Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Mark has said that he and the "A Team" are going out on operation tonight after
the Ashtar telecall. News will be available tomorrow on that operation.

Tonight's big news is that Ashtar not only named some of the names of the people
involved in the recent operations but confirmed all the details. He also advised
anyone who has not read and studied the published details of these operations to
read the accounts quickly.

Mark told me earlier today that President Obama was briefed at the White House
on today's operation and that the President sent an etheric hug out to Beth for
her role in events.

I acknowledge that I feel comforted by the amount of detail Ashtar has given.
Here are extracts from what he said, followed by a few extracts from Mother
Sekhmet's later discussion.

Thanks to Susan Leland and the Ashtar family for providing us with this news.


Ashtar from "Ashtar on the Road," through Susan Leland, June 16, 2009:

Although we don't usually name names we shall honour those [involved in the
clearings]. We honour Mark, Tara and Rama, and Beth, Kauwila, [and Terrence] and
all of those who have participated in some manner in the clearings you have been
reading about. And if you have not been reading about them, better catch up
quickly. …

These dark energies now, we know, they're gone. … And this is the ultimate
freedom for every human to stand tall and be free.

There were always those strong ones who, much like Darth Vader, had to go to the
very end of the drama before they could finally be convinced in some manner or
other to leave the planet and thus [leave] you, beloved humans, alone. …

We had said that there was a time and a date at which we would not allow these
energies to continue their dark ways. What we meant … was simply that, when the
sequence of events had flowed sequentially to coincide with the evolvements, the
attunements, and alignments that you, beloved ones, had been offering
consciously and unconsciously, that was what you might call the drop-dead date
for those who wanted to keep you in the dark. What has died here is their
ability to have any kind of a hold over you. So walk free, stand tall. …

You will find in the next few days that you have more energy. … These [dark]
energies have been able to permeate everywhere, in everyone's energy field. …

When we say Monsanto is done, we mean it is done and not only that, but whatever
residues they have lying around are done. See how it works? It is all energy. …

Everyone here has advanced from general scrubbing down into Q-tipping. Now
that's a biggie. We shall review. We have been suggesting that you cleanse and
clear. Use dendrite removals or whatever other energetic and spiritual methods
that you have. Nurture and nourish your physicality.

Put your egos not exactly out to pasture but that's as good as anything. In
other words, let your egos know with great love and affection that they have
done a fabulous job for you, but it's time for them to take a rest.

Bring your inner child out to play. Perhaps your inner child can make your ego
crack a smile or two or dance. … You're not destroying your ego or leaving it
behind. We've been giving this advice for some time now. …

We confirm that all these wonderful things that you're reading about, they are
true, so long as you know who to read because there are disinformation
[specialists] out there. But it is going to get more and more difficult for the
disinformation specialists to get anyone to believe them because you see the
need for fear is pretty much over. …

They have nowhere to hide. They cannot steal your money anymore. They cannot
enslave you. They cannot force unhappiness or low-vibe situations on you. … And
they're starting to get it. …

The 13 Families … are starting to find out that they are not powerful. … They do
not have their back-ups anymore. They do not have their dragons. … They don't
have all of … their evil conjurers and so on. They are just not there any more.
The Annunaki have pulled out a long time ago with their treaty with the Light
but there were renegades. …

There is the great news. Confirmation. The world has turned a page or had a page
turned. …

There were many more who were in support of these missions, higher beings,
higher-family beings. …

There are still a few loose ends to tidy up but be not concerned. …

Along with the dark energies themselves have gone the technologies that they
were trying to unloose. …

There were accesses to the planet that the off-planet dark hats … had. The red
carpet has been jerked out from underneath them. They no longer have access.
Reinforcements are not on the way. … The mop-up will be fast. …

You've been waiting for years for these events to unfold. … Does it amaze you
how fast this is getting done? … The future is now. …

We know some of the participants were a bit in wonderment at times about whether
this was all getting done or not and we want to assure you that it was. It was!
It is! And so that just gives you an idea of how quickly the biggie can happen.

We know there are some of you who are wondering how we are going to restore an
old-growth forest in a week when we come among you. … We trust that these
operations have given you a glimmer of how fast things can happen. …

It's party time. We are going to be celebrating. … The red carpet is going to be
rolled out in a big way. … We have the energies of the clean-up, the clearing
going on. … You're going to feel more energized because you've plateaued.

We have some events planned. … There are going to be some biggies coming up
soon. … No dates. Nevertheless, you haven't come this far to have a slowdown.
You're going at warp speed now and, if you're having trouble recognizing that,
remember this week that this was the week that was. …

You're going at warp speed. That's the plateau you've reached.

Mother Sekhmet:

It's all happened, occurred and finalized as stable. … Thank you for being the
back-up to these courageous ones who have done such a great mission. Now you
know these ones are way more than human, as you are, but there had to be
representations on these missions by those who were at least partially human in
human bodies. We just want to say that their courage has been shown throughout
the universe and they are honoured. …

No dates, but for the mission the date has come. Everything is flowing very
well. … Everything is in a state of readiness, almost to the nanosecond. Got
it? …

We shall honour the tradition of no dates but be advised that the way is a lot
clearer now than a few days ago, as you measure. … We may show up at a few
parties. We shall be delighted if we can be at multiple locations.

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Great post Kihanyaking.
....thanks so much friend.

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