Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Are You Ready? By Ronna Herman ... And ... The Future of the Earth and Your Role By Natalie Glasson ... And ... Inner Light By Richard Rohr




Archangel Michael:

Beloved masters, it has been some time since we discussed the Cities of Light in the higher realms and the wondrous gift that has been made available to humanity. We have observed that many of you, as part of your earthly mission, are actively involved in anchoring the Creator Light (Adamantine Particles) within yourselves, into the crystalline grid of the Earth, and then radiating the remainder out into the world at large.

We have told you over and over again that you are the transducers, the receptacles, the human vessels into and through which the rarified frequencies of the future must flow in order to be anchored on Earth and made available to all earthly creations. That is why it is so important for you to balance and harmonize your personal frequency patterns and to “return to center,” in order to accommodate the greatest amount of the crystalline Creator Fire of Life/Love. 

Many of you have diligently anchored the ascension stones as we instructed you to do in conjunction with information about how to visit the City of Light nearest you, and how to tap into the vibrational frequencies of the Fifth and Sixth Dimensions in order to begin the flow of Adamantine Particles into your etheric vessel in your Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid and down into your earthly physical vessel. We have explained how you may also tithe a portion of the Adamantine Particles of Light that you download and integrate to the World Pyramid in the higher Dimensions for the greatest good of all. You may also dedicate a portion to any other Pyramids that you have created or helped to create. A full explanation and procedure of how to do this have been given in the past.

It is time to give you a more detailed explanation regarding the ascension anchoring stones and why they are so important. The two clear crystal stones represent the crystalline Fire Light of the Creator, or the Adamantine Particles as we have named them for this coming era. Since it is not feasible to replace the great sentient crystal spires around the Earth, these stones will perform the same function as receivers and senders in conjunction with each of you as refined, conscious Light receptacles.

The two small amethyst stones will draw forth the Violet Flame of transformation from the Seventh Ray, and will radiate it down into the many levels of the Earth, thereby activating the great amethyst clusters, and the etherically encapsulated Violet Flame chambers that were strategically placed around the Earth awaiting the appropriate time to burst into life and begin the uplifting, transformational process from within the Earth’s structure. This will also speed up the process of activating the crystalline grid system that surrounds the Earth which, in turn, will further accelerate the ascension process for the Earth and humanity. 

Envision, if you will, a focused shaft of Light beaming down from the City of Light in your area directly into your personal ascension stone, diamond-pattern formation, and then down into the core of the Earth. This will also accelerate the process of anchoring the crystalline grid in your personal surroundings. This, in turn, will eventually result in creating a sacred space of beauty and harmony where peace and serenity prevail. There will come a time, after you have activated your own ascension column of Light, via your personal Pyramid in the Fifth Dimension, when the power of your magnetic resonance will draw forth and anchor an ascension column of Light to the crystalline grid system through your buried ascension stone diamond-pattern. In doing so, you will begin the process of radiating more and more of this transforming Light down into the Earth and out into your surrounding area.

To refresh your memory and to remind you of the extreme importance of become a bearer of Creator Light, we will repeat a brief excerpt from a past message:

The portals are now open, but you must rise up and enter, for this great gift of radiant Light is only accessible to those who are firmly on the path of ascension and are capable of being baptized in the Living Light of new Creation. The key to each Higher-Dimensional inner sanctum is vibrational, each one more refined and exquisite than the last. If you have been reading our messages over the past years, and have made an effort to integrate even a small portion of our teachings, you are ready to be a part of this grand mission and to enter a City of Light. 

If you still have doubts, go into your Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table therein.  Ask your angelic friends to assist you in harmonizing your frequency patterns both within and without, and then while in a meditative state, with pure intention, envision the double helix spiral of Light. See yourself being lifted up the spiral on the right and allow your Higher Self to orchestrate your journey into the Light City. Do not place any conditions on your journey or expect a certain outcome. Allow Spirit to be your guide and you will not be led astray. You will be infused with the appropriate amount of Creator Light, as much as you can integrate, process and project out into the world. No more, no less.

Gradually you, the ascending StarSeed of new Creation, will move further and further into the inner sanctum of Light as you bring more and more of the rarified Fire Light of the Creator, and the Divine Schematic of the future back to Earth with you. Remember, beloveds, in many ways, you are planting the seeds of ascension for humanity and the Earth.  As has been said, “As you are lifted up, so are the Earth and all of its inhabitants.”

Dear ones, we are aware that these are times of great stress and momentous change You must be diligent in your determination to stay centered and focused on your personal vision for the future. Do not allow others to deter you from your path out of a false sense of duty, and old ties that bind you to the illusion of the Third/Fourth Dimensions.

Promise yourself that from this moment onward you will only do that which excites you and brings a sense of satisfaction, for therein lies your mission and how you can best serve. As you bring more joy into your life, others will notice and begin to follow your example, and as you activate this inner power source more and more, it will trigger what is needed for others to open their heart center and begin the awakening process.

You can be the catalyst that will help those within your sphere of influence to move more quickly through the process of healing emotional wounds, and through your words of wisdom you can inspire them to turn inward and begin to listen to the nudgings of Spirit.

 As you learn the lessons that are presented to you, and you are ready to advance toward the Light, many of those around you will stay stuck in the illusion of the inharmonious lower dimensions. Do not judge. Bless them and allow them to follow their own path, but do not let them deter you from yours.

Those like you are in the vanguard, the ones brave enough to step out and away from popular beliefs and the limited mass consciousness of the Third- and lower Fourth-Dimensional environment. Allow those visions that sometimes fill your consciousness to come forth, and allow yourself to speak the words of wisdom that often float through your mind. You are in the process of accessing more and more of your Sacred Mind – your own cosmic library where a great wealth of information, knowledge and ancient memories are stored.

You must remember that for these many past ages, almost every Soul born on the physical plane has been caught up in the mass consciousness belief system of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. As a result, the core issues from the past and the imperfections within the ancestral DNA have caused many symptoms to manifest whenever anyone allowed themselves to feel unloved or unworthy, or felt guilt, shame or resentments in any form.

During these momentous times of transformation, the Light of Eternal Life will not be denied. It is delving into the deepest pockets of negativity within your multiple bodily systems. As these misqualified thought forms rise to the surface, they can create great discomfort in various ways, for they have been a part of your physical makeup for a very long time. They may not relinquish their hold easily, beloveds, but you must prevail.

When the opposing forces of Light and shadow meet, the Light is always ultimately victorious. So do not become discouraged, for as you move deeper and deeper into your inner core, you are being given an opportunity to, once and for all, release to the Light all frequencies of a discordant nature which do not serve your greatest good. The process of transformation is speeding up exponentially; however, it will become much easier for those of you who are actively taking part in your own ascension process. Remember, always ask for ease and grace.

My faithful warriors, are you ready to step forward and accept the final phase of your earthly mission? For in these critical times you are needed as transducers and transmitters of this refined energy to help move humanity and the Earth through this important time of transition. 

As you fill yourself to overflowing with the elixir of Love/Light from the Creator, your circle of influence will widen. First, you will be transformed, and gradually, those in your immediate environment – then it will radiate out further and further into the world. As you allow your Higher Self to guide you and to become more fully integrated within, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just allow it to happen naturally, dear ones.  Our Mother/Father God and the full company of the higher realms are here to support, encourage and love you unconditionally.  I AM Archangel Michael.

Video: "Accepting Ascension Energies" By Natalie Glasson

The Future of the Earth and Your Role By Natalie Glasson

Archangel Michael:

The Role of Humanity

The future of the Earth is determined by those existing on the Earth at any given moment. The thoughts, emotions, frequencies they align to, energies they exude, actions they make and their reactions to the world within and around them impact the reality that everyone experiences.

Every soul is creating the evolution of the Earth. The energies the majority of humanity focus upon come into fruition. As an individual, your focus impacts the energy of the Earth, and if many focus upon a similar energy this brings it into manifestation at a quick rate. It is due to this that there are many pathways that the Earth and her ascension can take.

In any given moment humanity as a collective consciousness is creating numerous opportunities, moving from one pathway to another as humanity evolves and more souls awaken. The future of humanity and Mother Earth is indefinite because it is determined by the collective consciousness of humanity.

As a soul upon the Earth, you have the power to influence the collective consciousness of humanity through the way you choose to exist upon the Earth. Focusing upon harmony, love, peace, truth, healing and taking loving actions brings immense healing to the consciousness of humanity, returning alignment with the Creator.

When you hold a focus on asking the divine to channel high vibrational awakening, healing and loving energy through your being to the collective consciousness of humanity during meditation or quiet time this begins a powerful transformation. As you work energetically healing, releasing negativity and realigning the consciousness of humanity to the Creator so humanity will automatically awaken their hearts, minds and entire beings to greater light from the Creator. When the light of the Creator flows through most of humanity with their conscious awareness - then the heaven that many desire will manifest upon the Earth.

You have the power to accelerate the transformation and realignment of all of humanity by working with the collective consciousness of humanity, focusing upon light flowing through every being upon the Earth. Thus, all souls will remember the bliss of existing in harmony with each other and the Earth. This will instigate a beauty of all forms being nurtured and created upon the Earth.

The Role of the Inner Plane Beings

The Creator shares frequencies which can be deciphered and put into positive action upon the inner planes and the Earth to positively impact all, creating harmony, peace, love and the exploration of truth. Beings such as Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels and so forth decipher and deliver the light and consciousness of the Creator throughout the entire Universe of the Creator and to the Earth.

Through communing and connecting with the Creator, they have an insight into a pathway for the Earth and humanity which will bring the greatest fulfilment for all. This pathway is akin to a vibrational journey that they perceive will serve all in their unification with the Creator. It may not be that they have an understanding of specific scenarios which are required to take place upon the Earth. Instead, there may be some opportunities or experiences which can create the same vibrational journey and outcome.

The beings of the inner planes, hold focus upon the frequency outcome of fulfilment for humanity and the Earth, constantly delivering this to the Earth and humanity. The more that humanity opens to receive the light of the Creator being delivered through the inner plane beings, humanity and the inner plane beings begin to work together more and more.

It is this sacred union which will transform the Earth and create the peace, love and harmony that all wish to experience, a co-existence with Mother Earth. The pure focus of the inner plane beings will download into humanity and merge with the focus of the collective consciousness of humanity. This will create the most appropriate pathway forward of experience for all of humanity. It represents the unification of Earth and Heaven, the synchronising of the wishes of souls upon the Earth and the inner planes.

How to Instigate the Fulfilling Evolution of the Earth

The energy that the inner plane beings are delivering with the focus of the pure evolution of humanity and Mother Earth is a deeply healing, uplifting and joyous vibration. When received it is akin to liquid gold filling all of your senses and soothing every aspect of your being. It has the power to realign your full remembrance of all that is the Creator, as well as, encouraging you to act and react from your intuition so you are manifesting the Creator upon the Earth.

‘With the support, love and guidance of my community of guides, I invite my entire being to appropriately open to receive the frequency, vibration and focus from the beings on the inner planes which has been gifted from the Creator.

As I receive the energetic journey and outcome of the pure evolution of the Earth, my entire being receives healing, upliftment of my energy vibration, and a deeper connection to my inner bliss.

My soul’s true and pure wishes for the ascension of the Earth and humanity merge and integrate with the pure frequency focus for the Earth from the Creator through the inner planes beings. This creates a beautiful transformation and awakening within my being which further expands my energy and conscious awareness. I become more and more aware of the Creator upon the Earth within and around me.

The new integration of my soul’s wishes and the divine focus for the Earth continues to grow and intensify within me, positively and lovingly influencing my actions and reactions upon the Earth. Thus, allowing me to play a divine role in the creation of peace, love and truth upon the Earth.

I know that the energy from the inner planes does not necessarily dictate situations that need to occur upon the Earth to aid ascension. Instead, the energy merged with my own will inspire me to create actions which support the creation of the desired energetic frequency outcome for all. Thank you, I am open to receive now.’

What is your soul’s vision and frequency of fulfilment and evolution of the Earth?

Many lightworkers become preoccupied with the physical situations, experiences and circumstances that require to happen to secure a loving future for all upon the Earth. They also become preoccupied with wishing to understand how the physical future would appear as what it would look like and what people would be experiencing. They may concern themselves with whether the Earth will remain 3D, transform into light or move to another dimension.

Ascension, even the Ascension of the Earth and the world you experience is born from within your being. The transformation within your sacred internal chamber where you commune with the Creator is of most importance.

The Earth will transform as a reflection of your inner truth. This could be interpreted as there being no need to take actions on the Earth to help others; this is not the case, actions must always begin within and be extended out into your outer world. Again, a synchronicity with your inner and outer world is always required as they are the same; one.

The greatest question is not what will the Earth appear as, instead, it is what will the Earth feel like when the pure evolution of the Earth takes place? Ask yourself in quiet time or meditation, ‘What will the Earth feel like to me when the pure evolution of the Earth takes place?’

Allow your soul to demonstrate to you the vibration and frequency because it is already present within your being and has already been created. It is your guiding light, your constant companion from this moment forth.  It will inspire you in the most appropriate way to take the most sacred and creative actions to transform the collective consciousness of humanity and bring forth the truth of the Creator upon the Earth.

The more you connect with this vibration, the more understanding will be gained and the more you will create the most appropriate pathway for humanity upon the Earth.

Your vision of the Earth is not as important as your feeling of the pure Earth that has the opportunity to manifest. The feeling and frequency will create actions and opportunity of the most divine nature.


With love and blessings,

Archangel Michael

Read More for Archangel Michael -

Video: "Let Yourself Receive The Creator's Grace & Blessings Through The Great Beings Of Light ! -



Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

From the Center for Action and Contemplation

An image of two large rocks side-by-side stationed in running water.



Inner Light

Inner Light

Friday, March 23, 2018


I have the immense joy of being a [human being], a member of a race in which God became incarnate. As if the sorrows and stupidities of the human condition could overwhelm me, now I realize what we all are. And if only everybody could realize this! But it cannot be explained. There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun. —Thomas Merton [1]

You are the light of the world. . . . Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. —Matthew 5:14, 16

A mystic—like Merton, Francis of Assisi, Julian of Norwich, John Duns Scotus, and many others—is one who recognizes God’s image and likeness in this human being, in this creature, in this moment, and from that encounter with the sacred comes to see God everywhere and always. The mystic cannot help but love and have compassion for what is right in front of them. God’s indwelling presence—in every created thing—is inherent and cannot be earned or destroyed.  

In her book, Scotus for Dunces, Mary Beth Ingham writes:

Haecceitas points to the ineffable within each being. . . . According to Scotus, the created order is not best understood as a transparent medium through which divine light [from the outside] shines (as Aquinas taught), but is itself endowed with an inner light that shines forth from within. [This is like the] difference between a window (Aquinas) and a lamp (Scotus). Both give light, but the source of light for Scotus has already been given to the being by the creator. Each being . . . possesses an immanent dignity; it is already gifted by the loving Creator with a sanctity beyond our ability to understand. . . .

Once we recognize the value of nature, of others, and of ourselves, we are called to act in imago Christi, as images of Christ who embodied divine love. [2]

At a CAC conference many years ago, Ingham reflected:

In the most concrete we discover the most ultimate. That is what it means for God to become one of us. The concrete individual who lived in the Middle East 2000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth, was both divine and human.

And so, what does this mean for us? We are called to see the greatness of God in the smallest of things. We see divinity within humanity. We discover in ourselves a light within, and we discover in every human being, and as Scotus teaches, in everything that exists, an inner light that is a gift from God. [3]


Gateway to Presence:
If you want to go deeper with today’s meditation, take note of what word or phrase stands out to you. Come back to that word or phrase throughout the day, being present to its impact and invitation.


[1] Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander (Image Books: 1968), 157.

[2] Mary Beth Ingham, Scotus for Dunces: An Introduction to the Subtle Doctor (The Franciscan Institute: 2003), 53, 54-55, 66.

[3] Mary Beth Ingham, Holding the Tension: The Power of Paradox, disc 5 (Center for Action and Contemplation: 2007), CD, MP3 download.

Adapted from Richard Rohr, Just This (Center for Action and Contemplation: 2017), 10-11.


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