Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon The Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time. ...also ARCTURIAN Update & more.

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon The Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time

The Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time

Entering into higher dimensions of consciousness requires a fundamental shift in perceived time and space.
This is a crucial shift in perception that we wish to address using a theoretical perspective and a practical technique, which includes the use of a sound meditation we have created for this purpose.
The Theory
There are many ways to view higher dimensions. What we wish to share is a basic schematic of how we view dimensions and the challenges you face as you transit into higher dimensional reality.
Your embodied biological reality (i.e., your physical body) is anchored in the third and fourth dimensions of consciousness as we view it.  
You are quite familiar with the third dimensionality of your world. Your nervous system is keenly tuned to this reality. Your brain/mind/body complex is synchronized to the physical reality of your world. Your very biological survival depends upon your navigation of the space around you. Furthermore your body, mind and consciousness are anchored in your perception of time.  
Your higher dimensional levels of consciousness, however, are not bound by these constraints. They are free of spatial and time-oriented restrictions. This is due to the fact that your higher dimensional bodies have no mass or physicality and are thus unaffected by gravitational fields.
Time is greatly affected by gravitational fields. Furthermore, your perception of time is affected by conditioning. The combination of gravitational fields and social conditioning has resulted in most human beings finding themselves marooned in the constraints of space and time.
Pragmatically speaking, your experience of “reality” is a result of the vibratory level you identify with. When you identify with higher dimensions of consciousness you are freed from the constraints of space and time, and you operate in a more fluid reality.
When you identify solely with your biological reality you are, for all intents and purposes, trapped in space and time.
In this message we will be presenting a method for you to shift your personal identity from the constraints of perceived time and space to the freedom of higher dimensions while also living your day-to-day life in a civilization and dimensional reality that is bound by these constraints (i.e., space and time).
But before imparting this method we need to delve into the theory a little bit further.
As we view it, time is the fourth dimension. For us space and time are intimately related. Your scientists have confirmed Einstein’s theory that large objects with mass generate gravitational fields, which alter both space and time.  
For us the fifth dimension is the first dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (i.e., the third and fourth dimensions.) And beings in the fifth dimension have no mass and are therefore not subject to the effects of gravitational fields.
While the fifth dimension has no physicality per se, it does have form, or objects. But from your perspective, forms in the fifth dimension seem ephemeral—having no substance or reality.
When you enter the fifth dimension you will still experience yourself as having a form (i.e., a body). And things in the fifth dimension will appear to you as solid as the forms you experience in your current reality. But your experience of space will be much more fluid, and time as a reference point will not exist.
There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions. This is not our experience. It is just that the challenges are different. The opportunities are also different, because you are not confined by the limitations of space and time as you experience them in your current embodied reality. This gives you greater opportunities for creativity and what we call “dimensional evolution.”
Dimensional evolution is the development of the ability to be aware of, and operate within, multiple dimensions simultaneously. The journey to this state of mastery can indeed be a long and convoluted one, because it involves living in a specific dimensional reality through direct experience. For instance, your current embodied life is—from the standpoint of dimensional evolution—an opportunity to master the third and fourth dimensions. It is also an opportunity to experience higher dimensions while simultaneously living an embodied existence. A life lived in this manner rapidly accelerates dimensional evolution, and this message is coded with multiple levels of information for those of you that have entered this radical way of being.
From our perspective, you possess a form that is human-like up through the ninth dimension. Each successive dimension of consciousness is subtler (less dense) than the one before it. For those who enter the tenth dimension, form, as you know it, disappears completely, and you become more geometric in nature.
When we enter the tenth dimension we become spheres. We are not the spheres that show up in photographs that some people refer to as orbs. True orbs, as opposed to photographic artifacts or hoaxes, are interdimensional beings that have spherical geometry. And if you look more closely these spheres will reveal complex labyrinths inside. The spherical nature of interdimensional beings is a commonality, and many different types of beings have this geometric form.
When we enter the tenth dimension some of us become what we call theAethos, which we have discussed in other messages.
But let us turn our attention back to you. Collectively humanity is being rapidly drawn into the fifth dimension. This is an inevitable evolutionary shift, one fraught with both danger and opportunity, and we wish now to discuss a few of the challenges facing you as you make this transition.
For the purposes of this discussion we would like to divide these challenges into three broad categories: 1) naturally occurring challenges to transitions in consciousness, 2) manmade influences and 3) alien interference.
Naturally Occurring Challenges

Transitions into higher dimensions are problematic due to radical differences in perception between beings that are gravity bound and those that are not. In other words, at the threshold between your third and fourth dimensional reality and your fifth dimensional reality you are faced with a “wall” of perceptual differences.
Indeed some individuals who experience fifth dimensional reality think they are losing their minds. This is because perceived space and time are temporarily suspended. Perception is more fluid in the higher dimensions, and when you enter these dimensions you stand outside of your own life. It’s as if you are disconnected from the realities and demands of your earthly existence, which can create immense relief or immense distress depending upon your personal psychology.
When your consciousness shifts into the fifth dimension your personal identity changes. You simply cannot identify with your earthly existence in the ways you are used to. This challenge, from our perspective, is actually the most difficult when you first enter the fifth dimension. Transiting from the fifth into higher dimensions is inherently easier because you are already used to the disappearance of space and time as limitations.
Transiting into the fifth dimension (and higher) requires finesse on your part if you are to accomplish the task of living your day-to-day life while accommodating this expanded reality.
One of the future abilities of humanity, collectively speaking, will be the ability to live in third and fourth dimensions—meaning space and time as you currently know them—while simultaneously living in the fifth dimension where space and time are not experienced as constraints.
This dual reality will offer humanity immense creative insights and abilities, but as with most progressions this is a bell-curve. And most likely many of you reading this message are further ahead in this transition than the bulk of humanity. This may leave you feeling like a stranger living in a strange land.

Manmade Influences
Your transition from third and fourth dimensional reality into the fifth and higher is made all the more difficult by manmade or cultural influences.
From the standpoint of dimensional evolution the edifice of your entire civilization is founded upon an illusion. The illusion is that your world is solid and that space and time are unyielding realities that cannot be affected by your consciousness.
While you are biologically compelled to attend to the demands of the third and forth dimensions in your everyday life, paying attention to perceived space and time is different from believing that they are the only reality.
Your territorial-based philosophical, religious and political systems thrive upon and depend upon the perpetuation of this illusion. But in our opinion, the house of cards that you call human civilization will eventually collapse and radically evolve as more and more individuals free themselves from living confined lives that are solely oriented to lower dimensional realities.
Let us turn our attention now to other influences that can, and are, negatively impacting your transition into higher dimensional realities.
Your eco-system is in a downward spiral making it more and more challenging for biological organisms to survive. This is creating immense stress for all animal and plant life including humans. Some of the threats to your ecosystem are cosmic in nature such as solar activity as well as gamma and other forms of radiation from deep space. Some of the threats come from changes in the Earth itself, but much of the degradation of your ecosystem is manmade, including—but certainly not limited to—carbon emissions and the acidification of your oceans.
We will not take the time or space (a private joke) to discuss this further as it is very complex. But anyone who believes that everything is fine with the ecological reality of your planet is in denial.
This leads us to the power brokers, those who empower themselves by disempowering others. We are referring, in this instance, to corporate entities that disseminate misinformation about the ecosystem so that they can perpetuate their income at the expense of your planet’s life forms.
This is an intelligence test for humanity, and if you do not collectively wake up and see that you have been manipulated and taken advantage of by the power brokers—both seen and unseen—your ecosystem will continue to degrade, and you will be confronted with a future not worth living.
Alien Interference
Part of what we call alien interference is genetic in nature and has to do with early genetic tampering by the Annunaki. This alien civilization created what is essentially a slave race for the purpose of mining gold, which they desperately needed to reinforce the energetics of their dwindling atmosphere. A genetic experiment was undertaken in which early primates on earth were genetically altered by the Annunaki to serve as workers, as slaves, for the purpose of mining. Thus, built into the very genetic coding of your biology is a deeply engrained tendency to be subservient and to worship what you perceive to be “divine beings.”
Early humans perceived the Annunaki (and many other galactic and intergalactic travelers) as gods, but these beings were simply so technologically advanced their mere presence and actions seemed like magic to less evolved minds.
The transition point from the constraints of third and fourth dimensional existence into the greater freedom of the fifth dimension and beyond can create an emotional challenge. This is due to the fact that the immense freedom experienced in higher dimensional reality can be temporarily disorienting. This type of disorientation is caused by two factors 1) the disappearance of perceived space and time as reference points and 2) the Annunaki manipulation.
If you have not freed yourself from the Annunaki genetic template of subservience and worship, your experience of the higher dimensions can be contaminated.
This is due to the simple truth that there are a multitude of interdimensional beings, alien and otherwise, who will be happy to fill in the gap—who will feed on your subservience to their will and glory in your worship.
If this is your choice then this will be your reality. We have no judgment as to whether you choose this or not, but we do think that such a choice would be unfortunate.
The nexus of our message is one of personal empowerment and freedom, so we caution you as you enter into the fifth and higher dimensional realities to avoid alien implanted delusions that there are other beings you should bow down to. Honor them if they are honorable, yes. Bow down to anyone? Never!
Death and the Fifth Dimension
When you shift your identify into the fifth dimension your personal history in this life seems like a dream. This is because you have transcended the sensory anchors of your embodied life, and all of your history and all the histories of this universe are experienced as dream-like.
During certain states of profoundly expanded consciousness, this dream-like nature of life can be experienced directly. But for most human beings this experience only emerges through the passage you call death.
There are two types of death we wish to discuss. The first type of death is the psychological and spiritual metamorphosis that occurs when you shift into fifth dimensional reality. This can often feel like a type of death because your habitual orientation to the sensory-based realities of your life disappears. Who are you? What is the meaning of your life? These fundamental existential questions are profoundly affected by transitions into fifth and higher dimensional realities.
And so for those of you reading this who are transiting into the fifth dimension—or higher—we say to you, do not be dismayed by the feelings of your demise. Your feelings of your impending death may be arising within you as a result of your transition into higher dimensional reality and not a harbinger of your physical death.
The second type of death we wish to discuss is the death of your biological reality (i.e., your physical body). At the final completion of the death process you will no longer receive sensory input from your external world, and your experience of space and time (as you currently experience them) will be obliterated. This can be quite disorienting if you are not prepared. It can also be quite exhilarating if you understand the nature of what is happening.
If you fully and completely identify yourself solely as a biological organism the moment of your death can be frightening. If, however, you have already tasted the freedom of fifth dimensional reality or higher your transition through death will be easier.
At the completion of your biological death, from our experience and perspective, you will be confronted with three portals. The first is a tunnel of light. The second is a portal opened through the energetics of a guru or savior. And the third is a portal, or tunnel, that leads into darkness.
The tunnel of light is generated from the pranic tube that runs through the center of your body, which runs from your perineum to your crown, and it is a tunnel-like or tube-like channel. At the moment of death, your consciousness moves upward through this tunnel that opens into another dimension of consciousness through your crown chakra.
On the other side of this tunnel is a bright light, and you may find yourself sensing that you are on a bridge crossing over a stream or a river. On the other side of the bridge will be those persons of your previous life, the lifetime you have just ended. You may sense those who have died before you, including pets you have had, because the animal spirits also dwell in this realm. If there are incomplete relationships or issues still to be resolved with these persons or beings, you may feel a yearning to enter this light, and by doing so you re-enter the wheel of birth and death, and you will reincarnate—most likely on Earth.
The second portal is created by the personal will of a guru or savior. Entering this portal will lead you into the vibratory field of the guru or savior that you have a deep personal connection to. And for those of you on this path, entering this dimension of consciousness will be the completion of a profound desire to be with this being. Our caution here is that you will be entering a realm defined not only by the evolutionary attainment of your guru or savior but also by his or her limitations.
The third portal opens into darkness. And entering this portal leads you into the Void, the creatrix from which all things arise. If you choose this portal and have prepared yourself to deal with this level of freedom you will be freed to explore other dimensions of this cosmos and beyond, meaning states of being that transcend all physical phenomena. In this realm of existence you can become an explorer of other realities as you so choose.
Some individuals swoon when confronted with the vastness of the Void. They rush into choosing a new reality rather than taking their time to rest in the potential of all things. We have addressed this in a previous message calledTransition States.
We have no judgment as to which portal you enter through the dimensional shift you call death. But we think it is beneficial for you to know what awaits you beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for the choices that you will be compelled to make on the other side of your earthly experience.
Death is not an ending. It is merely the completion of one journey through space and time. Death is a harbinger of new potential realities, and you will create these realities through the choices you made during your life as well as through the choices you make at the moment of your death.  
We will now turn our attention to a simple method for training your consciousness to enter higher dimensions and to enter the freedom of your transcendent reality—unconstrained by the limitations of perceived space and time. This method is based on the use of a simple sound meditation to explore the freedom of consciousness that arises when you shift your self-identity to higher dimensions.
As you experiment with this threshold of consciousness, which we call the Fifth Perspective, we caution you to avoid the temptation of escapism. We are offering this method, not as a means to escape the realities of your embodied existence, rather we are offering it as a means to enhance and enrich your experience of life by giving you access to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Higher dimensional realities, unconfined by the constraints of perceived space and time, conjoined with the realities of your biological existence creates a potent catalyst for dimensional evolution, and in our opinion this is to be celebrated rather than avoided.
For those of you reading this who are, in fact, at the brink of your physical death this sound meditation can assist you to enter a more gracious passage.
The Fifth Perspective
The Fifth Perspective is quite simply the recognition that you are unconstrained by space or time. It is a foyer or an entrance into the fifth dimension and from there into higher dimensions as well.
It is a direct perception, not just a thought or an idea. It is a visceral experience generated through the activation of your right cerebral hemisphere’s ability for spatial mastery.
When you enter into an expanded sense of spaciousness through direct experience, a shift in consciousness occurs. You become a witness to the dream-like nature of your life, your history and all phenomena around you. This sense of freedom, this transcendence of perceived space and time, can allow you to deal with the realities of your embodied existence in more creative and resourceful ways, and this is why we are imparting this method.
As we cautioned you earlier, this is not meant to be a form of escapism. But there is indeed a temptation in the Fifth Perspective we need to address more clearly before proceeding.
When you enter the Fifth Perspective, which is the transcendence of perceived space and time, everything about your life and the world around you seems dream-like. You are detached from it all, and it may seem to you as if your day-to-day life is like a dance in which you have no interest.
If you remain in the Fifth Perspective without engaging the realities of your embodied life you will enter a bubble, but in terms of dimensional evolution you will not be benefitted by such an escape.
We can imagine that remaining in the bubble of the Fifth Perspective would be the best choice for some individuals in very rare instances. But for most persons the Fifth Perspective is best used as a springboard into deeper insight and creativity.
When you work with the sound meditation, you will be training your brain/mind to enter the Fifth Perspective. The spatial nature of the sound patterns will create a response in your brain/mind/body that opens a doorway into the Fifth Perspective, and eventually you will find yourself in an expanded state of awareness. The more you work with the sound meditation the stronger this ability becomes. Ultimately you graduate to a place where you can enter the Fifth Perspective in the midst of your daily activities—and this is the goal.
When you are confronted by a difficult situation in your life and are able to simultaneously reside in the Fifth Perspective, the pressure of the situation decreases. This is due to the fact that your consciousness is less bound by the circumstances. You have a little “wiggle room,” so to speak, and within that inner freedom new creative insights and problem solving abilities will spontaneously arise within you.
The Meditation
We call this meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds. It stimulates a mental state that allows you to experience the freedom of the Fifth Perspective.
We suggest you listen to this sound meditation with earphones or ear buds so the acoustic information is routed more directly into your brain without the presence of other sounds in the environment.
As you begin listening you simply recall the feeling of being surrounded by an immense space. It is the feeling of being surrounded by space that activates your brain’s right hemispheric abilities. Thinking about being surrounded by a large space will not activate this potential. You must kinesthetically feel or sense yourself surrounded by a large space.
If you are an advanced explorer of consciousness you can deepen the experience by sensing that there is no barrier between the external space around you and the internal space of your body. In other words, the boundary of your body temporarily disappears, and there is nothing but space. You simply hold this state of mind as you listen to the sound meditation. When your mind wanders you bring it back to an awareness of space and the sounds you are hearing. When the meditation is complete we suggest you take a few moments to sense what is happening within you.
When you have mastered the ability to enter the Fifth Perspective using this sound meditation, you are ready to graduate and explore using this ability in the midst of your life circumstances. The union of the constraints of your embodied life with the freedom of higher dimensional realities creates a most interesting paradox, and through entering this paradox you will greatly accelerate your dimensional evolution.  
The Hathors
April 20, 2015

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
This sound meditation (A Bridge Between the Worlds) is about 12 minutes in length. But as you begin to experiment with the method of listening to the sounds while entering into the Fifth Perspective (i.e., the feeling of spaciousness), don’t feel that you need to meditate on this sound piece for its full duration. Some people will find that a few minutes are all they can “handle,” and if you are one of these persons I would say to just slowly extend the time according to your comfort zone.
Paradoxically some people will wish that the sound meditation could be longer. If you are one of these individuals, I would just hit the repeat button as often as you desire—up to a point. If you stop doing the things in your life that need to be done, like the laundry and dishes, I think you may have gone overboard and need to reel yourself back in a bit. It’s all about balance.   
A link to this audio file appears at the end of my comments.
It is not advisable to listen to this sound-piece or experiment with the Fifth Perspective in situations requiring alertness such as driving a car or operating machinery since the combination of the two is quite mind altering.
Those of you who have listened to The Elevatron will notice strong similarities, and I suggest you read the previous Hathor message, Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and Dismantling of 3 D Reality, to get a sense of what this fundamental harmonic is about.

A Technical Note: For those of you curious about the technical differences between the two sound meditations, A Bridge Between the Worlds is an extended version of The Elevatron with a contoured EQ to enhance its inherently calming effects. Having worked with the meditation in multiple settings, I feel this sound piece is quite effective as an aid to attain the Fifth Perspective.

In this message the Hathors refer to two of their previous messages, The Aethos and Transition States. I think reading both of these would be beneficial, especially Transition States. If you click on the underlined titles above, it will take you to the messages or you can go to the Hathor section of the website ( and look them up by their titles.
Experienced Explorers of the Mind will be able to enter into the Fifth Perspective quite easily. If you are new to the exploration of your inner worlds, the Fifth Perspective may seem a bit foreign since it stands in such stark contrast to most people’s everyday perception of reality. But the Fifth Perspective is fundamentally a brain skill, a way to activate the spatial intelligence of your brain’s right hemisphere.
And it is through the agency of your right brain that you will be able to explore the vastness of inner space. While the outcome of this brain skill is a seemingly exotic state of mind, like any brain skill it can be developed. It just takes time and experience with the method.
Every time you work with the sound meditation, as the Hathors suggest, you will be building new neurological circuits in your brain that will eventually allow you to enter the Fifth Perspective and transcend space and time with true mastery—even if you have never ever tried anything like this before.
The secret is repetition. The more you work with the Fifth Perspective in conjunction with the sound meditation, the more effective your brain will become at producing this unusual and resourceful state of mind.
Click here to listen to and/or download the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds.
Information Not Directly Related To This Message
Song of the New Earth: Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound
The movie soundtrack of this film is now available through our online Store as a CD or mp3. It includes seven sound meditations that are longer versions of the sound-pieces that appear in the film. For more information, click here or go to the Store at
Please note: This CD contains a fifteen minute version of Song to Gaia, more than twice the length of the version that appears at the end of the film. If you are interested in hearing this moving sound meditation in its entirety, you can find it on the single CD Aethos or the set of workshop CDs, The Sphere of All Possibilities.
The Deluxe DVD version of the documentary, with extended teaching sessions and sound healing explorations, is also available through our online Store.  
Public Screenings 
Song of the New Earth has been garnering critical praise as it makes its rounds through various screenings throughout the world. Among the many tributes from audiences and critics, a writer for The Huffington Post called it the third most heartwarming film of 2014.
These types of audience-based responses are indeed heartwarming, but what is not heartwarming for me is how Sophia Films/Woody Creek Pictures has preempted any input from me regarding the movie’s public screenings.
To make a very long and arduous story short, students and supporters of my work from over twenty countries funded this movie because they wanted to see a movie about me and my work—which is about sound, the brain sciences, and spiritual transformation. The Director of the film told us that this type of grass roots funding was unprecedented for a documentary film. Yet in spite of this, Sophia Films/Woody Creek Pictures has refused to consider any input from me regarding how this movie about me and my work is shared in public screenings.
I therefore find myself in the odd and vexing position of having to protect my work by publicly stating my misgivings.
Song of the New Earth is a complete transformational experience in and of itself.   
The sound sessions throughout the movie create brief altered states of consciousness that alter the perception of those who view the film. At the end of this cinematic experience audience members are more permeable and open, and they should be given the grace and honor to integrate their experiences on their own—without input from other sound healers or performers.
Yet Sophia Films/Woody Creek Pictures has been promoting the movie by welcoming sound performances to take place, sometimes before, and sometimes after the movie. I know my intentions when I brought through the sound that was used in the film, but I cannot know the intentions of people I have never met.
Furthermore, the filmmakers know my long-standing policy of not endorsing other people or their work. I wish to make it crystal clear that I do not endorse any sound healer or performer who has conducted, or will conduct, a sound session before or after the movie. And I consider this aspect of public screenings to be an affront to the integrity of my work. 
For the record, I strongly object to sound sessions of any type being conducted for audience members before or after they have viewed the film. And this is based on my 30+ years in the field of psychoacoustics.
My reasons for this position are two-fold: 1) the subtle energetics generated by this  film need time to coalesce in the hearts and minds of the audience. Adding another energetic or sound performance, no matter how well intended, is an impediment for those desiring to have a pure experience of the Work and 2) the reason I agreed to do this film in the first place was because I saw a potential in the cinematic arts to create a potent transformational catalyst by opening the hearts and minds of those who viewed the movie. That open space should not be taken advantage of by people whose intentions I do not know.
Had I known that the filmmakers would deal with audiences in a manner that so violates my personal sense of ethics when it comes to the Work, I would have never consented to put nearly four years of my life and energy into the co-creation of this film. 
In my opinion, it is a disservice to take advantage of the open spaces in audience members. They should be allowed to integrate their experience with the film on their own. I cannot emphasize strongly enough how I feel about protecting the inner space of audience members.
The way the movie is being screened allows it to be a performance piece for people I do not know. I do not know their intentions in performing and this creates huge issues for me.
As I have absolutely no input into how this film is being shared, I am asking those of you who have found my work to be of value to please let my opinion on this matter be known. Please share it with your friends and your sangha(spiritual community). If you use Social Media please let my feelings be known to your online community. And if you know of a screening taking place in your area, please let my feelings be known to the organizer(s).
A new addition to the Listening Section
Personal Power In the Face of Death is a talk I gave in 2014 about witnessing the near death experience of my father, how he self-rehabilitated himself and wrangled himself from the jaws of death through the power of his personal intent.
The talk is 12:00 minutes in length, and you can click on the link below or go to the Listening section of the website ( If you click on the link below, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement page. After agreeing to the terms you will be given access to all of the sound meditations and lectures in this section, which you can listen to and/or download as you wish. All of this is offered to you free of charge for your own personal use. Just scroll down the list of titles until you find Power In the Face of Death.
Click here to listen to and/or download Power In the Face of Death.
My Teaching Schedule
I will be facilitating three workshops in the latter part of this year when my sabbatical from teaching comes to a close. If you wish to view my schedule,
click here or go to the Calendar at our website (

I would like to highlight one of these upcoming events—In the Company of Angels—a one day Intensive in Manhattan at Symphony Space. This will be a rare immersion into the spirit songs and subtle energetics of the angelic realms. These otherworldly energies will be channeled from a host of benevolent spirit-beings from many diverse spiritual traditions—not just the Western tradition. I personally expect this singular event to be profoundly transformative and deeply healing due to the diversity and the nature of these unusual beings that dwell in the realms of spiritual light. This is my only East Coast appearance this year.
Because my workshops tend to fill so quickly, if you wish to receive my Calendar when it is first announced, please go to the “Contact” icon on the web site and “opt in” to receive my calendar or the Hathor Planetary Postings or both. We never share email information with anyone.
©2015 Tom Kenyon   All Rights Reserved
You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way and include this complete Copyright notice. Do note that the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds, including all audio files in the Listening section are for your personal use only. They may not be posted on any website or used for any purpose without the author’s written permission.

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The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele: May 10, 2015. May 11, 2015 By Andrew Eardley

Greetings Dear Ones,

We observe that all is proceeding according to schedule, and most of you are beginning to recognize and experience the new and powerful energies of transformation.

Everyone’s experience may well be different, so try not to compare yours with what you may read or hear regarding the spiritual experiences of another. Every person is unique by virtue of having lived different experiences through many lifetimes, finally arriving at their present state of consciousness.

You are clearing the residue of hundreds of lifetimes lived in ignorance and no one person is exactly the same as another.

Most of you are now beginning to see and experience the world from a higher dimensional viewpoint which is manifesting as new ways, forms, and ideas of those things you are already familiar with. The reality (Divine Idea) of everything in the outer world always remains present and infinite in Divine Consciousness. Spiritual evolution allows you to interpret and manifest these Divine ideas on new and higher levels.

An example could be how the three dimensional world views death. Death means complete obliteration to those believing there is nothing beyond one lifetime, except the slight chance of a heaven or hell based on how “good” a person was. Thus, death to them is something to be feared and avoided at all costs.

Those of a more illumined consciousness, who realize there could never be real death, are somewhat free of this intense fear and anxiety. There is always some sadness with parting, but none of the terror and resistance born of ignorance.

Death is recognized to be a transition, not an ending – a part of everyone’s evolutionary journey on Earth, often welcomed by those tired and ready to go home. The Divine Idea here is Omnipresence. You, as expressions of the Divine, always will be…place is of no importance.

Soon you will begin to see changes within governments and law, for the consciousness of mankind is rapidly awakening and ready to reclaim personal powers ignorantly surrendered over lifetimes. More and more people are beginning to realize that they are not powerless and this change of the inner will in turn manifest as changes in the outer.

The continuous clearing of old energy is not meant to go on forever, and many of you are now moving into a time of creating. Because you are beginning to accept that you are indeed powerful spiritual Beings, your thoughts and words are manifesting more quickly.

As you now move into a more evolved state of consciousness, most of the old programming from lifetimes of ignorance that served to block your ability to consciously manifest has dissolved, or is in the process of dissolving.

For thousands of years mankind has for the most part been unaware of his true nature and thus a world consciousness of individual powerlessness became the consensus belief. Those in positions of dominance have always worked to convince the majority they had no power of their own and so must look to others (them) for their good.

The result has been a world of people ignorant of who they really were, believing, obeying, and following the demands of the rich and powerful without question. This will end when a majority awakens, serving to lift and open world consciousness to new and higher levels of awareness.

Arise Dear Ones, and remember who you are. It is time to claim your Divine sonship, being ever mindful of how you speak and think, for you are Creators.

Note how some individuals who are experts in certain areas of medicine or science through intense study, research, and belief, often discover these very issues manifesting in their own families or themselves. Every billboard, ad, or announcement regarding some campaign to fight a disease or condition serves to materialize it more firmly in the belief system of all who read it and thus manifest more of it.

When an individual is enmeshed in the human belief system of duality and separation, their lives reflect some good and some bad. Painful life lessons are often a part of a soul’s pre-birth contract in order to resolve some karmic issue or learn some needed lesson, but three dimensional experiences can also be impersonal, simply reflecting a state of consciousness that accepts two powers.

Man was not meant to slip so deeply into three dimensional density, but you are completing the hard work necessary in order to move beyond it and are doing a fine job. A job that required lifetimes of often painful experiences necessary for building courage and strength. Remember this fact whenever you are tempted to believe yourself to be a failure in any way, for in reality there can be no failure – only learning experiences.

It is difficult to move beyond popular thought until Truth becomes an attained state of consciousness at which point much of the three dimensional belief system begins to simply lose its relevance and power over you. You see and hear the same things as everyone else, but you no longer react in the same way.

Those of you reading these messages are quickly moving into a consciousness able to discern Truth where the world sees discord and are beginning to instinctively recognize what is hype and promotion for the financial benefit of a few. You are learning to see the world with new eyes and live out from a higher awareness of what is going on around you. Because of this, you are helping to shift the world consciousness to new levels.

Look back a few years to your lives at an earlier time, Dear Ones, and you will quickly realize how far you have come in very a short time. Just a few years ago, you might have jumped on the band wagon of many popular three dimensional beliefs – those same beliefs you clearly see differently today.

You are awakening, and remembering who you are – coming to realize that you no longer need to seek, beg, or plead from some “pie in the sky” God for the good you have sought in vain for lifetime after lifetime.

Rejoice, for you have finally found IT where IT has always been – within – patiently and lovingly awaiting your recognition.

We are the Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. May 10, 2015.

Zen Gardner: The Beginning Is Here May 13, 2015 By Graham Dewyea

“Is everything a conspiracy? No, just the important stuff.” – Jeff Wells

Waking up to the realities presented before us and even more importantly what they imply is a very profound and personal experience. Once we become aware we are living in a world that’s been deliberately fabricated in ways we never would have imagined and that even our own true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back.

It may appear to be a lonely path at first, but we are by no means alone in this awakening. It is happening in all walks of life. Whether a banker or corporate employee wakes up to the scam being perpetrated on humanity and pulls out of the matrix, or a normal taxpaying worker realizes they’re contributing to a military industrial machine hell bent on control and world domination, we’re all the same.

And those are just surface issues compared to the deliberate suppression of man’s innate spiritual nature, whether we call it social liberty or the simple freedom to create and manifest as we truly are. Not the least of which control mechanisms we are faced with is religion which works hand in hand with this suppression of humanity. All part of this repressive, controlling matrix.

Triggers for Awakening
There are many such triggers that wake people up. Once someone realizes, for example, how the world was scammed on 9/11 and that the powers that be are willing to continue to perpetrate such atrocities to promote their agenda, the digging begins. When we realize we seem to be at the complete mercy of parasitic central bankers more than willing to not only implode the world’s economy, but finance both sides of any conflict for personal gain and control, and that our governments are complicit in this scheme, we start to grasp the enormity of what befalls us.

That we have rapidly evolved into an advanced militarized surveillance police state is driving many to ask some hard questions – and the answers can be startling and difficult to swallow, especially when you realize they’re attempting to cut off all avenues of recourse.

Another major issue is that it’s more evident by the day that our very health is under attack, again by complicit government and multinational corporations pushing GMOs, adulterated food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, atmospheric aerosols, genetic alterations and the like, all of which are clearly extremely hazardous to humanity. Yet they push harder by the day, mandating program after destructive program. Meanwhile, natural and organic farming and foods, as well as supplements, are under intense attack by these very same perpetrators.

The truth about these issues and many, many more including awareness of the massive planet harming programs such as fracking, electrosmog, genetic modification, technologically driven transhumanism and the ongoing geoengineering assault on humanity are driving a major perceptual paradigm shift amongst all walks of life as we delve more deeply into who is doing all this and why.

What exactly is their agenda? Volumes of evidence points to not just control, but literal depopulation motives. Is this shadow force literally that Machiavellian?

There Is No “They” – Or Is There?
This is often the final breakthrough point for many people. As the true picture starts to crystallize, the horrific realization that the “powers that be” are fundamentally a clandestine cabal with puppet-like front men comes into focus. These are powerful minions, more interested in weakening and subjugating humanity via health degradation, dumbed down education, mindless “bread and circus” government controlled media, depraved violence and sex oriented entertainment, and a draconian militarized police crackdown. The ugly truth then comes to the fore.

It can be staggering. If you take just 9/11 and other false flag events and realize they were staged to bring about this Orwellian police state where the citizens are now terrorist suspects, it can be very difficult to swallow.

A quick perusal of history soon follows, where people realize these same false flag/false enemy tactics were used to justify almost every war, leading to such totalitarian states as Stalinist Russia, Communist China and Nazi Germany, each of which descended into horrific pogroms, decimating their own populations of anyone potentially daring to question the new regime. With that perspective, the trees we’re amongst on the edge of the forest become strikingly transparent. America and its allies are indeed exactly the same, only much much worse, being pawned off to a numbed down generation who actually believe this is all a fight for liberty and freedom when in fact it is the exact opposite.

It’s not all black and white. There are of course good people working for bad people, powers and programs, wittingly and unwittingly. Many are trying to change and improve our existing structure. Many good people are performing wonderful services within this overarching societal program thinking it can be changed constructively. What we’re addressing are the deceitful and destructive powers and mechanisms at play that are attempting to bring humanity into a weakened subservient role to some sort of worldwide fascist control state, eliminating personal and national sovereignty to support and obey a very few powerful self-appointed elites.

And it’s coming on fast.

This becomes evident as one pursues almost any avenue we’re discussing here. To realize this massive program is being orchestrated by some form of “they” soon becomes obvious. The reality of the conspiracy that JFK so eloquently pointed out before he was surgically removed from office via assassination hits squarely home. Here’s an excerpt from this landmark speech.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. – John F. Kennedy

We Have to Find Out for Ourselves
An essential element to a true awakening is investigating and learning for ourselves. One of the main control mechanisms has been teaching humanity to only trust what they’ve been told by these same agendized so-called authorities. How many times have you heard, “If 9/11 was an ‘inside job’, surely it would have been on CNN. If something was really wrong surely someone would have said something.”

Well, a lot of people have and continue to speak out. And what’s the response? Anything contrary to the official narrative is “outlandish conspiracy theory”, and results in the subsequent demonization and marginalization of any form of questioning or healthy criticism.

Waking up from that media and education entrancement is another shocker. Could they do such a thing? Could we really be facing such a totalitarian crackdown and mind and information control? Do they really have such sway on humanity?

When I was young there were over 60 media companies vying for audiences. Real investigative reporting, although it’s always been tampered with or suppressed, was still available. Today 6 mega corporations own all of the media. The very same corporations that own much of the corporate military industrial infrastructure. Conspiracy is not a stretch – of course these power brokers would twist information to suit their intentions. The word conspiracy has been stigmatized for a reason – don’t ask questions or there will be consequences.

All of this will take some serious researching, most likely in places people have never dared to look before. And this is good. Don’t let anyone tell you what the truth is, find out for yourself and be convinced in your own mind and heart. That’s a new phenomenon for most, as odd as that may seem, but stepping outside the propaganda mainstream is a must. And it is oh so refreshing.

The Shock Does Wear Off – But the Indignation Doesn’t
There are so many interconnected “rabbit holes” of similarly repressed, twisted or hidden areas of information that it can be staggering. Once we realize we’ve been lied to about any one of these serious issues, we begin to question everything. And that is extremely healthy. You may not find support for your new found perspective from those around you, but there are millions who are sharing your experience. Thanks to the internet you can find others undergoing the same transformation quite readily and derive a lot of affirmation, encouragement and support.

Battling through the naysaying of close friends and loved ones seems to act like a chrysalis, much like the cocoon a metamorphosing butterfly has to struggle to escape. And as we know, that is exactly what drives the blood into the wings of the birthing creation that will soon bear the beautiful new awakened soul to glorious new heights and vistas.

One thing that won’t wear off is your absolute disdain for what is being perpetrated on our fellow humans. As the expression goes, “If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.” If you knew your home was under attack and malevolent forces were coming for you and your children, you would do anything in your power to protect your family. That soon becomes an innate awareness regarding the current toxic social and physical world we’re experiencing and the need for a conscious response.

We are Responding – They Know It and Don’t Like It
Globalist adviser to 5 American presidents including Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski has clearly laid out the plan for global hegemony at any cost. His book, The Grand Chessboard even alludes to the need for a new Pearl Harbor, later echoed by the oft quoted PNAC report issued before 9/11 literally forecasting the event.

In one of his many addresses to the globalist advisory board called the Council on Foreign Relations, he made some very revealing statements. They are very aware of and afraid of the global awakening, and have surreal plans on how to control it.

Not lauding this awakening, but decrying it, Brzezinski chillingly said: [Emphasis mine]

For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive… The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination… The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening… That awakening is socially massive and politically radicalizing… The nearly universal access to radio, television and increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptions and envy that can be galvanized and channeled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the existing global hierarchy, on top of which America still perches…

The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb, as well… Their potential revolutionary spearhead is likely to emerge from among the scores of millions of students concentrated in the often intellectually dubious “tertiary level” educational institutions of developing countries. Depending on the definition of the tertiary educational level, there are currently worldwide between 80 and 130 million “college” students. Typically originating from the socially insecure lower middle class and inflamed by a sense of social outrage, these millions of students are revolutionaries-in-waiting, already semi-mobilized in large congregations, connected by the Internet and pre-positioned for a replay on a larger scale of what transpired years earlier in Mexico City or in Tiananmen Square. Their physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred…

[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

The Conscious Awakening
This dark yet ultimately empowering information goes hand in hand with anyone experiencing this paradigm shift. If things here are so massively manipulated, what lies beyond all of this? What are we being kept from? Why do we sense we are so much more?

These are very important questions to pursue. There must be meaning in all of this. “Certainly all of humanity is not as wicked as these psychopathic control freaks.” Yes, that’s true. Unfortunately, the aggressor usually rules the day in this hierarchy of control our world has adopted for millennia. History bears this out.

The beauty of gaining a greater new found spiritual perspective is that it puts these influences in their place. We discover new ways to perceive our true indomitable nature which gives tremendous peace and confidence in spite of what we’re currently faced with. This sense of profound conscious awareness and spirituality only grows as our pursuit for truth, in love, gains momentum.

Awake, But Never Alone
A sense of isolation following the initial awakening is natural. It’s foreign to everything we’ve been taught, with implications that can be mind-boggling as well as heart breaking. However, we are very much connected and sharing a profound common experience. Knowing we are not alone is very important to keep in mind.

Building community also becomes a priority, where we can contribute to the healing of the planet at every level possible. Whether it’s activist or spiritual associations these are very important. It may only be on-line at first, that’s fine. Find kindred spirits and empowering and informative websites and blogs and even attend meet up events in your area on some of these subjects of concern.

This awakening of empowered consciousness is upon us, and is transpiring at an accelerating pace, and something to be very encouraged about. Once you get past the shock of what you’ve “found out”, it becomes easier, but it will drastically alter your life. For the better.

Enjoy it, be empowered, and take action accordingly.

The beginning is here.

Much love, Zen

Source:“The Beginning is Here”, by Zen Gardner, May 12, 2015 at

Original post: The Beginning is Here

Views: 11


Max and Lana: 21 Tips for Light Workers to Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression May 13, 2015 By Graham Dewyea

When molecules of water are subjected to higher frequencies in order to raise their own, they become a higher or more intense expression of themselves in both structure and behavior.

Since water comprises over 80% of the human body, the same is true for people of higher frequency, including Empaths, Crystals, Indigos, First Wavers, etc. People with innately higher personal frequencies become “super-charged” humans with emotions even more intense than the majority of the population.

For this reason, they are often prone to bouts of intense sadness, “lows,” and even periods of potentially debilitating depression. While we all have our ebbs and flows as we attempt to navigate the 3d world, it is possible to help prevent and/or minimize these profoundly uncomfortable periods of depression.

Keep in mind that the sadness, hopelessness, powerlessness, and/or apathy that you feel may not be all “yours” or even yours at all! People of high frequency take in and absorb almost everything that is around them—from other people’s emotions and illnesses; to Mother Nature’s pains and natural events; to the pollutants and toxins in our air, water, and frequency ranges. So, it is quite likely that the negative feelings you have are either exacerbated by what’s around you or perhaps primarily from what’s around you. If you can determine the contributing factors from earthquakes to a coworker’s headaches, you can learn to understand, avoid, or even counteract them before they compromise your own mood and system on a more permanent basis.
USE and expend the energy that you have and that you take in both consciously and unconsciously. Depression is negative energy turned inward. If you do not find ways to physically use your intense energies in sports, walking, swimming, martial arts, etc., the energy is likely to be internalized and build up to the point of hindering your mind, body, and spirit. So, get moving!
Check your thyroid and adrenal glands to see if they have been overly taxed by the stress in your life, including the frequencies you pick up. If so, they very likely contribute to your depression. The human body was not built to withstand all of the frequencies and toxins in today’s world that high frequency people tend to receive and take in. The thyroid and adrenal glands often suffer first and become under-active– which very negatively impacts your mood swings, energy, weight, and hormone levels. Fortunately, there are many holistic ways to rehabilitate and protect the adrenals, thyroid, and hormone levels so that your mind and body function more optimally.
Examine your diet and supplement routine to make sure that what you eat or drink isn’t what’s agitating your system and making you more depressed. GMO’s, sugars, dairy, wheat/gluten, too many supplements (even of great quality), synthetic supplements (not of whole food origin), and mercury-laden seafood can cause health, skin, and mood issues, sensitivities, and reactions. Depending on your blood type and frequency, you may require a more diverse or higher protein diet to stay balanced. So, make sure that you are not forcing yourself to follow a diet that doesn’t fit your particular body’s needs. Listen to your body and take notice when you feel and function best– because as a high frequency person, you’ll find that it’s most likely NOT what works for the rest of the population.
Listen to and honor your cravings. For example, sometimes the body does need to sleep for up to a day in order to recover and heal mentally and physically. In addition, many people crave spicy foods when they are depressed, probably because spices assist healing and metabolic processes. In other words, your body is trying to tell you what it needs for balance. So, allow yourself moderate indulgences in food, rest, and activities in order to achieve that balance.
Find alternatives to pharmaceuticals– which usually are not effective for high frequency individuals anyway. For example, taking amino acid therapies appropriate to your neurotransmitter imbalances and body, tapping (EFT), and energy work can be faster, more cost-efficient, and more effective alternatives to anti-depressants—without the side effects! Even pharmaceutical labels warn that anti-depressants and a wide variety of other medications tax the body and can often cause or exacerbate depressed moods and/or feeling suicidal. Working with a health professional to wean yourself off different medications or to find alternatives can work wonders.
Rebalance with water and/or a few leaves. Baths, swimming, and even immersing your hands in a sink or bowl can be very therapeutic, especially for people of higher frequency. Spending time with nature and just carrying around a few leaves from a tree in your pocket can also prevent and alleviate illness and depression in very measurable ways.
Express yourself in writing, art, music, and/or dancing. Finding a creative outlet will help you channel and/or even distract you from your pain– as well as prevent the internalization of that discomfort. In addition, you are likely to create some very inspiring pieces for others to enjoy, relate to, and share with even more of the world. Some of the most successful songs and books were written when the writer was upset!
Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself and to anyone or everyone who has done you wrong. Anger and regret turned inward are tremendous sources of depression. If you can write down what you and others have done to hurt you and then forgive, you will release numerous blocks inside of you that are created by repressed negativity —and which inhibit your joy and successes. It is unnecessary for you to actually mail the letter or share it with anyone, as long as your forgiveness is heartfelt and genuine.
Communicate with like-minded people who can validate your experiences, offer insight, and share unconditional support and love for you. Since less than 1% of the population truly is of higher frequency, it can feel very lonely being surrounded by relatives, coworkers, and friends who just don’t “get it” yet. Please know that you are not alone and that there are others. Find them online, in groups, or through other people you know so that you can connect and have the support team that we all need to function optimally.
Ask for strength, guidance, and signs from the Universe, Source, Mother Nature, your guides, or whatever term you use for your connection to the Divine. You will feel stronger and be reminded that you are connected to Divine light and extra power at all times. You’ll also see comforting and encouraging signs all around you, such as in number sequences, song lyrics, road signs, and other synchronicities.
Remind yourself that just as day turns to night and night turns to day, you will see the light again—and most likely brighter and longer when it returns again too. Your body is simply a vessel or conductor of currents and cycles that flow in and out. Your body reflects everything you “pick up” in the universe, including the light which is always there and which will dominate your perspective again with each new sunrise.
Don’t do something permanently damaging to address a very temporary circumstance. Make a pact with yourself to have a 2 week, 2 month, or 2 year “waiting period” before making any life-altering choices, moves, or decisions when you are in a depressed state. Making the same deal with someone else who has “been there” or is prone to those depths too is also very comforting and effective.
Peak into the future using Tarot cards, your own intuition, and/or consulting a psychic. The future is never as bad as you fear and getting confirmation that good times are ahead can be extremely helpful. Having a road map for any challenges in the present or future can also prove very comforting and uplifting.
Touch. As much as isolating and recoiling may be on the radar, touch can be extremely helpful—particularly if the other person is not depressed. A hug, kiss, touch of the hand, manicure, massage, energy work, or other modality can work beautifully— if the practitioner is at least at your frequency level or higher. If the practitioner feels a “mutual exchange of energy” or is more energized from the process, find someone else so that you are not unintentionally “leeched” or drained of your own energies when you are supposed to be the client or recipient of the therapeutic work.
Offer to help someone else with his or her task or dilemma. Nothing helps you reframe or see your own “baggage” as more of a valuable “tool belt” than when you throw yourself into helping others. Your painful experiences, lessons, and missteps make you sincere, compassionate, and insightful. So, offer what you have. Doing so boosts your confidence and satisfaction—and sets your good deeds up for a boomerang effect because we are all connected. Taking action to help another person or even an animal’s situation, rather than wallowing in your own, will quite literally do a world of good.
Adopt the attitude of gratitude with a daily list. Make a list each morning of at least 15 people, places, things, creations, or experiences for which you are grateful. They can be as mundane as running water and your toothbrush or as monumental as Mother Nature and the Universe. The frequency of gratitude will shift your personal frequency and you’ll attract even more people, places, things, emotions, and experiences for which to be grateful.
Give the gift of asking others for help. As light workers who are here to help move this planet forward, people of high frequency tend to be uncomfortable asking for help and receiving it. Please keep in mind that giving a person or people the opportunity to help you is one of the best gifts that you can give them. If you allow their help to move you forward– so that you can help others– everyone wins!
Make a vision board or collage of what your life would look like in 2 years if you could wave a magic wand and make it happen. The more specific your descriptions are and the more areas of your life you depict, the more excited you will get—and the more surprised you will be when you see it all unfold like magic in the months ahead. There’s a reason why different psychologists and life coaches say “write it down and make it happen.” It can, does, and will happen for you too!
Do whatever raises your frequency, not what works for others. Whether it’s working out, listening to certain music, getting lost in movies, being around others of higher frequency, going to the country or beach, exploring healing modalities…simply do it. Depending on your nervous system and frequency, mediation and “quiet time” may not put you in your zone as easily. So, do whatever does put you in that empowering and happy place. Remind yourself how it feels. The more time that you spend there, the more that feeling will be contagious both to others and to yourself, even when you are doing other things.
Look back at all of the cycles, synchronicities, pleasant surprises, signs, miracles, and blessings in your life. Know that they continue and will continue to be there for you. Being a light worker is not always easy or happy, but you can find joy in what’s around you, in the beautiful day, and in the promising future. After all, the human form is very temporary. So, enjoy the human experience while you can–and know that “the best is yet to come!”
Source:“21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression,” by Max and Lana, May 4, 2015 at

Original link: 21 Tips for Light Workers To Better Understand, Minimize, or Avoid Depression

My First Time Trying Magic Mushrooms (Trip Report) (Psilocybin Cubensis)


Comment by Whitewolf 7 hours ago

The Freedome of thought within one's self, And this is what the controllers are trying to keep from people. a discovery of reality and what we are and who we really are,.... The Indians have been doing this for years, Just like the Tibetan Monks in deep meditation. Reality at it's best ...

Comment by Whitewolf 7 hours ago

Visionary Story: Psilocybin Mushrooms

Comment by Whitewolf 7 hours ago

Profound Psilocybin Experience by Harvard Professor, Ram Dass aka Richard Alpert

What the difference is of being controlled and FREE Thinking, a sense pf Peace and one with the earth and creatures of the earth and Ghia ...

Telepathy With Mushrooms!

Comment by Whitewolf 8 hours ago

Anyone try them , ? tell your experience !  Years ago mine was incredibly awesome..


The Old Soul Defined a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll Sunday, 29 March, 2015 at Bali, Indonesia

(posted 14 May, 2015)
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's always a system in place, and in this particular case of the new energy, the system honors the old soul as much as any system today.
Dear ones, we have told you many times before that the ones who are making the difference on your planet at this new point in time are the ones who have the most experience. When we say the most experience, we mean those who have lived lives on this planet again and again within the energy of your Earth. This is indeed the old soul we are talking about, and this is the one with lifetimes of experience.
I would like to tell you something if you didn't already know it. The old souls are the ones who are awakening right now to new ideas and perceptions. An old soul can be under 20 years old or over 80. It doesn't matter, for your chronological age only measures this life. Your Akashic age refers to how many lifetimes you've had and how wise you are today because of it.
Even now there would be those who would ask, “Am I an old soul?” Before you can answer this, I want to give you some old soul parameters to think about in these last moments of this meeting. But before I do that, I again want to tell you something. I see the sweetness and the beauty and the purpose of your being here. I come from the other side of the veil where there is no time and a perception of reality that is far different from here. In that place where I am, if you want to call it a place, there is acknowledgment of all that you are. We see the frustrations of the single life you live and at the same time the beauty of the lives you've lived before. We've seen what you've been through and what you believe you are here for. We see it all at once in its grandness, and still you wonder, “Am I an old soul?” It's amazing for us as you sit here listening that you would ever ask the question at all.
Dear ones, there is so much here that I want you to feel that I cannot even speak of. I want this message to ring with truth so that you know who you are. I want to start a journey that helps to validate that which you already know at some level. You are an old soul. Let me make a statement. I know who is here, and everyone who is listening to my voice at this moment in this room are old souls - all of you, every single one.
There is a vast variety between you regarding the length of time each of you has been on the planet. Think of what you've experienced, the various cultures that you have been in, the battles you've been through and the reasons you came. I want to tell you that the experience of this group is amazing and it's not what you think. You think linear and you think you simply live a number of lives as different kinds of Humans. Instead, we see your lives as Earth catalysts.
We call a lifetime an "experience" or an "expression" of a soul on the earth. What do you think about a soul who comes in for three months and leaves? You might think there is something wrong there, that it's a tragedy of a lost child. But in reality, it is done with pre-agreement with the parents' souls. This is so a lesson might be learned or delivered or an opportunity would be given for the parent to become spiritual through their sorrow. What about that? So it represents a lifetime that is profound by its potentials, which is only three months long! Often, this lifetime experience is only given by an old soul. Did you think that you might have done something like that? It's so basic and so profound and so meaningful! Perhaps a mother has awakened spiritually and asked the questions of her life because of what you did and what you agreed to do, and you come and go in only three months.
What about coming to this earth to only live until you are 19 and then be terminated on the battlefield by a knife that goes through you? You might say, "What good does that do anyone? It's a waste of a life!" I would like to say to you, dear Human Being, that every breath you take as an old soul on this planet is meaningful, is countable, is recorded, and is beautiful. Some of you had to be on the battlefield as the ones who fell and some of you had to be on the battlefield as the victors. That is experience, and it's all needed by the old soul at this moment in time. What good does it do? Perhaps you'd remember it enough that someday you might have the power to say, "There will be no more battlefields!" Your wisdom would realize that it doesn't matter whether you are the winner or the loser, for they both represent inappropriate low energy for a new earth. War is not acceptable! Only an old soul would know this through experience.
I want to give you the attributes of the old soul, slowly, and I'm going to ask you for introspection. In other words, I want you to analyze these things personally. Don't lie to yourself. Don't be in denial. I want you to sit and clear yourself for this right now. Are these your attributes?
Attribute One
The first reason to know you're an old soul is because you're here listening to this! I don't have a room filled with Human Beings in front of me who are simply curious. At the level of learning represented here, in this kind of energy, it only attracts old souls.
Did you want to come? Most say yes, but a few of you were dragged here by someone who wanted you to observe what takes place. I will tell you that this is synchronicity and not by accident. Even those who may not have selected to be here and are here due to others are old souls. This also applies to the listeners who are perhaps listening for the first time. It's not an accident!
The first reason you know you're an old soul is because you're here. Dear ones, what do you hear or think about when we speak? Do you hear Kryon, or are you thinking about dinner later? Be honest. Old souls are curious! When it comes to this energy, they are attracted to it like a moth to a flame. Old soul, you recognize why you are here and at some level you want more. A sponge for the information, you are, and not through curiosity but because the information is beginning to ring with the truth of the age. That's number one.
Attribute Two
Some of you are starting to have what I will call profound remembering experiences. You have called these déjà vu, a phrase which means that you may think you have experienced the energy before. "I have the feeling of remembrance, although I cannot remember if it happened or not." Some of you are having this happen more and more. Perhaps you will meet a person, then walk away from the meeting and at some level be convinced that you have seen that person before? Later, you realize that you have never met them. Perhaps you might go to a gathering and you meet somebody who is friendly and feels very familiar, like family, yet you've never met them. Somehow, through it all, you realize this must be an old friend and you're rekindling a profound friendship with Akashic family. Perhaps you've met a mother or a daughter from a former life? Men will meet former comrades who they somehow feel an affinity for, and they will call them "mates" and "chaps" or whatever is needed to verbally signal that they want to be with them. It's even more than that.
Some of you will find a similarity of consciousness with others, but it's more than that. You're starting to remember things, an energy I'm going to call Akashic awakening. More and more of you are being led into situations that seem familiar, and you see faces that you think you know, yet it's the first time in this life! My partner has it happen when he goes to countries and cultures that he has never been to before, and there he meets brothers and sisters. It's hard for him to leave. Many don't speak his language and can only be available through interpreters, yet he looks in their eyes and he knows they are family. As far reaching as it might seem, his experiences all over the planet are with ones he knows. He is meeting family.
This is a sign of being an old soul and some of you are having it happen over and over. In addition, how many of you are seeing 11:11 on the clock regularly? It's out of synchronicity of being seen by chance. You are seeing these number combinations too often for chance? Did you know that this is a delivery system to old souls so that they know they are old souls? That's what it's about. It is a system of communication, of love, that says, "We know who you are, old soul!"
Attribute Three
Perhaps you are a woman who has never had children, yet at some level you have! You know it and can feel it. Perhaps you have never had children and you decide that you are not going to! You don't need to, because you feel you've had children over and over and now it's time for a rest. But you know what it's like, don't you? You really do, old soul. You've been here enough times that your Akash rings with being a profound mother. It is the same for men. A man who is a gentle-natured man and who would never hurt another Human Being may intuitively know he has been a warrior. He feels, or even dreams, that he has put a sword through another Human a few times and knows what it feels like to take a life. Now if you're a man listening to me now, I challenge you to go there in your mind with me. You'll feel it, and you know you have been part of despicable deeds. It rings in your Akash, and it is part of your cellular structure. As gentle as you might be, or as respectful as you might be this time around, you know you have the warrior inside.
Now, if you really want to get esoteric, listen to this. Women in the audience, you know you have a warrior inside as well and you can feel it. You have participated on the battlefields of Earth and you know it. Although you may not respond to being a male, you can respond to the energy of being in the drama of battle. You know what it's like to survive or not on the battlefield. So much history involved battles being won and lost that it means all of you in the room have participated to the fullest in many of them. Sometimes you died for your God and sometimes you died for nothing, but you've all had the experience of knowing what it felt like to come and go quickly and have dramatic death. Men and women, you carry that energy of the past, and the next time around it affects you, and you can decide if you wish to do it again or not. In an older energy, many of you have decided to do it over and over, and families of military men and women are born. Others awaken to a feeling of being finished with it all. Some battle-weary men become mothers. [Kryon smile]
Attribute Four
There are so many signs of being an old soul, that perhaps you're not aware of them. Some hide. Here is one I want you to examine in your mind as you sit there: Are you naïve or wise? Now, I recognize that a naïve person will never think they are a naïve person. I'm talking about wisdom beyond your years. Do you have wisdom beyond your years? The answer in every case is yes. You know it, and you sit there in all honesty with your body, with your consciousness, and you know it. There are some young people here who feel it profoundly - wisdom beyond your years. How is that possible? How can you describe what that feels like? Dear ones, I have just given you one of the keys to knowing you're an old soul and I also know that you never talk about it with anyone.
How could you ever say such a thing to anyone without them believing that your ego was out of control? If you say, "I am wiser than anyone around me," people will question your motives and perhaps not wish to be around you. But honestly, between us now, doesn't it feel like it? Dear one, here is a secret that you all carry, and you have this in common with the group. You come together with them and you realize you've found a wise family. Your wisdom comes through experience. You've paid for it, dear ones. That's how you know you're an old soul.
Attribute Five
Now the next one is difficult to deal with, and we have spoken of it before in several recent channellings. There is one thing that the Akash creates in your personality. Living lifetimes over and over in an old energy creates self-worth issues. For eons, you have pushed against an old energy and you haven't done well. The old energy was always in charge and you either had to hide from it or battle it. Many of you died from it. It never really got any better through history. Lifetime after lifetime you spent in this condition, always being beat back, until now.
Now you awaken at a time on this planet prophesied by the Ancients. It's profound with potential change, and the prophecies are being fulfilled. The energy is finally on your side and that is what we have talked about through the last few years. However, because of this battle with old energy, what is the attitude you carry? It's a complete lack of self-worth. I'm not going to ask you to raise your hand right now to validate this, for most of you feel it. Search your soul right now and you will know I'm right. You may be assertive on the outside and you may be strong to others, but when you're alone, you wonder who you are. You wonder if you're going to make it; you wonder if you're right. That is the old soul.
Your experience through history has caused you to search your mind to see if you are worth being here now in this new energy. Your logic weighs all this and often comes up with this result, "Maybe I'm not worth it to be here," or, "Will it happen again?" or, "I'm too tired of this!" That's what you think about, don't you? Lack of self-worth is the attribute of the old soul. It's fully understandable. How many times do you lose the same contest before you don't want to be part of it anymore? But the contest has changed.
The energy of the planet is starting to turn around, and the light and dark balance of consciousness is altering greatly. As you learn who you are, why you're here and why you feel the way you do, it will start to make sense. There's nothing better than discovering the truth, for it solves the past. Discovering the truth about the past also puts the future into perspective and you start to have the self-worth that you deserve.
The battles of darkness and old energy are all around you and you are watching them being fought by society in totally different ways. There is an overall feeling that Human Beings collectively desire equality, comfortable lives, fairness, good quality of living and integrity of governmental leadership, everywhere. This is the main battle today - the changing of the guard from doing things the same way to moving to something that humanity has not seen before.
Attribute Six
Discovering purpose. The old soul has so much past experience and there is so much history that many look around and say, "What is my purpose of being here?" Often, they search for others to tell them what it is. They may go to meetings where they are pretty sure they know what it is, but deep down, have no idea. They ask, "What is my purpose? What am I doing here?" This is because the energy is different.
As an old soul, you ask these esoteric questions because some of you, if not all of you, feel at some level unfulfilled by what you are doing. You think it's not enough or it has gone a different direction than you thought at the beginning. Old soul, your questions really show that you are an old soul! In a new energy, learning your way around again is confusing and frustrating! For as many times as you've lived before, you've never lived in this energy.
This is a primary energy for you, and so you feel a little lost, or perhaps the purpose of your life is not clear because the new energy does not give you the feedback the old energy did. You can't tell, because you can't trust what you feel. So you ask the question, "Am I doing it right? Is there something I should do better or more often?"
I'm going to say this again. Old soul, as you begin to change yourself from the old ways, your power really starts to show. You start realizing not only who you are, but that you deserve to be here. You've come in with so much experience that you begin to pull upon it Akashically. You may not even realize that you are doing it, but indeed you are. Intuition becomes higher, and you start to get advice for your own life. You receive synchronicity on where to go and what to do, all based upon your being an old soul today.
The ones who are just coming into the planet, dear ones, are only looking around and learning how things work. They are just surviving. They don't have the tools of experience yet that you do. They will, but they're just figuring it out. However, you know what it's about, and you have the wisdom of remembrance. You're beginning to solve the problems of humanity, and some time ago we told you what the purpose of your life was. We told you to relax and simply "be here". We told you that it doesn't matter what you do, and that your works are not as important as your presence. This is a concept that doesn't work with what your parents told you.
Listen: It doesn't matter what you do! Your light helps this planet, not your works. Your search for who you are helps this planet. Just by sitting in the chair today helps this planet! The Crystalline Grid remembers what you're doing and the energy created from your conscious search will last for generations. By being here as an experienced soul, you put your experience of wisdom into the grids of this planet, the energy of the maturity of your lives. That's what you're doing right now.
This particular new energy on the planet, right now, is like a sponge absorbing your experience and Akashic power, so that the next generations will have what you have learned as an old soul. There is a system here that is far beyond what you think it could be. Literally, while you're sitting in despair wondering if you deserve to be here and what your life's purpose is, this planet is absorbing everything you've done and maturing because of it. That is the system that the old soul needs to know about.
Relax and be. Know that you are here on purpose. Relax and let synchronicity push you into the next area that will be benevolent and beautiful for you, if you will allow it. You've been through so many lives where you've suffered that it's easy for you to think you're here to suffer again. You're not! Parents, would you bring your children into this world on purpose so that they can suffer with you? It doesn't make sense. It's not spiritual common sense! You have to start using the intelligence of Spirit that would ask, "What would I do if I were a loving, benevolent God?" Then, at some level, there will be a voice inside that says, "You are! You are a piece of the whole creation." You can answer your own logical questions if you want, since your wisdom gives you a common sense glimpse of the mind of the creator.
Attribute Seven
Finally, number seven, and you might never think of this one. Dear ones, you have something you feel deeply and it's obvious. However, you think everyone has it. They don't. The old soul in this energy has the ability to feel profoundly loved by God and others do not. This takes a maturity! It takes lifetimes of experience for you to understand the benevolence of the creator and what this feels like and means inside.
This is why it's so difficult to take a young soul from being a victim to feeling loved by God. They have no idea what that feels like! You do! Here is something that I never said before about my partner, and I reveal it here for the first time. He gave you the Kryon story many times over the years and he told you what happened to him when he sat in the chair for first time and called upon me. He felt emotion! That was his catalyst and that allowed him to sit in the chair again and again. Not only did he feel it, he liked it. At some level, the engineer recognized it and knew what it was. He was an old soul! He is an old soul, and he was ready to feel the love of God. He recognized family and, dear ones, the new souls don't. They don't understand the feeling that you have, which is the maturity of being loved by the creator. They will, but it takes experience.
If you're an old soul, you can feel it. If you can feel it, you're an old soul. Congratulations to all of you for being who you are. You are the ones who will change the planet. In this room you have come from all over - from so many countries and so many languages - and you all have one thing in common right now: You are together and can feel the love of God.
You're going to change the planet by your very presence here, Lightworker. The Crystalline Grid absorbs the light that you carry, that you have earned and brought to all of us. This is a profound system, and the new energy of the planet needs the experience of the old souls and the wisdom of the old souls in order to affect those born in the future. This system is esoteric, difficult to describe and profound. Think of it. By living here today, you imbue into the grids the knowledge and wisdom for future generations.
How do you think that humanity is ever going to mature and evolve spiritually without this knowledge? The answer is that it can't do it unless there is a change, and the catalyst for this change is your old soul Akashic experience. You are the ones who are putting it right in to the grids of the planet by just being here and understanding this. This, and the time capsules opening*, will slowly create an ascended planet. You are planting the seeds of the future just by being in the room and letting us speak to you.
I close. What are you going to do with this information? I want you to think on these things if you can, if you will. I want you to think on all of them and ask the question, "Is it possible that I'm more than I think I am? Is it possible that God knows me as I sit here with all my earthly problems and frustrations? Does God really care about all of the errands that I have to do or the children that I have to raise? Does God care about the relatives that I have to please or the bosses at work? Is it possible that God loves me through all of this?"
The answer is yes, yes, yes and yes!
So important, old soul, are you! Congratulations. That's your purpose to be here - to just live and know that you are loved.
And so it is.
*The Nodes and Nulls of the Earth]
Channel 141 - March 2014
The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.
Lee Carroll

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Ancient Connections Between Egypt and Ireland Confirmed! The Story of Princess Scota. Written by Heather Elizabeth Adams

In 1955, archaeologist Dr. Sean O'Riordan of Trinity College, Dublin, made an interesting discovery during an excavation of the Mound of Hostages at Tara, site of ancient kingship of Ireland. Bronze Age skeletal remains were found of what has been argued to be a young prince, still wearing a rare necklace of faience beads, made from a paste of minerals and plant extracts that had been fired. The skeleton was carbon dated to around 1350 BC. In 1956, J. F. Stone and L. C. Thomas reported that the faience beads were Egyptian: ?In fact, when they were compared with Egyptian faience beads, they were found to be not only of identical manufacture but also of matching design. The famous boy-king Tutankhamun was entombed around the same time as the Tara skeleton and the priceless golden collar around his mummy?s neck was inlayed with matching conical, blue-green faience beads?. An almost identical necklace was found in a Bronze Age burial mound at north Molton, Devon.

Lorraine Evans in her compelling book, Kingdom of the Ark, reveals archaeological connections between Egypt and Ireland. Evans argues that the connections between the two distant lands were plausible and there is archaeological evidence to support the theory. In 1937 in North Ferriby, Yorkshire, the remains of an ancient boat were discovered. While thought to be a Viking longship at first, continued excavation produced additional ships, wrecked in a storm. Further investigation showed that the boats were much older than Viking ships and were of a type found in the Mediterranean. It was concluded that these boats originated from 2000 years before the Viking age and were radiocarbon dated to around 1400 to 1350 BC. Evans then makes connections to argue that these boats could originate from Egypt, as the timeframe fits the dating of the faience beads. While investigating the origins of the people of Scotland in the Bower manuscript, the Scotichronicon, she discovers the story of Scota, the Egyptian princess and daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrive in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives, until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland, where they formed the Scotti, and their kings became the high kings of Ireland. In later centuries, they returned to Scotland, defeating the Picts, and giving Scotland its name.
Evans then posits the questions: Was the Tara necklace a gift from the Egyptians to a local chieftain after their arrival? Or was the Tara prince actually Egyptian himself? According to Bower?s manuscript, Scota?s descendants were the high kings of Ireland. In her quest to discover the true identity of ?Scota,? as it was not an Egyptian name, she finds within Bower?s manuscript that Scota?s father is actually named as being Achencres, a Greek version of an Egyptian name. In the work of Manetho, an Egyptian priest, Evans discovers the translation of the name?the pharaoh Achencres was none other than Akhenaten, who reigned in the correct timeframe of 1350 BC. Evans believes that Scota was Meritaten, eldest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The third eldest daughter, Ankhesenpaaten, married her half-brother, King Tutankhamun, son of Akhenaten and his secondary wife, Kiya. The controversial religious shift to the god Aten caused conflict with the Amun priesthood, who reasserted their authority after Akhenaten?s reign ended and he disappeared from history. This conflict and the rumored deaths by plague would have been sufficient motivation for the pharaoh?s eldest daughter to accept a foreign prince in marriage, rather than being Tut?s wife as would have been normal protocol, and to flee from the conflicted country.
What happens to Scota and her people? For this, we must return again to the myths of the people inhabiting Ireland at the time, the Tuatha de Danaan, the magical children of the Goddess Danu: ?It was they who originally established the site of Tara, in the Boyne river valley, as the ritual inauguration and burial place of the ancient kings of Ireland. They were generally regarded as the gods and goddesses of the Celtic tribes, but it is believed that their true origins date far back into prehistory?. Could the de Danaan even perhaps have been the descendants of the lost land of Atlantis, migrants to Ireland after its final destruction, estimated by Edgar Cayce to have been around 10,000 BC? Cayce states in various psychic readings that the Atlanteans migrated to parts of the Yucatan and later into North America to merge with the existing native Mound Builders in the Ohio region. As Tara is also a sacred mound site, could there be a connection? It is an interesting speculation, and if the ?Sons of Mil? were indeed Egyptians, there is another connection to mound-building cultures, as sacred burial mounds were the origins for the pyramid structures that followed in the evolution of pyramid building in Egypt. Could there have been a common tie to these two cultures, united once more upon the Hill of Tara? Perhaps that, too, could explain part of the ancient symbolic meaning of the site, a place of sacred union of two cultures with a thread of common identity.
In the Annals of the Four Masters, dating to 1632-36, Scota?s husband is named Eremon, and it is Eremon and Eber who divide the land of Ireland between them, with Eremon in the north and Eber in the south. What is interesting to me about this version is the similarity between the division of Ireland and the division of Egypt itself. Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt, unified by a central connecting city, Memphis. If we consider the existing myths of Ireland?s legends, it, too, was divided to have a central site of unity, known as Mide, the omphalos of Ireland. Within Mide is where the Hill of Tara is situated, as a site of the High Kingship, representing the unity of the land and all of its people.
Sadly, it is in the battle for Ireland at Slieve Mish, as recorded in the Lebor Gabala, that Scota meets a tragic end and is killed. After her death in this battle, the war continued on at Tailtinn against the three kings of the Tuatha de Danaan, the husbands of the Goddesses Banba, Fodla, and Eriu: MacCuill, MacCeacht, and MacGreine. The sons of Mil, after prolonged battle, conquered the de Danaans and took the seat of Tara. According to the Bower manuscript, Scota was buried ?between Sliab Mis and the sea,? and her grave, Fert Scota, is found in a glen located in Glenscota.
The exact location of Scota?s resting place remains a mystery, much like the particulars of her past, which are slowing being unveiled. As with many myths, a real person lent her persona and identity to the landscape of the land she became a part of, giving Scotland her name, giving the Celts an additional layer to their unique heritage that is unsung and still somewhat new in theory, as the truths of history do their slow unraveling of their yarns.
I know from my own intuitive experiences that more of the story of Scota and the Egyptian connection to the Celts will indeed by revealed. On the Summer Solstice of 2006, I had this dream about Tara and its importance as a sacred site to the healing of our world, of finding unity amongst our current state of chaos:
?While excavating Tara, we are looking for evidence of kingship, an Egyptian connection. I am shown that there are two connections?a tree, as in the Tree of Life. Something else spirals with the tree to connect and to make a third way, a way between the worlds. I am told that as they dig that they will find things that may be in England, but that Ireland and the Hill of Tara will be riddled with pearls. Pearls of the sea show kingship, sovereignty, the true center of kingship, a center that rules over all. I am shown two snake-like DNA strands, winding together like vines, and these two twisted strands are connected to Tara. Pearls are the birthstone of the month of June, and the rose is also the flower of that month. The Rose of Tralee comes to mind and its connections to their beauty queen pageant?queenship, the rose. Tara as the site of Queenship, the beautiful center of the rose. I am told more about the beautiful pearls all over Tara, the pearls of the crown, of finding this lost race of kingship once more, which is NOT located in England, I am told. The Goddess stands on Tara, in the center, looking out over Ireland, Scotland, and England, showing me a trinity. She stands on Tara and under it, showing the way between of the above and below, the way between the trinity, with Her in the center, and that She, plus the Land, plus the People, equal the Sacred Three. She tells me that She is the Mother of the boy in my visions, the sacred son who will also be my son one day, and where to find him to bring him home. The Irish were a race of persecution, persecuted by the English, so I am told that history?s conquerors cannot be our future history?s leaders. Because of the past, no people will follow them. But this is not true of the Irish, for the true leaders of the People unite the three, She says, the People, Her, the Land. She leaves me with the suggestion that the Irish are a mix of three races, not just one of European descent, and this is also important to lead our way into our future to understand our Oneness and our equality, our harmony with the Land, with Her.?
After the dream ended, I thought about the meaning of the Celts, of the ideal of striving for unity, of Brehon laws, of equality. I realized that my own name is significant in this symbolism?my last name was originally Adam before my great-grandfather changed it, which means the red earth, the first people, all five races in one. And then I realized as well the connection of Tara. Backwards, Ta-ra becomes Ra-Ta, the priest from an Egyptian past-life of Edgar Cayce who assisted in building the pyramids. Then I took it a step further to remember that the names of the Egyptian creator god Ptah and of course the sun god Ra combined become Ptah-Ra. Was the name of Tara Herself, derived somehow from these Egyptian origins? The making of the sun king or Ra was derived from the power of Tea, the Goddess, in Her union with him. Of course, within Egyptian culture, it was Isis who held the sacred name of Ra, so it was she who held the secret power to create over all of the gods and goddesses of Egypt. And what of the sacred boy from my own visions, a boy of dark skin and dark hair? In one vision, he was walking upon a sacred mound, as if it were Brigid?s Mound in Glastonbury, but it was definitely Celtic. Was he the lost prince in the Mound of Hostages whom Evans identifies as Egyptian, capturing my attention many years ago to lead me upon this journey, of connecting the cultures of two very variant lands? Is he indeed the soul of my son yet to be born, a connection tied together in totality at last for myself in my own personal journey as well? The questions about Tara and her secrets continue, as my own quest to uncover more answers begins.

(As published in the ?Ancient Mysteries Newsletter,? March 2007, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Virginia Beach, VA. Reprinted with permission from the author.)

About the author: Heather Elizabeth Adams is a writer, researcher, and college educator. While residing in London, England, she specialized in Goddess Mythology for her PhD research and completed four years of spiritual training in Glastonbury as a Priestess of Avalon with noted writer Kathy Jones. Heather is the founder of The Sacred Sept of the Swan, an organization dedicated to honoring indigenous cultures, ancient mysteries, and the Divine Feminine through online courses, events, and pilgrimages to sacred landscapes around the world. She can be contacted at:

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