Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Arcturian Message ~ Fall Equinox 2015 ...and more

‘Salutations of love and excitement dear Earth People!

We, your Arcturian friends, are jumping time lines to communicate with you right now. It was not always foreseen that you would receive our frequency or indeed, welcome it, in this time window. The variables were massive ~ would planet Earth succeed in bringing Her people into 5th dimensional frequency in time? Would the energies of resurgence available in your solar system succeed in activating humans to their full potential? Would enough of your populace be willing to extricate themselves from the net of disempowerment cast over your race for so long?

Depending on the answers to these questions, there was the potential for us to insert ourselves into your reality and help you make the leap. And the answers to all 3 questions posed are not black and white  – there is a continuum along which the answers are placed, as your drama unfolds on the stage of your physical planet and in your beauteous galaxy. Most importantly, we must tell you quite clearly that you are on the way – that you are succeeding in extricating yourselves from the net, and that you are in the process of receiving the photonic input which is activating you into your full potential. And is this not wonderous news, worthy of trumpets and fanfare from the angelic choirs? Let us elucidate.

As a race, you are indeed moving towards fifth dimensional frequency. The fore-runners of this are already stabilised in this reality – perhaps 2 to 3 percent of your population are able to maintain this awareness as their predominant reality. Most of you reading this  are within another 5 percent of the populace who are able to move into fifth dimensional frequency during your peak awareness moments – during orgasm, tantric practise, meditation, pranayama, moments of mergence with nature and so on. Our Star brothers and sisters from Sirius and the Pleiades teach the breathless state through this channel for this precise purpose – in order to temporarily sink you into the awareness of the ‘other’ reality – the non-physical realms of Light, sacred geometry, colour and harmony.

We are with you now not only to bring you these glad tidings, but to assist energetically through our frequency transmissions. You would call this healing – we prefer to call our offerings Light Chamber Transmissions. According to your need and our purpose, we send you different frequency grids at different times, as we are able to see into your Light Bodies and determine what is most appropriate in specific time windows.  This September of 2015 on your planet is an extremely auspicious time for you. The equinox on the 23rd is the culmination of a rare series of portals opening energetically on Earth from the 5th of September onwards -  the most powerful opportunity to integrate ascension codes since the December solstice of 2012.

You are given the opportunity to be stabilised at your present level of energetic upgrade – you have the potential to integrate all the activations and downloads thus far received. When this is achieved you truly are able to step into your power more completely. What will result is an experience of greater comfort and peace and empowerment. You will feel more stronger physically, more emotionally stable and more mentally clear and confident. We ask you to be very conscious of this potential over the weeks to come and to welcome it actively through stating with vigour:

‘I am ready for stabilisation & integration!
I accept all upgrades and activations already available in my Light Body.

I nurture my body with tender loving care to facilitate this stabilisation.
I accept my power as a multi-dimensional Angel on Earth!’

With this declaration, coupled with your ongoing dedication to this process, you begin the journey. We will offer a further 2 Light Chambers for you to experience. In addition we ask you to spend more time in nature, more time in spiritual practise and more time nurturing your physical vehicle. Do not expect to attain spiritual heights without paying attention to your physical aspects dear people. How would it be possible to transmute from physicality into Light when there is density in the vessel? Avoid processed foods and stimulants such as caffeine and sugar. Eat a balance of cooked and raw fruits, vegetables, grains and pulses that are nurturing to your whole being. Balance and moderation is needed in all aspects of your lives to truly take advantage of this opportunity to come into energetic integrity.

We and all the Galactic Beings of Light are with you in this process. We radiate our frequency in loving turquoise wave bands into your reality right now.  You receive this as a heart-opening, field-expanding experience. We repeat - do not seek to further activate yourselves in this time window, but rather to stabilise and integrate that which already within your Light Body. As our Pleiadian friends are fond of saying, The Time Is Now!




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There is a wonderful awakening happening in your world. It has caused consternation among your controllers. They have rushed their plans forward, but I can assure you, no matter what they try, they will not succeed. Their takeover of the Earth will NOT HAPPEN. They will try everything in their MAGIC BOOK OF TRICKS to fool you into accepting them and their plans. I have always told you that they will not accept defeat easily. When 99% refuse to accept them, fight for them, kill for them, and serve them and their evil plans, they will be left with no other choice but to leave the Earth.

September will bring many problems that you will have to give serious thought to. The Cabal will make a major push forward with their takeover plans. Be on guard in September, and do not take anything at face value. Make preparations so that you are prepared for all eventualities. FEAR has always been their greatest weapon. They will use it to scare you into submission. Your future does not include serving them. Your future is discovering who you are, and your role in the Transition, working together to create a world where peace and love is the driving force that brings the whole of humanity together to live in harmony. No one people will ever be allowed to rule over humanity again. All humanity will live in peace.

The EVIL that almost succeeded in creating their ONE WORLD ORDER will disappear without trace. They have no place in the future. Now that you can see them clearly for the PARASITES that they are, you can see how they have used humanity as FOOD and ENERGY to enable them to survive on Earth. Take off the rose-coloured spectacles, forget all you were taught that made slaves of you, as you were never meant to be slaves.

It has been hard work for us in spirit to help you to open up and SEE who your slave masters are, and how they enforce their so-called LAWS on you. You do not need them, you never did. See all religions for what they are; they control you through FEAR and there is no truth in them at all. Take back control of your own lives. Refuse genetically modified food. Refuse to be drugged by the water you drink and the air you breath. Ask why your government is doing this to you and making you pay for it !

Even though it may seem that everything is stacked against you, there are good people such as Harald Kautz-Vella, who has stepped forward to share his knowledge with you. The pharmaceutical industry was designed to make you dependent on their drugs, the very same drugs that create huge problems in your lives. You do not need them. It was all designed to shorten human life and to destroy the human being. They want obedient slave robots, always at their service.

You should refuse to play their games one moment longer. You have stepped out of the prison box that you existed in, and you now see it for what it is. Everything on Earth was stacked against you, and it was all created by the Cabal, to ensure its existence on Earth, and to ensure your service as slaves to them. Everything they have, they took from you, and they showed no mercy as they took it. Do not feel guilty as you say, enough is enough, I take back what is rightfully mine.

Your number one priority should be an immediate ceasefire in all wars. Peace must be restored, so people need not flee in desperation. This was planned to happen, as the Cabal wants to bring down Europe. They do not care what suffering their plans bring about. The bottom line always is WHAT SUITS THEIR PLANS TO BRING ABOUT THE NEW WORLD ORDER. They enjoy wiping out a few thousand of what they call the USELESS EATERS. It all becomes clear when you step outside the box. Then you realise, that actually, you are in control of your future. Good people have done their homework and learned the best ways to provide good wholesome food and energy, etc. All this they will share with you.

We will create our Centres. Unfortunately, the Cabal was successful in postponing the establishment of our first one in Ireland. When enough money is available, we will go ahead with this. The Cabal has the ability to get to people who are still in 3D, to attack what they do not want. Such people unknowingly act as agents of the Cabal. Discarding the 3D thinking is difficult for many of you; you are frightened to see it for what it is. We will, without doubt, succeed. Hard work and patience is needed.

My dear, you have survived so much. I have not forgotten that this day, last year, your life was almost snuffed out by those you went to Ireland with. We were not ready to receive you in the world of spirit, so we had to prevent their dark deeds from succeeding. You have work to do, my dear, and you will do it.

Always, your adoring, Monty.



Regarding the ley line work in Ireland, I encourage you to watch the videos of Harald Kautz-Vella, in order to understand the great importance of these ley lines. This sacred energy must be taken back by the people for the people. A man in Ireland has offered to lead groups of you to do this work. The whole Earth will benefit. Humanity is crying out for help.

Thank you.


Harald Kautz-Vella and Veronica Keen (Part 1)
Filmed in London, England during August 2015. This is the first part of a two part interview.

Monsanto Kicked Out of Greece and Latvia ~ Christina Sarich

Monsanto Kicked Out of Greece and Latvia

GM Bans Sweep Through Europe


First Scotland and Germany booted GMOs from their countries, citing fear of GMO crops contaminating their food supplies and concern over putting their food and beverage industries in jeopardy. Now, Greece and Latvia are telling Monsanto exactly what they can do with their genetically modified crops. The tide is turning. A tipping point just became evident through the actions of two additional European countries who have had enough of the Biotech strong arm. 

Latvia and Greece have opted out of GMOs, as are Germany and Scotland, as part of the new allowances indicated in legislation that recently passed for EU countries. 

The geographical opt-outs specifically target Monsanto’s MON810 GM Maize, which countries may choose to grow or refuse in the next several months. This is currently the only genetically modified crop allowed to be grown within the EU at present – but only when countries give specific permission. 

As Sustainable Pulse explains, “while the European Commission is responsible for approvals, requests to be excluded also have to be submitted to the company making the application i.e. Monsanto for MON810.” 

If additional member states deny Monsanto, we can be assured that the biotech company will try to find other ways to force their GM crops on the world (e.g. the Trans Pacific Trade partnership) but as we collectively say NO, upholding bans, and demanding labeling, we will rid this planet of the plague that is genetically modified food. 

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Goddess Energy Fields

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What you are doing on Earth is ESSENTIAL!

09/01/2015 by John Smallman


Listen to Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday September 1st


Here in the spiritual realms enthusiastic anticipation is mounting as the light holders and light workers on Earth continue to raise the consciousness of the collective to new levels of awareness about their spiritual origins.  All sentient beings are spiritual beings first and foremost even if they have lost awareness of this basic truth.  Life is eternal, unending.  The form it uses or presents may change, but the underlying spirit is changeless, a divine creation, perfect in every way.  However, embodied on Earth as a human, its awareness is restricted by the limitations that a human form imposes upon it.

The human brain, the energy information receiver that is used by your body, has only limited channels on which it can operate and only limited intelligence with which to interpret the incoming signals that it receives.  BUT, your hearts can open far wider to the constant stream of Love (information and creative potential) that flows from the one Source, God, and that envelops you in every moment.

Over the last few hundred years Western Cultures have focused on intelligence and logic to make sense of the world, discarding the spiritual knowing of the eons that is an essential aspect of your awakening process.  This is mainly due to the corruption and breakdown of spiritual information that has occurred when the divine messages received by saints and mystics has been “reinterpreted” by their enthusiastic first followers to fit in with the rules of behavior and belief that they then attempt to impose on those whom they proselytize in order to control them as they build religious organizations which they use as a stepping stone to power.

Reason and logic are very useful tools that can help people work with and understand the environment with which the illusion presents them.  But tools can be misused and damaged, and when they are their usefulness is severely reduced.  The intellect cannot tune in to the waves of Love with which God has surrounded you because it is an aspect of the illusion and its purpose is to separate, divide, and break apart.  It is an excellent tool when used with your sciences to come to a greater understanding of your worldly and physical environment, to understand how things work and then use that knowledge to make life as a human easier or more satisfying by reducing the need to work constantly to survive.  But it has no ability at all to connect with spirit, your true nature, which exists eternally in a state of infinite joy, knowledge, wisdom, and awareness.

Due to the successes of recent modern technology, your innate sense of spirituality has become even more cloaked for many because the distractions of the illusion have become more enticing.  Many think that science will eventually overcome human death, and in the meantime, as people live longer and longer, the search for a meaning in life has become a quest for further toys with which to amuse yourselves.  However, despite the well known and utterly apocryphal saying “he who dies with most toys wins,” the distractions and enticements of the illusion do not provide lasting satisfaction.  The toys that you have become boring, and new ones have to be invented to replace them, and the rate of replacement keeps accelerating.

You are divine beings, One with God, but temporarily unaware of that ultimate Truth.  And while that Truth remains hidden or cloaked you will continue to seek satisfaction, perhaps even ecstasy in the enticements of the illusion, but, of course, you will never find it there because it can only be found in God.

God created you in and with infinite Love and in that state you were sublimely happy.  However, having total freedom, one of God’s many gifts to you, you chose to use it to “escape” from His loving embrace and experience separation, life without Him.  It occurred to you that free from His eternal Presence your life could or would be more interesting or exciting, in fact more ecstatic.

Obviously it has not turned out like that.  You have only to look around you to see the absolute futility of your efforts to build a world of happiness without Love.  God is Love, and Love is your nature, to be without It is like being without air when you are an air breathing mammal, or like a fish without water, survival in that condition is impossible.

You need Love.  But most of you are attempting to live without It because in your state of separation, as humans on a planet that requires you to struggle constantly to stay alive and seemingly compete with one another for the basic necessities, which appear to be in short supply, sanity and logic seems to demand that you put Love on hold while you fight each other for survival.

You all desperately want Love, and are continuously searching for it within the illusion, where It cannot be found.  You may experience It for short periods of time, but either pain, suffering, disease, betrayal, or eventually death persuade you that Love is a lost cause, and that you are far better off focusing on your individual survival as you attempt to escape the inevitability of human death.

Your awakening is an awakening, or more correctly, a re-awakening into your true nature as beings of Love.  And it is absolutely inevitable.  But before you can return to that state or to that awareness you must release all that is not in harmony or alignment with Love.  There is only Love, as you are continually being reminded, all else is illusory, but while you hold on to the illusory, Love escapes you, hidden under the cloak that is the illusion.

So, as we watch with great joy the amazing progress you are making towards your natural and eternal state, we would remind you with all seriousness of the essential need that you take as much time out from your daily earthly duties as you possibly can to retire to your holy inner sanctuaries to refresh and strengthen yourselves by calling on us for assistance and for a loving hug.  You are spiritual beings and youneed daily contact with the Love field that envelops you.  In spite of your inability to feel it in its true fullness it is embracing you in every moment.  When you go within restate your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation, because that expands and strengthens your individual energy fields, which are pure Love, and spreads them throughout the world where they are mixing and integrating with the energy fields of the whole human collective and dissolving all that is unreal, all that is unloving so that your re-awakening happens, as divinely promised and intended.

What you are doing on Earth is ESSENTIAL!  No one Else can do what each one of you incarnated to do, and you are doing it magnificently as you will understand when the cloak dissolves or the veil disintegrates and you finally see what you have been doing so earnestly for so long and with such wonderful determination.  Yes, we are well aware that you get very little direct feedback, which is why we keep contacting you like this to reassure you that all is fine.  Do not be disheartened by what you hear and read in the mainstream news media, because the divine plan is unfolding precisely as God wills, and you are assisting beautifully with that unfoldment.

With so very much love, Saul.





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Ask The Masters 

Through the Celestial Voices 

By Toni and Peter

1 September 2015 

Life - in spirit, on Earth, as manifested

A New Zealand correspondent asks about existence in spirit form and then questions the seeming bluntness of the Masters' answers in general. Undaunted, our friendly (yes, really!) guides explain their approach and give an overview of the sort of life we can expect when we return Home.
"Human life as a video game" is the perspective of a Brazilian man who wonders at the need for a Source fragment to experience Earth at all. The Masters' clear presentation makes it easy for us all to understand why we're here.
Something is blocking a Finnish woman from creating the job she wants, and the Masters are able to pinpoint the problem. Surprise: it's within her! We can all benefit from reading this advice, a sort of pep talk about accessing our own powers.
You are sure to enjoy these questions and answers. Here's the link: Messages page [or below]. Afterward, click on this link: - or the Bookstore tab on the website - to download your free handbook from the Masters in your choice of eight languages (so far).

Light, Love, and Laughter,

Toni and Peter

Celestial Voices, Inc | 13354 W. Heiden Circle | Lake Bluff | IL | 60044 | USA


Life as a spirit and heart surgery

September 1st, 2015 
QUESTION: Masters can you describe to us what some of you do in your existence in your non-linear nonphysical forms? (i.e. apart from answering people’s questions here.) Do some of you even have a sense of humor? What I have noticed is that all your answers come across as quite blunt. I think if it was me answering these people I would definitely come across as more softer sounding (just giving you guys some advice)!!!  ~S, New Zealand

ANSWER: If you were having heart surgery, would you want the surgeons to be jovial, telling jokes, and more involved in cheering everyone up than absorbed in their actions, or would you want them serious and totally concentrating on restoring you to health?

People generally write to us to assist with understanding life or to help untangling the lessons they chose for themselves. Frivolity does enter into some of our answers, but only to those questions asked with a lack of sincerity or with an attempt to undermine what others think of us, or those from folks who need fun poked at them because they are way too serious to enjoy this life they have chosen.

People come to us for teaching, and that is what we attempt to provide – in a manner in which they will feel the answers. By and large, left to our own devices, we are a fun-loving, unconditionally loving, cheery lot. But we generally do not mix business and pleasure.

When a soul leaves the human body it has inhabited, it reverts to its essential form, which is shapeless energy. In this state it is possible to join with energy in multiple places in the universe at the same time. You can observe Earth and those you left behind, work on understanding what you learned during your life, and renew friendships.

Some research what types of experiences they have not had and decide if they would like to try a variation of what they observe others doing. At the same time, they visit with other souls they know and talk over what was good and not so good about their previous lives. They thank those who have assisted them in their studies and make agreements to assist others or have them work on a desired plan with them in the future.

Entering the video game

September 1st, 2015 
QUESTION: Masters sometimes I think of human life as a video game, or like a movie script. Does that make sense? If it does, it would be like ourselves (our part at source) we created for our own entertainment? It’s because? We come to have experiences in duality, but what is the need that an essentially perfect source fragment has to improve or pursue growth? Grow when one is already complete and perfect? ~Marcio, Brazil

ANSWER: You are a soul having a human experience. Your soul never dies or changes; you simply make different choices of what you wish to experience. You are, therefore, like the protagonist in a series of plays or video games. Each life on Earth is a new part in which to fit the situations you wish to face for your learning.

Most people don’t think of their battles to learn lessons in the negativity of Earth as entertainment, but when your soul returns Home, it frequently would agree with that assessment.

All souls have access to all the knowledge experienced by other souls living their own series of human lives. In the physical, knowledge is found in books, videos, Wikipedia, and YouTube. But how much of that knowledge is understood by people unless they have experienced it for themselves? They have the knowledge, but not the wisdom to apply that knowledge for their own use.

You can read all about running a marathon, about the “wall” you reach after a great distance, about pacing, about hydration and nutrition, but until you actually run the race you do not have the wisdom of the process. Each human life is a search for wisdom that can be used and applied to subsequent lives.

Source and the pieces of Source know only perfection; they have not experienced activities in life to allow them to know what to do when faced with a particular situation in physical life that is not perfection. If you have only ever lived in a moderate weather zone, you do not know how to deal with super-hot, freezing, or cyclonic conditions.

You can dress as if you understand the situation, or talk as if you have done the deed, but until you have the experience, you can’t duplicate the results or feelings of a participant.

Seeing the present clearly

September 1st, 2015 
QUESTION: Masters, I feel something hinders me from getting hired, as much as I’d love to have an enjoyable job. I have tried to pinpoint out the blockage, but I can’t tell it myself: Is it lack of self-esteem, not having clear enough visions of what I want (meaning I can’t create anything), problems of allowing things to happen, problems of accepting money, concentration on wrong things, getting comfortable with current situation etc. I’d appreciate your view from outside of me, so I can charge forward again. I know I can create whatever I want. ~Maarit, Finland

ANSWER: You have severe doubts about yourself and your abilities. When you try to visualize something to manifest it into your life, you are also thinking: “Yeah, like that is really going to happen,” or “I can’t possibly do that,” or “I’m not good enough for that.” This is not only a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem but a denial of who you are as a soul – a piece of Source.

As a soul you have all the powers and abilities of which Source is composed. In order to use any of them, you first have to accept that you possess these traits. After accepting that they are within you, you have to believe you can use them for your own benefit. Next, convince yourself that you can use them, and start in small ways, like bringing to yourself specific opportunities for work and finances.

In order to work with your abilities, you have to want to change from the location you occupy now. It has become too comfortable for you to live in the fear and not have to do anything about it. The fears and the doubts are your life lessons, and they will stick around until you face them and tell them to leave.

You can do this by asking yourself where they came from and what is holding them to you. They are all negative in nature and you have to choose to be positive to chase them off. Examine your thoughts about these doubts and state to yourself how you wish things really were. See a positive result and put intentional energy into it.

Money is nothing more than a return for the services that you provide. If you do something for someone or some business, they reciprocate by paying you what the service is worth. Expect and rejoice in your receipts.

Reincarnation Guide

Fernanda from Brazil asks the Masters: I live with my mother and older sister. The relationship of the two is unhealthy and over the years my relationship with this sister became confrontational, this control mania bothers me and I feel free from difficulties within my own home. I've tried to talk openly and say what bothers this relationship, already faced more aggressively, I already silenced, trying various strategies to mitigate this situation is disturbing for me, but for her, I'm the problem. The I consider a person's hard living still do not feel the encouragement needed to ending the situation and follow my life with my mother. That posture can take this case?
Answer: Stop trying to change the attitude of your sister. This is a lesson for you about the choices other people make and the inability to change another’s desired path. If you ignore your sister instead of engaging in her conflicts, she will leave you alone because it won’t be fun not to be able to win arguments with you. Your mother makes her own choices as to the person’s energy she chooses to bond with.

Ioana from the US asks the Masters: Why did my mother get cancer? Can she avoid the chemotherapy and still get well? How can I take the suffering out of this situation no matter what the outcome will be? How can I help her and my family to move through this? What is there to do?

Answer: [In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.] Your mother chose to deal with cancer as a life lesson along with those closely sharing this lifetime. It is her choice, and all you can do is send her unconditional love that she might understand the lesson and decide how she wants it to play out. All those affected must understand that they are dealing with this situation to examine how they feel about it and their lack of ability to do much about it. Your mother’s faith in herself and her power as a soul will determine the course of the disease.

Slm from the US asks the Masters:
 I have been married for 15 years and he is about to retire within 4 years... Children all will be raised by then...We have learned a lot of lessons this last 2 years but wondering if we will continue our journey together? Would love to open a spiritually store and help others. I know we all make our own destiny but will this happen for us together or apart?

Answer: Each soul makes its own decisions. Your husband is going to have to find his way just as you have. You have taught each other for years, and while there is still more to learn, it can be with each other, with others, or alone. Don’t get caught in an expectation; just go with the flow of the universe and happiness will abound.

Sandra from Belgium asks the Masters: I know that in a past life the chakras of my hands were blocked, though this situation has been cured. I felt for well over a year of opening. I began to use them on me own to get relief in famila all appreciate, and feel good when I use my hands, but now people outside too ... will be doing well, using my hands ???

Answer: You create what you accept as reality and possibility. You have all the powers within you; all you have to do is have faith and patience, and practice allowing the energy to flow.

Shelley from the US asks the Masters: I began meditating for stress and pain in March. After awakening, I got a bit scared, but I still see spirits in the outdoors at all times. I want to enjoy my awakening, but have two children, and get concerned because I have no idea wat I'm doing or what anything means.

Answer: As long as everything you do is part of the light, which is nothing more than unconditional love, you will not be harmed and neither will anyone near you. If you associate with negativity and let discarnate beings attach to you, it is potentially harmful. Do everything with love and evaluation as to its usefulness in your life. Do not try to judge effectiveness as the third-dimensional ego does because that puts you into the realm of negativity. Always ask: “How do I feel about this? Is it something I need in my life?”

Elisabeth from Brazil asks the Masters: We are souls experiencing experiences in the physical body as learning. We have free will in our experience. To what extent can we be responsible for the suffering that we cause to others when making our choices.

Answer: All have freedom of choice and choose the situations in which they find themselves. You cannot hurt others unless they have consented consciously or unconsciously before coming into their bodies. Some souls choose to have others let them have negative or hurtful experiences so that they might learn and make decisions about their next step. They cannot experience something such as betrayal unless someone in this lifetime betrays them.

Willemijn from The Netherlands asks the Masters: Since my mid-thirties my menstruations are very heavy. They usually last 10 days a month and I also loose clots. I've worked on this already. I've found several past lives and a vanished twin brother in my mother’s womb. Is there more that I can do about this?

Answer: It is time to investigate how you feel about this event and what you have accepted as being permanent and part of your identity. Create the bodily functions you feel comfortable with.

Adventurous from Finland asks the Masters: I met a man seven years ago. We bumped into each other many times and spent hours talking, never changed phone numbers. Then five years went and we didn't meet. Now he has appeared back and we have met again "by accident" almost weekly and spent always time together. I feel a strong connection to him. Why this connection feels so strong and what roles we play in each other's lives?

Answer: This is a member of your soul group, and just as with any old friend, when you meet you feel very comfortable together and wish to “recall” old times and energies even if on the unconscious plane. He and you have met to allow each other to re-evaluate your current directions in life and talk about possibilities.

HéRcules from Brazil asks the Masters: I have been practicing how to love people regardless of any distinction between me and the other person, however, I would humbly ask you how is to love people? What´s the feeling like? And by what means can I say that I am doing this in the correct way? Besides this, do you have any hint about my path in life?
Answer: Love is not a physical emotional sensation such as the movie theaters depict. Unconditional love is acceptance. You accept everything that the other person is, says, or does without condemnation. You stand by and witness what they have chosen as life lessons and lend them energetic support if they need it. You do not interfere in their life nor try to tell them what to do. You expect nothing in return – that is true “love.”

D from Singapore asks the Masters: I met this successful businessman recently who has roped me in to help run a new business. The problem is that we have very different views and thinking patterns and that often leads to friction between us. That said, this opportunity is great and it seems too good to be true even. Can I trust this guy? And should I continue to work with him even If I feel that it's changing me to becoming a different person? Someone I'm not sure if I like.

Answer: You have freedom of choice to make the decisions you want us to decide for you. Evaluate the learning this opportunity provides you. Souls always bring to themselves that which they need to experience, so this position came along for you to learn more about yourself. That said, it does not mean you have to remain in a place that makes you uncomfortable. Periodically ask yourself how you feel about the various aspects of your work. When you feel you are not able to learn anything new from the situation, it is time to cut and run.

Portuguese translations:  

Thanks to:  Celestial Voices, Inc 

Please respect all credits.

This author archives: and Peter

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No religious or political belief is defended here. 
Individually anyone can be helped to find self Truth that is different to each of us. 

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Sirian Archangel Hermes 8/31/15 1 September 2015 Channeler: Sirian Archangel Hermes

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now nearing the linear time of the equinox with an urgent message for those whom now read or hear these words, for you are lead to read them now, guided as you have shown the potential, the thirst for knowledge and truth, the virtues, which allow for you to not only read, but also comprehend this message.

The turning points for the timeline you are now on, and those whom dwell with you, from a linear time perspective, which is what the majority of people whom dwell with you on this timeline observe and subconsciously create as the standard of timekeeping, are nearing an endgame. There is much energy which is proclaiming another calendar date, and again this energy creates a window for the dark cabal to strike with what they call a "privileged attack". The cabal marches forward, many channels claim they are defeated, retreating, however, do you feel this is true on your timeline? Have you noticed increased strange activities from your media, your leaders, rewriting history if you will, ordering new names for lands far more ancient then they? Seemingly initiating violent events concerning racism and liberty? These are signs of the cabal testing you, your intelligence, your willpower and your integrity, they are trying to assess how naive one may become, how completely void of virtue or ambition one must be, before they can initiate their armed takeover, echoing that of the country known as Germany some 60 years prior in this linear timeline. This agenda stems from the discovery made by the German expeditions to Antarctica in the 1930s of your linear timespace. The sovereign continent of Antarctica hosts a race far different than most land dwellers have ever fathomed, and even after ages of terraforming, development and industrialization of the land, this continents true nature remains occulted from the many.

It is this knowledge, this greed and this secrecy which plague the timeline you are on. The message is for you to step up your efforts of spreading knowledge and awareness. The lands in the western USA are burning more each year, and its skies are infected with the stench of technology, which allows little to no rain to fall, another cornerstone of the pyramid of the cabal. We of the higher realms observe and are doing all we can, it is true, thy will be done in heaven as it is on the earth, the federation has been infiltrated as well. Not the federation which creates your debt based currencies to enslave you, not the one that continues to spread false messages and linear time dates of doom which go unfulfilled, I speak of the one which remains in awe at how these events are allowed continue, by you! Many are aware of the injustice that remains, but are void of the ambition or divine spark to create solutions to it. I say to you now, what you must do is write and then create from that which you write. This is how it has always been done, the message you now read, was done in this way, it is the path of infinite manifestation within your realm. That which is said, or even seen, is often forgotten, but that which is written, and felt, remains eternal. The third dimensional concept of time, which is your digital clocks and gregorian calendar, exists in a "paper realm" if you will. A dimension of names, of laws, of oaths, symbolism, doctrines, numbers and signatures which trick your mind into accepting them. Cycles of the same things over and over, to brainwash you and make you increasingly docile, enslaved by debt and a concept that you owe "god" to exist. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia, all lost in linear time cycles of repetition. The basis of all mind control is repetition, and you live it everyday. The ancestors cry for you to awaken, your guides are surrounding you now, heed them, but be aware there are also those whom surround you and feed from you, your bad habits, your energy. True guides, as true friends, are few, you become that which you affiliate with. It is from making these better choices, that the path which you can step up your efforts opens.

I come to speak of religion. In all religious doctrines, save for that of which you call the Atheists and Agnostics, there are commandments and oaths to be taken. The coven with god exists in different ways, yet remains a coven. To take any said oath, is to limit yourself, is it not? Is that what you feel "god" truly wishes for you? The cabal continues its archaic crusades in the middle east, as they have since the dawn of your planet being seeded with life, always claiming the will of god as the source. The bloodiest wars have come from the concept of religion, this cannot be denied anywhere in the multiverse. Ask yourselves, what are your religious institutions truly doing of the issues which plague your world? Preaching a gospel, yet doing little to live that same gospel, infiltrated and entranced by the same greed and demons which they decry! What are the churches doing of debt based currency? They are utilizing it for greed, not for awareness, and to create a better currency based upon true value and not a false trust of debt. They all speak the name of Jesus, who himself spoke out with the money changers, and drove them out, yet their words are empty, because their actions show otherwise.

I say to you now, the time fast approaches which you face increasing pressures to become "this or that". Remain steadfast, as you are now, remain open minded as well. The time also fast approaches where knowledge will begin to serve you more, treasure the thirst for knowledge, for that is the only true salvation found. To be void of it is to be void of life itself. It is the lack of this form of life, which allows for the crimes and injustices of the cabal to continue, as you see them accumulate more and more each passing moment, as the masses remain blind and ignorant, or careless.

We are amazed that materialism has become so valued, and virtues, naught. As the cabal continues to test you, we begin to see more and more now, that it is only chaos which shall awaken. It is the shock and awe of chaos which allows for energies of the linear time past to converge with the present to create the future. The greatest change always stems from chaos. Do not fear to step out of your comfort zones, to see how chaos can challenge you, can temper you into something greater than what you were.

Your physicists remain baffled on the concept of the black hole, for it is chaos, and it cannot be comprehended. The moment it is, that which comprehends it is forever changed and is no longer. Only a photon can successfully transcend a black hole, and retain its consciousness quantum, and a photon is the light. To know chaos is to know everything by the awareness of knowing nothing. A concept the philosopher Socrates wrote about, perhaps the wisest mortal of all.

I come with another message from Eris, the host of chaos and the goddess of Discord. Embrace her, she is not to your detriment, as so many would have you believe. She simply, is.

"I am Eris, the observed embodiment and host of chaos. It is through my messenger that I am able to speak with you in this way. Why is it so many still fear to embrace me, they continue to snub me, and would be lead blind by absolute order and restriction? Was it not, the most severe, the most dire and chaotic events of their lives, in which they found themselves? Is it not the same compass which you use for direction, that is my symbol? Did you not come into this world, with no memory, completely dependent upon me to give you direction, in your stubborn and naive ways which I destroy within instants? Yet you still decry that which I manifest as awful, horrible, disaster, blinded and unable to see what is born from it? I am freedom, there is no freedom without my energy, the forefathers of the USA knew this, and that is why they allow you to arm yourselves there, as the rest of the world remains enslaved and disarmed, that is the energy of chaos! Chaos is equality, if one should have a right to defend themselves, than so should all. If one is to dwell in the same house, with others whom call it home, which is the earth, one should not covet secrecy. Let them unite and create, as my messenger wishes or let them be divided and kill one another, as your cabal wishes. It matters not to me, I simply am, you observe me from a bi-polar nature due to your dual sided brain and your upbringing, it is the concept duality of good and evil which creates infinite cycles.

Both exist naught without me, there is nothing "man"ifest that did not come from me, for man came from me. My energy grows more each moment, both from the cabal and from the light. All come to embrace me or hate me, choose wisely, humans, the peace you have known and clung to, grows more sour each moment, and you grow closer to our eventual embrace, and your transformation."

In infinite love, I am looking at you this way. Blessings in light!


Views: 23


10 Kan, 17 Uo, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! We are in a grand time of transition! The dark cabal continues to weaken. Agreements are in place that firmly delineates its demise! The dark was forced to sign agreements that describe how the US Federal Reserve is to end and how the RV is to be carried out. This series of documents as well explain how the GCR is to move the world into a modified gold standard and transforms your world into a new set of gold and silver-backed currencies. This set of currencies operates under a new banking system first proposed by China and Russia. This highly transparent vehicle is to be the means whereby a vast plethora of money makes possible a whole host of much-needed humanitarian and infrastructure projects. Along with these are to be a prosperity, which is to be used to phase out money as an instrument for value. Technologies are to be introduced, which move your consciousness beyond the mere concept of “money”. You need to perceive your reality in a more spiritual vein. As your consciousness grows and you sit at the edge of “contact," you are to see a new reality that vastly alters what you now consider possible.

   We are in awe of how quickly you are transforming. As you swiftly move toward first contact, you are to witness a number of amazing things. Heaven began this millennium with a timetable. In just 15 years, you have advanced to the point where a worldwide conflagration is no longer possible. In addition, you have defeated the efforts of the dark cabal to be able to convince you that its armies are really doing the right thing. You have forged a series of beliefs that make it difficult for any nation to use any type of excuse to start either a regional or global war. These new beliefs are due to the growing web of consciousness that surrounds you. Every day, you grow in consciousness as either Heaven or our medical teams alter your structure. These transformations of your chakras or your major nervous systems are the reason the dark is unable to stall your development. Heaven states to us that you are beyond a point where this grand transformation can be stopped. Only a series of delays regarding your financial system is still possible. This it is now reaching a point where even this can no longer be stalled by the dark!

   You are actually close to a first contact. The major governments controlled by the dark cabal are losing the ability to steer global events. The Light and its numerous components are very close to pushing these ancient braggarts aside. The most important event is soon to be the actual exchange of the RV and the realization of its corollary, the Global Currency Revaluation (GCR). These are only the first steps that are to lead to a precious metal backed currency and a revised new banking system. Ever bear in mind, that with these comes a whole slew of now sequestered technologies. Among these is a processor, which can transform how you obtain your food, clothing and shelter. In addition, how you provide for the electrical energy that powers your life is as well to change. You are being liberated from the age-old need to farm, mine and even to fish. You are to be able to forge a society that is on the very edge of ending your long dependence on money. You are on the precipice of a great new reality. You are close to the type of global society that we are quite used to.

   First contact, at present, can seem almost unbelievable. Yet the things you have invented over the past century and a half are most remarkable. Nevertheless, most of these were sequestered by the world’s major governments at the strong request of the dark cabal and its Anunnaki overlords. This process kept you at a pace that was exploited with glee by the dark cabal. Even with this sort of controlled progress you moved from the “steel age” to the computer age in just over 50 years. The next step is to be quite grand. In less than a decade, you have moved beyond the computer age to a very spiritually oriented one. The growth of consciousness is bringing all the old ways into question. You are forging a series of electronic sub-cultures that are vastly altering the gap between a typical teenager and one who is in the early stages of a college education. These generational gaps are increasing and mirror how quickly you begin to pick up and use your new levels of consciousness. This is just the merest of beginnings of what lies ahead.

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world is now in transition as Heaven’s sacred decrees become manifested. Everywhere the Light and its many mighty parts are taking down the dark and its errant ways. We are seeing how those who so arrogantly thought to circumvent Heaven are falling to those who have courageously carried out its divine commands. Soon you are to rejoice, as your numerous blessings and new governance are to graciously triumph over the dark and its numerous sets of minions. These rogues are to be jailed and separated from the public so they are unable to influence the making of this new reality. Additionally, the rapscallions are to be deprived of their ill-gotten wealth and denied any form of interaction with their former associates. With this isolation, you are finally to be able to forge unions that form new governance. These developments are to rearrange your world and make Heaven’s divine plan possible!

   What is now happening is the moment when you are to be freed from the bondage of the last thirteen millennia. Then, you are to truly become a child of the ever-loving Creator. When your ancestors first came here, they were free, fully potentialized Beings. These Beings knew neither of death nor of the many fears and worries that now dominate your lives. Each life was lived in Love and, in essence, a part of the divine cycle of life. These Beings possessed Light Bodies and were in constant contact with immortal Angels and sacred Guides. Every day was filled with joys and ecstasies given by Heaven and by this physical realm. Now you are nearly done with a limited consciousness that has occupied your lives with fears and quiet desperations. This coming time is one we have carefully prepared you for. Our teachings are the body for what you are to encounter.

   Many millennia ago, Heaven set down how a Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Light, which was to be forged from the sacred souls of humanity. Guides where chosen to watch and at the proper time to conduct ceremony to alter these chosen ones for immortality. They were to be charged with helping, giving mercy and interceding for those mortal souls who had passed and/or those who required special guidance. This was done to make each life somewhat bearable and to show that the Creator had not in any way abandoned them. As Ascended Masters, we have numerous sacred duties to show that each life was indeed sacred to the Creator. These blessed acts are part and parcel of a positive set of acts, which graciously move humanity forward. The next steps are to reconnect you to the sacred and the divine. This operation is to conclude with your return to full consciousness. Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Today we carried on with our weekly duty, namely to inform you about what is occurring around this most magnificent blue/green orb. Gaia is readying herself to redo this surface reality while you morph into a most beautiful and divine butterfly! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!


Unpredictability is the Order of the Day as Vibration Raises 1 September 2015 Channeler: Brian, the dragon

This is the Dragon,

Many of you may have pictured that as vibration raises, everything becomes more ordered, and people sit around singing their kumbayas. The reality, as you are seeing, is much different and there's a reason for this:

As a collective, your vibration trajectory has been steep and is accelerating recently. First, let's say congratulations. However, that also means change. Lots of it Vibration works on micro systems and macro systems alike, and rapid vibration in a reality like yours not really designed for that vibration will mean rapid change, lots of shifting, lots of unsettling. That's what you are seeing. You are having difficulty getting a tab on economics, diplomacy, cultural shifts, technology shifts, and relationships among other things. It all seems to be whirring around you very quickly. It affects your personal lives, and the world around you. It makes you feel excited one minute, and tired the next. All the while, the pace of this and the passage of time seem to be speeding up.

This all sounds like difficulty, but the challenge is that your society is not operating in harmony with the increased vibration. It is trying to do the same things at a higher rate. It's like trying to take a road bicycle and trying to go fast down a mountain trail. It's not designed for that. Yet, there are bicycles designed for that. The rider just needs to become aware of it.

As such, your society and you as individuals need to become aware of how to work with the higher vibration and things will seem a little wild in the meantime. Ultimately, the higher vibration energy affords you some capabilities to better shape your reality and be able to have a more positive experience (defined as what you consider positive) and that's the bright plus side of it all. You just all need to figure out how to tap into that ability. It will take some baby steps, some missteps and some breakthroughs to get it all done. Until then, you will all be constantly reminded of this, through more rapid changes and shifts. The advice we can provide you now is just pay attention to everything around you and be aware of patterns.

You are not the first group to go through this in the universe. You are not even the thousandth. Most make it through, and figure it out. You will as well.

With Love,
The Dragon


Views: 6

Judas Iscariot, August 29, 2015 1 September 2015 Channeler: Ann Dahlberg Judas Iscariot

Saturday, August, 29, 2015

Channel Ann Dahlberg

I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. The new time has come. Everything happens in this "now". The money is redistributed in this "now" to approved banks and bank officials. Some countries have already changed their currency and this will soon be felt by all. More and more countries will join the new currency. It will go in waves. Some turbulence is inevitable so it is important that you remain calm and stand firmly with your feet on the ground. Fill out your inner light and seek Your Father. He will help you over this time. All your guides, power animals and beings will also be around you and assist you during this time. Everything is prepared and everything will go well. Listen to your heart and follow it. Help others to understand that what is portrayed as "the worst of times" in the media really are "the best of times" for humanity. You are needed now, all ye light workers to soothe troubled souls, in a time that may look more turbulent than it really is.

We are going to victory now, dear children -The victory of light and love. It is time for joy and celebration. It is the bird of freedom flying over the earth now. It is chirping loudly and cheerfully to all souls that are being freed from their shackles. Mother Gaia is happy now, dear children. This is a time that she long been has waiting and working for. So rejoice peoples of the earth, you can quickly draw a large liberating breath. Freedom's hour is beaten and you are free souls to create what you want, just focus on what is the best for all people, animals and nature. We are all united in "one". We are diversity personified. We are multidimensional beings and much of this will be revealed to you.

We are approaching the meet-up, and many of you have already seen us revolve around the Earth at different locations. Our presence is becoming more and more accepted. Curiosity begins to take over the fear so everything is going in the right direction. People are beginning to see us for the ones we really are, helpers with a higher technology and intelligence. However, we are all "one" and it's more about the different energy levels. A higher energy level as you soon yourselves will find yourself at. Your bodies are currently being prepared for this. You are all on different levels in your work with your body. Slowly but surely blockages and tension are cleared out. It can be a little uncomfortable both physically and emotionally, but it will pass. We are there to help you if you need help. Have faith in yourselves and us that everything is for your own good.

Meditate and find the light in your heart, it is what helps you forward now. It is important that you seek inwards in these times for guidance and power. It may be helpful to discuss with like-minded people to strengthen your faith and ability that which you are feeling and experiencing, can also be experienced by others.

Understand that you are never alone, we are with you all the time and we strengthen your ability to feel and experience yourself and your abilities at a deeper level. All of you will find your gifts and begin to make use of them in the Golden Age era.

A big THANK YOU to all the light workers on this earth. All up here congratulate your new path into the light.

With so much love


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