Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Decrees For Creator Realization By Steven Hutchinson ... And ... The Light Development Activation By Natalie Glasson ... And ... Making Exalted Choices For Life By Shanta Gabriel

Decrees For Creator Realization By Steven Hutchinson

I Am The Creator embodied as (say your name). I Am completely merged with Mother/Father/God - One Heart - One Love - One Consciousness - One Mind - One Power. I am in complete alignment with all that is the Creator...and I experience all that is the Creator as fully as possible with my every breath! My every breath is both the Energy of the Creator, and the Christ Consciousness Energy of Love in action in me and thru me, healing & uplifting us all.
I Am channeling the most divinely perfect Creator Energies and Mahatma Energies throughout my Whole Being with my every breath. I choose to experience a Creator Empowered life - & do so daily! (The Mahama Energies are the divine energies that enable you to synthesize and use The Creator Energies in your daily life).
I am channeling the Energies of Forgiveness from my Soul & The Creator, and from the Angelic & Ascended Master Realms, along with the Mahatma Energies throughout my Whole Being with my every in-breath, and with my every out-breath these divine energies of Forgiveness flow throughout the Universe of the Creator....and I now experience my Whole Being in perfect divine balance & harmony and alignment with the Creator & the Creator Energies Now! 
I Am channeling Regenerating & Healing Energies from my Soul & The Creator & Gaia, and from the Angelic & Ascended Mater Realms, along with Mahatma Energies throughout my whole body with my every breath. My Whole body is Now completely healed and regenerated and is now expressing celestial well being, vitality, & good health - completely Illumined in the Creator's Perfection!
I Am channeling the Energies of Completion from my Soul and from The Creator, along with Mahatma Energies throughout my Whole Being with my every breath, (you can choose anything in your life that you desire completion in for this decree), creating new templates of completion and ever new platforms for my spiritual growth. Let yourself feel as if you are taking on templates of completion into your entire being, and aligning and anchoring them into every aspect of your being related to the divine completion that you are affirming. Affirm, "I Am the Embodiment of My Soul & The Creator's gift of completion. I fully accept divine completion into My Whole Being & reality. I Am an embodiment of the Creator"
I Am channeling throughout my Whole Being with my every breath the Christ Consciousness Energies of Completion from my Soul and from the Creator, along with Mahatma Energies. These Divine Energies Now bring my Whole Being into perfect divine alignment with the Christ Consciousness energies. They are now transforming my Whole Being as I embody them with my every breath. I now experience my Whole Being becoming Illumined in Golden Christ Light!  I Am Now experiencing and embodying & expressing all the qualities of the Christ Consciousness with my every breath !
I Am channeling Love from my Soul & The Creator, and Love from the Angelic & Ascended Master Realms, along with Mahatma Energies throughout my Whole Being and to every human being and all of Gaia with my every breath. God's Love is now anchored and grounded in us all, and is uplifting and healing us all. We are all now experiencing God''s Presence within us, and experiencing our highest potential Now !!!
Thank You God for manifesting everything I have affirmed and decreed, or better, for the highest good of all! And So It Manifests!
Video - "Let's Ascend With Ascended Master Lord Melchizedek Into Christ Consciousness By Steven Hutchinson" -

The Light Development Activation By Lord Melchizedek Via Natalie Glasson

Ascended Master Lord Melchizedek' Message .....

Greeting, bliss, peace and love, I extend from my being to you. I am Lord Melchizedek, overseer of the Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe. It is my purpose to distribute the Universal Level light to all upon the Earth supporting spiritual evolution and ascension.

As I distribute light, so I share and deliver the divine will, enlightenment and activations of the Creator appropriate for each stage of ascension. Some energetic distributions, activations, and upgrades are anchored without recognition or need of awareness, while others are so special, we wish to make as many souls aware of the experience available to them. This is why I wish to bring forth to you a new activation available now for you to experience and embody, it is entitled, ‘The Light Envelopment Activation.’

The Purpose of the Light Envelopment Activation

The Light Envelopment Activation embodies and radiates the Universal Light represented by a golden colour. It draws upon the purest vibration of light to enhance your ability to sense and coordinate the flow of the Creator’s light, enlightenment and radiance through your being, into embodiment and expression.

Developing your ability to sense and coordinate the flow of the Creator will support you in removing energetic obstacles, blockages, and illusions that limit and hinder your experience of the Creator. It is your purpose on the Earth to experience the Creator as fully as is appropriate and possible, each stage of your ascension allows you to engage with this purpose and bring it into manifestation.

Take a moment to imagine what it would be like to experience the Creator fully, with every aspect of the Creator you receive and recognise, with each embodiment and expression of the Creator.

When you try to imagine expressing the Creator flowing, being embodied and expressed by you fully, your perception will always be limited in comparison to the full experience of the Creator that is available and possible for you. However, the simple contemplation allows you to open your mind and being to the Creator, thus you are already beginning to experience it.

The Light Envelopment Activation awakens aspects and parts of your brain that allow you to digest, see, comprehend, interpret and contemplate the light of the Creator as well as the inner planes, dimensions and higher spiritual aspects of yourself.

With new awakenings within your brain, your body, thoughts, and emotions are fed with greater volumes of light and your entire being harmonises in a new way with the unseen dimensions of the Creator.

Your ability to respond to your environment and your own creation of your environment alters and shifts. You are able to recognise the truth within your environment, responding from a space of truth, thus de-energising drama, illusions, glamour and false impressions or ideas.

Your reactions and ability to respond to any situation or person, even the thoughts of your own mind begins to blossom from the space of peace, love, and light within you. Thus, you approach your reality and ability to create your reality in new and exciting ways.

Video - "The Light Envelopment Activation By Lord Melchizedek"

The Activation releases conditioning held within your mind fueled and anchored originally by the consciousness of humanity, leaders, loved ones, the media and so forth. As the conditioning that dictates what you should do, think, wear and how you should act, dissolves so an opening and awakening takes place within your mind and being.

This allows you to recognise and engage with new portals of light into dimensions of higher frequencies of light that are available for you to connect with and enter through. Resulting in renewed and energised downloads of light, love, and wisdom into your being and awareness.

You may recognise portals of light opening to you in any moment of your reality, you will be able to choose if you wish to receive light or pass through the portal in meditation or quiet time to absorb and embody the light available fully. Greater healing, awakening, and unity with the Creator will be experienced.

The final purpose of the Light Envelopment Activation will support the integration of your light body with your physical being and existence upon the Earth. Your light body will hold a higher vibration and frequency of light that you currently embody as well as sacred wisdom that will serve you in your current stage of ascension.

The integration of your light body will create a noticeable boost and regeneration of light, energy, and awareness within your being which may feel like a spark of health, vitality and vigour awakening from within your being. You may feel empowered, determined and recognise a new-found zest for life and spiritual evolution. Thus, your light body creates a new perspective of yourself for you to experience and develop, serving you in your reality and spiritual evolution.

All of this may be experienced by you as a simple increase in the flow of Creator light, enlightenment and radiance through your being.

How the Light Envelopment Activation Works

When you call upon or request an experience of the Light Envelopment Activation, you will be surrounded by the Council of Twelve of the Universal Level, known as the Melchizedek Disciples who support my work as Universal Logos. You could describe them as my support team.

These twelve beings will link their energy as a collective into your brain and the chakras around this area, into your emotions and your ability of creation, your mind, senses, intuition, and perceptions.

They will also link their energy into the chakras, alignments, and senses that allow you to comprehend the light of the Creator, your soul, your alignment with the truth of the Creator and your light body.

They will send their energy to your community of guides so that your guides may transmit to you the Light Envelopment Activation as well, continuing the work of the Melchizedek Disciples in the following days after the activation has been grounded.

The Melchizedek Disciples will envelop you in layer upon layer of light frequencies, each layer will have a purpose and create an activation within your being. When you are enveloped in all 344 layers of light frequencies from the Universal Level this will create the activation, I, Lord Melchizedek, have described to you.

You can imagine the envelopment of light as light threads of frequencies intertwining and weaving around your being, gradually being absorbed by your entire being and body.

The Melchizedek Disciples connected with every aspect of your being prior to the light envelopment to hold open channels and energetic systems within your being, making it easier for you to receive, absorb and embody the light. This is truly a light-filled activation which creates a light-filled experience within your being. It is perfectly safe and appropriate for you to receive and enjoy.

Invoking the Light Envelopment Activation

I call upon Lord Melchizedek, the Melchizedek Disciples and my Community of Guides. I wish to place my request to the Universal Level, to my soul and the Creator to experience the Light Envelopment Activation now. If this is divinely appropriate and aligned with my current stage of ascension, please begin the Light Envelopment Activation with me now.

I open myself to receive the Melchizedek Disciples and their connection with me. I welcome, receive and absorb the 344 layers of light frequency and energy from the Universal Level, that I know will create the activation within me.

I am protected, balanced and at peace throughout the entire activation and have a deep knowingness within me when the activation is complete. I understand my community of guides will support the activation in the coming days in blossoming within my being and all Lord Melchizedek described awakening from within me. With divine timing, I will recognise the powerful shifts that have taken place within my being with awe, wonder, gratitude, and love. Thank you and let it be. ‘

In constant support of your truth,Lord Melchizedek

More from Lord Melchizedek -

Free audio download of Natalie's Message -

Video - "Let The Light Language & AA Metatron Spin the Metatron Cube For Your Spiritual Upliftment" -


Making Exalted Choices For Life By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message is reminding us that every moment we are making choices for our lives, so our focus of attention is very important. We are being gifted with living words of power to help empower those choices.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy,
and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

Shanta Message .....

From the beginning of my association with Archangel Gabriel in 1990, he spoke to me in CAPITALS. While writing the messages that I received, I noticed that these capitalized words contained high frequencies of energy and deeper meanings.

Words such as Life, Peace and Joy would all be written with capital letters to give them stronger emphasis. It became clear that these words represented Qualities of Consciousness. The capitalized words acted as Spiritual Principles that carried a deep, resonant frequency. When I played with these words in my meditations, they had the power to change my consciousness.

Archangel Gabriel suggested that I sit in the frequencies of an empowered word like a bath of Divine Light. I was told, "Let the Light frequencies in one of these words fill every fiber of your being and flow into your heart. This became a focal point for my meditations. I was coached to imagine immersing myself in Peace or Joy for a few minutes. 

After you feel this energy strongly in your heart, let the Light fall through your base chakra to anchor into the earth." When I followed these instructions, I was surprised by my illuminated ability to sense the Divine Intelligence inherent in the qualities of Light these words represented.

As the energy frequencies on the planet have increased, so has the power of certain words to change our vibrations and affect our lives through their magnetic resonance. Each of these powerful words acts as a Spiritual Principle that we can bring into our lives. It is our focus of attention that helps to attract these qualities into our energy fields, where they can empower us to new ways of being.

When I meditated with these words, I could feel that my energy would be uplifted by their power. It felt like these capitalized words were acting as living frequencies of Light that became available to me in a new way. I could make these words into my intentions for the day or direct them into different areas of my life, and I would feel the impact that focus would have.

Archangel Gabriel has stated that there is a clear requirement for us to anchor these higher energy frequencies on the Earth so the consciousness of all people can be uplifted. When we sit in the field of Divine Light frequencies carried in certain words of power, we create a bridge from Heaven to Earth. As simple as it seems, this exercise has the capacity to create beautiful change on the planet as well as in our own lives.

Sometimes these words of empowerment would come in groups of three with the same first letter. When this happens, I feel a bit of Angelic play afoot. Once when I was nervous about a trip to visit family, the words I received for my intentions were Harmony, Happiness and Humor. Keeping these key words and the magnetic energy that filled them in the forefront of my attention changed the trip in a wonderful way and resulted in a very positive outcome.

Creating new life begins with our intentions for what we want to experience. We have a choice, moment to moment, where we place our attention. These choices open us to amazing support from the Universal beings that believe in our Soul Purpose and are committed to our expanding consciousness.

This level of alignment to Source energy assists our ability to be more conscious in life. As we immerse ourselves in the power of living words of Light, we allow the Divine Presence to work within us, inspiring the heart-centered action we need to fulfill our Soul's Destiny on Earth.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for helping me to open into new expansive awareness of the fields of Living Light available to humanity right now. I ask to be more clear about what I need to feel fulfilled, happy and more successful in every area of my life.

As I center myself in the holy words of this empowered language of Divine Light, I ask that I be a clear channel to anchor these frequencies on the Earth in more grace-filled ways.

As I stay in alignment with the living fields of Light now available, may I and all of humanity become more aware of the depth of spiritual connection available to all of us at this time.

May all be empowered by the pure potential and Grace being offered for our awakening consciousness on the Earth. Thank you God! And so it manifests!

Shanta Gabriel

Video - "5 Ways To Instantly Shift Into Self-Love" By Melanie Beckler

AA Gabriel's Message .....

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy, and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

Dear Ones,

This is a universe of free will. The Angels will not step in to assist without being asked. “Ask and you shall receive” was the statement of master Jesus. So it is important to ask for this support in all the choices you make in your life, from moment to moment.

When you make a choice to think in a positive, instead of negative way; when you make a choice to accept, rather than judge, the decisions made by another; when you agree to give instead of waiting to receive; all these choices are examples of opening your heart and mind to receiving your highest good.

When you choose the highest good for all, you signal the available energy in the universe to come to your aid. Miracles will occur naturally all around you, by your willingness to receive them. People will suddenly begin to give to you in a different way.

Synchronous events will transpire in ways you never thought possible. This is the natural flow of God’s grace available to all who are willing to work in harmony with Divine Energy and have the forces of the universe align behind them.

There is a Universal Flow of energy awaiting your command. You live in the pure potential of All That Is, a River of All Creation. When you are aligned with what you want to create, and open to receive, that powerful river of creative energy will flow in the direction of your intentions. It is the natural order of life, yet it will feel like a miracle.

These results also come from willingness on your part to have your life be good, and to allow others to love and support you. It has to do with knowing what you want and asking for it directly, as well as having faith to know that there is a greater order and good available to all who believe.

So accept that what is occurring around you in your life is a reflection of what is occurring within you. Begin to make small choices to experience love instead of fear, to forgive the person who has wronged you, even when the action seems unforgivable, to give thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have, and to believe that miracles can occur in your life, when you are willing to receive them.

These shifts in attitude bring a return of greater Love, Joy and Fulfillment in your life. It all begins with you and with your sincere willingness to allow the Angels and the Universal Presence to come to your assistance.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy,

and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
February 10, 2019

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