Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ascended Master Pallas Athena On The 7th Seal & 12th Ray By Peter Melchizedek ... And ... New Transmissions to Assist Our Star Children By Judy Satori

Part 1 & 2 – Pallas Athena – 7th Seal/12th Ray By Peter Melchizedek

The following message is paramount for all who wish to understand more about Divine TRUTH and dive deeper into the hitherto Unknown  - through the Portal of Truth which shall open at the Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017. At the threshold of embodying the 12th Ray, Peter Melchizedek's communications help us to rise to a higher vibration where more of the bigger picture is becoming visible. 


To understand Truth you must become Truth through living in the Radiance of whatever measure of Purity God has given to you. Expanding it further by conscious effort you will find at last a 'thinning of the veil' and eventually the 'Peaceful Valley' will prove to be no mirage, for you will have entered into the Shangri-La or World of Divine Perfection which the Father is.

Are you ready to step up and open the 7 Seals as they present themselves to you? The last one, the 7th seal, is the Seal of Grace, but do not hurry - reMEMBER: the JOY - and thus EMPOWERMENT! - lies in the UNFOLDING of the PATH in front of you!

BB, Sonja Myriel RAouine

Part 1 – Pallas Athena – 7th Seal/12 Ray - Elemental Grace Alliance...

To read the full message for Part 1 from Peter - just click on this link:

Father - Mother - Life, I call upon Beloved Lady Pallas Athena to share with us Her Message for the 8 : 8 Lions Gate and the Opening of the Seventh Seal for Humanity.  You Dear Heart, have made your Presence known to me since 7th August, and I now fully open to absorb the Truth of Love from you, in this most Auspicious Shift in Time Lines of Consciousness of Humanity, now and in the future.  Bless You Dear One. -  Peter.

“Dearly Beloveds, I Am Lady Pallas Athena, and I come today as part of the unfurling of Consciousness for Humanity. I come today, not in my capacity as Patron of the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge with Chohan Master Hilarion, but within My Role and Capacity as the Chohan of the 12th Ray of the One Unity Consciousness of Mother, Father Life, Over Lighted by The Mahatma, Lord Ardal and Eternal Oneness.

“Within the Discourses of the Elemental Grace Alliance My Presence was felt through My Beloved Divine Consort, The Maha Chohan. Today I come at Peter’s request to share something with you all that has not openly been shared before within this Resonant Vibrational Force Field called the Elemental Grace Alliance. I therefore wish to Respectfully Call upon the entire Elemental Grace Alliance Council and its Concentric Circles of Love, Light and Life to Join Us within this transmission to those who presently have committed themselves to this Divine Plan, and to those whom may join at some time in the future of its Divine Development. Dear Souls, allow me to begin by sharing with you something that you are not fully aware of, although Your I Am Presence’s are slowly bringing to your Inner and outer attentions such things.

“Each of you who are reading or listening to this,You stand at the threshold of the 12th Ray, with Qualities and Virtues of Wisdom, Devotion, Illuminating Intelligence, Love, Power, Harmony, Peace, Equilibrium, Creativity, Inspiration, Magnetism, Enlightenment And One Unity Consciousness. Your Essences of these Qualities are Now Shining Forth, both individually and as a Group and this is a wondrous and delightful thing to Observe.

“We hear you speak with the tongues of men and women, but walk in the Rainbow Hued Light of Truth. We who help guide your steps are Lifted with Gladness by the courage of your words as you continue to place them into the actions that make up your lives. This We Celebrate and Rejoice, when you break each earthly chains of limitation. With blazing eyes, you look inward for the last shreds of bondage and the means to free the Heart, so that it may Open to All.

“As a child, you Trusted the Voice within and you yourselves rejoiced in Its exuberance and clarity. You are remembering once again your Roots and Origins and are regaining the Innocence of Youth. As you do, you are being carried swiftly and joyfully ever upward as you open the Unconditional Heart of Acceptance.

“Brothers and Sisters, as you cheer and inspire others, know that we endlessly Supply you with all means necessary to carry out your Divine Work here, and all that you need will Divinely Manifest, as if by magic at each point along the way.

“Know now that all answers to your questions about Your I Am Presence and Soul Self are accessible at this time.  No insight or tool is denied you, as you remember the fullness of your Knowledge and Love.

“So Claim your Birthright, and all Inheritance of Spirit, as you Serve to Anchor and Activate the 12th Ray; as our Hu-Man Representatives, walking with the dignity and joy of "Ones who Love most Greatly.

“The 12th Ray of Unity Consciousness or Christ Consciousness is the Golden Ray of the Age of Aquarius, and holds the predominant focus of integrating and transcending the dualities of Humanity for the experience of One Unity Consciousness in this New Golden Age.

This is an extract from the ‘Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light Program’ set out in ‘The Ray Readings Manual’ communicated through Anrita Melchizedek, given to me in 2007 by Anrita and recently giving me permission to share with the EGA Group.  It continues this thread:

Thus we see that each preceding Ray, from the First to the Eleventh, have given you the Gift of Immortality through the experience and integration of your Sacred Contract and Life Purpose in numerous incarnations. And now you are presented with a Ray that holds the Highest Vibration of Christed Light of all Earthly Rays, and is a combination of all Twelve Rays with a Higher Quotient of Source Light.

In Jacob’s Ladder, the Sphere Wisdom (Chokmah) relates to the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness. Wisdom is described as the “Great Stimulator of the Universe”, and Ancient texts speak of Wisdom as “Illuminating Intelligence” and the “Crown of Creation”. 

The Twelfth Ray is represented by the magical image of a bearded male figure, a mature male, (eg, Lord Melchizedek). Seated in Wisdom and Maturity, you are a Divine Vessel of Light, having integrated the dualities inherent on this Earth plane into One Unity Consciousness. And through this magical image, the Divine Father aspect to your Immortal Nature is revealed.

In the Tenth Ray of Divinity, you have the experience of initially removing the veils of illusion, which continues through the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth. And now, the activating of your Immortal Nature is complete through the removal of all bands of forgetfulness for all time, space and dimensions. Further to this, the Illumination and Wisdom of the Twelfth Ray presents you with the ability to experience a Perfect physical form (The Adam Lilith Root Race) without the experience of death, a gift given only to an enlightened Master through the actualization of the Twelfth Ray. At this Level, the advanced Ascended Master Gifts are yours to access freely, and you may find yourself suddenly teleporting, manifesting inanimate objects, regenerating the body, shape shifting and so on.

This Ray can be seen as an emanating seed of thought, a Vesica Pisces, creating Light, and bringing about the Flower of Life, a hidden mystery to your Immortal Nature, through the Divine Emanations of the Twelve Rays, and the dynamic influence of the Zodiac. The streams of thought interweaving through these Twelve Rays merge in Formlessness in the Twelfth Ray.

And yet, in contradiction, the form side is experienced in its Highest Divine aspect through the ability of the Twelfth Ray to give rise to any form. Thus, we see a Ray that Manifests in Perfection with the Divine, Creative Endeavors of Illuminating Intelligence and One Unity Consciousness. This Divine Inspiration Magnetizes what it needs in Form through the Emanating Seed of Thought of Father God, as the Giver of Life.  (Just as Jesus did with the loaves and fishes, The Christ Letters)

The Twelfth Ray, further brings about the Divine experience of Tantra, meaning “Union with God” through its Magnificent Energy, and the right use of your Sexual Energy. Adding to this magical influence, in the integration of the Twelfth Ray, you have the ability to activate the two Etheric Immortal chromosomes within the body, and to create a Reality as an Immortal Being of Light. And it is the Delight of the physical form, and the Magnificence of your physicalness, which may allow you to experience your Immortal Nature through Tantra. 

The archetypes related to this Ray are that of the Father and Visionary. The Father archetype is representative of the Divine Father and is not related to patriarchal control or domination issues. The Father archetype brings a deep Wisdom and Unity Consciousness Focus through lifetimes of experiences, and this is expressed very much as the Creator Energy, or the ability to Create and Manifest in Perfect Harmony to All Life. This archetype further shines through from the Sphere of Understanding (Binah) and a deep integration of polarities on both the Spiritual and physical planes, bringing a Perfect Balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies, further amplified through the Over Lighting of Pallas Athena, as Chohan to this Ray.

The Visionary or Seer Knows and Expresses All Possibilities of Light through the Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness and has the Gift of Creating and Manifesting Programs of Light that will Lead All people into the Golden Flame. The Visionary has the Gift of Knowing and Seeing beyond the veils of illusion and further to this, has the Gift of Being able to mold and co-create the very Fabric of Reality. Change is the only constant in the Swirling's of Light of Infinite Possibilities.

Once you have reached the Levels of this 12th Ray, and it comes into your awareness, it shows a deeply Devoted person to the Path of Illumined Truth, and very often a Mystery School Initiate, who has integrated the Highest Levels of Initiation in Parallel Realities. This Ray may also show a person who is bringing into their Reality friends and family from these Parallel Realities.

This is a person who has the Gift of Manifesting and Knows the Abundance of the Universe, and the Ability to Shape and Create into Perfected Form whatever is needed in this Now. A Magnetic Personality, this Ray reveals a person who is deeply aligned with Universal Wisdom and the Realms of Illumined Truth, able to bring Order and Harmony, Wisdom and Inspiration.

This Ray may also show a person who is working with their dualities through the deep and devotional embracing of their shadow side, and stepping more into their Innate Power. Further to this, this Ray will assist in bringing through the Perfect Balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine archetypes as well as the Magnetization of your Divine Partner and Flame, through the aligning of these polarities on the Inner Planes. This can be upon the physical planes or the Inner Planes of Existence.

“Thank you and Bless You Peter for sharing this. For indeed it shall allow each of you to begin to comprehend more fully, what I am about to share.

“But before I continue I wish to say something of the Seventh Seal.

“What you have to understand about the Seven Seal is that like most things within the bible, it is shrouded in untruths that speak of man’s punishment due to his sins.  It creates imagery of retaliation, reprisals and retribution. So unless one is well versed with Higher Understanding one will most definitely get caught up in these illusionary falsities. Yet, within these presentations there is profound Truth, that has the ability to uplift, enlighten, encourage and transmute all lies into Joy filled and Harmonious Experiences.

“The First Seal is about Divine Will; The Second Seal, Omniscience; The Third Seal, Universal Love; The Fourth Seal, Epiphany; The Fifth Seal, Forgiveness; The Sixth Seal, Truth; and The Seventh Seal, Grace!

So the Seventh Seal is all about the Virtue of Grace itself.  And as you will know by now, Grace can only come after one has fully transmuted and transcended all negative and shadow states of Consciousness. 

“In your Discourses of the Elemental Grace Alliance (EGA), Grace has been defined as:

“Grace is the breath of the Divine. Grace is a Presence that descends on humanity and like all the Divine Qualities, it requires that one meets it halfway, which for humanity may seem a long way. (opening the Seal from this side of the veil). This is after all a Perfected State in which everything about you and your life will be changed permanently. When True Grace descends, it wipes out all past Karma in a flash. It also wipes out the Karma of all your Ancestors and all their Ancestors. Grace softens and puts an end to fear and leaves you in no doubt about your Divinity. If Grace touches you, you no longer have your own destiny, but become a musical instrument played by the Cosmos. With Grace all human emotion is instantly transformed into Love. Through Grace, the Universe has but one single wish – for you to remember that you are Love and there is nothing in you but Love”. (Page 52)

“Upon opening the Seventh Seal, all previous Seals merge into the Seventh, They all become the One Unification of Divine Consciousness, Unity Consciousness. In this opening, your Atmic bodies (that relate to the First Six Seals) merge together into your Monadic Body ( represented by the Seventh Seal) The Seven Trumpets mean the merging of the seven layers of the human aura bodies: the Physical, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic, Atmic and Monadic.

“At the Collective Level, the opening of the Seventh Seal is the Sounding of the human race returning to its original Adam, Lilith Kadmon Root Race. The opening of the Seventh Seal is also a Time Lock that has been waiting for Eons for the right Resonant Vibrational Frequencies of The Time Keepers, to facilitate and engage this opening upon All Levels of Vibrational Frequencies as well as in all Parallel Worlds and Dimensions.

“That time has arrived and you have been a Divine Part within this Evolutionary Moment! The Seventh Seal is NOW OPEN, however there is going to be a small amount of time yet, to integrate this opening through the 12 Ray Activations within each Soul and one last activation/initiation to take which I shall share bring Light as we continue with a further introduction to this for you.

“The purpose of this Endeavor is to bring to mankind the Law of Life -- the Truth, which mankind in applying, might weave into his/her own energies, thus regulating harmoniously all appearances in this world, becoming Master of him/herself, and as such Master of Self, each one will then be a contributing factor to the Light of the World. Throughout the Ages that have been, the Spiritual Hierarchy of Sanat Kumara has been dedicated to bringing Truth to mankind through whatsoever agencies were available and through whatsoever Spirits and Souls volunteered to assume the responsibility of sharing the Word of God and that Truth into a vibratory action that might be absorbed and comprehended by the masses in each successive generation.

Within the Elemental Grace Alliance Discourses, My Beloved, The Maha Chohan told you this:

“In the early ages, these individuals and their particular groups of dedicated life streams worked always in the privacy of the Great Temples of the Sacred Fire and the amount of Spiritual Wealth that infiltrated the mass mind in those ages was determined both by the development and Nature of the Conductor, and the Strength and Vitality of the ‘Forcefields’ which were voluntarily created by the individuals who stood around such a One.

“This acted both as a Magnetic Field to draw the Truth and the Presence of the Master and as a Radiating Centre through dedicated life streams who were prepared to carry that instruction to the people. So many examples on both sides of the ‘Spheres of Influence’ could be mentioned here, but I Am sure that you could create your own lists.

“In the previous Golden Ages, these ‘Forcefields’, were well known to the Priests and Priestesses Who officiated in the various Temples dedicated to certain specific God Qualities; i.e. Protection, Healing etc. The mass of the people often made pilgrimages to such foci of Specialized Blessings and Benedictions, bathing in the full, gathered momentum already established there by those dedicated to this Service of Magnetizing, Sustaining and Radiating their Gifts of Life for the Impersonal Blessings of all mankind and Earth.

“Again, as We enter the Gates of the New 7th Golden Age of Freedom, We are endeavoring to stimulate the desire within the hearts of the ‘few’ once again, to so establish such ‘Forcefields’. Thus, each group becomes a Radiating Centre of certain God Virtues; also learning the Power of Concentration and Impersonal Service. Mankind ‘en masse’ suffer from many limitations but the range of possible Services is unlimited. Usually, in the unascended state, one individual strongly impressed by a desire to help his fellowman, will catch a glimpse of one particular Service and then, in turn, through the Power of Influence, Inspiration of gentle and unimposing degrees of Truth, gather around him/her self, others who are interested in a similar Plan.

These ‘Forcefields’ are like beautiful flowers upon the surface of Mother Gaia. In time, all Disciples of these Radiating Centres will know what specialized activities are required to Magnetize at certain points upon the Earth's surface and they, in turn, can and will, ask for the assistance of such already established ‘Forcefields’ to assist them in other particular local areas of crises.

“The purpose of the establishment of such ‘Forcefields’ is not to exploit the personality nor the efficacy of any individual or group, but to so Magnetize and Sustain certain God Qualities so that they are “always available free of charge for the use of all”. And the individual ‘Forcefields’ might Magnetize into Their Momentums the already gathered Cosmic Momentums of the Ascended Master Retreats. This is done, primarily, through the inbreathing of the Substance of the Flame and Virtue of the Retreat? Then, the sincere and selfless Disciples, using the Magnetizing Centre of their ‘Forcefield’ will expand these Virtues into their localities through the expansion and in and of their Inner Breath. Thus, unascended beings can learn and discover a new experience to work with and expand the Services of the Ascended Master Retreats, thus being of benefit to all of mankind”.

“Most people are no more ready to hear the deeper Truths of Life today than they were at the time of Jesus, or of Buddha, or of Krishna, nor are they more ready to act as Magnetic Fields to draw that Powerful Concentrated Energy, nor to take responsibility through their Own I Am Presence within a Group dedicated to such a selfless and arduous task. That was until now!

“Time and Cosmic Law is seeing to that! When this is understood by a group of individuals and ‘I Am’ Enabled, through limited Karma of those who choose to so avail themselves to create a permanent ‘Forcefield’, ie a Transmission Centre or Physical Retreat, a Christ Council or a Light Radiance Community, I can in Good Conscience release the activities of the Sacred Fire which, if applied and drawn through the Energies of those participating, will be all the proof that is required of the efficacy, effectiveness, value and proficiency of the practical application of the Law. Those incorporating the Truths given in the Energies of their own bodies will then be well prepared to carry that Truth into the world of Form”.

End of excerpt.

“There is more!

“I Chohan Pallas Athena assumed the Office of the Goddess of Truth for this Evolution after Beloved Godmother Vesta Evolved into Her Higher Aspects and Roles of Responsibility. This Embodiment of Goddess of Truth is sustained within the Etheric Temple of Truth over the Island of Crete. I was one of the first Cosmic Vestal Virgins under the Sponsorship of Beloved Vesta and held the Virtue of Truth within the Electronic Belt around the Solar Sun. This responsibility required me to draw the Truth from all Ages past, allowing Me Concrete Knowledge, thus my Patronage with the 5th Ray.

"I tell you this Dear Souls, the conscious cultivation of Truth, Harmony, Peace, Wisdom and Balance, the sustaining of Divine Radiance, is never an accident. To understand Truth you must become Truth through living in the Radiance of whatever measure of Purity God has given to you. Expanding it further by conscious effort you will find at last a 'thinning of the veil' and eventually the 'Peaceful Valley' will prove to be no mirage, for you will have entered into the Shangri-La or World of Divine Perfection which the Father is.

"Oh, Precious Ones, We long for you to feel OUR FEELINGS, OUR CONVICTIONS, OUR LOVE, and to endeavor to stir within you a DESIRE TO BECOME that which YOU can Divinely Manifest.

"We would not speak to you on something Miraculous which you could not attain, any more than you would tell a child that he or she could accomplish something that was beyond his/her talents or capacities. That would be incorrect, even cruel. We NEVER present an idea for Manifestation which We have not carefully deliberated upon, and for which, with much contemplation and invocation, We, having looked over the life streams, chosen for their potential ability to Serve Our Cause we make Our choices.

"It is a beautiful sight when a being desires to bring forth; new movement or a cause - to see that being presented to Vesta to vest it with the Power to bring it forth, and then, in cooperation with certain Ascended Master Sponsors, go through the Seven Spheres and look at the Glory of the Causal Bodies, and ask for the assistance of certain ones who are prepared. You see, I AM the Godmother of Messengers - yes, all of the Messengers that carry the Word. The Word of Truth, no matter how limited its expression, carries part of My Life through it. And when the Beloved Vesta Invests HER Energy to a life stream into a cause pertaining to the carrying of Truth to mankind, or any evolutionary scheme, then such a one must come to Me.

“Beloved Hearts, You have earned the Right to come before Me, so that I may Endow and Bestow All My Qualities and Virtues upon you. Few know of this Process and for good reason.  I have shared with you today with the Intention to Ignite the Golden Flame of the 12th Ray within your Hearts.  I have come to hold the Seventh Seal Open from both sides of the veil so that you may have greater capacities to receive the Grant of more than Ordinary Release of Instructions into the Combined Force Field known as the Elemental Grace Alliance.

“Should you accept these offerings and opportunities, discuss the procedure you would all like to embrace and it shall be Given Unto You All, both individually and as a Group.

“Thank you for your Patience, Your Dedication, Your Focus of Intentions to become the Christed Ones that Bridge the gaps of Consciousness within Humanity and for the Elementals, Devas, Angelic Host Kingdoms.

“I Am The Chohan Pallas Athena in Your Service, Embracing each of you with the Mother’s Love and the Joy of Life Itself in Truth! Call upon Me once again after you have reached your decisions, so We may together proceed with enthusiasm, readiness and Zeal. 

And So It Is!

In Love and Light


Part 2 – Pallas Athena – 7th Seal/12th Ray – EGA Cosmic Law Authority, 13th August, 2017

Beloved Pallas Athena, I give Thanks and Gratitude for your continued Pressure with us and indeed for your now Conscious Presence in all our lives, from this time forward.  May we resume your Blessing again now?

“Indeed We may! It is interesting for Me your terminology of “bearing witness” to Our Communications, for is this not what the Evolution of the Human Race is all about.  Indeed any Human Race.  Evolution depends upon it, for without the physical manifestation of thoughts, ideas, imaginings, visions, how would humanity grow!

I Am the Goddess of Messengers, and in so Being I Am the Goddess of Thoughts, Ideas, Imaginings and Visions. You could even say the Goddess of Divine Inspiration.  Inspiration being one of the Divine Qualities of the 12th Golden Ray!  These Inspirations come in many forms manifesting in all levels of vibrational frequencies, all of which are seated within Truth, just at the different Levels of Vibrational Consciousness. Truth is not singular, it is multilayered and multidimensional, it encompasses the Wholeness of the Universal Experience and Existence of the Prime Creator Him/Herself. So the “bearing witness” to any manifestation is the manifestation itself of truth or Truth.

“The 12th Ray being activation through the Seventh Seal allows for the Vibrational Manifestations from this moment on to be potentially The Divine Perfection of your God Experiences on Earth. The Truth of your Beingness, to be able to be seen beyond the thought, idea, imagining or vision.  You become such things by this TRUTH of Reality, the Truth of your New Found Consciousnes;, Re-Membered. It was always there, just never perceived until now in a way that you would comprehend beyond the minds ability to Know!  This is why the Seventh Seal relates to the solar plexus; the Heart of Knowing.

“Each of you who are reading or listening to this, You stand at the threshold of the 12th Ray, with Qualities and Virtues of Wisdom, Devotion, Illuminating Intelligence, Love, Power, Harmony, Peace, Equilibrium, Creativity, Inspiration, Magnetism, Enlightenment And One Unity Consciousness. Your Essences of these Qualities are Now Shining Forth, both individually and as a Group and this is a wondrous and delightful thing to Observe. 

“We hear you speak with the tongues of men and women, but walk in the Rainbow Hued Light of Truth. We Who Direct your steps, are Lifted with Gladness by the courage of your words as you continue to place them into the actions that make up your lives. This We Celebrate and Rejoice in, when you break each earthly chain of limitation. With blazing eyes, you look inward for the last shreds of bondage and the means to free the Heart, so that it may Open to All.

“Dear Souls We the Messengers of Prime Creators Love, Light and Life have been telling you the Truth for eons, but still humanity fights the vigorous battles with their own ego personalities, many listening to the Messengers, but few and far between Actually Hearing the Truth coming from Them. So it matters not who may read or listen, what matters is that they have the opportunity to do so, and unless it is presented for such opportunities, then this group or any other, becomes a clique or a falsely deemed elitist group. We cannot allow this to happen with the EGA and so the Programs of Light, The I Am Presence’s Over Lighting Radiance and the Cosmic Laws have been so meticulously incorporated with this Divine Plan to achieve its Goals. This is not a human plan. It is a Divine Plan that MUST be executed personally by humanity, in accordance to the Universal Will Guiding it forward. Human Beings who have trained, taught, been educated and qualify for such Roles over eons of time within the Human Experience.  There a Millions of you on Earth, and We have been calling for Ages for you to take on your Own Sovereign Powers. Not necessarily through the EGA, for there are millions of Divine Plans awaiting such Execution Right Now! This is just ONE!

“So Dear Brothers and Sisters, many will want to come and join the Elemental Grace Alliance, but those Filters, through their own I Am Presence’s, in accordance to Divine Cosmic Law, will allow only those ready, through Divine Will, who wish to fulfill the obligations of those Laws, to be able to Pass through the Rings of Consciousness, and in turn receive the Full Dispensation, that is; the Full and Permanent Opening of the Seventh Seal and 12th Ray Activations.

So the Light Programs presently in place for the EGA act as a Template of Initiations that both allow time to Integrate, and understanding to permeate the entire four lower bodies to Heal. And so preparing the human biology in all its four lower bodies, for what Stands upon the Threshold of the New Adam Lilith Kadmon Human Reality.  These Light Programs, are far more than what may be perceived, and they have indeed proven to be very successful Programs, as seen with the resultant combination of Souls now Gathered and United, Gathering and Uniting in One Cause and One Consciousness Light Band of Force Field Radiance!

“In the same way that God Himalaya shared within the Elemental Grace Alliance Discourses; albeit He was referring to the Connection to His Domain, Nature and the Mountain Ranges of the World, it acts as a Perfect Reflection of the Point I Am Presenting at this time. Not only that, I will offer this as part of the Greater Awareness that shall unfold in due course as part of this Divine Grant through you. Peter, would you please”!

Of course, this excerpt comes for God Himalaya’s Discourse page 696 of the EGA Book.

“ So much of mankind's physical action in the outer world and the use of Life’s Energy just builds more and more and more limitation that through the centuries  accumulates as a pressure against the Powers of Nature, until such time as the force within arises and shatters the pressure without. Now then, you who have Conscious Understanding of this and the use of the Great Light Substance which We pour over the Nation, if you so choose, you may have an Individualized Stream of that Substance that acts as a Balancing Force within you, and that We can spread  over the Nation to hold certain balance or pressure in the atmosphere, so the destructive forces cannot accomplish all they intend.

“Therefore, if We allow certain destructive reactions to be faced by mankind, it is because they have refused to learn the Law the harmonious way or they have refused to give Obedience to the Demands of that Law. But now you enter into a Cycle wherein the Cosmic Law takes possession of the atmosphere of Earth and becomes the Authority of what is to act here. So those of you who Know this Law, those of you who have given Obedience in your outer activities to come this far in the Light, are very welcome to help use these Greater Powers and bring this Substance which brings Balance and Greater Purity wherever you consciously direct It in the physical world.

“Therefore, Precious Ones, if you understand what the Cosmic Law’s Demand is concerning, the use of the Powers in the Mountain Ranges, you may render tremendous assistance to the Beings of Nature; and you may also draw into your own Worlds some very delightful Blessings as you Call Forth the Cosmic Law’s Great Powers of the Mountains of the world. In your Acknowledgment of the Cosmic Law’s Miracle Action of the Powers of Nature through the Great Mountain Ranges of the world, then everything that is Beautiful and Harmonious in those Channels can begin to come closer and closer to you by your own Heart’s Love; and by the Natural Law of Attraction, that draws into your outer use that which expands the Blessing already created and fulfills the Great Divine Plan in outer action. There are many Powers of Nature focused and acting within Mountain Ranges; therefore if you want them to Bless you, then send your Love to Them and Issue Your Commands.

“You Call to your ‘Beloved I Am Presence’ first, and then to the Great Beings who direct the Powers of the Great Silence. You may Demand and Acknowledge that, “‘I AM’ the Cosmic Law’s Miracle Release of the Powers of Nature and the Forces of Light within the Mountain Ranges of the world into my outer use and direction for the Greater Blessing of Love and Perfection to Life”. Now when you realize, Life is in the Mountain Ranges around the planet, Life is in the Heart of the Great Silence, Life is in the Great Powers of Nature, then if you begin your Acknowledgment of your Complete Oneness with that Life, that Life will give you All It has to help you fulfill the Divine Plan. So when you say, “’I AM’ the Cosmic Law’s Miracle Action of the Life in the Great Silence; and that Life in All Its Glorious Cosmic Blessings and Perfection without limit, manifests through All the Life that I contact and releases Its Powers to fulfill the Divine Plan”, then you become the ‘Crystal Cup’.

“Those Powers pour into you; and as you use Them to give Greater Blessing and Perfection to Life, more will come from moment to moment, hour to hour, and day by day. When you want to feel your Oneness with the Powers of Nature in order to Unite with them Your Love to help control Them Harmoniously and to prevent destruction, then say, “’I AM’ the Cosmic Law’s Immortal, Miracle Action and Oneness with the Perfection in the Powers of Nature, and of that Life ‘I AM’ to the Blessings of All”; again through your Love and Acknowledgment of the Action of Life in the Powers of Nature will you feel all the activities that will Bless you coming forth as the Gifts and Action of the Beings Who Direct that Energy. And that would include everything within the Great Silence.”

End of Excerpt.

“Are you receiving my thoughts, ideas, images and visions Dear Ones?

“I say to you again, your Growth and Further Development shall be greatly enhanced by studying more closely what is being revealed to you.  Jesus says the same thing about the Christ Letter’s and corresponding Articles and Messages. So this is not something new.  So many texts, hold far more within them than simple words printed on a page.  It is your choice! Let the I Am Within Guide you where and what to review more closely anywhere within the libraries of the world.  Everything you need to know is out there available to you.

“Do not be fooled here Beloved Hearts, We are not going to tell you what or how to do it, but We Will, just as I Am Now, giving all who may read this, a more expansive insight to the unfoldment of Human Evolution as it continues to play out toward Its own Completion. Do you understand this?  If not, then Trust in Truth and continue to expand your awareness through the manifestations of the Highest Truths you can muster and do understand.

“Therefore your Levels of Awareness shall be measured by the Truth you Garner and Self Realize through multiple reviews and your Dedication to Integrate what is being shared.  If you feel ‘awe’ as some have shared, then know your reactions, responses are of overwhelm.  This is an ego personality response, perfectly natural and deemed delightful just the same.  But there is more!  This ‘awe’ has been offered you to INSPIRE you to Greater Aspirations of Achievements, not to question whether or not you are worthy or able to perform your obligations and responsibilities that shall come from Accepting this Grant for yourself/yourselves.  It is your I Am Presence’s way of saying “Hey, this is for you, you have earned this Grant.  It is your Birthright! Are you ready? If so, how do you wish to respond”?

“With Greater Awareness comes Greater Responsibilities, and these so called Responsibilities only relate to the human experience, and the ego personality.  From the Impersonality no such responsibilities are required for all Simply IS. Not from the stand point of human perception, but from the Source Knowing Only that which IS LOVE!  And this Impersonal Love of Life begins here at this Threshold of the Permanent Opening of the Seventh Seal and 12th Ray Initiation.

“So the invitations extended to your New Brother and Sister to become part of the EGA Experiences of the 8 : 8 2017 Lion’s Gate Activation through Sirius, the Lunar and Solar Eclipse and indeed the Seventh Seal and 12th Ray Opening and Initiation is Perfect. Only from the standpoint for now, that they were Heavenly Guided to you at this very specific time for this very specific undertaking. How it further opens for them, shall be under their Own I Am Presence Guidance and how they respond. You cannot know the Grandeur of this Plan from where you are sitting, that is both Understood and Acknowledged by the Great Silence.  The Truth Is We had/have no attachment to whatever you chose to do from any aspect of perception from any of you. For All is deemed appropriate within the overall scheme of things.

“Yet what has led Us upon the Karmic Board of Directors to make such a Grant at this time, is the way that the Sun Of Even Pressure Disciple Council is incorporating, and Uniting with the Higher Truths while not being over-swayed by old human consciousness or the way in which it continues to unfold.

“Any Grant or Dispensation cannot be given to one and not be offered to all. And so this New Grant is offered to all, but the Cosmic Law, to take possession of the atmosphere of Earth becoming the Authority of what is to act out here, through any Soul Individual or Group carries with it the full Karmic Wheel of Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect. This is not to be taken lightly by anyone!

“I Trust in Truth, that I have offered a Greater Awareness of what is transpiring with each of your desires to KNOW the Divine Truth of this Whole scenario.

I send each of you Love and Blessings of Truth through Inspiration, Call upon Me anytime.

I Am Pallas Athena.

And It Is So.

In Love and Light


Video: "8 /8 Gateway Of Light Transmission By Anrita Melchizedek"

New audio recordings: To assist sensitive Star Children & Autism

Dear Friend,

Recently I shared with you information about two five year old boys, Lincoln and James whose mothers approached me after playing my autism audio to their children once per day on a daily basis. The autism audio is in the free section of my website.

You have no doubt heard about Indigo children, Crystal children and more recently Rainbow children. The Indigos began to incarnate in the 1970s and the Crystals later, from the late ‘80’s and ‘90’s. Both the Indigo and Crystal children have come to Earth to help usher in and consolidate social and spiritual change; anchoring peace, love and heart-centered co-creation.

Crystal and Rainbow children are different. They are highly psychic and sensitive. Often speech and communication is delayed and they may be intolerant of loud noises and outside stimulus. However these children are usually very empathetic, wise and loving. They innately know that is right for them. They are old souls. They JUST KNOW. These children are often diagnosed as being autistic.

To reiterate ...
This is what the first mother, Annette, told me about her son Lincoln.

“My son is a pre-schooler with autism. All autism is different and for my son the main challenges are anxiety, hyperactivity and over-stimulation. My Mum came across the free Judy Satori autism recording and I decided to give it a go. All I can say is that the recording has made a world of difference in our lives. Over the course of the six weeks of playing the recording I feel like my son has been able to come out from behind the physical body or the “symptoms” that have been holding back his authentic self. I feel like I am meeting more and more of the little boy that I have always known he is in my heart, but never fully met in person. His teachers and therapists have all commented on his sudden leap in development over the course of the six weeks and how he has really improved in his communication. He is now able to recognize his own emotions and moderate his behavior so much better.”

After Annette wrote to me I created another audio track using the much more potent new energy that I am now able to access that is coming from a more expanded God-creation energy at the heart center of 22 galaxies.

The number 22 is a Master-builder number and what is now building is transformation and regenesis … a new beginning for Earth and for humanity.

So these special Star Children are incarnating on Earth to assist with this process of Earth and Galactic change and we need their beautiful expanded energy vibrations.

So, Annette has been playing the new recordings to her son once daily since she received them. This is what she says…

“I have played the new autism track to Lincoln each day now for 7 days. I stopped playing the previous autism track. I had intended on giving feedback between days 3 and 5, as suggested, but things went a little haywire, so I needed some time to get my head around it."

"At the beginning of the seven days, Lincoln’s hyperactivity at home went through the ceiling and his ability to listen and focus on conversations declined. His defiance also increased to extraordinarily challenging levels. He is resistant to listening to the new track but we persist daily."

"The first week that we listened to the original autism track also presented some challenges (not quite as great as this time), so I had expected something. The energy of the new track I think is stronger, hence the new challenges. He is at a point now where these challenges are starting to subside, so I am expecting that he will continue to settle over the coming week, if anything like the first track."

"On the positive side, he has transitioned into his new class incredibly well. His concentration, manners and behavior at school are really fabulous overall and he is coming home and sharing what he is learning. He is now confidently saying “Hello” and “Good Afternoon” to his friends and teachers, which used to cause huge anxiety and behavioral challenges - he is even calling out and waving to friends who aren’t in his new class!"

"Another incredible thing happened on the weekend as well - we had a family gathering to attend with about 18 people. This usually causes anxiety and he will fight to avoid entering the premises or will try to hide and avoid anyone talking to him. On Sunday, I expected the same, but he happily walked into the center of all the people, introduced myself and his brother and made himself the center of attention. Suddenly he is a social butterfly in large social scenarios and not just one-on-one. It seems that we have had another cognitive leap since beginning listening to the new audio recording."

This is what Spirit has to say…

“It is important to understand that with every significant change there is a reset…like a shaking up of the old, before a new pattern and template can be firmly grounded and activated. The way to handle this is take it more gently and have a gap of one or two days between each day of listening. As the new energy pattern is established the effects should continue in a positive way.”

I have also had another mother write to me. I sent the new audio recordings to Bridget after she read about Annette’s story. She played the recordings to her son and has written back to me…

"My son and I have listened together now for 4 days - 3 times a day (before and after school and at bedtime)."

"Each time we reach the end of the transmission my son is calm and relaxed. He listens in bed before he sleeps and he especially enjoys the deeper voice towards the end of the recording. It is helping him ease into sleep more content and much more quickly than he usually does."

"Several times while listening to the light language, he has looked around the room he was in with what felt like a sense of wonder and said: “the lights are moving” on another occasion: “there are circles”."

"As I have also listened to the transmission this is my feedback on what I also experience…There seems to be a realigning or rearranging taking place in the energy field, like a shifting of density, if that makes sense."

"I have felt a profound sense of peace and love, this occurs each time I listen. It feels extraordinary. Words fall short to describe a feeling so beautiful; warmth and a sense of expansion, or a smoothing out occurring from my heart center and softly vibrating through my whole body filling me with such love and peace."

"This transmission is something different, it’s incredibly beautiful and holds so much love."

"I am so excited to see what the long term benefits of listening will bring."

So … Here are the transmissions for you to use and try for yourselves. Listening is entirely safe for all … children and animals.

These transmissions are also posted to my home page at

Video: "Judy Satori's Trinity Of 8 8 8 Audio Transmissions"

Part 1 & 2 – Pallas Athena – 7th Seal/12th Ray By Peter Melchizedek

The following message is paramount for all who wish to understand more about Divine TRUTH and dive deeper into the hitherto Unknown  - through the Portal of Truth which shall open at the Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017. At the threshold of embodying the 12th Ray, Peter Melchizedek's communications help us to rise to a higher vibration where more of the bigger picture is becoming visible. 


To understand Truth you must become Truth through living in the Radiance of whatever measure of Purity God has given to you. Expanding it further by conscious effort you will find at last a 'thinning of the veil' and eventually the 'Peaceful Valley' will prove to be no mirage, for you will have entered into the Shangri-La or World of Divine Perfection which the Father is.

Are you ready to step up and open the 7 Seals as they present themselves to you? The last one, the 7th seal, is the Seal of Grace, but do not hurry - reMEMBER: the JOY - and thus EMPOWERMENT! - lies in the UNFOLDING of the PATH in front of you!

BB, Sonja Myriel RAouine

Part 1 – Pallas Athena – 7th Seal/12 Ray - Elemental Grace Alliance...

Father - Mother - Life, I call upon Beloved Lady Pallas Athena to share with us Her Message for the 8 : 8 Lions Gate and the Opening of the Seventh Seal for Humanity.  You Dear Heart, have made your Presence known to me since 7th August, and I now fully open to absorb the Truth of Love from you, in this most Auspicious Shift in Time Lines of Consciousness of Humanity, now and in the future.  Bless You Dear One. -  Peter.

“Dearly Beloveds, I Am Lady Pallas Athena, and I come today as part of the unfurling of Consciousness for Humanity. I come today, not in my capacity as Patron of the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge with Chohan Master Hilarion, but within My Role and Capacity as the Chohan of the 12th Ray of the One Unity Consciousness of Mother, Father Life, Over Lighted by The Mahatma, Lord Ardal and Eternal Oneness.

“Within the Discourses of the Elemental Grace Alliance My Presence was felt through My Beloved Divine Consort, The Maha Chohan. Today I come at Peter’s request to share something with you all that has not openly been shared before within this Resonant Vibrational Force Field called the Elemental Grace Alliance. I therefore wish to Respectfully Call upon the entire Elemental Grace Alliance Council and its Concentric Circles of Love, Light and Life to Join Us within this transmission to those who presently have committed themselves to this Divine Plan, and to those whom may join at some time in the future of its Divine Development. Dear Souls, allow me to begin by sharing with you something that you are not fully aware of, although Your I Am Presence’s are slowly bringing to your Inner and outer attentions such things.

“Each of you who are reading or listening to this,You stand at the threshold of the 12th Ray, with Qualities and Virtues of Wisdom, Devotion, Illuminating Intelligence, Love, Power, Harmony, Peace, Equilibrium, Creativity, Inspiration, Magnetism, Enlightenment And One Unity Consciousness. Your Essences of these Qualities are Now Shining Forth, both individually and as a Group and this is a wondrous and delightful thing to Observe.

“We hear you speak with the tongues of men and women, but walk in the Rainbow Hued Light of Truth. We who help guide your steps are Lifted with Gladness by the courage of your words as you continue to place them into the actions that make up your lives. This We Celebrate and Rejoice, when you break each earthly chains of limitation. With blazing eyes, you look inward for the last shreds of bondage and the means to free the Heart, so that it may Open to All.

“As a child, you Trusted the Voice within and you yourselves rejoiced in Its exuberance and clarity. You are remembering once again your Roots and Origins and are regaining the Innocence of Youth. As you do, you are being carried swiftly and joyfully ever upward as you open the Unconditional Heart of Acceptance.

“Brothers and Sisters, as you cheer and inspire others, know that we endlessly Supply you with all means necessary to carry out your Divine Work here, and all that you need will Divinely Manifest, as if by magic at each point along the way.

“Know now that all answers to your questions about Your I Am Presence and Soul Self are accessible at this time.  No insight or tool is denied you, as you remember the fullness of your Knowledge and Love.

“So Claim your Birthright, and all Inheritance of Spirit, as you Serve to Anchor and Activate the 12th Ray; as our Hu-Man Representatives, walking with the dignity and joy of "Ones who Love most Greatly.

“The 12th Ray of Unity Consciousness or Christ Consciousness is the Golden Ray of the Age of Aquarius, and holds the predominant focus of integrating and transcending the dualities of Humanity for the experience of One Unity Consciousness in this New Golden Age.

This is an extract from the ‘Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light Program’ set out in ‘The Ray Readings Manual’ communicated through Anrita Melchizedek, given to me in 2007 by Anrita and recently giving me permission to share with the EGA Group.  It continues this thread:

Thus we see that each preceding Ray, from the First to the Eleventh, have given you the Gift of Immortality through the experience and integration of your Sacred Contract and Life Purpose in numerous incarnations. And now you are presented with a Ray that holds the Highest Vibration of Christed Light of all Earthly Rays, and is a combination of all Twelve Rays with a Higher Quotient of Source Light.

In Jacob’s Ladder, the Sphere Wisdom (Chokmah) relates to the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness. Wisdom is described as the “Great Stimulator of the Universe”, and Ancient texts speak of Wisdom as “Illuminating Intelligence” and the “Crown of Creation”. 

The Twelfth Ray is represented by the magical image of a bearded male figure, a mature male, (eg, Lord Melchizedek). Seated in Wisdom and Maturity, you are a Divine Vessel of Light, having integrated the dualities inherent on this Earth plane into One Unity Consciousness. And through this magical image, the Divine Father aspect to your Immortal Nature is revealed.

In the Tenth Ray of Divinity, you have the experience of initially removing the veils of illusion, which continues through the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth. And now, the activating of your Immortal Nature is complete through the removal of all bands of forgetfulness for all time, space and dimensions. Further to this, the Illumination and Wisdom of the Twelfth Ray presents you with the ability to experience a Perfect physical form (The Adam Lilith Root Race) without the experience of death, a gift given only to an enlightened Master through the actualization of the Twelfth Ray. At this Level, the advanced Ascended Master Gifts are yours to access freely, and you may find yourself suddenly teleporting, manifesting inanimate objects, regenerating the body, shape shifting and so on.

This Ray can be seen as an emanating seed of thought, a Vesica Pisces, creating Light, and bringing about the Flower of Life, a hidden mystery to your Immortal Nature, through the Divine Emanations of the Twelve Rays, and the dynamic influence of the Zodiac. The streams of thought interweaving through these Twelve Rays merge in Formlessness in the Twelfth Ray.

And yet, in contradiction, the form side is experienced in its Highest Divine aspect through the ability of the Twelfth Ray to give rise to any form. Thus, we see a Ray that Manifests in Perfection with the Divine, Creative Endeavors of Illuminating Intelligence and One Unity Consciousness. This Divine Inspiration Magnetizes what it needs in Form through the Emanating Seed of Thought of Father God, as the Giver of Life.  (Just as Jesus did with the loaves and fishes, The Christ Letters)

The Twelfth Ray, further brings about the Divine experience of Tantra, meaning “Union with God” through its Magnificent Energy, and the right use of your Sexual Energy. Adding to this magical influence, in the integration of the Twelfth Ray, you have the ability to activate the two Etheric Immortal chromosomes within the body, and to create a Reality as an Immortal Being of Light. And it is the Delight of the physical form, and the Magnificence of your physicalness, which may allow you to experience your Immortal Nature through Tantra. 

The archetypes related to this Ray are that of the Father and Visionary. The Father archetype is representative of the Divine Father and is not related to patriarchal control or domination issues. The Father archetype brings a deep Wisdom and Unity Consciousness Focus through lifetimes of experiences, and this is expressed very much as the Creator Energy, or the ability to Create and Manifest in Perfect Harmony to All Life. This archetype further shines through from the Sphere of Understanding (Binah) and a deep integration of polarities on both the Spiritual and physical planes, bringing a Perfect Balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies, further amplified through the Over Lighting of Pallas Athena, as Chohan to this Ray.

The Visionary or Seer Knows and Expresses All Possibilities of Light through the Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness and has the Gift of Creating and Manifesting Programs of Light that will Lead All people into the Golden Flame. The Visionary has the Gift of Knowing and Seeing beyond the veils of illusion and further to this, has the Gift of Being able to mold and co-create the very Fabric of Reality. Change is the only constant in the Swirling's of Light of Infinite Possibilities.

Once you have reached the Levels of this 12th Ray, and it comes into your awareness, it shows a deeply Devoted person to the Path of Illumined Truth, and very often a Mystery School Initiate, who has integrated the Highest Levels of Initiation in Parallel Realities. This Ray may also show a person who is bringing into their Reality friends and family from these Parallel Realities.

This is a person who has the Gift of Manifesting and Knows the Abundance of the Universe, and the Ability to Shape and Create into Perfected Form whatever is needed in this Now. A Magnetic Personality, this Ray reveals a person who is deeply aligned with Universal Wisdom and the Realms of Illumined Truth, able to bring Order and Harmony, Wisdom and Inspiration.

This Ray may also show a person who is working with their dualities through the deep and devotional embracing of their shadow side, and stepping more into their Innate Power. Further to this, this Ray will assist in bringing through the Perfect Balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine archetypes as well as the Magnetization of your Divine Partner and Flame, through the aligning of these polarities on the Inner Planes. This can be upon the physical planes or the Inner Planes of Existence.

“Thank you and Bless You Peter for sharing this. For indeed it shall allow each of you to begin to comprehend more fully, what I am about to share.

“But before I continue I wish to say something of the Seventh Seal.

“What you have to understand about the Seven Seal is that like most things within the bible, it is shrouded in untruths that speak of man’s punishment due to his sins.  It creates imagery of retaliation, reprisals and retribution. So unless one is well versed with Higher Understanding one will most definitely get caught up in these illusionary falsities. Yet, within these presentations there is profound Truth, that has the ability to uplift, enlighten, encourage and transmute all lies into Joy filled and Harmonious Experiences.

“The First Seal is about Divine Will; The Second Seal, Omniscience; The Third Seal, Universal Love; The Fourth Seal, Epiphany; The Fifth Seal, Forgiveness; The Sixth Seal, Truth; and The Seventh Seal, Grace!

So the Seventh Seal is all about the Virtue of Grace itself.  And as you will know by now, Grace can only come after one has fully transmuted and transcended all negative and shadow states of Consciousness. 

“There is more!

To continue reading Part 1 - just click on this link:

Part 2 – Pallas Athena – 7th Seal/12th Ray – EGA Cosmic Law Authority, 13th August, 2017

Beloved Pallas Athena, I give Thanks and Gratitude for your continued Pressure with us and indeed for your now Conscious Presence in all our lives, from this time forward.  May we resume your Blessing again now?

“Indeed We may! It is interesting for Me your terminology of “bearing witness” to Our Communications, for is this not what the Evolution of the Human Race is all about.  Indeed any Human Race.  Evolution depends upon it, for without the physical manifestation of thoughts, ideas, imaginings, visions, how would humanity grow!

I Am the Goddess of Messengers, and in so Being I Am the Goddess of Thoughts, Ideas, Imaginings and Visions. You could even say the Goddess of Divine Inspiration.  Inspiration being one of the Divine Qualities of the 12th Golden Ray!  These Inspirations come in many forms manifesting in all levels of vibrational frequencies, all of which are seated within Truth, just at the different Levels of Vibrational Consciousness. Truth is not singular, it is multilayered and multidimensional, it encompasses the Wholeness of the Universal Experience and Existence of the Prime Creator Him/Herself. So the “bearing witness” to any manifestation is the manifestation itself of truth or Truth.

“The 12th Ray being activation through the Seventh Seal allows for the Vibrational Manifestations from this moment on to be potentially The Divine Perfection of your God Experiences on Earth. The Truth of your Beingness, to be able to be seen beyond the thought, idea, imagining or vision.  You become such things by this TRUTH of Reality, the Truth of your New Found Consciousnes;, Re-Membered. It was always there, just never perceived until now in a way that you would comprehend beyond the minds ability to Know!  This is why the Seventh Seal relates to the solar plexus; the Heart of Knowing.

To continue reading Part 2 - just click on this link:

I Am Pallas Athena.

And It Is So.

In Love and Light


Video: "8 /8 Gateway Of Light Transmission By Anrita Melchizedek"

New audio recordings: To assist sensitive Star Children & Autism

Dear Friend,

Recently I shared with you information about two five year old boys, Lincoln and James whose mothers approached me after playing my autism audio to their children once per day on a daily basis. The autism audio is in the free section of my website.

You have no doubt heard about Indigo children, Crystal children and more recently Rainbow children. The Indigos began to incarnate in the 1970s and the Crystals later, from the late ‘80’s and ‘90’s. Both the Indigo and Crystal children have come to Earth to help usher in and consolidate social and spiritual change; anchoring peace, love and heart-centered co-creation.

Crystal and Rainbow children are different. They are highly psychic and sensitive. Often speech and communication is delayed and they may be intolerant of loud noises and outside stimulus. However these children are usually very empathetic, wise and loving. They innately know that is right for them. They are old souls. They JUST KNOW. These children are often diagnosed as being autistic.

To reiterate ...
This is what the first mother, Annette, told me about her son Lincoln.

“My son is a pre-schooler with autism. All autism is different and for my son the main challenges are anxiety, hyperactivity and over-stimulation. My Mum came across the free Judy Satori autism recording and I decided to give it a go. All I can say is that the recording has made a world of difference in our lives. Over the course of the six weeks of playing the recording I feel like my son has been able to come out from behind the physical body or the “symptoms” that have been holding back his authentic self. I feel like I am meeting more and more of the little boy that I have always known he is in my heart, but never fully met in person. His teachers and therapists have all commented on his sudden leap in development over the course of the six weeks and how he has really improved in his communication. He is now able to recognize his own emotions and moderate his behavior so much better.”

After Annette wrote to me I created another audio track using the much more potent new energy that I am now able to access that is coming from a more expanded God-creation energy at the heart center of 22 galaxies.

The number 22 is a Master-builder number and what is now building is transformation and regenesis … a new beginning for Earth and for humanity.

So these special Star Children are incarnating on Earth to assist with this process of Earth and Galactic change and we need their beautiful expanded energy vibrations.

So, Annette has been playing the new recordings to her son once daily since she received them. This is what she says…

“I have played the new autism track to Lincoln each day now for 7 days. I stopped playing the previous autism track. I had intended on giving feedback between days 3 and 5, as suggested, but things went a little haywire, so I needed some time to get my head around it."

"At the beginning of the seven days, Lincoln’s hyperactivity at home went through the ceiling and his ability to listen and focus on conversations declined. His defiance also increased to extraordinarily challenging levels. He is resistant to listening to the new track but we persist daily."

"The first week that we listened to the original autism track also presented some challenges (not quite as great as this time), so I had expected something. The energy of the new track I think is stronger, hence the new challenges. He is at a point now where these challenges are starting to subside, so I am expecting that he will continue to settle over the coming week, if anything like the first track."

"On the positive side, he has transitioned into his new class incredibly well. His concentration, manners and behavior at school are really fabulous overall and he is coming home and sharing what he is learning. He is now confidently saying “Hello” and “Good Afternoon” to his friends and teachers, which used to cause huge anxiety and behavioral challenges - he is even calling out and waving to friends who aren’t in his new class!"

"Another incredible thing happened on the weekend as well - we had a family gathering to attend with about 18 people. This usually causes anxiety and he will fight to avoid entering the premises or will try to hide and avoid anyone talking to him. On Sunday, I expected the same, but he happily walked into the center of all the people, introduced myself and his brother and made himself the center of attention. Suddenly he is a social butterfly in large social scenarios and not just one-on-one. It seems that we have had another cognitive leap since beginning listening to the new audio recording."

This is what Spirit has to say…

“It is important to understand that with every significant change there is a reset…like a shaking up of the old, before a new pattern and template can be firmly grounded and activated. The way to handle this is take it more gently and have a gap of one or two days between each day of listening. As the new energy pattern is established the effects should continue in a positive way.”

I have also had another mother write to me. I sent the new audio recordings to Bridget after she read about Annette’s story. She played the recordings to her son and has written back to me…

"My son and I have listened together now for 4 days - 3 times a day (before and after school and at bedtime)."

"Each time we reach the end of the transmission my son is calm and relaxed. He listens in bed before he sleeps and he especially enjoys the deeper voice towards the end of the recording. It is helping him ease into sleep more content and much more quickly than he usually does."

"Several times while listening to the light language, he has looked around the room he was in with what felt like a sense of wonder and said: “the lights are moving” on another occasion: “there are circles”."

"As I have also listened to the transmission this is my feedback on what I also experience…There seems to be a realigning or rearranging taking place in the energy field, like a shifting of density, if that makes sense."

"I have felt a profound sense of peace and love, this occurs each time I listen. It feels extraordinary. Words fall short to describe a feeling so beautiful; warmth and a sense of expansion, or a smoothing out occurring from my heart center and softly vibrating through my whole body filling me with such love and peace."

"This transmission is something different, it’s incredibly beautiful and holds so much love."

"I am so excited to see what the long term benefits of listening will bring."

So … Here are the transmissions for you to use and try for yourselves. Listening is entirely safe for all … children and animals.

These transmissions are also posted to my home page at

Video: "Judy Satori's Trinity Of 8 8 8 Audio Transmissions"

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