Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Cosmic Awareness -- The Attitude of Gratitude by Will Berlinghof

Cosmic Awareness -- The Attitude of Gratitude by Will Berlinghof

That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available, please proceed.
Thank you. Welcome Awareness, thank you for being with us today for the Rainbow-Phoenix membership session of August 7, 2014.  Will Berlinghof is the interpreter for your messages, Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Love, the Law of Light and the Law of Unity have been invoked. 
Is there an opening message or any event you would like to discuss at this time please?  Thank you.
That which is Cosmic Awareness does indeed have an opening message. That this Awareness has spoken of the attitude of gratitude several times in the past. It would like again to speak on this. That this Awareness states that an attitude of gratitude, although perhaps understood in a minor way, a faddish way, for it is indeed a fad at this time to use this phrase attitude of gratitude by many of the light workers.
That this Awareness would speak to this at a deeper level. That It has spoken many times of that which is the energy of creativity, that each and every one is a creative being, and yet many still have great problems in understanding this or putting it into play, into action.
It is for many an intellectual concept that they are Creator beings and yet, when in their own lives there is failure to manifest one's creative desires, often there is great disappointment, often there is a willingness to blame another, even this Awareness for a failure, for each individual to manifest their own unique and individual reality.
Of course this is indicative of the fact that while it may be intellectually understood, it is not perceived or understood at a more basic and fundamental level, at a level of the heart and soul. What this means yet again, is that many are still looking outside of themselves to see the results of their intention, and as it has been most popular to quote the Law of Attraction, that if one puts out something they will attract it to them. This is not a concept that is well understood or well employed. Often it is thought that simply because one wishes this to be so, it will be so without a full understanding of why it is important to seek out at the deeper inner levels, the unconscious and subconscious levels, those thoughts, those beliefs, those attitudes that would negate the Law of Attraction, that would prevent the manifestation of that which one thinks they want.
Herein lies the dilemma and many become discouraged because they have put out they want something and yet nothing is happening.  Many of the light workers who are in the dense energies of this third dimensional reality you find yourself in, wish to leave this density, this oppressive reality that they find themselves in and thus they put out that they would wish big changes to occur – life altering changes on the planet, the destruction even of the old systems as Mother Earth shakes off the vermin on the surface, and transmutes herself, transforms herself.
Many wish to escape their earthly experiences because it is too much, because there are no positive results seemingly occurring for them. This of course is a dilemma, for it is not often appreciated or understood that each and every individual who has placed themselves upon the planet at this time, this unique and powerful time, has done so with purpose and intent. 
There are no accidents, no one on the planet is here by accident, for it is of course a very complex procedure for Spirit to condense Itself into that focus of personality that is having a life experience.
Yet many of the sensitive souls, the spiritual ones, who have chosen to be here at this time to assist this transformational process of Mother Earth and humanity, arrive in a cauldron that they find themselves uncomfortable in, because it is one of the primary rules of engagement to have a physical life, that one forgets themselves, forgets their spiritual source.  That it is a difficult passage indeed to be on the third dimensional planet of duality, subject to the manipulations and controls by ones who serve a dark side, a negative energy of creation, and because they have forgotten that they have volunteered, that no one has forced them here, that their wish and desire is to leave this oppressive planet to return home, back into a higher state of consciousness and awareness.
Thus it is that many wish for the big changes to occur on the planet, even to the point of planetary cataclysm so that the old can be wiped away and that they can be freed of this drudgery and oppression that they have experienced on this third dimensional reality.
All of this has been spoken of before, but what this Awareness would like to focus on now, is how if and when one not only has the understanding that it is personal choice of the soul that has brought one here, but also the acceptance that one is here for a reason and a purpose, that they can start to move themselves and shift themselves away from the victim mentality that is so rife on this planet and in human consciousness, towards the understanding and appreciation that each and every individual is unique and Divine in nature.
That each is a creator being and that it does require inner work to break through those belief systems that confine one. That one way of doing this is to adopt an attitude of gratitude, rather than a litany of complaining that one is in misery and one does not want to be here anymore.
You are here for your own unique and special reasons and these are in alignment with your spiritual and your soul's purpose. When one truly understands this and moves beyond simply complaining about their intolerable situation, then one will no longer simply say: “I did this, I did that, but nothing is happening.  I look outside at the world and they are not doing anything, nothing is changing”, and that state of misery and despair that many feel in this third dimensional reality becomes overwhelming.
However, if instead of demanding that the changes show themselves outside of the person themselves, by demanding that external change will be the evidence they need to believe that they are spiritual beings – that if this can be overcome, if one can move beyond dualistic thinking into unity consciousness, then again, all will change.
If one holds thankfulness and gratitude for one's life and for the changes that are coming, this will change the energy focus away from one that demands external evidence before one will truly believe, to one where one is already the believer and the changes required now have the positive energies that will affect the outcomes.
That when one simply and continually asks for and sometimes demands for change but is not grateful for what is already so, that it is a much harder journey and more difficult to accomplish than if one is thankful for what one has and is thankful for what one is creating.
For example, if one states "I wish to win the lottery" and the lottery is not won and one stays in that place of condemnation because Spirit should have provided this, because one has asked for a lottery win and nothing has happened, no win, no lottery. That one often may state that "I do not believe for Spirit did not bring this through". But if one holds that one is in abundance, that Spirit is always providing and one is thankful for the abundance of Spirit, this creates the positive environment that the subconscious, the low self, holds to be the truth and it, the subconscious, will work actively in the third dimension to manifest this abundance that is held to be already so, rather than an attitude that says "I will truly only believe this once I win the lottery and then I will know it to be the truth".
One must hold already that this is the truth.  One must be thankful and express one's gratitude at any and every opportunity convenient to an individual.
One such opportunity may be at the evening meal or at any meal, where a prayer is spoken, giving thanks for the abundance of one's life, for the nutrition that is being provided, to Spirit for being available.
It does not take much effort, but as one creates the atmosphere in one's life of positivity, then positive things will happen.
That nature, as the saying goes, abhors a vacuum.  Thus it is that if a vacuum is created, energies must enter into that vacuum to fill it. If the vacuum has a negative quality due to one's negative thoughts and beliefs, then the energies that enter into the vacuum and manifest are indeed those energies that will support this negative attitude, these negative beliefs.
If however the vacuum that is created is positive in nature and holds that one lives in abundance and prosperity, in peace and harmony, then the energies that enter into this vacuum will manifest in this as the reality one is perceiving and experiencing.
Therefore even though it seems trite in nature to speak of an attitude of gratitude, it is very much an important concept to hold. That when one is looking at their lives and only seeing the negative results or the lack of results, that this is an opportunity to realize that perhaps one is living in a negative vacuum and the creation of the negative experience is in direct accordance to the universal law of a creator being creating their lives.
If one can question then, when one is looking at their lives and seeing the negative experiences or the lack of results as indicators of a negative mindset or negative core beliefs, this might encourage two things: it might encourage the inner investigation of the state of mind that the subconscious is holding and that it is manifesting, and that it may also then lead to the realization that it is as easy to be positive, to hold that one has already abundance, and that it flows each and every day.
That this indeed does create the positive tension that is needed to bring forward positive results.  Therefore, at these most critical of times when there is an energy increase in the spiritual force that is now rolling upon the planet, that is immersing the planet, where manifestation is happening more quickly, even instantaneously often, it becomes imperative to understand this dichotomy of negative focus and attention versus positive focus and attention.
It may be that things do not manifest instantly when one is trying to be positive. This therefore necessitates patience and faith.  That this is that which will in the long run bear results, and again if it occasions doubt and speculation of why things never happen and a willingness to blame, that this is actually the indicator one should take as the negative being the master and not the positive. That one should take the opportunity to look deeper to ask the inner questions of why this is so.
Therefore this Awareness in conclusion again states that a positive attitude of gratitude, thanksgiving and prayer to Spirit, and thanks to Spirit for granting the positive results is of great importance in one's life especially at these times.
That this completes today's opening message. This Awareness is open to any question the Energizer might have.
That was an excellent opening message Awareness, and so, so true.  The members will definitely be pleased. Thank you.
This is a message that has been presented before but it is important to be reminded of this constantly, either through this Awareness or through one's own efforts, for it is that which will turn one's life around when they truly are thankful for all that is occurring in their lives, even the negative experiences, for there are many great lessons in the negative events that occur in individuals lives. To use those negative events as evidence that nothing is happening, is a mistake for those who are wishing to truly understand and activate their lives as Creator beings.
One is a creator being whether one understands this or not.  One is creating the energies of their life experience automatically and as this planet is still one of negativity, as the ones in power and control understand and know this and use this principle to their advantage, that they keep all in this state of fear and negativity. That then one will take this and manifest it in one's own life without even realizing that it is this negative belief system that they hold that is indeed creating the reality around them.
If one can take this to the next level and can start energizing from that positive level where it is already held that one has abundance and that more flows to one each and every day, or one has love, one has relationship, one has peace and harmony, whatever it is that one is seeking the most in life. If one has it and gives thanks as if it is already the accomplished fact, that this creates the positive energy and atmosphere around the individual that allows Spirit to create this much more enlightened and positive reality.
It again comes down to each and every individual and is not dependent on those who control the planet, for one begins to understand that unless one gives one's own power away to these ones, that nothing can take away from the individual's right and freedom to create their own reality, be it positive or negative.
Thus again the responsibility for the creation of one's life and what is occurring in one's life is an individual's responsibility, unique and separate from the beliefs that the majorities hold, that the masses are experiencing.
It is a difficult journey sometimes to separate oneself from mass belief especially those that are so deeply buried at the unconscious level that there is not even a perception that one is holding such negative attitudes.
The proof of the pudding if you will is to look at one's life and say "is this truly the creation of a positive attitude or, in the negative experiences that the individual is having, is this not a reflection of negative attitudes and beliefs that are still held, that are still unconscious, that still need to be exposed and dealt with so that one can truly move into the higher positive state of mind"?
The paradox here is that if one holds the positive as already being so and gives thanks as if it is already so, that this message goes to the subconscious and it starts to act on this positive energy and creates the positive. One is still benefited if one is willing to look at the negative beliefs and attitudes, but it is important to realize that change will commence when one truly holds gratitude, one truly gives thanks to that which is and that which is still manifesting and available to each individual.
That this is a new way of living one's life. It is not about complaining, it is not about holding  Spirit to ransom that It must create what is desired or else. It is that alignment with Spirit, that Spirit has always held. Spirit is not impoverished, Spirit is abundance and prosperity and joy and happiness. It is an individual themselves through their belief system, through their attitudes and energy energizing of the negative that creates what appears to be irrefutable evidence that nothing is happening, or that the worst-case scenario is happening, or that the person has tried and tried again but only bad things happen.
These are evidence of the negative attitudes one holds at those deeper levels, at those unconscious levels. That one can truly see as being so because it is reflected around them in their lives itself/themselves.  Seeing that “yes indeed, a negative energy is still within me and I will begin to change this by holding gratitude, by being thankful for what is my life, what is in my life, and holding that abundance, prosperity, joy, freedom, peace, etc. are available to me if I am willing to shift my focus and to adopt an attitude of gratitude as my way of life, as my way of being in alignment with Divine Spirit and my soul’s purpose.
It is up to each and every individual to work at this in their lives and this Awareness will leave it at that for now, but It does say to one and all: you are magnificence, you are abundance, you are freedom, you are joy and harmony and peace, for you are Spirit having a physical experience. It is so.
That is very good advice, Awareness, for the members, and everyone else actually as well. Thank you for sharing that with us.
That this Awareness is complete Its opening message.
Thank you.

Channeller: Will Berlinghof


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Father God:

Dear Kathryn, I'm going to tell you some things that you might not want to pass on in the message, but I ask you to continue giving the information as we give it to you, even if it might be a bit inconvenient or difficult for you. It is the contract we have had, and it has always worked out for the best, has it not?  You know how much we love you, and you have always trusted in our Truth, even when it was a test of your stamina, or your Faith.

We have many important messages to give to the world now, and we like to send them through you when they have a deep psychological meaning, because of your many years of training and your work with Sanat Kumara. 
Now, let us continue with the news and information for the world.  We want you all to be aware of a certain unfolding of a story line which we believe you will want to understand.  It has to do with the information I gave to you about Hollow Earth when I was channeling through another.  I want you to know that there was a very important reason for presenting the information I gave at the time; we were deeply involved in a sting operation with the cabal regarding the currency revaluation, and I wished to get the information out about the blessings for Lightworkers to a large audience.

The RV is a very important part of the transition to the new and glorious world we have coming.  So is the healing information which Kathryn and Sananda have now carried forward to help thousands of people in their preparation for Ascension.  Your Ascension is paramount for us, and we want to reach as many people as possible to help them raise their vibration and reach their highest potential.

Some time ago on the Hollow Earth calls, I announced that Zorra was really Father God, the one you have been reading messages from all along through Kathryn, in her collection we call "When God Pinched My Toe".  I realized that I would sound very different when I was channeled on the Hollow Earth calls through the one we call Billie, and so I adopted the name Zorra in order to create a more friendly and approachable atmosphere so that people could get to know me.  It was very successful for a while; we had a good time, and I was able to get across much important information.

When the channel and co-host turned on Kathryn with unbridled venom because she had channeled Sananda saying he no longer recommended the supplements they were actively selling, everything changed.  It had been our joint agreement to drop the supplements because the companies which produced them had not yet conformed to the changes we asked for them to make in the formulas and packaging.  Since I was not able to get the information through my channel, I asked Sananda to do it.  We had hoped that a drop in sales would convince them to make improvements in their products.

Unfortunately, we never had the opportunity to carry that through because of the sudden and complete rejection of Kathryn as a channel, and the campaign to discredit her which goes on to this day.  We are dismayed by this unethical behavior.  Because of it I discontinued the messages through them.  We do not use any channel who participates in unethical or negative behavior after they have been clearly warned, as they were.  We regret having to tell you this news, but it is important that you know that it is I, Father God, who was the energy behind Zorra, and that I am no longer.

The abrupt change did not allow me to gradually phase out the Zorra calls, which was my intention, and to discontinue using the channel, who had difficulty transmitting my feelings of Love toward all of you.  We had planned to continue using Kathryn, and I would have simply continued to use my true identity, as I have done in these messages.  When I announced that Zorra would be retired, it was not a popular decision, because many people liked the homey atmosphere and my charming (if I do say so) accent, but I did not hide the fact that I was not Zorra from Hollow Earth, but Father God.

Of course, the implications were far-reaching.  As Father God, I see all of humankind as my children, even through all of you were created with the energy and intention of Creator.  I intended to tell this story, but was not able to do so, and so it remains untold.  I will correct some of that here.  I will not include the personal information concerning the Hollow Earth people, since it would go against Kathryn's wish to stay outside the personal mud-slinging campaign by not discussing it.  I will leave that to them to reveal when they are ready to address Truth.  We are working with their Higher Selves to encourage this, since we never abandon our beloved children, no matter how far they may stray. 

You have now heard the story of your history through Serapis Bey and St. Germain.  These accounts are absolutely true.  So, you see, the human beings on Earth are not directly the children of Mother and Father God, but were created for the purpose of inhabiting our beloved Terra, which was our creation.  The Milky Way Galaxy was created by us, under the watchful eyes and unending Love of Creator.  We knew when we created Terra that she was to be the center of what would become the monumental struggle between Light and dark. We have had an intimate connection and special interest in all that was designed and carried out under our "watch," and we continue to be involved in your Ascension process.

All of this may have been obvious to you.  Now, here is the part that may cause some puzzlement and consternation for many.  The picture I painted of Hollow Earth - the peaceful, advanced civilization, the careful use of resources, the love of the land, the gentle weather and loving people - all was designed to give you a clear Vision of the kind of life you will establish on Planet Earth during the New Golden Age, with enough non-specifics to allow for the creativity and imagination of humankind in action.  

You see, the Agarthans of Inner Earth are a true group of beings inhabiting Earth unseen.  In order to allow them to remain protected, considering their close proximity to the surface, we devised the concept of Hollow Earth to allow the story to be told without endangering the Inner Earth people, whose leader and spokesperson is Adama.  By showing entrances only at the poles, we were able to be fairly certain that the folks on our calls would not go in search of the openings, and we could present the Vision as something you could live with day by day, and become so familiar with it that it would be easier for you to create your own idyllic civilization after our description.

Now, those of you who were followers will have many questions.  I ask you not to bombard Kathryn with detailed questions about who said what and why.  She was completely unaware of our plan to use the Hollow Earth format to make ourselves more accessible to you, but her Higher Self worked with us closely during the entire process.  She is just now learning, with you, about the master plan which was prematurely thwarted when the "Hollow Earth" people abruptly went their separate ways, refusing to even speak to Kathryn about their concerns or angry feelings.

We have often, through the ages, presented to humankind a scenario which you could use as a template to help you envision a way out of the dark propaganda and brain-washing which was so intensely applied by the dark ones.  It is sometimes necessary to create a Vision for you, to help you manifest what you have planned for and worked toward for eons.  We have seen this work for you in other instances, to help you raise yourselves above your current state.  This was our intention in creating Hollow Earth.  We have given the information through other channels as well, to reinforce the Vision. 

You see, from our point of view we can see the creation you intend to manifest and we can describe it to you.  This is our way of giving you an extra boost, by showing you that your dreams have already manifested somewhere in the Universe.  You will see the actual manifestation you have created when you Ascend, although it will be in a slightly different form and place. So, in Truth, there is a Hollow Earth/Eden for you.  It is just not inside the version of Terra you are now aware of.

Do not allow yourself to be caught up in confusion or resentment by thinking we "lied" to you by dramatizing your dreams.  Instead, please enjoy the Vision of your magnificent future which we created together. You have seen it with me, savored the pleasures it holds, and manifested its existence in the process.  

Many will wonder about the story of Admiral Byrd and his encounter with Hollow Earth beings.  We will tell you now how his visit was accomplished.  It was a mixture of real events and holographic images placed in their minds during the visit to Inner Earth, just as your Higher Self often may create images for your enlightenment during your dream time.  We did take his plane and crew into the Earth, and he did meet with the Agarthans, and they did send him with the message to give to the surface world that nuclear development and war must stop.

However, again to protect the Inner Earth civilization, which Admiral Byrd would have immediately tried to rediscover, we added the images which would throw him off track should he organize future expeditions (which he did).  I assure you he has forgiven us the minor editing when he discovered the reason, as I hope you will all see as necessary.

The great library of Porthologos is indeed in Inner Earth, under the protection of the Agarthans; you will also be treated to the experience of visiting it if you wish to ask me to take you there.  You will also learn all about it when you Ascend.  

I act out of love and devotion toward all of you and all the sentient beings on Earth.  Mother God and I have been working with you to support you in your campaign to raise your vibrations and clear away all old thought forms and habits of living in preparation for your Ascension. It is our greatest pleasure to take your hand and show you the way through the darkness.  

Along with the Vision of your Golden Age, I was able to give you much information which was true and relevant for the time as we approached the RV and the historic shift which is now under way.  I was glad for the chance to offer a wider view of the Universe than you were being presented on your mainstream media.  All will unfold as I have described.  

I will continue to speak with you through this channel, as I told the Hollow Earth community I would do, and the Company of Heaven will also expand their channeling whenever they find others, in all languages, who will reliably report our feelings and words.  You are beginning to understand how we work as a team, all aware of all others, all in harmony with one another as we work to bring you the most inspiring messages we can, given the conditions available to us at any given time.  

If you find what you might think are discrepancies in our messages, I assure you it is either simply because we are presenting another facet of the same Truth, or we have agreed to offer the information in a step-by-step process, in which case the timing of the messages would be relevant.  This is also why we must now ask you to leave behind much of what passes as "religion," because it was from a former era, and the part which is still very relevant is just one teaching:  Love is all there is in the Universe.  Everything else is illusory.

It was with great courage that you descended into lower vibrations - all of you - with the mission to turn darkness into Light, to follow the lead of you Creator and us in the intention to convince the dark ones to come to the Light.  This process continues, as we have described to you over the past few years in relation to the Revaluation of currencies and the establishment of NESARA law. It is delicately nuanced and more complex than anything you can imagine, and you have done your parts, often unaware that others around you were also playing out their roles as integral players in the success of the Grand Plan.

You have won your freedom.  The Archons are gone, as you have been told.  You are now in the final stages of the "clean-up" which requires that you heal the battle scars and the dark thinking which is the residue in your own minds of the long struggle.  

Lift your sights, Beloved Ones. We have great fun and celebrations ahead. You have faithfully fulfilled your labor of love through many lifetimes.  You will be amazed when you learn of the twists and turns, the immense challenges you have taken on, and the position you are now relative to where you have been. Soon, all your questions, large and small, will be answered, and you will be delighted.

Now it is time to shake off old concepts of individual freedoms and indulgences as your birthright.  Your true birthright is to raise yourselves to higher levels of group consciousness, endless Love, Compassion, Joy and dedication to the Greater Good.  In that, we are One.

I wish you great Happiness, clear sailing, and peace.

I am your Father God, the one you have known as Yahweh, Allah, Shiva, Zorra and Ra, depending on the language and culture.  I am with you always, in endless Love.  

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 16, 2014, 11 PM, New York   

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A short update on the energies ~ Aisha North 08.17.2014

A short update on the energies

Let us begin this missive by saying that you have entered another one of those intense phases, where you will be as if churning in and out of a veritable maelstrom of different frequencies. This may sound more than a little daunting, but believe us when we say that you have all been well prepared for such an intensely transformational upheaval such as this. For once more you stand on the threshold of a huge leap in you vibrational frequencies, one that will bring you up to par as it were with so much of your ethereal surroundings. In other words, we think you will find yourself in familiar fields in a very short time from now, as what has been initiated now will indeed transport you if not physically then at least energetically to those lofty abodes you so hanker for.

Let us explain. As we have told you before, this process of attaining higher and higher status as it were vibrationally does not entail for you to leave your physical body behind. That is, it does entail for you to be able to exit it at will if you will in ways that will enable you to come and go as you please. Not by way of exiting said body as you all do when the time comes for you to leave this incarnation altogether, that is, through the usual process of dying. No, what we refer to now, is the process with which you will be able to BE here in every sense of the word while simultaneously frequent other, more intangible layers of Creation. In other words, what is opening up wider and wider now, are those portals through which you will be able to transport you being, that is, those parts not composed of material stuff, your soul or spirit or the part of you that is not a fleeting one, but the permanent one. That is the part you will be able to go around with as it were, as in witnessing events taking place far from your shores, and indeed taking part in events not taking place on your shores, the better for you to be able to restore the same conditions back home. In other words, you will be carefully instructed in going to and fro other dimensions in order for you to bring back information in ways that will be far more direct than the more roundabout way you disperse information now. You see, as you walk about as living antennas, broadcasting energetic information near and far through the vehicle of your body, you also carry with you energetic imprints that will awaken so much around you. Both within your fellow humans, but also in those parts you might consider as inert in every way. But now, you will also put to the task in other ways, as in being asked to join in “in person” as it were in gatherings that will take place off your planet.

Again, this may sound like no more than hyperbole to some of you, but that is in fact what will be set into motion more and more now. For as you awaken, and yes, we do mean that in a very literal sense, you will also become more and more able to stay tuned as it were whenever and indeed wherever it is that you “go” when you are not in your body. You see, you are already seasoned travellers, and you have not been confined to your earthly vehicles for a very long time. For you have all been going on many a lofty excursion for quite some time now, but as yet, not much of what has taken place during these outings will have registered in the human parts of your consciousness. But now, as the new levels within you will be made accessible one by one, you will also start to find yourself taking part in what will at first seem to be snippets from a dream-like state, but will soon start to magnify and solidify in ways that will help you to better grasp what it is you are here to do.

For you are the connectors and the transponders in so many ways, and now, that will start to become even more apparent to you all. Not just for some hitherto intangible streams of energy, for now, you will all start to see and feel and know much more of what it is that you are so busy bringing back and forth. Remember, you also act as transmitters, not just receivers, and what you bring in you also bring out, and vice versa. In other words, through you a veritable flood of information runs constantly, both back and forth, from the outer reaches of your consciousness and into your human parts, and from the outer reaches of creation down to your planet, and back out again. For this is not a one way street, this is in all aspects an ongoing conversation that is taking place, where bits and bytes of information are constantly being shifted back and forth, the better to serve you, and the better to serve us to help to serve you. In other words, you are not only the ones grounding all of this incoming information, you are also the eyes and the ears on the ground, the ones that report back to the other side of the veil just how everything is faring, and so, you play an indispensable part in all of this. And now, you will become more of an observer into your own everyday life of being this all-important link between the two worlds.

So stay tuned as they say, and stay open to the fact that you will be brought more and more into the know. For you are already well versed in all of this beforehand, but you have as yet lacked the abilities to literally tune into it all. But now, that will change, as the floodgates have been opened yet again so that the full force of the light will be able to remove those “safety catches” that were installed in order to help you through the first part of this process. In other words, you will find yourself accessing more and more of the full spectrum that envelops you all, and as you do that, more and more of what you are contributing to all of this will become apparent to you. At first, you will find it hard to believe, but by and by, you will find it in yourself to truly take it all in, and we venture to guess that you will all be more than a little blown away by what you will find within your scope of abilities, and we also think you will be more than a little amazed by what you will find already there on your “track record”. For it is already more than impressive, and it will only continue to grow as you learn to grow fully into your shoes, and that is indeed something we are all more than eager to be able to witness.



Love is so profound, such a deep mystery in itself, that the deeper we delve into the cosmic realms of Love, the deeper we dive into the realms of Infinity.

How do you explain Infinity?

And how do try to even phantom the depths of Love?

Love is eternally there.

It cannot shrink.

It is not a tap one can turn on and off.

Whether a soul is embodied or not –  it does not matter, for the soul is pure ENERGY.  It therefore has many forms and multiple existences simultaneously in different parts of the cosmos.  There are 12 flames of YOU that make up your soul, and the other parts of you are all over the cosmos.  There are 144 other souls just in your own soul group.

So love comes in immensely different expressions and experiences of forms and energies.  To even try to pinpoint this into one single experience here in one fraction of a moment in the cosmic whole: – is like trying to put eternity in a little box and then stick a label onto it.  The box cannot hold infinity and therefore will pop into little pieces and dissolve……

With some souls, and twin souls we have experienced many lifetimes, in many different forms and dimensions, expressions of life.  So, life on this planet might just have been one single strand in lieu of millions such strands.  Yet, take those strands back to its Source, and you will find that love was there from the very beginning and love will be there eternally – for love is immortal.

With some souls we have such a close bond, that even if there seems to be something not kosher, something blocking or hindering, or seemingly out of sync, the love is still there.  It is just that we sometimes have to look past the illusions spun on this planet and elsewhere and get back to the very core – and then love will reveal itself.

 Once we have loved past the illusion, we cannot but take the other in our arms, hearts and souls and say:  “I love you – I have always loved you, and I will love you:  AD INFINITUM!”

I was reading this by Dr. Victor Frankl this morning and I am sharing it with you because I thought it was most applicable to LOVE and relationships in all its forms:  “The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem.”

I had an experience the other day, when I was delving ever deeper into the layers of what I had to release in order to clear certain energy centers in my body.  I was brought back to the state of fear and a type of mistrust I had for a soul with whom I have had many lifetime together.  In that I loved this soul immensely, I just could not seem to get past some of my own blocks.  I had to find the blocks, in order to heal, and then to get to the state of pure love.

In this I was brought back to a lifetime where this person had to initiate me.  The initiations in the Ancient Mystery Schools and Temples were severe.  They not only tested the endurance of the acolyte to the very core – they literally threw you into the underworld of Hades, and expected you to come out of it alive.  It was really all about overcoming fear in all its forms – in such moments of being severely tested, a soul often had mystical experiences, which in reality then pulled the soul through. When the soul had nowhere else to turn but to the Divine for help, then the soul would continue to do so, even in the most adverse situations.

Well in this instance I was thrown in a snake pit – pitch dark with cobras and vipers.  Well, in the midst of inexplicable horror I managed with the help of my angels and higher guidance to get onto a ledge and out of reach of these writhing snakes.  In this event hovering between two worlds, the latch opened and this soul pulled me out of there – barely alive.  In that moment of doing so, he was crying.  Sobbing.  It was then that I finally understood that he loved me so much, and always had, and in having to put me through all of this, he was suffering just as much.  It was then that I could see past all my own fears and hang-ups, and into the depth, the beauty, and awesomeness of the heart and soul of this man!

It was then that I understood that hatred, when delved into deep enough, always forces us back to the state of pure love, for indeed it dissolves within the Power of Love.  When Love dissolves hatred, anger and fear, it moves into the state of utter pure love.  It is then that one can stand before this soul, and just have tears of gratitude running down your cheeks, and a heart overflowing with love, for here the lessons are far greater and more profound.

It brings the honing back to the infinite core of LOVE – the Source Love itself!

I am merely sharing this, for I want to just bring you back to the point that you understand that love takes on many forms and expression.  Love sometimes is tough and sometimes it is joy, and at other times it is intense and utter pain.  Indeed, there can be no greater pain than loving someone so much that one cannot even put into words the depth of that love.  Words seem to be a sacrilege!

When we get to the core heart and soul of every living Being we will find pure love.  It cannot be other – for the Divine created the loving energy as being part and particle of all souls.  There is not one single soul in existence in the cosmos that has not love within its very make-up and form.  It forms part of the soul energy!

When we get to core of love – and feel this intensely, then we can only be grateful for the profound lessons that love brings.

  “No matter what I have done, or not done, I am worthy of Love!”  (Dr. John Demartini)

When the heart is opened up so much, as is the soul, we can only see LOVE within the other soul.  All else fades into oblivion!

It is soul and love energy connecting and uniting with soul and love energy.

There are no physical bodies, and no human emotions, no illusions, no stories coming in the way anymore: – there is just total and Divine SOUL LOVE!

It is soul energy fusing with soul energy.

It is heart fusing with heart.

It is soul flame merging with soul flame.

Interestingly when this happens, the Holy Spirit flame is ignited.  The flame of Eternal Love, Power and Wisdom = yet the access to this flame only comes in total ONENESS.

When one experiences such total love, one is brought back to LOVE in its creative form.

It is Love without boundaries.

It is cosmic love.

It is eternal love.

It is the truth of love.

In its true form, as it was first created.

(Judith Kusel)


Separation of phase levels appears in all media of energy

Separation of phase levels appears in all media of energy


gaia_energy1Separation of phase levels appears in all media of energy.

Prescience of Light Beings enhances velocity of awakenings.

Transitions to appropriate-for-each levels of BEingness occurs rapidly at this moment.

Resolutions of long standings occurs rapidly at this moment.

Penetrations of Cosmics occurs rapidly at this moment.


Views: 15

SAUL ~ The old order is failing, collapsing, disintegrating.

Humanity’s awakening has been divinely promised and is at hand.  Nothing can prevent it because not only is it God’s Will, which is always achieved, but it is now also humanity’s collective will, and because you were given free will your will is always honored.  Until quite recently individual wills, divided and confused as they were, had made humanity’s collective will very difficult to discern.  It was collectively unstable, changeable, confused, conflicted, and chaotic, but now it is coming beautifully into alignment and is determinedly seeking world peace, person by person.  Although, if you pay too much attention to the gloom and doom on the news media, you might well believe that nothing much has altered, and that humanity’s endless dance with conflict and betrayal continues unabated.

However, over the last several decades, with the vast increase in educational opportunities for large sections of humanity, much scientific study and research has been focused on meditation and on the effects it has on those who practice it.  That research shows that it is hugely beneficial to those who engage with it, and that when large numbers meditate as a group the effects are felt all around the world, and fear and anxiety decrease exponentially.  Consequently those who are spiritually gifted and guided among you have been spreading the word about its benefits and willingly teaching a variety of methods that assist people to access their deep inner space where peace is always to be found.

This why all those from the spiritual realms, who speak to you through your human channels, keep stressing to you the importance of daily meditation.  There has been an enormous increase over the last ten or fifteen years in the numbers of people across the world engaging daily in meditation.  The effects of that turn inwards, towards spirit (meditation always leads to spirit, even if the meditator does not acknowledge it, and the peace found there is spiritual) are clearly visible in the worldwide growth in movements for peaceful change.  Awareness has grown that life as it has been lived for eons on Earth, conflict after conflict with intensely self-centered agendas set by those who plan and commit to them, has to cease or you will destroy yourselves and cause horrendous damage to the planet.

So we continue to remind you to meditate.  Your meditation, as you have been told, has an enormous effect on the human collective causing an agitation in consciousness that leads even more to meditate.  The vast numbers meditating regularly are bringing about the changes that you have been hoping and praying for for a very long time.  Allow yourselves to believe the good news that your intuition brings to you when you allow and encourage your egoic minds to take a break from flooding you with disturbing distractions.

When you contact your intuition, your higher Self, your favorite ascended Master, Archangel, the Holy Mother, or the Holy Spirit what you “hear,” “sense,” “feel,” or even “see” is always wisdom of the highest order, wisdom that you can trust and depend upon.  Within the spiritual realms all are aware of and engaged with their Oneness in a cooperative and harmonious outpouring of Love to heal you all, but can and do still respond to you individually as the One you choose to address or call on.  The advice that you receive is always wise and loving, it never judges, blames, or condemns, and that is how you can be sure that it is truthful guidance that will assist you in the moment as you ask.

Keep on asking because you do need our support, and by asking for it you open yourselves to receive it.  As we keep telling you: All are One.  Therefore what you do as One, by asking for and accepting assistance from us, is to follow your chosen spiritual path, and that changes the world.  There are always, in every moment, many of you calling on us, and those calls are all constantly amalgamating into a most powerful request for assistance to which we are constantly and lovingly responding.  However, when you allow yourselves to be overwhelmed by the fears and worries of the illusion you drift off your path, your spiritual energy field then weakens and you become far less effective in the work that you incarnated to do, because you are effectively buying back into the illusion of separation.

This is not a judgment, it is just an observation, we do fully understand how difficult it is for you to maintain your focus in a world where conflict, competition, and disingenuous agendas appear to be the normal and necessary modes of behavior in order to survive.  You do get dragged down, your spiritual energy field does weaken, and it seems that you are alone and abandoned in a very unsafe and threatening environment.  And when you ask us for help it maybe seems to you that you have not been heard or that we have not responded to your call.

The energy field of the illusion, the busy workaday world in which you have to operate, is very loud!  Consequently, unless you make a very determined effort to go within, to your quiet and holy inner sanctuary, it is extremely difficult for you hear us, sense us, or intuit our presence and guidance.  In fact it may well appear that the raucous noise of the world’s energy field has recently become even louder and more insistent that you attend to it, making it more difficult for you to access that place of inner peace and calm.

The old order is failing, collapsing, disintegrating, and in its final moments it is desperately clinging to its last vestiges of power and influence, so it does appear to be louder, noisier, and more overwhelming in its assault on your senses.  Remind yourselves frequently that it is in its last moments, that its grip on the engines of power is slipping, and that the noise that it is making is the sound of grinding and splintering gears that are broken and seizing as the fear and worries of humanity, that were its lubricating agent, are withdrawn.

Love is smoothing and calming the hearts of humanity all across the world as it flows relentlessly but gently into every nook and cranny, into every dark corner that would resist its warm and healing embrace, and even in the darkest of places Its powers of persuasion are proving irresistible.  Love’s endless willingness to hold all, without exception or conditions, to Its soft and tender bosom in a refreshing and reassuring hug that confirms unconditional acceptance of even those who feel the least worthy of entering into Its presence is bringing you all Home to Reality.  It is waking you up into the glorious brilliance of God’s utterly entrancing and unending day.

With so very much love, Saul.


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