society of mass distraction that keeps our attention away from issues of importance.
Big banks who stole massive amounts of taxpayer money because they were “too big to fail” and because they needed to keep an inflated (yet still sinking) ship from falling and taking our entire manipulated financial system with it, aren’t thought about if you’re busy watching the spring break programming or materiality-focused music videos on MTV.
That football game and the worship and energy-fixation that can come with sports aptly distracts the average working class sports fanatic from the fact that every bit of their digital data is being collected and monitored by an agency of their government.
Widespread NSA surveillance of citizens of the United States and the world over isn’t given a second or even a first thought if you’re too busy with the latest awards show or the opening of the latest shopping mall to be bothered with the outpouring revelations. Continue to work and consume, busy bees of the middle and lower classes, because the elite thrive from our blissful ignorance.
When we’re blissfully ignorant of the reality of our existence and feed into a culture of constant consumerism and fixation on outward aspects of our reality, we can be programmed with propaganda that’s easily funneled through our mainstream news outlets with little question on the part of the unaware masses.
The majority of “food” we’re given here in the United States (and I can imagine in plenty of other countries) is processed, made with genetically modified ingredients or stuffed with hormones and preservatives. The unhealthy food and drinks we’re given, some of which we don’t even realize are as unhealthy as they are, help to lower our vibration and see us susceptible to cabal programming and the likes of disease.
If our mind isn’t clear because of the food we’re eating, lack of exercise or anything else, we’re less likely to speak up or practice discernment, especially if we’re told something from a source we’ve been taught to trust, such as the anchorman on our television. If we don’t experience clarity of mind and body we tend to question less, fall into complacency, etc.
The cabal knows this, and have taken myriad actions to keep humanity unhealthy, unaware and distracted about the real decisions being made that are far away from our best interests. The crown jewel of the cabal’s control is the coined term “conspiracy theory”.
Much of what I and plenty of others write about concerning exposure of the cabal could easily be swept under the rug as simple conspiracy theory, as that term is used to keep people away from darker-inclined aspects of our existence, such as the unjust rule of the few and their plans for humanity, that are too far outside of that carefully crafted, limited paradigm of existence.
To an average Joe who’s kept too occupied with their job, with their television and sports, etc. ideas that the few in power have had very malevolent plans for humanity and have already attempted measures to enact those plans (escalation of war with Syria and previously Iran being one) are easily able to be dismissed.
“Well, I don’t see any evidence of these so-called conspiracies in my Life. All I see is my job, my family, my car…”
Too many people still don’t realize that this is the way “they” want it to be!
We’re supposed to be kept too distracted to question the men and women in power. We’re supposed to allow our planet to be run for us by the suits, and we’re supposed to be complacent and without question of our government. As long as we can allow our planet to be run for us unchallenged, we’re feeding right into the hands of our former controllers.
I say “former” controllers because their rein, while kept tightly in place with the unwilling willingness of an unaware populace, has diminished to nearly nothing.
Of course, I’d be complacent not to point out that their activities still continue in smaller doses. The cabal doesn’t seem to have been completely uprooted yet, and this is why our active awareness and protest of their every move is important, in my opinion.
The NSA has and continues to monitor our every digital move. If the people were united enough with a clear enough goal in mind, we could set up constant surveillance of the cabal and monitor their every move, calling them on their actions every step of the way.
Of course, a fully galvanized humanity could take it a step further and peacefully uproot the cabal, but at the very least I think we should remain as diligent as we always have been in exposing corruption and tyranny so we can ultimately build a new world based in the fair and just rule of the people.
We can expose the cabal’s actions from a loving and detached standpoint, and talking about them and what they’ve done doesn’t have to lower our vibration. Rather, exposing them can catapult humanity to understanding the need to build a planetary society run not by some elite interests in the one percent, but by us.
Equality and the rule of the people are essential to be established in a society that’s been wrought with control and orchestrated distraction, in my opinion. Let not the cabal’s actions disturb you or the inner-peace and wholeness you can feel within at all times, but don’t let them get away with what they’ve done and continue to do by any means.
Wes Annac – Re-presenting the idea of peaceful and effective revolution.
Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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