Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

All are now enveloped and overlighted in every moment by the Tsunami of Love - John Smallman 03.10.2015, ...and more

All are now enveloped and overlighted in every moment by the Tsunami of Love - John Smallman 03.10.2015

No one is unworthy of God’s Love, and therefore no one is unworthy of yours!  The only reason that you would withhold love from anyone is because you believeyourself to be unlovable, and to withhold love from someone is to withhold it from yourself.  However, to acknowledge and be aware of that extremely painful belief about yourself is often too horrific to countenance, and so you project it outwards on to someone you can judge as unworthy of being loved.

Judgment is an aspect of the illusion to which many are enthusiastically attached.  Because of the underlying sense of unworthiness that so many feel and deny, it can be very satisfying to see another’s behavior as wrong, sinful, criminal, deceitful, untrustworthy – in fact being in any way different in their behavior from your personally perceived and accepted sense of what is “normal” – judging them according to some arbitrary rules of your own making, and then righteously condemning them and enthusiastically sentencing them to what you have convinced yourselves is their well deserved punishment.

It is all too easy to find a target on to whom you can project this unbearable self-hatred – and it surely is self-hatred – because so many of you feel this way about yourselves and are constantly looking for some unworthy one doing wrong on whom you can impose a self-righteous and, of course, utterly justifiable negative judgment.  Doing this helps you to feel better about yourselves because as you compare yourselves to these unacceptable others you can tell yourselves: “I am not nearly as bad as that,” or even “I am really very good.”

And in your collective fear there are very few among you who have not committed some actions that are generally perceived as crimes instead of being recognized as the desperate calls for love that thy really are.  The way out of this bind or seemingly infinite playback loop is to acknowledge, look at, and release all self-judgment of yourselves as unworthy. In God’s sight no one is ever unworthy!

If you find yourselves judging others or yourselves, even if only privately, secretly in your minds, it indicates that you are in denial of your own sense of unworthiness, of unlovableness.  However, once you have looked within and fully acknowledged that extremely painful state, that fearful belief and feeling that you are not good enough, you can release it and see the insanity of it, the utter invalidity of it.  In that moment of awareness as you gently release it, thank it for the protection it thought it was offering you, and then intend and allow yourselves to feel the Love in which the Tsunami of Love has enveloped you.

The human condition, in which each of you sees yourself as separate from one another and from God, causes you enormous stress.  Your true nature is Love, but as humans it seems that you are separated from that state and so you spend your lives seeking it, mostly in the wrong places – from your parents initially, from authority figures, from your peer group, and then very likely from another individual whom you admire and covet and whom you desperately hope will return your admiration.

To believe yourself to be separate is a most painful experience that starts at birth as you are forcefully expelled from the womb.  As you grow and develop, the parental, tribal, cultural, racial, and religious rules that are imposed upon you further confirm that sense of separation because each time you break one of them and are judged wrong, and maybe shamed for doing so, it builds within you an intense sense of unworthiness thus separating you emotionally from the “good people,” those who have judged you and found you wanting.  And that pain has to be buried, hidden deep in your unconscious, because it cannot be born.

When you see it spelled out like that it is quite clear that the only way out of this unhappy state is by embracing love.  You all, every single human being, wants only to be loved.  And there is never even a moment when you are not infinitely loved.  As a human you need to feel loved because Love is your nature, and to feel unloved is effectively to die.  So you keep seeking outside what you can only find within you.  Love is the life force, without it you would cease to exist and that is impossible because you are eternal beings at One with Source.

Nevertheless, it seems to many of you that you do die because you have learned over the eons to identify solely with your human bodies which have, as you might express it “a rather severely limited shelf-life.”  Medical science has recently succeeded in extending that bodily life expectancy, but it has also encouraged a belief that it is the only life available to you.

Over the eons unconditional love and acceptance has been a state of being that very few have experienced.  However, over the last one hundred years or so, mainly as a result of the development of psychology as an approved ameliorative healing practice, the need that humans have for love has been increasingly recognized and applied, so that many young people today take it as normal – as indeed it is! – that people should behave kindly and lovingly to one another.

It is this enormous change in perception that led to the arrival of the Tsunami of Love.  Previously, in earlier times, it would not have been welcomed because the general human attitude encouraged judgment and harsh punishment for wrongdoers, even for the smallest offenses.  Love was talked about as being desirable but unobtainable, and therefore it was considered insane to even dream of experiencing it.  You have some “leftover” expressions from those times: “You have to be cruel to be kind,” and “Tough love.”  Many still believe in them!  However, humanity as a whole is moving very rapidly away from that insane and truly unconscionable belief system.

Love does not condemn or punish, It offers Itself freely and constantly to all.  But over the eons you have spent in the illusion, playing games of separation and experiencing the concomitant fear, judgment, and shame that it offers, you have “learned” to see yourselves as unworthy of Love and therefore find it very difficult to accept It.  Feeling unloved, because you have closed yourselves off to It so that the pain of not feeling It will not be experienced, you are amazed when someone unexpectedly treats you kindly and lovingly.

This is happening more and more frequently as all are now enveloped and overlighted in every moment by the Tsunami of Love.  All you need do to experience It is to open your hearts and allow It in.  Intellectually most of you know that God loves you all, but deep within you lies your true knowing, the place where you can feel that Love enveloping and embracing you.  By opening your hearts you learn to access that deep inner knowing and can then relish the experience of it whenever you choose.  It is your God-given right, your heritage, so claim it, daily, and release all doubts about your worthiness to enjoy and experience God’s infinite Love for you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.


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The Budwig Diet

Budwig Diet for Cancer and Other Chronic DiseasesThe Budwig diet has been successfully helping people with cancer, but also Arthritis, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Multiple sclerosis, Heart Disease, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne and other chronic conditions.

To start the diet, you will need to have 3 appliances:

  • A coffee bean grinder to grind the flaxseeds.
  • An immersion hand-held blender (a stick-shaped mixer) It’s important to use an electric mixer rather than stirring by hand.
  • A Juice Machine. The BLENDTEC or a masticating type juicer is said to give a more healthful juice than a centrifugal type. If you do not have this type of juicer the BUDWIG CENTER can help you locate one.

Budwig Diet Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese (FOCC) or quark recipe:

Generally, each tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (FO) is blended with 2 or more tablespoons of low-fat organic Cottage Cheese (CC) or quark.

Note: Whenever Tablespoons are mentioned it is the standard US tablespoon, which is the equivalent of the British “dessert” spoon.

1 US Tablespoon = 15 ml and 1 British Tablespoon is 18 ml – 16 tablespoons = cup and 4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup.

  • To make the Budwig Muesli, blend 3 Tablespoons (British dessert spoons) of flaxseed oil (FO) with 6 Tbps low-fat (less than 2%) Quark or Cottage Cheese (CC) with a hand-held immersion electric blender for up to a minute If the mixture is too thick and/or the oil does not disappear you may need to add 2 or 3 Tablespoons of milk (goat milk would be the best option). Do not add water or juices when blending FO with CC or quark. The mixture should be like rich whipped cream with no separated oil. Remember you must mix ONLY the FO and CC and nothing else at first. Always use organic food products when possible.
  • Now once the FO and CC are well mixed grind 2 Tbps of whole flaxseeds and add to the mixture. Please note that freshly ground flax seeds must be used within 20 minutes after being ground or they will become rancid. Therefore, do not grind up flaxseeds ahead of time and store.
  • Next mix in by hand or with the blender 1 teaspoon of honey (raw non-pasteurized is recommended)
  • (Optional) For variety you may add other ingredients such as sugar free apple sauce, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon juice, chopped almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews (no peanuts), pine kernels, rosehip-marrow. For people who find the Budwig Muesli hard to take these added foods will make the mixture more palatable. Some of our patients have even added a pinch of Celtic sea salt and others put in a pinch of cayenne pepper for a change
  • (Optional) Dr. Harvey Diamond who wrote a book on the importance of “food combining” and other experts recommend not mixing fruit with other foods (they say to eat fruit on its own on an empty stomach and wait 10 minutes before eating other foods) If however you do not have any digestion problems you may want to add various fruits, especially berries fresh or frozen. No more than 1 cup of fruit should be added.
  • (Optional) Add ground up Apricot kernels (no more than 6 kernels per day). Or you may decide to eat these apricot kernels on their own.

Nausea – Some people get nausea from the ground flaxseeds, to counter this by taking a small bowl of papaya immediately afterwards or some fresh peppermint tea. Also, put a lot of papaya into the morning muesli too, it may be there is a special enzymes in the papaya that quells the nausea.

The Basic Rule with the Budwig diet is “if God made it, then its fine and try to eat it in the same form that God made it”. Here are some foods that many are not sure of, but they are accepted on the Budwig diet.

  • Stevia, raw non-pasteurized honey, Xylitol (from Birch trees), dates, dates, figs, berry and fruit juices serve as sweeteners.
  • Herbs in their natural form (pure nothing added)
  • All nuts (raw unroasted) are fine except peanuts
  • All seeds good, sunflower seeds are very complete and filling
  • Raw un processed cocoa, shredded (unsweetened coconut)
  • Cup of black tea is accepted (coffee beans are toxic and not recommended)
  • Any flour is permissible as long as it’s 100% whole grain. Corn is best to avoid because of mold/fungus and genetic manipulation
  • 2 or 3 slices of health food store pickles (no preservatives! – read label!)
  • Freezing cottage cheese /Quark as well as fruits and vegetables is ok.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: The flaxseed oil must always be kept in the refrigerator. It will keep for 12 months in the freezer. Arrange to purchase as direct as possible from a manufacturer (like Barlean’s) and when it arrives put it right away in the refrigerator. Or arrange with the local health shop to keep a supply in the refrigerator for you.
  • Drink only distilled water or reverse osmosis water.

Foods to avoid according to Dr. Budwig

  • NO hydrogenated oils, NO trans-fats, (instead consume all cold pressed oils, such as sunflower seed oil, olive oil, etc)
  • NO animal fats NO pork (pigs are the cleaners of the earth and their meat is loaded with toxins. ham, bacon, sausages, etc should be avoided)
  • NO seafood (lobsters, clams, shrimp, all fish with a hard shell are cleaners of the sea and are loaded with toxins..)
  • White regular pasta is eliminated, as is white bread, (Kamut or Spelt pasta and bread is a better choice than wheat) many patients have an intolerance to wheat, whole Rye, Oat, Multigrain bread is good. Corn is very discouraged (because of mold and genetic modification issues).
  • NO ice cream or dairy products (other than the cottage cheese)
  • NO white sugar, molasses, maple syrup or preservatives.
  • NO processed foods (NO store bought pastries), make your own with our recipes
  • NO Soy products (unless fermented or used for 2 or 3 weeks at the beginning if you cannot tolerate the cottage cheese)
  • Avoid pesticides and chemicals, even those in household products & cosmetics. Good old vinegar, as well as baking soda are excellent household cleaners (look on the Internet for more info)
  • NO microwave, NO Teflon or aluminium cooking ware or aluminium foil. We recommend and provide during your stay at Budwig Center enamel cooking ware. Stainless steel, ceramic, cast iron, glass and corning cooking wear are fine.

Dr. Budwig warned against using her protocol in conjunction with other therapies that could go against the benefits of her formula. Oxygen therapies, Laetrile (Vitamin B17 injections), Vitamin C infusions should not be combined with the program. Check with the Budwig Center if you are not sure.

IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ: Although the Budwig diet will help immensely in your quest for abundant health, alone it may not be enough, especially if your condition is at a more advanced stage.

Whether you have cancer or other chronic health condition, it’s a very personal thing. What works for one patient, may not work for another. Each patient responds differently to disease and to the different treatments that are available.

This is why at the Budwig Center, we look at each patient on anindividual basis. We do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to treating any form of disease.

Please consider taking two minutes to complete our simple Health Check Questionnaire so that we can advise you on your best course of action in order to restore your health in the shortest possible time.

You may also wish to visit our Secure Store where you will find a range of potent natural supplements and other remedies.

Budwig Guide


Home Program Help and Support

Budwig Anti-Cancer Diet Distance ProgramsIf you want to do the Budwig diet, but feel that you need extra help and guidance, why not try one of our low-cost distance programs? Our programs not only provide you with expert help and support from highly trained medical and naturopathic doctors, but also supply you with all the training materials and essential supplements you will need to recover your health.

For a low one-off fee, you can be up and running in next to no time. Check out our three Distance Programs for further details.

Our Distance Home Programs

 Enjoy Some Sunshine – Relax

anti tumor dietAfter sunbathing, as recommended by Dr. Budwig here is what some people on the program have said: “We all felt an increased feeling of general well-being, a feeling of lightness, more energy, better circulation, when in the sun, I felt the healing power of the sun affecting my skin much differently than before. Also, every week or two, I become aware of feeling better in different ways.”

“Old aches go away, my skin improves and I am able to do things better.”

One woman felt so good with the flaxseed oil, cottage cheese and sunbathing that she introduced it to her children and said that right away she could see improvements in their skin tone. As she spoke, I saw that her own skin had more color and was radiant. And this was only about two days after she started on our program!

We want you to get a reasonable amount of sunshine every day that you can. One of the significant aspects of Dr. Budwig’s work is that she has discovered, (or rather rediscovered) the affinity of the human body with the sun. If the body has the right balance of oils and proteins, it has a magnetic field which attracts the photons in sunlight and thus is open to the healing powers of the sun.

Note: All Medical advice, therapies, diagnosis, recommendations, consultations are conducted by a qualified Medical Doctor of the BioMedic Clinic associated with BUDWIG CENTER.

Views: 10


The Coming Revolution


March 10, 2015

“Down through history, people have been oh so sure the gods they were inventing were real. And they talk about excessive pride when others elevate the potential of humans. I’m afraid not. The hubris is with the god-inventors. They’re the ones who take art and turn it into something weirder than weird. They’re the ones who claim they have infallible knowledge. They’re the ones who know God so well they can say what his rules are. They’re the ones who try to envelop the whole world in their proclamations. And they’re the one who claim they don’t understand imagination, when in fact they’re trying to bludgeon humankind with it, with their foreshortened version of it.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The revolution isn’t visible yet, but it’s coming, it’s emerging, and there is no way to stop it.

Civilization is organization. In its advanced stages, it’s super-organization.

Planners and analysts and major profit makers and manipulators are devoted to systems, which require populations to confirm those systems by fitting into them.

Devise a plan with a few billion slots, and those slots ask for occupants.

The occupants must comply. What was once voluntary becomes mandatory. It’s the way of top-down organization.

This is the madness that drives late-stage civilization.

People, left alone, aren’t androids or robots, but in case you hadn’t noticed, people are not being left alone. They are being shaped and tailored to conform to operating schemes and blueprints.

“There is nothing important about you except your ability to reconfigure yourselves, in order to operate as elements of a system, designated pieces of a structure.”

“Your impulses, your brains are off-key. They require tuning. It must happen. The patterns of the plan demand it.”

This is the stage play. This is the precondition for the revolution.

The revolution is the escape.

I’m not talking about the chaos, the violence, or some new brand of opportunism. Nor am I talking about “beneficent deliverance” dished out by the universe.

Behind all that is a much larger wave that is building. It could take a very long time for the wave to become conscious of itself.

And that consciousness does not function like some contagious germ. It comes out of hiding for individuals, by individuals.

Super-organization of life will fracture, and that fracture will come about through the resurrection of spontaneous thought, invention, and action. Because the one quality that has been buried in thousands of systems is spontaneity.

I’m not talking about aimless thrashing about. I’m talking about what happens to structures and edifices of consciousness when spontaneity and improvisation come to the foreground, when the natural replaces the synthetic.

This process is already underway, because Life wants to live. It doesn’t want to become a machine. It accepts being a machine for only so long, and then it revolts.

What will emerge is the artist, along all avenues.

This is not yet another form of passive “miracle.” This is individuals, more and more of them, throwing off the frozen and universally accepted expectations and habits of organization.

In short, the future will not look like the present. It will be radically different. It will be open, not unified.

Those who ask When this future will come, those who hope for Soon, who demand Now, or who deny that any root revolution can happen are simply wishing for deliverance independent of their own actions, their own struggle, their own involvement.

We are all artists, whether we like it or not. Each one of us. And not as some fictitious group. Each one of us has his own studio. It can remain closed, dark, and empty, or it can come alive.

Nothing gives us “permission” to invent, create, imagine, improvise. This is not about “deserving” anything. This isn’t about “rights”.

The revolution does not produce One Collective Mind. What the world will look like after the revolution has proceeded with velocity is entirely unpredictable, because it will not look like One Thing.

It will not demonstrate yet another simplistic version of harmony and symmetry. If that were the case, we would see the rise of another era of organization and perfectible slavery.

The entire purpose of operant conditioning and mind control is planting seeds that will cause an individual to accept the substitution of one system for another.

The success of this deception explains the rise and fall and rise of similarly built civilizations, one after another.

But through the course of that history, because artists have made their case, a consciousness has gradually arisen that rejects all overall plans, all final structures, all pre-set systems.

Artists have also exposed the method of projecting gods who then rule us; exposed it as an act of freezing imagination and art in mid-course.

“This is a brilliant poem. Let’s cut it off right here and form a religion around it and organize the churches…”

Exit From the Matrix

So now there is an opening. The wave of the revolution is free imagination, and artists who know they are creating, instead of imprisoning themselves and everyone else in their creations.

This revolution is not organized. It never will be. But it will eventually supersede all other revolts.

None of this, of course, prevents people from remaining asleep in whatever kind of sleep they prefer.

And in case there is any misunderstanding, the revolution is not a subconscious process by which we all strive toward making “one grand painting” we share together.

That is the sloganeering of all civilizations (organizations) that fail.

Another failure: the walled-off isolation people feel inside those great organizations. People will connect, in ways they can only dream of now.

One creator to another.


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Views: 26


"In meditation, as the mind settles down to dwell on a single focus, attention begins to flow in a smooth, unbroken stream, like oil poured from one container to another.

As this happens, attention naturally retreats from other channels. The ears, for example, still function, but you do not hear; attention is no longer connected with the organs of hearing. When concentration is profound, there are moments when you forget the body entirely.

This experience quietly dissolves physical identification. The body becomes like a comfortable jacket: you wear it easily, and in meditation you can unbutton and loosen it until it scarcely weighs on you at all.

Eventually there comes a time when you get up from meditation and know that your body is not you. This is not an intellectual understanding. Even in the unconscious the nexus is cut, which means there are sure signs in health and behavior: no physical craving will be able to dictate to you, and any compulsion to fulfill emotional needs through physical activities will vanish. Most important, you lose your fear of death.

You know with certitude that death is not the end, and that you will not die when the body dies."

Eknath Easwaran

Views: 26


Mayalands journey with Itza Maya Elder Hunbatz Men. March 25-30th

We are organizing a 5 day trip to visit Lol Be at the end of the Month. March 25th- 30th. We will work closely with Maya Elder Hunbatz Men at the land and share our visions and dreams of a sustainable future. We will either camp or stay in a nearby guesthouse, depending on availability. Prepare to camp if you wish to join us. There are showers on site and a local village and towns nearby if needs arise. However please come prepared for a sacred retreat with leading Maya Elder and Wisdom Keeper. As we co dream awake the vision of the Ancient Earth Guardians who awaken in our hearts to bring this age of Cosmic Peace. 5 days. Private and custom tours to the pyramids can be arranged with Hunbatz as our guide. We can organize this as we confirm the group. We are limiting space to 22 participants. Hunbatz will give direct knowledge and teachings and ceremony throughout the 5 days. This will be a hands on direct learning experience… $500 includes pick up and drop off at airport in Merida. Please arrive on the 24th to allow for personal connection to the land before Hunbatz Arrival… To reserve your spot, please send $250 reservation fee through paypal to OR email same address for other payment options.

We look forward to journeying in the sacred Mayalands with you in a couple of weeks! Blessings Be …

Views: 5

Jane Goodall and Steven Druker Expose US Government Fraud over GMOs

In an acclaimed new book being launched Wednesday in London, American public interest attorney Steven Druker reveals how the US government and leading scientific institutions have systematically misrepresented the facts about GMOs and the scientific research that casts doubt on their safety.

steven druker

The book, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, features a foreword by the renowned primatologist Dame Jane Goodall, hailing it as “without doubt one of the most important books of the last 50 years”.

The book’s revelations come at a crucial time when some European countries are considering the commercial planting of GM crops following the European Parliament’s decision to allow member states to opt out of the blockade that has barred them from the EU until now. Based on the evidence presented in the book, Druker and Goodall will assert that it would be foolhardy to push forward with a technology that is unacceptably risky and should never have been allowed on the market in the first place.

The book is the result of more than 15 years of intensive research and investigation by Druker, who came to prominence for initiating a lawsuit against the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that forced it to divulge its files on GM foods. Those files revealed that GM foods first achieved commercialisation in 1992 only because the FDA:

• Covered up the extensive warnings of its own scientists about their dangers.
• Lied about the facts.
• And then violated federal food safety law by permitting these foods to be marketed without having been proven safe through standard testing.

The book points out that if the FDA had heeded its own experts’ advice and publicly acknowledged their warnings that GM foods entailed higher risks than their conventional counterparts, the GM food venture would have imploded and never gained traction anywhere.

It also reveals:

• Many well-placed scientists have repeatedly issued misleading statements about GM foods, and so have leading scientific institutions such as the US National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the UK’s Royal Society.
• Consequently, most people are unaware of the risks these foods entail and the manifold problems they have caused.
• Contrary to the claims of biotech advocates, humans have indeed been harmed by consuming the output of genetic engineering. In fact, the technology’s first ingestible product (a food supplement of the essential amino acid, L-tryptophan) caused dozens of deaths and seriously sickened thousands of people (permanently disabling many of them). Moreover, the evidence points to the genetic alteration as the most likely cause of the unusual contamination that rendered the supplement toxic.
• Laboratory animals have also suffered from eating products of genetic engineering, and well-conducted tests with GM crops have yielded many troubling results, including intestinal abnormalities, liver disturbances, and impaired immune systems.
• Numerous scientists (including those on the FDA’s Biotechnology Task Force) have concluded that the process of creating genetically modified food radically differs from conventional breeding and entails greater risk.
• There has never been a consensus within the scientific community that GM foods are safe, and many eminent experts have issued cautions – as have respected scientific organizations such as the Royal Society of Canada and the Public Health Association of Australia.

Druker says: “Contrary to the assertions of its proponents, the massive enterprise to reconfigure the genetic core of the world’s food supply is not based on sound science but on the systematic subversion of science – and it would collapse if subjected to an open airing of the facts.”

At their upcoming press conference, he and Jane Goodall intend to challenge the Royal Society to confront the facts, apologize for the misleading statements that it and several of its prominent members have issued, and take earnest steps to set the record straight.

In her foreword to Altered Genes, Twisted Truth , Goodall commends it for countering the disinformation and providing much-needed clarity. She states: “I shall urge everyone I know who cares about life on earth, and the future of their children, and children’s children, to read it. It will go a long way toward dispelling the confusion and delusion that has been created regarding the genetic engineering process and the foods it produces. . . . Steven Druker is a hero. He deserves at least a Nobel Prize.”

Pat Thomas, Director of UK campaigning group Beyond GM, which is facilitating the press launch, says: “Under pressure from new legislation and the ongoing TTIP negotiations, the UK and the rest of Europe are on the precipice of making sweeping changes to their historical stance on GMOs. Much of our regulatory framework has been informed by foundations laid down in America in the early 1990s, and the belief that they got it right in terms of understanding the science of genetic modification. Steven Druker’s investigation into the history of fraud and deceit that ushered in the era of GMOs deserves serious consideration before we take actions that will irreversibly alter the European food supply”.

About Steven Druker

Steven Druker is an American public interest attorney and executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity, the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit he initiated against the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that gained worldwide attention by exposing how the agency had enabled the commercialisation of GM foods through a colossal fraud.

About the book:

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth – How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public
By Steven M. Druker
Foreword by Jane Goodall
Published March 2015

Praise for Altered Genes, Twisted Truth

“A fascinating book: highly informative, eminently readable, and most enjoyable. It’s a real page-turner and an eye-opener.” Richard C. Jennings, PhD Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge

“This incisive and insightful book is truly outstanding. Not only is it well-reasoned and scientifically solid, it’s a pleasure to read – and a must-read. Through its masterful marshaling of facts, it dispels the cloud of disinformation that has misled people into believing that GE foods have been adequately tested and don’t entail abnormal risk.” David Schubert, PhD molecular biologist and Head of Cellular Neurobiology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

“A great book. The evidence is comprehensive, clear, and compelling. No one has documented other cases of irresponsible behavior by government regulators and the scientific establishment nearly as well as Druker documents this one. His book should be widely read and thoroughly heeded.” John Ikerd, PhD Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri

“Steven Druker’s meticulously documented, well-crafted, and spellbinding narrative should serve as a clarion call to all of us. In particular, his chapter detailing the deadly epidemic of 1989-90 that was linked with a genetically engineered food supplement is especially significant. . . . Overall his discussion of this tragic event, as well as its ominous implications, is the most comprehensive, evenly-balanced and accurate account that I have read.” Stephen Naylor, PhD Professor of Biochemistry, Mayo Clinic (1991-2001)

“A landmark. It should be required reading in every university biology course.” Joseph Cummins, PhD Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Western University, Ontario

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