The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Truth About Steve Beckow! Oct 19/12
Since you have only been tuned into Cosmic Vision News for two weeks, perhaps you've missed the real blockbuster show.
On the contrary, Cosmic Vision News is the SOURCE that brought us Sierra Nebulina and her August 4th deadline for disclosure. This is the second psyop coming from Steve Beckow's group and Inlight radio. This blog is run by Stephen Cook, a former ABC News professional who has deep pockets of unknown funding. Light workers as a whole have pretty empty cupboards about now if they are authentic. (I have not been given any support from him and cannot afford expansion or tech support to keep updates going do to dark contingency plan of judgment programs in new age community focused upon me by many. Tami)
If you also remember Steve and Linda Dillon brought us the failed "Neptune flight" that also left the Lightworker community open to ridicule when that Mothership and all the volunteers were left holding their suitcases waiting for black limo's to pick them up to go on the Neptune flight which never materialized. Beckow said he would retire if the Neptune failed to appear but then, reneged on his promise. He took a months vacation to think about it and then came back with new operations instead.
These two dark operations were only possible through spreading disinformation widely through sources like Cosmic Vision News, and many Steve Beckow blogs and radio show support. Each radio personality in their group vets each other and whatever operation they are currently working on.
Both operations caused harm to our community. Geoffrey West vetted Sierra Nebulina himself along with five other members of this group and they vetted her experience with the Queen of England, Obama and also that she "anchored light" for victims of the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado during the course of one evening in time.
She spread her tale on Cosmic Vision News first and then Steve Beckow ran "plausible denial" about the August 4th date shortly after, so that not many realized where this information had originated in the first place. Who runs "plausible denial?" Sierra said the Andromendian High Council had given demands to the dark cabal of an August 4th deadline. It was to happen during the Olympics, and was their last chance for disclosure of a Galactic presence on Earth. Never mind that the Galactic Federation of Light does not make demands but Sierra sure said they did and many believed this disinformation. She was rewarded with her own show on Inlight Radio as a result.
Between these two failed operations, such ridicule came as to cause great discouragement and alarm within our community. So please use your own discernment and also consider these past dark ops before recommending any further disinformation programs like this one.
If you notice the good ship, Neptune and Sierra Nebulina, the play on words is something often done in black operations by CIA and other intelligence agencies when they infiltrate a community.
In addition, Geoffrey West (Host of Cosmic Vision News) was the first to extend an open "invitation" to Greg Giles, asking him to come in "out of the cold" and reveal his secrets and change of heart (as if Greg's site had not been hacked) on his show ~ Cosmic Vision News. Greg, as many of his friends know, had his website hacked and is MIA. Another channel recently spoke through George Wallace, Jr. saying Greg was no longer present on Earth. No one has been able to locate Greg Giles either. He seems to have physically disappeared, so whether he's alive or not is not presently known. ( Unfortunately the dark used Greg Giles for some time which I tried to clarify to him Tami)
IMO ~ Expect more mischief from this (Beckow) blog and radio group.
For some historic background ~ if you remember, Steve Beckow and his fund, paid for Mike Quinsey's computer replacement (said to be $10,000) about two years ago and this is how they gained fame and this generous act put Steve Beckow and company on the light worker map. At the time, I was grateful to have Salusa messages back, too. It was only after the Sierra Nebulina fiasco that I began to take another look at what they've been doing. It's well-orchestrated. ( I personally know that not all the information coming through Mike is clear as well Tami)
We might consider who else but government has such deep pocket funds to toss around in order to directly influence channels?
Not long after, the failed August 4th so-called, Deadline for Disclosure, Mike Qunisey added an addendum of Linda Dillon's AA Michael channels on one of his Salusa Messages. Due to this "tainting" I stopped posting Salusa messages entirely in my own network. Shortly afterward, the Beckow group/Stephen Cook have given Mike Quinsey an all expense paid trip to Sedona, Arizona in the U.S. for special conferences and Mike is now advertising the sales of tickets to these (Beckow/Cook) events. The first one sold out and more conferences are planned. Meanwhile, Stephen Cook keeps interviewing and influencing the channel pool and through gifts, he is managing to taint other channels, one-by-one either through funding or other means such as the "star" treatment and publicity for their websites.
It is through this particular influence, and this particular group that much disinformation is being spread. Mike Quinsey is innocent, of course, and not even aware of the possibility of dark operations being used against himself and all of us through these failed operations (Neptune/Nebulina). Such as "containers" (Linda Dillon) being used to control members of the dark cabal. This is another controversy and is in direct conflict with Agarthan "light chambers" to assist us in the ascension process (Sheldan Nidle). Please use your highest discernment and do not fall for further ploys and disinformation coming from this group.
This is a very professional group of hosts. Stephen Cook is a great handler of guests, there is no doubt of it. Very slick operations.
This is my opinion but I am not interested in anything further from those who have spread lies and disinfo TWICE before. Why give them a chance to go further? What will Lightworkers fall for next? It's a choice but I choose to switch these programs OFF. Thank you...
As we journey on together ~ the plot thickens, so please pay close attention to where these things originate. This is all I ask for here.
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